Iowa Old Press

The Des Moines Register, Dec. 5, 1933


Selection of a jury to try Calvin J. Thompson for the murder of his neighbor, Joe Thomas, was not completed when court adjourned Monday night before District Judge Allan A. Herrick.

[transcribed by L.Z., Sep 2020]

The Des Moines Register

Friday, December 8, 1933 


Found Not Guilty in ‘Dime Murder.’ 

Calvin J. Thompson, 66, tried for the murder of Joe Thomas, 40, his friend and neighbor, during a dispute over loan of a dime, was freed by district court jury Thursday night.

The jury of five women and seven men was ready with its verdict of not guilty at 8:30 p.m., four hours after receiving the case.

Thanks Jurors.

Each juror was thanked by Thompson, his wife and his attorney, Ted Sloane.

Mrs. Thompson, who testified for her husband during his trial, sat close to him as the jury came in.  Both cried.

Thomas died Oct. 13, a day and a half after he was shot at Thompson’s home at 1405 E. Harriett ave.

Testimony was varied as to reason for the shooting.

State’s Charge.

The state charged Thompson fired the shot in a cold rage, thinking Thomas had stolen some of Thompson’s alcohol.

The defense declared Thompson accidentally shot Thomas when Thomas grabbed his purse as Thompson was about to lend him a dime.

Thompson’s acquittal was the third recent “not guilty” verdict in murder trials.  Other defendants cleared are Rex Reynolds and Shirl Ash.

[transcribed by L.Z., Sep 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Polk County