Iowa Old Press

Des Moines Daily News
Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa
Tuesday, December 27, 1898


AMES, Dec. 27.—Mr. William H. Beech, of this city, was arrested last evening by Sheriff S. H. Hollister, of Delavan, Walworth County, Wis., on the charge of desertion of his wife and family. Sheriff Hollister said last night that Mr. Beech had been a small grocer in his town, but, on account of domestic troubles, had left his wife and three small children to do for themselves. Beech came to this city about a month since and purchased the Revere hotel, of which he had since been proprietor. Sheriff Hollister returned last night with Beech to Delavan.

OTTUMWA, Dec. 17.—Seated at the dinner table yesterday beside his wife, celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of his wedded life, Robert Fellows was stricken with apoplexy and instant death. This unusual and strange demise occurred at the home of his nephew, George Hall, where the anniversary celebration was being held, and around the table sat a number of relatives and friends who witnessed his death just at the conclusion of the feast. Mr. Fellows was in eighty-first year and was a pioneer in this section, coming to Iowa in 1867. He was born in Penfield, N. Y., October 7, 1818, and his father, General Henry Fellows, was on the military staff of General Washington during the revolutionary war. Mr. Fellows was a well-to-do citizen and was a leading spirit in the business enterprise of this city years ago. For a number of years past he lived in retirement. At the Wapello club tonight he was to have been presented with a loving cup by his fellow club members.

ATLANTIC--, Dec. 27—There was a feeling of satisfaction when those interested heard that Lincoln Eaton, of Wiota, had been arrested at Kansas City and was lodged in the county jail here last night.
Mr. Eaton disappeared about a month ago, when it was discovered his books as township clerk were short over $500, and later found he had forged the name of his father-in-law, James Turner, to a half dozen notes varying in amounts from $25 to $200, and selling them to the four banks in this city. Sam Hoffman, a real estate and loan agent, was caught for $200. Mr. Eaton was in the restaurant business in Wiota at the time and left a wife and family in destitute circumstances.

KEOKUK, Dec, 27.—Miss Minnie Lange, of Wever, Lee County, suicided by cutting her throat with a razor. Last spring she was sun struck and never fully recovered. She was the daughter of Charles Lange, a farmer; was 30 years old and well known in this vicinity.

FORT DODGE, Dec. 27.—Robert Taylor was killed by a cave-in in the Crooked Creek Company’s mine at Lehigh. His body was horribly crushed, and was not recovered for two hours.

WASHINGTON, Dec. 27—Fourth-class postmasters: Leland, Winnebago County, Peter E. Banstad, vice W. P. Buren, removed.
The following pensions were granted to Iowans:
Original—Wm. T. McMaken, Middletown, $6; Dathlof H. Martons, Churchville, $8; Clark Tousler, Edgewood, $6; John McWilliams, Independence, $6.
Increase—John S. Morehouse, Promise City, $6 to $12; Hiram S. Perdew, New Market, $12 to $14; John N. Patterson, Osceola, $6 to $8; George W. P. Fordice, Albia $6 to $10; Wickliffe B. Copeland, Logan, $10 to $12.
Original widows, etc—Virginia Mead, Dubuque, $8; Hester S. Dorlan, Charksville, $8; minors of Bradley Foulk, Marion, $12.


Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henshaw and baby spent Christmas in Des Moines.

Mr. and Mrs. Riley are spending the holidays in Minneapolis.

Miss Nellie Casey has been on the sick list for the past few days.

Mrs. Ed Tilton and Mrs. McBride went to see Murray & Mack Saturday afternoon.

Invitations have been issued for a musical at the Morrison home December 30.

The Monday Night Whist club met at the Casey home last evening.

Mr. James Breen spent Christmas in Des Moines.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coakley of Perry are visiting relatives in the Junction.

Mrs. Tom Brown spent Sunday in Des Moines.

Messrs. Geo. Wharton and Mike Morrison attended the show at the Grand opera house Saturday night.

Mrs. Binkley entertained friends from Des Moines Saturday.

Mrs. McDonough and daughter-in-law spent Saturday in Des Moines.

Miss Pearl Moss has returned from Boone.

The Ladies’ Ideal club will not meet again until Tuesday, January 3, at the home of Mrs. A. E. Noble.

Miss Nell Soesbe of Iowa City is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Magden.

Mrs. Jennie Carpenter Widum of Chicago is visiting her mother, Mrs. Carpenter.

F. M. Noble, who spent Christmas at his home, returned yesterday to Radcliffe.

Chancellor Craig has returned from Denver.

Prof. and Mrs. Ray Aurner of Adel are visiting at the Slayton home.

Miss Lucy Mapes is visiting at her home in Kansas.

Miss Grace Sheeley of Murray is visiting her sister, Miss Silda.

Mrs. Elmer Slayton of Nevada had been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Slayton.

Mr. Port Garmong of Winterset spent Christmas at his home on Twenty-Fifth Street.

The Clifford home was the scene of a family reunion during Christmas.

Miss Mabel Crusinberry, who has been attending school at Cedar Falls, spent the holiday Saturday home.

Born on Christmas Day, to Mr. and Mrs. James Brown, a son.

Miss Nellie Anderson of Primrose is visiting friends in Drake.

Mrs. Chas. Brown of Chicago is visiting at the McPherson home.

Miss Bessie Clifford and Mr. Frank Clifford are visiting in Oskaloosa.

Mr. Springer is still very low.

C. F. Wright of Stuart is visiting friends in Drake.

Miss Nell Noble will visit the latter part of the week in Casey.

[transcribed by J.M.P., August 2008]

Iowa Old Press
Polk County