Iowa Old Press

The DesMoines Register, Saturday, June 23, 1934

Mrs. Shepard, Pullman Collision Victims.

Mrs. Douglas Shepard, 63, of 1231 E. Twenty-seventh Street court, and Thomas Pullman, 41, who said he lived at 137 Sixth ave., were injured in an automobile accident near E. Thirteenth st. and Court ave, at 8:49 p.m. Friday.

The accident occurred when an auto driven by William Higgins, 27, whose address was not obtained, struck Mrs. Shepard’s parked car, in which she was seated, police say.

Pullman With Higgins.
Pullman was riding with Higgins, who was held by police after being arrested on a charge of intoxication.

The two injured persons were taken to Broadlawns General hospital and released after being treated.  Mrs. Shepard suffered chest injuries and may be injured internally, attendants said.  Pullman was injured on the head.

Had Liquor Permit.
A liquor permit found in Pullman’s pocket was being held by police, although he was not arrested.  It was purchased in Oelwein, Ia.

When informed the address he gave police and the one on the liquor permit, 137 Sixth ave, was the Polk county courthouse, he replied, “Well, I had to give some address,” police said.

[transcribed by L.Z., Sep 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Polk County