Iowa Old Press

The Des Moines Register
Friday, March 10, 1916

Members of the “Cooter for Municipal Judge club” met at Mr. Cooter’s office last night.  S. W. Hobbs, Sr., presided and a precinct organization was formed.  Workers will be selected for every district.  C. O. Holly, J. V. McCown and William Wakefield addressed the meeting.
* * *
Decrees were signed in the following divorce cases by judges in the District court of Polk county yesterday afternoon:
James I. Berry vs. Lizzie Berry;
Thomas W. Cox vs. Hazel Cox;
George A. Wall vs. Dora M. Wall;
Retta Bell Oxberger vs. Charles Edward Oxberger;
May Berns vs. Fred W. Berns.
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A meeting was held at the home of Albert Balzer, 1221 Forest avenue, to boost for the erection of the proposed Given-Nash school.
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Mrs. Nellie Roderick of 1134 Sixth avenue underwent a serious operation yesterday morning at the Mercy hospital.
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Members of the Sorosis Chautauqua circle held an open meeting for their husbands last night at Townsend’s studio, 613 Walnut street.  A suffrage program was given.  Mrs. Fred Hunter gave the principal talk of the evening.  Honor guests were the Rev. and Mrs. Higley, the Rev. and Mrs. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Riser, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunter and Mrs. John A. Furr.
* * *
John A. Guiher, state railroad commissioner, returned to Des Moines yesterday after appearing before the interstate commerce commission at Washington with regard to the car shortage.  He will make a report to the Iowa commission explaining that the situation is caused by the blockade at the Atlantic ports.  Methods of aiding in keeping cars moving in the west will be outlined.
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Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson of Fort Des Moines are the parents of a baby boy, born March 8, at their home.
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Professor Herriott of Drake university will give his last lecture of a series on civic problems before the Y. M. C. A. Dormitory club tonight.  The meeting will open with a supper at 6:10 following which will be the talk by Professor Herriott.

[transcribed by L.Z., Feb 2020]

Iowa Old Press
Polk County