Iowa Old Press

Des Moines, Polk co. Iowa
April 13, 1892

Elizabeth M. Vorse to Frank W. Vorse, lots 32 and 38 Brown's 3d add lot 7 blk 6 East Ft. Des Moines .... $1,800.00

Charles C. Zilur and wife to Samuel Gibson, 118 1/2 acres in 11. 81. 22 .... 2,370.00

John Donovan to Ellen Donovan, lot 1 o. p. se1/4 se1/4 8. 78. 23 .... 800.00

Thomas Gillespie and wife to Benjamin W. Cavender, e;45 ft of a 90 ft of a 2-5 o. p. lot 8. 9. 78. 24 .... 900.00

Mary R. Miller and husband to S. A. Hewling, e 20 ft of a 40 ft of w 90 ft lot 1 blk 25 East Ft. Des Moines .... 3,000.00

William A Arnburg and wife to B. D. Mock, part lot 1 blk 9 Stewart's add .... 2,000.00

James O. Howe to Mrs. Nellie Reel, lot 16 blk 7 Manufacturers add .... 200.00

The work of grading the kite shaped track at the new driving park is nearly completed. The graders have
been at work for some time and the work will be finished by Saturday. Seth Griffin, of Boston, the professional
track builder who has charge of the work is expected to arrive in the city to-day and put on the finishing touches to the track and establish the grades of the course. The $30,000 worth of stock has nearly all been subscribed for but twenty-five shares which will be disposed of within a few days. There will be a raise of two feet to the half mile in the course.

JUDGE HAMMER continues his good work for Polk county. Yesterday Justice Livingston's allowances were
evened up, netting him $386.95 less than the amount of his bill, or the difference between $994.05 claimed and $608.10 allowed. The judge's blue pencil puckers up the figures on a transcript like alum does on a sore toe.
The details are: Claimed. Paid.
Transcript 440...................................................................$279.75 $157.60
Transcript 463................................................................... 336.85 210.00
Transcript 474................................................................... 200.70 183.00
Transcript 478................................................................... 63.05 40.50
English's transcript No. 484................................................ 8.70 7.00
______ ______
$994.05 $608.10
[Transcribers note: These numbers don't add up to the indicated amounts.]

A. ?. BRANDT is a Chesterfield butcher. He delivers his meat in a covered wagon drawn by a single horse.
Yesterday morning at 8:15 he attempted to cross the Rock Island tracks at east Twenty-first street without
first whistling for the right of way, which belonged to the Rock Island "Flyer." He was driving diagonally across
the track when the cow-catcher of the engine, which was running twenty-five miles an hour, struck the rear of
his wagon and piled the entire outfit, horse, driver, wagon, tenderloin steak and all, in a pile twenty feet away.
The train was stopped as soon as possible and City Physician Schooler sent for. He arrived in the patrol with
a detail of officers from the central station and an examination was made. It was found that Brandt had received a deep gash two inches long on the left side of his head and was badly shaken up generally. He was taken home and will recover. The wagon was completely wrecked but the horse was not seriously injured.

There was organized in this city last evening the Iowa Fire Insurance Company, which bids fair to become
one of the strong and leading companies of the state. Hon. Frank T. Campbell formerly lieutenant governor
and railroad commissioner, was elected president; Theo. F. Gatchel, who organized and for nine years so
ably conducted the Des Moines Insurance Company, is vice-president; Jus. N. Miller, late editor of the Sac
Sun, is secretary, and J. G. Haskins, president of the American Savings Bank, is treasurer. The directors
include J. Tone, T. M. Walker, W. Aitchison, R. W. Marquis, A. G. Hammer, of Des Moines, ??? Phil. S??????
of Sac City, Hon. J. J. Steadman of Council Bluffs, Hon. Albert Head of Jefferson, Hon. A. G. Garlock of
Pocahontas Center, Geo. W. Fairburn, president of the Bank of Fo???. Many other prominent and influen-
tial men in Des Moines and other parts of the state are stockholders--among them being C. W. Mennig,
W. H. Langan, M. Strauss, Simon Casady, Geo. F. Henry, E. H. Harter, and Ezra Lawrence. We bid the
new company hearty welcome to our city and state.

The Temperance Alliance Resolves Again.
The executive committee of the Iowa State Temperance Alliance was in session yesterday. Much
business of importance to the work of organization and enforcement was transacted. The following
resolution was adopted:
In view of the fact that the city council of Iowa City, the seat of our State University, has, in direct
violation of state law, licensed restaurants to sell intoxicating beverages on payment of a license fee,
and that the direct tendency of such licensed restaurants is to create drinking habits among the students
of the university and treason against government; and in view of the further fact that the board of regents
of said university are openly and publicly reported to have forbidden the members of the faculty from
efforts to enforce the prohibitory law; therefore
Resolved. That in deference to the welfare of the young men who are, as students, subject to such
pernicious saloon influences, we demand the immediate closing of such drinking places, and declare
that in our judgment, until the law is respected and fully executed in Iowa City and the saloons closed
the university is not a safe place for the education of the young men of this state.

[transcribed by M.C.B, June 2006]

Iowa Old Press
Polk County