Iowa Old Press

The Des Moines Register
Des Moines, Polk co., Iowa
Saturday, June 23, 1906

Police Believe Woman Found Unconscious in Ravine Near St. Joseph, Mo., is Maud Hall of Des Moines Street.

Later investigation by the police has disclosed the fact that the woman who was found by police, in St. Joseph, Mo., lying unconscious in a ravine near one of the parks of that city and who gave her name as Maud Hall and claimed to be the wife of a Polk county official, was well known East Des Moines girl, who resided near Seventh and Des Moines streets, several months ago and who was said to be for a short time an inmate of a house on East Court avenue.

The young woman had been staying in St. Joseph with a family named Stewart at 203 Francis avenue and was drugged while drinking beer in one of the parks. It is said that two men carried her away to the ravine where she was found, where she was assaulted. The young girl refused to give the police any information as to her assailants or to tell anything about herself. The police here are confident that she is the east side girl. She claimed that she was on her way from Des Moines to Centerville, Mo., where he mother lives and had stopped for a few days’ visit with friends in St. Joseph. The police here believe that the story of her being the wife of some county official is fictitious.

Benjamin Sarman of South Ninth Street Suddenly Loses Consciousness and Falls From Wagon Under Wheels.

Overcome by heat yesterday afternoon, Benjamin Sarman, who resides near the Barbar Asphalt company’s plant on Ninth street, fell from the wagon in which he was riding and narrowly escaped serious injury. Sarman is a man about 70 years of age. He was driving into the yard near his home when he suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground in front of the wheels. The horse, becoming frightened, started ahead, dragging the wagon over the body of the fallen man.

Luckily no bones were broken. Friends carried him into his dwelling and Assistant City Physician Losh was summoned. He worked with the unconscious man for over an hour before he was revived. It is feared that the sunstroke and injuries following will cause his death.

[transcribed by L.Z., February 2018]

Iowa Old Press
Polk County