Iowa Old Press


The Pocahontas Record
Pocahontas, Pocahontas co. Iowa
Thursday, August 20, 1885

Local Record
Mr. Tollefsrude, Sr., was in town Sunday.

Baron A. St. Cyr was at the hub on Monday.

W.A. Hubel was down from Plover Tuesday.

Miss Rosie Tollefsrude, of Grant, visited here last week.

Wm. Clanton and wife, of Laurens, were in town Tuesday.

Johannes Larson and son Gustaf, were in town Thursday.

W.G. Bradley went down to Fonda Tuesday on legal business.

Miss Ella Wallace has returned from her visit to Lizard township.

Walter Hodges, of Lecoma, Missouri, is in town visiting his many friends.

Mr. A.F. Hubbell, of Dover, was at the court house on business.

Miss Hansen has moved her dress making establishment into the postoffice room.

Treasurer Brownlee is in the hay field these days, while Mrs. Brownlee runs the office.

Miss Ruth Harper left this place Monday, for Laurens, en route for Storm Lake, her home.

Willie Wallace is the happy owner of a new velocipede, much to the envy of all the rest of the kids.

E.A. Donohoe has the contract for the building of J.F. Harlan's office and commenced work yesterday.

Lute and Mrs. A.L. Thornton went to Laurens Tuesday. Mrs. T. will remain about a week visiting friends.

Dr. Patterson has been up several times this week to see Mr. Eral's little boy, who is suffering from prostration by heat. Yesterday he was accompanied by his father and brother, of Ohio, who are visiting him. They came up duck hunting.

Johannas Williams is plastering W.D. McEwen's addition this week.

Gerd Elsen, of Lake township, was in town Monday. Mr. Elsen has been appointed executor of the estate of Mr. Weber, deceased, late of Lake.

We understand, from good authority, that there are fifteen cases of diphtheria in Fonda at present. Seven cases have proved fatal during the past few months.

Miss Mattie Hansen intends to return to the Fort, her old home. She has done a thriving business in the dress making line during her stay here, and the ladies do not like to see her go.

J.W. Wallace has a head of timothy which measures nearly a foot in length. It came from J.W.'s brother Dave, who is in Washington territory.

The republican caucus last Saturday evening was well attended. The following gentlemen were chosen as delegates: W.G. Bradley, C.T. Steen, Noah Morrison, C.H. Tollefsrude and A.O. Garlock.

Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Erne, of Grant, lost their only child, a boy 4 years old, by diphtheria, Thursday evening. Several members of Carl Peterson's family, in the same township are down with the disease. Dr. Wight, of Pomeroy, is in attendance.

On Saturday, at 2 a.m., Morris Penfield, of Lake township, died at his home, of consumption. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loss. He has been sick about four years, and was a man about forty-five years of age. The remains were buried at Manson last Sunday.

L. Brodsky, the Plover merchant, was in town on business. He informs us that he has taken in a partner, mr. Eggspuchler, and will push the business more than ever.

At the mass convention of the democrats last Saturday, M. Collins, of Lizard; D.D. Day, of Rolfe; and Dr. T.F. Kellcher, of Fonda, were chosen to represent the county in the state convention. D.D. Day, Rolfe; Berney McCartan, Fonda, and J.W. O'Brien, of Havelock, were delegated to the representative convention.

County News - A Newsy Batch Sent in by Correspondents, and Clipped from the Local Papers

-Laurens Clippings-

Allen & Anderson's elevator is fast approaching completion.

S.F. Sturdivan will buy stock and grain this fall.

Mrs. David Hays, who has been sick for a long time, died on Saturday, August 15th. On making post-mortem examination it was found to be a case of genuine consumption. Mrs. Hays was a most estimable lady, and her loss will be felt by the whole community. The sympathy of all the friends goes out to Mr. Hays and family in this their great affliction.

Wesley Farson has been playing the role of artist by painting Clanton's barn red.

Mr. and Mrs. Tredenie, living north of town, are rejoicing over the arrival of a girl baby of standard weight.

Charles Carroll arrived home from his eastern visit Tuesday morning.

John W. Cree started for Des Moines last evening, to purchase machinery for the elevator. He will be back Monday, bringing his family with him.

John Boyanovsky is building a new dwelling house 18X24X14, and a barn 18X30. Olof Olson has the contract of building, and G.H. Gammon that for furnishing the lumber.

What might have been a fatal accident, in which Mr. and Mrs. Beardsley's little baby was the principal actor, occurred last Monday. They had prepared some fly-paper for the pests and placed it on the floor. The little baby crawled around the floor, and coming to the poison, took it out of the plate and crammed large pieces of it into its mouth and cucceeded in getting considerable of the deadly stuff into its stomach. But the dose was too large, and immediately caused it to vomit, when its doings were discovered. Dr. Carroll was immediately summoned and the proper antidotes administered, but for a time there were grave doubts as to its recovery. The patient at this writing is out of all danger. - Laurens Sun

-Fonda News-

Work commenced on our new hotel this week. Mr. Hull will use part of the rink and will build on, which will make a large hotel.

Dell Wood assumes a very fatherly air, and carries a bottle of soothing syrup in his pocket all the time.

At the republican caucus held Saturday evening the following gentlement were chosen to represent Cedar township in the county convention: J.N. McClellan, A.B.P. Wood, Jos. Mallison, T.W. Smith, H.W. Hay, J.B. Sargent, Jas. Mercer, RW. Russell, W.J. Busby, W.E. Garlock, R. Wright, M.A. Haven, G.W. Covey and G.H. Tresham.

Tuesday night burglars tried to break into N.B. Post's lumber office safe and also into Williamson's meat market safe. They broke Williamson's safe open but did not get any money.

From the Fonda Times:
-Miss Alice Dorton has again taken up her labors in Crahan & McGrath's.
-Wm. Marshall has made the side-walk in front ofhis office a little less shaky.
-N.B. Post and wife attended the Grant memorial services at Des Moines, Saturday.
-J.B. Sargent and wife rejoice over the advent of a little girl at their house last Tuesday.
-Jos. Mallison sold his team of grays for $300 at Sac City, Tuesday.
-L. Sayro is now located in his new barber shop, and his wife has put a new stock of millinery into the room he vacated.
-Mr. John Spitzbarth, having sold his blacksmith shop at Newell has decided to start here. He bought J.W. Gray's lots, corner of Main and 4th streets and work is commenced on his shop. Mr. S. is an industrious and capable young man, who we are glad to welcome to Fonda.-Del Wood has concluded not to run for county auditor this fall. All his spare time is now taken up by a little boy, who arrived at his house last Thursday, Aug. 6.

-Along the Des Moines-

Our caucus was held at the Parvin school house last Saturday evening. The following gentlemen were chosen as delegates: William Struthers, W.H. Hait, Ruben Williams, R.B. Fish, Perry Nowlan, John Broadwell and John Wilkinson.

Mrs. E. Doe, of Bradgate, purchased a Western Cottage Organ of R.B. Fish. She is a music teacher. Mrs. Moyer, of Gilmore City also purchased one. She is also a music teacher.

-Rolfe Reporter-

Bruce is putting up a large quantity of hay.

Sam McEwen went down to Des Moines today.

Born - on Monday, August 10th, 1885, to Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Richards, at the M.E. parsonage, a son.

Mrs. D.D. Day returned home from Wisconsin, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. White.

-Marshall Items-

W.F. and F.M. Bovee have started their new thresher, and it went off like a new top.

A. McLain, Mrs. McLain and their two eldest children have been under the care of Dr. Farson for nearly a week, but are somewhat improved at last account.

Mrs. Craig has returned from her visit to Benton county.

Erwin Greene, Louie Craig and Louie Button have returned from the Dexter normal school, where they have been striving to gain another step up the hill of knowledge.

-Havelock Items-

Robert Nowlan returned from Jasper county, Iowa, last week.

Mrs. Smead, of Newton, Iowa, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. D. Nowlan now. It is her first visit to this part of the state, and she likes it very well.

Mrs. Senft, of Pittsburg, pennsylvana, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E.P. Edmundson.

Geo. Miller lost a good horse last week of a burst blood vessel. The horse bled to death.

At the republican caucus last Saturday D.C. Williams, J.C. Stong, E.P. Edmondson, Ed. Meredith, John Ryon, Phillip Hamble and Joe. Lee were elected delegates to the county convention.

-Gilmore City News-

Pease Bros. are busy buying stock and selling coal.

Beers & Gurnsey are running their steam thresher at its full capacity.

James Steele and wife, of Lake township, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.F. Root, Monday.

Northwestern News - Iowa
-Rowland Blennarhassett, a young man of Forrest City, accidentally shot himself with a shotgun, and will probably die.
-John Davis, the 18-year-old son of Wm. J. Davis, an old-time resident of Johnson County, was thrown from his wagon by a runaway team and instantly killed, the skull of the unfortunate youth being literally crushed.
-Solts, the brute who murdered his wife near Anamosa, was taken from the county jail and placed in the State Penitentiary to prevent lynching by the excited populace.

[transcribed by S.F., June 2014]

Iowa Old Press
Pocahontas County