Iowa Old Press

The Des Moines Register
May 4, 1939

A Sick Baby Cries for His Missing Dad.
A little boy, not quite 2, tossed in fever on a cot in Broadlawns Contagious hospital Wednesday night, crying out in intermittent periods of consciousness:
“I want my daddy?”
The boy, Arthur Shepard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Shepard, 1557 S.E. Maury st., was critically ill.
If “daddy” could be found, physicians said, it might mean the difference life and death.
Mr. Shepard was traveling in southern Iowa with his scavenger wagon and homemade trailer.
Radio stations, the state highway patrol and the state police radio were aiding in the search.
When Arthur was brought to the hospital early in the day, physicians did not expect him to live until midnight.  He was suffering from scarlet fever and a complication of diseases.

During the day nurses managed to reduce to some degree Arthur’s burning fever. 
What seemed to help most, however, was the promise that “daddy will be here soon.”

His condition improved slightly during the night.  The crisis was expected today.

Arthur’s mother, Mrs. Iona Shepard, 20, said, “Arthur just idolizes his daddy.”  Mr. Shepard is 44.
**Photo of baby Arthur lying in the hospital published with this news item – the Photo caption reads:
“Arthur Shepard, tossing on bed at Broadlawn’s Contagious hospital.”

Mrs. Henrietta Baker, 49, of 1433 Maple st., was arrested by Patrolmen Walter Griggs and Lloyd Brown at E. Fourteenth st. and Grand ave., early today on a charge of driving 60 miles an hour.

[transcribed by L.Z., Jan 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Polk County