Iowa Old Press

Akron Register-Tribune
November 29, 1945

Beuiben-Woll Nuptials
In a double ring ceremony, Miss Gertrude Beaubien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Beaubien, Sr., became the bride of Leo Woll, son of Mrs. Cleo Woll, of Sioux City, Iowa, in St. Patrick’s Catholic church at Akron, Thanksgiving day, November 22, 1945. Rev. Fr. Chas. Ernst read the nuptial mass.  Attending the bride as bridesmaid was Miss Patricia Burke, of Jefferson, S.D., cousin of the groom.  Peter Hoffman, of Merrill, was best man.

The bride was attired in a street-length dress of aqua of rayon flannel. The bridesmaid wore a street-length frock of gold.

Following the church ceremony, a ten o’clock breakfast was served in the home of the bride’s parents.  Mrs. Levi Kapfer, of Sioux City, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Bernard Beaubien prepared and served the breakfast at a prettily appointed table, with a huge three-tiered wedding cake as a centerpiece.

Out of town guests at the wedding were:  Rev. Fr. Chas. Ernst, of Akron; the bride’s grandmother, Mrs. Ed. Beaubien, of Sioux City; also Mrs. George Rowe, Mrs. Cleo Woll and Mrs. Philip Cutting and daughter, all of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woll, of Merrill; Mrs. Melvin Lake, of Seattle, Wash.; James Burke and son, Martin, and daughter, Alice Burke, of Jefferson.

The bride is a graduate of Westfield High school and recently has been employed in the postoffice here.  The groom is a graduate of Merrill High school.

After a honeymoon at Rockford, Ill., they will visit Joyce Hummel, and also in Chicago, they will make their home in Sioux City, where the groom is employed with a lumber firm.  Their many friends extend congratulations and very best wishes. 

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