Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
March 14, 1944

NEWS of the Boys in the Service

Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Delperdang of Remsen received word from the War Department telling them that their son, Sgt. Merland Delperdang, in Italy, has been released from the hospital to which he was confined for a month. The parents have not heard directly from him since February 3.

Eugene Scholer, son of Sheriff Frank Scholer, stationed in the coast guard on the Pacific ocean, came home on leave last week. He arrived just in time to see his brother, Darrell Scholer, who was leaving for New York where he is in the coast guard, after a brief visit home.

Will Scheitler, living east of LeMars, has received word from his son, Raymond Scheitler, who has been in the Army two years is now stationed in India. He is serving in the medical division.

Cpl. Harlan Sanow, stationed at Selman Field, near Monroe, La., leaves today on his return to the camp after ten days furlough spent at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Sanow, of Remsen.

Charles R. Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark graduated Sunday, March 12, at Moore Field, Texas, as a pilot in the army air forces and received his commission as a lieutenant in the army air corps. He is expected home this week for a brief leave before he reports for duty as pilot of a pursuit plane.

Sgt. Chris Beeck, stationed at Columbus, Ohio, came last week to spend a furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beeck of Portland township.

Sgt. Darcy Fletcher, from Camp Stewart, Georgia, has been spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fletcher, of Akron.

Pfc. Elmer Gerdes and Mrs. Gerdes left for Seattle, Washington, Saturday morning, where they are making their home. They have been spending his furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerdes, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Langholdt.

Miss Anne Mulford, of Los Angeles, Calif., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mulford, in Kingsley. Miss Mulford has enlisted in the Waves and is waiting a call to report for duty.

Ivan Clark, of Kingsley, seabee, left Friday for a seabee base in Maine, after visiting relatives in Kingsley.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zierath of Akron received a telegram that their youngest son, Pvt. Kenneth Zierath, who was severely wounded in action in southern Italy several weeks ago, has arrived from an army base hospital there to Charleston, South Carolina, and would receive further hospitalization in an Army hospital in this country.

Pfc. G. Sievertson is on a fourteen day furlough from Camp Bowie, Texas, visiting his wife and parents in Kingsley.

Staff Sergeant Joe Little, stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky, is home on a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Little, in Kingsley. He is enroute on transfer to a camp in the east.

Lt. Walter Koenig, who was transferred from Asheville, N. C., to Sioux City, a week ago, received orders to report at Godwin Field and left immediately for that place.

Harold Eilers of LeMars is now in the air corps college training detachment at Central Washington college. His address is A/S Harold E. Eilers, Class 3, 314th C. D. T., Ellensburg, Washington.

Bob Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lake, left Des Moines, Friday evening for Farragut, Idaho, where he will start his Navy training.

Sgt. Clayton Burnight arrived last week on a ten day furlough and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Schafer at Chatsworth, after serving two years in the army, most of the time in Puerto Rico. He is now stationed at Camp Bruning, Neb.

Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Kenneth Small came from Big Springs, Texas, to spend a furlough with their parents at Akron.

Sgt. Charles Boetger arrived Tuesday from Los Angeles, Calif., to spend a furlough of about ten days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boetger of Westfield.

Cpl. Ruben A. Huebner, who is stationed at Camp Ord, Los Angeles, Cal., arrived Monday to spend a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Huebner, of Portland township.

T/Sgt. Alex Nemmers arrived Saturday to spend a three weeks furlough with relatives in LeMars. Alex has just returned from overseas duties.

Pvt. Robert H. Schnieders left Friday for Drew Field, where he is serving in the air force as a radio operator, after a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schnieders of Remsen. He was in the grocery business in Remsen prior to entering service twenty-one months ago.

S/Sgt. Donald Wagner is spending a furlough with his mother, Mrs. Ethel Wagner, and will be here until Friday. Donald is in the Field Artillery and his address as A.P.O. at Los Angeles.

Pvt. Kenneth Lubben, son of Mrs. Ethel Lubben, is spending a 15-day furlough here. He arrived Wednesday and will leave this Friday. He is stationed at Camp Coxcomb in California.

Pharmacist Mate 3/c Odette Reynolds of the Waves arrived in LeMars Sunday afternoon to spend about eight days with her mother, Mrs. C. A. Reynolds. She is stationed at El Centro, California.

Pfc. Harold Mandelkow is spending a 15-day delay en route with his wife and his mother, Mrs. Anna Mandelkow. His wife makes her home with Mrs. Mandelkow. Harold has been station at Augusta, Georgia, but will leave the end of this week for his new camp at Goldsboro, North Carolina.

Helen Wiltgen, Storekeeper 2/c of the Spars, arrived Saturday to spend a 10-day furlough in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Wiltgen. She is stationed at San Francisco, Calif. The reason for her furlough is because her sister, Ruth, is also home, which is the first time in three years.

Cpl. Charles Wiley and Mrs. Wiley, the former Helen Brauch, are spending part of a 10-day furlough in the V. W. Brauch home. Cpl. Wiley is stationed at Salina, Kansas. He formerly worked for the Vallet Cleaners in LeMars. They will spend a few days with Mr. Wiley’s parents at Carthage, S.D., before returning to Kansas.

Noted Signatures

Attempting to obtain proper material for illustration of changes in style, spelling and punctuation to his composition classes at Simpson College, Dr. Harold F. Watson, head of the English Department, purchased 100 letters from a New York City firm. Dr. Watson now has in his possession some letters and signatures of some notable Englishmen. Included are letters and signatures of: Lord Byron; his Royal Highness, Edward, Duke of Kent, Queen Victoria’s father; Henry Howard of Corby; Robert Walpole and Admiral Lord Hood. Dr. Watson believes the most interesting article is that of the poem of Lord Byron to the Hon. Mrs. George Lamb in what appears to be Byron’s own handwriting.

LeMars Globe-Post
March 20, 1944


Sgt. Elmer Boettger spent his 13 day furl with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boettger of Merrill and his wife who lives at Leeds. He was stationed at Fort Bliss, Tex., but while here he got notice to report to Camp Polk, La.

Muroc, Calif.
—Cpl. Lavern R. Walsh, stationed at Muroc army air field, recently completed the qualification course with the .30 calibrer rifle in which he achieved the rating of expert. Cpl. Walsh is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Walsh of LeMars.

Lieut. (j.g.) Wayne Detloff is enjoying a 5-day stay over at the home of his parents, on his way from the Atlantic coast to a port on the Pacific. Following his graduation as an ensign, he saw duty on the Atlantic, and was promoted a step before being ordered to new duties.

Camp Barkeley, Tex.—In a moved designed to ultimately relieve thousands of medical officers for duties more demanding of their complete professional knowledge, the second six-week class of the school for medical administrative corps officers recently began training here. Among officers in the class is Lt. Robert Ellsworth Reeves, 24, son of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Reeves, 334 First ave. S.E., LeMars. Purpose of the school is to train the officers for the duties of battalion surgeon’s assistants, to replace medical officers who ser in battalion aide stations. Located a few hundred yards to the rear of the battalion in combat that it supports, the station receives and treats slight casualties and renders emergency treatment, such as the administration of blood plasma, to the seriously wounded. Its principal purpose, however, is to supervise swift evacuation of the serious cases by litter to the rear.

Sheepshead Bay, N. Y.—Now in training at the U. S. Maritime service training station, Sheepshead Bay, N. Y., are Gerald Bonnema and Kal Kohler of LeMars. Apprentice Seaman Bonnema and Kohler will receive six weeks of basic training, including lifeboat work, fire fighting, breeches buoy, mess, sea rules and traditions, swimming, ship construction and equipment, gunnery and physical training. After completing “boot” training they will specialize in deck or engine training, including three weeks of practical experience aboard a training ship at sea.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
March 24, 1944

(Six servicemen photos are included)


Lieut. Charles R. Clark, LeMars (Moore Field, Texas)
Lieut. Wayne Dack, LeMars (Marfa Field, Texas)
Lieut. Elvit W. Falk, LeMars (Altus Field, Oklahoma)
Lieut. Laverne H. Klemme, Akron (Pampa Field, Pampa, Texas)
Lieut. Harley J. Rollinger, LeMars (Moore Field, Texas)
Lieut. La Verne C. Varenhorst, LeMars (Lubbock Field, Texas)

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