Iowa Old Press

Des Moines Capital
Des Moines, Polk Co. Iowa
Tuesday May 16, 1922

W. L. Ryan, attorney, who has been ill at the Iowa Congregational hospital for several weeks, is reported as doing nicely. It is expected that Mr. Ryan will be able to return to his home late this week.

A republican caucus of the Fifth precinct of the Third ward will be held Wednesday night at Ruth & Clark's, 1406 Sixth Avenue, at which time delegates to the county convention will be selected. J. G. Cook is committeeman.

Dean D. W. Morehouse, of Drake University, will address a community meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at Scott school. His talk on Astronomy will be illustrated. Ralph Hubbell will contribute violin numbers, accompanied by Miss Beatrice Pierce.

Des Moines police today received a letter asking that they hunt for the Rev. J. S. Potts, a Methodist minister who disappeared May 8, from New Alexandria, Pa. Authorities there state that the man is well known in church circles. The man had five fifty dollar liberty bonds when he disappeared.

Michael Harney, whose barber shop at 225 Ninth street was ordered closed on an abatement order by Judge Thompson and fined $300 for maintaining a liquor nuisance, was fined $5 on the same charge in federal court today. Jesse Crouse was fined $5 and Harry Dickman $100 for illegally transporting liquor.

Gussie Ford, 952 West Seventh Street, was ordered committed to Mt. Pleasant by Judge Thompson yesterday on an inebriacy charge filed against her. She is alleged by charity organizations to have a mania for adopting children, and has had several ready made families taken from her because of charges that she was not a proper person to care for them.

Iowa Old Press
Polk County