Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
July 26, 1945

~A group of young friends are enjoying this week in a cottage in Arnolds Park on Lake Okoboji.  The personnel of the party are Dorothy and Helen Mauer, Jean Langendorfer, Joyce Cramer, Dorothy Treinen and Ruth Hartman.

~Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Garr for the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Calkins of Lincoln, Neb.  Their son, Gary, who has been visiting with his grandparents accompanied them when they returned to their home in Lincoln.

~Staff Sergeant Gerald Kempker came home on furlough, Tuesday. He has 86 points for discharge, but has been declared essential by the Army, and they won’t let him go.  He is at present gunnery instructor at an army air field.

~Mr. and Mrs. Homer Steeg and daughters, Doris and Lora, and son Charles, of Sanborn, Minn., came to LeMars Tuesday so Mrs. Steeg could have her eyes checked for new glasses.  Mr. Steeg, former assistant manager at the J. C. Penney store in LeMars, has in recent years been the owner and operator of Sanborn’s only theater, and an ice cream store. Due to the shortage of help, Mr. and Mrs. Steeg have recently had to do all the work of operating the theater. The girl operator they had got tired.

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