Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, April 3, 1945

Mrs. J. R. Elskamp Died At Merrill
Resident Of That Vicinity Many Years

Mrs. J. R. Elskamp, a resident of Merrill for many years, died at her home in Merrill, Saturday, March 31. She had been in failing health for some time but had been confined to her bed for about three weeks.

Mrs. Elskamp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Starzl, was born June 25, 1868, in Austria. She came to the United States as a child with her parents and they settled in the Merrill community and has continued to live there since that time. She was married to J. R. Elskamp, May 14, 1889, in LeMars. At the time of her death she was 79 years and 9 months old. She was a member of the Altar Society and St. Mary’s Guild of the Church of Assumption in Merrill.

Surviving besides her husband are two sons and three daughters: Fred of Fulda, Minn, Walter of Merrill, Viola of LeMars, Mrs. Leona Eberle and Levina of Merrill; four brothers, Nick and Bartel of Esmond, S.D., Joe of Emerson, and Wentzel of Silverton, Oregon; also 12 grandchildren.

Funeral service will be held Tuesday morning, April 3, at 9:30 in the Church of the Assumption in Merrill, Rev. Zeno Reising officiating. Interment will be in St. Joseph cemetery in LeMars. Wiltgen’s are in charge.

Lt. Ken Hoffmann Is Commended For Heroism In
Battle Of Bulge

It was a cold black night during the battle of the Bulge, says an Army news bulletin. Luftwaffe craft roared over and came in on the position of C Company 10th Armored Infantry Battalion, as the 4th Armored Division prepared its move that effected the historic relief of the besieged 101st Airborne Division at Bastogne, Belgium.

Tracers streaming and cannon shells screaming, the enemy planes first run over the 4th Armored, set fire to a wood 105mm ammunition container. Fearing the blaze would be a beacon for the fighter bombers, he heard circling back over Assenois, Belgium, for a second run on the target, First Lieutenant Kenneth L. Hoffmann, of Le Mars, Iowa, threw himself on the burning cloverleaf. The possibility of the ammunition exploding was something forgotten in the 24-year-old officer's quick decision to blackout the fire light.

The jerry planes droned overhead and then wobbled off without renewing the attack. Lt Hoffmann picked himself up unhurt, wearing a badly singed overcoat.

Son of Leo M. Hoffmann of 19 Second Avenue SE, Le Mars , Iowa, Lt. Hoffmann , is a reinforcement officer, joined the 4th Armored Division on September 14, 1944.

Lieut. Hoffmann has since been made a captain.

LeMars Globe-Post, April 23, 1945 

“Sewing Machine Sadie” Just As Important As “Rosie Riveter”

Local Overalls Factory Is Doing Full Recognized War Work

~LeMars, Iowa

(Seeking to dramatize the fact that the local overalls factory is dong war work just as much as the factories which make airplanes Thomas Kohout manager, asked a few of his veteran employees to put their way of looking at their jobs into writing.  The following were their responses.)

By Mary Kohout

“Sadie, the Sewing Machine Girl” is a new heroine of the war production front.  She is just as important a cog in our fighting machine as Rosie the Riveter.  Her job is to keep over ten million fighting Yanks outfitted with clothing items ranging from socks to sleeping bags.

Due perhaps to the glamour given the work by the movies, many women war workers would rather be a Rosie on a war plane than a Sadie on socks.  But both types of work are essential and labeled “critical” by the War Department.

Production of clothing items has lagged 38% under schedule.  Workers in these sometimes forgotten war plants, don’t seem to realize that their work is just as important as working on radar or on a plane.  Of course, there are workers, who have someone in the service and who know how vital their job is, and they’re on the job every day.  But there are many who don’t realize this, and consequently, a great deal of absenteeism.

A fighting unit on the attack uses many more of these clothing items than one standing still.  In the attack, our men lose much of their equipment.  In fact, a great deal of it is shed before the attack, and when it is over, probably cold or wet, they begin to look for new equipment and it is highly important for their morale and for physical well being that they be re-equipped at the earliest opportunity.

A Local War Plant

There is one of these factories in our city (LeMars, Iowa) and there are many faithful workers, who manage to get to work every day.  But if the importance of this work was better understood, there would be more enthusiasm for their work and no absenteeism without a very important reason.  This factory is not only producing for the fighting front, but for the home front, which is equally important.  Overalls are needed very badly, and if this line has to be shut down for even one day, because of the lack of enough workers to keep it going, there are just that many less overalls for our farmers.  Overalls are essential items, too, especially during this critical food shortage, when the farmer is such an important part of the production front.

Every part in the production line of these clothing items is important.  It is only by everyone doing his particular job, that the garment is completed.  Being on the job every day, thereby keeping up the production of these clothes for our men on the fighting and home fronts, is just as patriotic and makes Sadie the Sewing Machine Girl just as much a heroine as Rosie the Riveter.

By Clementine Hentges

It is now over a year and half since I joined the ranks of the busy workers at the Aalfs-Baker overall factory, and it has proved most interesting and satisfactory as well as profitable to me.  A vast expansion has taken place since it’s opening almost two years ago, as the company recently accepted a government contract, and is now also manufacturing dungarees for the Unites States Navy.  So naturally many more helpers are needed, and it surely would be most appropriate for girls and women who wish to help the war effort, to accept a position in the Aalfs-Baker Co., as the hours pass rapidly, and the work is not too difficult.

By Mrs. George Tangeman

I have been employed here 1 ½ years and like my work very much.  I do not like absenteeism because by it we deprive our Navy and Army boys of the necessary clothing so badly needed.  Our farmers need work clothing if they are to produce food for our men in the service as well as for us civilians at home.  Aalfs-Baker Co. is a fine thing for LeMars.

By Emma Collmann

I also am employed by Aalfs-Baker Co., every since it was opened up in LeMars, and like my job very much.  My husband, Clarence Collmann, is in the Navy and we need more help to keep the war needs going.  We work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.  We hope to keep up the good work to help our boys all we can on the home front.

By Marjorie Mulder

I have been employed by Aalfs-Baker Co., for 1 ½ years and I think we have a very nice group of girls to work with.  I like the work as it is very interesting and I know the experience will do most anyone some good.  We all want the boys to come home sooner, so let’s do our part now.

[transcribed by L.Z., Aug 2020]

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