Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
July 6, 1944

When Guns and Flak Suits Had To Be Thrown Into Sea

Staff Sergeant Duane Berner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Berner of Stanton township, recently sent a letter to his parents telling them of a “thriller” experience he had on April 30, in enemy territory over Corsica, where he is stationed.
They had just returned from rest stop after a series of missions. He says they had completed a double mission “to hit No. 30” on the day before he wrote this letter. He wrote that “Sunday, April 30, we started out on a mission and we had just about reached the target when we got into trouble.
“We got rid of our bombs, but couldn’t make it back. We had lost so much altitude we were below the mountains and our only way out was to go through a pass out to sea by ourselves, or bail out. We stuck with it, made the pass, got the devil shot out of us by the flak over a couple of towns, but made it out to sea.”
“We expected any second for fighters to come up and finish us off, but they never came. We were losing altitude all the time so we knew we would never make friendly territory before we crashed.”
“So we took a chance and threw everything we could overboard—guns, flak suits, kits, etc., and the plane held on. We radioed to Corsica and they were standing by with crash equipment.”
“We had gas lines shot away, hydraulic line cut. We were in sad shape. As we touched the ground and the brakes held, we fell into each other’s arms and just cried for JOY. Boy, we all prayed up there. No one was ashamed to admit it.”
“Lt. Wood is going to get the Distinguished Flying Cross for it. Boy, he sure earned it. To make matters worse that day, Lt. Chrisman had left his parachute on the ground. He would sure have been out of luck if we had had to bail out.”
Sgt. Berner received his first oak leaf cluster two weeks ago, for completing 13 successful missions, and now has received his second oak leaf cluster for thirty missions accomplished successfully.

Richard R. Aderhold of Woodstock, Minn., received his silver pilot wings of the Army air forces in a graduation ceremony held at Blackland Army air field, Waco, Texas. He graduated in the seventeenth and largest class of cadets and student officers to be graduated as military pilots from the base. The ceremony was held on the flight line at the airfield. He will now enter the Army air forces as a second lieutenant and will be used as an Army pilot.
Richard is a brother of M. H. Aderhold, who taught in the LeMars high school. He attended Western Union College from 1941 to 1943.

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Foreman have received word that their son, Edward, Fireman 2/c, was wounded aboard the USS Bunker Hill in the southwest Pacific.  He received a shrapnel wound in his leg.  In a letter which his parents received on Wednesday, however, he was reported much improved, but will have to be in sick bay for some time.  Edward joined the Navy last November 18, and has been overseas for several months.  Mr. and Mrs. Foreman also received a letter from their son, John, who is a first class private in the army, stating that he will be sent overseas soon.  He is with an anti-aircraft unit in the coast artillery.

~George W. Lancaster, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lancaster, LeMars, is receiving his initial naval indoctrination at the U. S. Naval training center, Great Lakes, Ill.  His “boot” training consists of instruction in seamanship, military drill, and general naval procedure.  During this period a series of aptitude tests will be taken by the recruit to determine whether he will be assigned to a naval service school or to immediate active duties at sea.  His recruit training completed, the seaman will spend a period of leave at home.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
July 7, 1944

Former Iowa Public Service Employee In LeMars

Sgt. Floyd Corrington, a former employee of the Iowa Public Service company in LeMars and a brother-in-law of Mrs. Harold Kolker of this city, is the first to be reported killed from this county in the invasion of Normandy. The Remsen-Bell Enterprise prints the following story of his death:
“Mr. and Mrs. Anton J. Duster received word that their son-in-law, Sgt. Floyd (Bud) Corrington, a paratrooper fell before enemy fire on “D” day, June 6.
Sgt. Corrington, 31 years old, was the husband of the former Mildred Duster.
Word of the fatality was received by the Dusters from their daughter who lives at Wilmington, N.C., where her husband was stationed in training before going overseas.
Sgt. Corrington was with the American forces in England, training for the big invasion opening and was one of the first to fall, presumably after landing from one of the fortresses. Mrs. Corrington was informed by the War Department which stated that further details are to follow but to date the local family have received no further information.
Before going into the armed services three years ago, Corrington was a lineman for the Bell Telephone Co. in Los Angeles, where the couple resided. Before going West he was a lineman for the Iowa Public Service Co., in LeMars, and was well known there and in the Remsen territory. Mr. and Mrs. Corrington were married seven years."

~Pfc. Franklin Lee of Camp Bowie, Brownwood, Texas, arrived in LeMars Monday to spend a 15-day furlough with his wife and daughter and other relatives here. Franklin is in the ordinance department, but is awaiting a transfer into the army air corps.

~Pfc. Eugene Nuebel arrived in LeMars Sunday to spend a 10 day furlough here. Gene is in the Coast Artillery and is stationed at Fort Monroe, Virginia.

~Lieut. Wade Woodke, who is taking advanced pilot training at Maxwell Field, Alabama, is spending a few days leave at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cloyde Woodke. Wade saw more than a year’s duty as a bombardier in the southwest Pacific and is now qualifying as a pilot.

~Pvt. Earl Moir arrived home on Thursday evening, having been released from the army.

~Aviation Radioman 3/c John R. Dunn is spending a 20-day leave with his parents in LeMars. He is stationed at Miami, Fla. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn.

~Lieut. Robert King and Mrs. King visited the first of the week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. King, of Washington township, and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brodie. Lieut. King is in the Navy and has been stationed in Texas, but is being transferred to Edgewood, Maryland. There were on their way to Edgewood.

The LeMars Globe-Post, July 10, 1944

George F. Vander Tuig Was Radioman on Landing Ship, Tank

George F. Vander Tuig, 24, chief radioman, U.S. Navy, was a member of the U.S. Naval assault force which invaded France beginning June 6, according to a notice sent to The Globe-Post by the commander of the U.S. Naval forces in Europe.  (Public Relations Section.)  This was not his first action against the enemy, however.

Chief Vander Tuig saw previous action against the Japs at Guadalcanal, battle of Cape Esperance, as a member of the cruiser Boise crew, and participated in the invasion of Sicily.

Previous to the Normandy action (France), Chief Vander Tuig held the Purple Heart decoration.  He was cited by the commanding officer of the USS LST No. 318 for cool and efficient performance of duty under fire.

His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nick Vander Tuig of Ireton.  He is a graduate of Ireton high school, and was employed in Marienau’s Pharmacy at Ireton.  He enlisted in the navy at Sioux City on April 15, 1938.

Lt. (jg) Robert King, U.S. Navy, visited in LeMars last week with his mother, Mrs. V. A. King.  He is on his way from Corpus Christi to Edgewood, near Baltimore, where he will take a 10-weeks intensive course in chemical warfare.

Martha Johanna Lubben, 20, seaman second class, of LeMars, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lubben, has completed her basic training and indoctrination course at the Naval training school for Waves, the Bronx, New York, and is proceeding to the naval training school (Storekeeper), Milledgeville, Georgia, for further instruction.  Before she entered the naval service, Seaman Lubben was employed with McKesson & Robbin, Sioux City.  She is a graduate of LeMars high school.

With the 5th Army, Italy—Pvt. Philip J. Dominick, son of John P. Dominick of LeMars, has been promoted to staff sergeant.  He is a squad leader with the 34th “Red Bull” division of the 5th army in Italy.

Lieut. Marlin McDougall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson McDougall, left Saturday after spending a 10-day leave at his home here.  He was commissioned a lieutenant and received his silver wings on May 23 at Williams Field, Arizona, and is now a fighter pilot in the U.S. Army air forces.  He left to report back to LeMoore Field, California, where he will be assigned to further duties.

The University of Dubuque in a release just received announces the matriculation of A-S James Carey, of LeMars, in the V-5 section of the navy’s V-12 officer’s training program.  After completing his training at Dubuque, he will receive further training leading to a commission as a flying officer in the U.S. Navy.

George Foxen is in receipt of a letter from Cpl. Carl Tentinter, who is in the quartermaster corps of the army.  The letter was written in Naples, where Cpl. Tentinger has been on duty for the last 7 months.  He is the son of Mrs. Margaret Tentinger of LeMars, and before entering the army, he worked for Mr. Foxen.  Cpl. Tentinger entered Italy by way of North Africa.  He stated that he met Bill Huckle while the latter and a bunch of similarly rugged individuals were driving the Germans northward toward Cassino.

Word has been received from Pfc. George De Vall by friends that he has now recovered from wounds received in Italy and expects soon to be back to duty.

Pfc. Clifford Perry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry of Fredonia township is spending his 10-day furlough with relatives here.  Pfc. Perry is stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga.

Pfc. Lloyd Bock of Camp Howze, Texas, is spending his furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bock and other relatives and friends.

Donald Harms, who is in the ASTP in Virginia, is spending his between term furlough with relatives at Brunsville.  He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harm, now living in California.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kissinger, sr., received word from their son, Pvt. Donald Kissinger, that he is now in New Guinea.

Mrs. Louis Zimmer returned this morning from California after spending 6 weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyer and her sister, Lucille, of Berkley, California, and a brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mark deForce and son Mark III of Oakland, California.  Mr. and Mrs. Meyer send their regards to their many friends, and say they are both fine and busy every day.  They are both employed at the Richmond ship yard where Mr. Meyer was awarded a gold distinguished service pin for not having missed one hour of work in the past 18 months.  Mrs. Zimmer will visit several days with relatives and friends before going to Remsen where she will live with her two small daughters while Mr. Zimmer serves with the armed forces.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
July 11, 1944

Parents Notified By Secretary of War Department

Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Boyle, residing 306 Fifth Avenue S.W., received a telegram Wednesday night from the War department, announcing that their son, Sergeant Joseph L. Boyle had been killed in action May 29, while fighting in Italy. The telegram read:
“The secretary of war desires that I tender his deep sympathy to you in the loss of your son, Sgt. Joseph L. Boyle, who was previously reported missing in action. Report now received states that he was killed in action May 29 in Italy. Letter follows, Ulio, the adjutant general.”

Mr. and Mrs. Boyle received a telegram June 21 from the War department stating Sgt. Boyle was missing in action.

The last letters the Boyle family received from their son, Sgt. Boyle, were dated May 11 and May 18 from Anzio, and stated he was in good health. In one of the letters he told them that Jim Hardacre, another LeMars soldier, was with him at Anzio.

The day before the Boyle family received their first telegram announcing that their son was “missing in action” they received a letter from another son, Edward, who is fighting in Itlay, saying Joseph had succumbed to wounds. In his letter Edward Boyle said he had been given permission to go over to Company K quarters to see if he could get any personal belongings of his brother, but could not find a trace of them.

The Boyle family has two other sons in the service. Owen Boyle, carpenter’s mate third class in the navy, is stationed at Portland, Oregon, and Thomas Boyle is a naval petty officer somewhere in the Pacific.

Sergeant Joseph L. Boyle was a member of Company K of LeMars when war broke out and went to Camp Claiborne, La., with the first contingent in March 1941, and was transferred from there to Camp Dix, N.Y., and went overseas to Ireland and England for several months before going to the fighting line in North Africa and then to Italy. When in Ireland he was transferred to Company F and in March of this year was transferred back to Company K.

He was born in LeMars, March 28, 1913, and attended school here. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Boyle, of LeMars; three sisters, Mrs. Ray Wiese of Westfield, Alice and Arabella at home; and seven brothers, Owen of Portland, Oregon, Charles of Englewood, Calif., Thomas serving in the navy the past eight years, Clarence of Istrouma, La., Pvt. Edward Boyle serving in Italy, Francis and William at home.

One Small Call For Service Last Of This Month

Eleven Plymouth County young men left Sunday night for pre-induction physical examinations for military service. Eight of them went to Fort Snelling from LeMars and three others were transferred to other boards. John A. Melrose, whose present address is Kingsley, was transferred to this board. The men who left from LeMars were:
William D. Putmann, Kingsley
William G. Albright, Tonawanda, N.Y.
Warren O. Bonnes, Hinton
Dale G. Henkel, Sioux City
Sumner R. Rhodes, LeMars
Veryl G. McKibbin, Leeds
Glen R. Blake, Westfield
John A. Melrose, Kingsley
Dale M. Woerner, Chicago
Lloyd J. Bucholz, LeMars.
The board has only one July call for men for service, about half as many men as took this examination being asked to report the last week in July.

Due to smaller and less frequent calls the board is caught up with its work and will have no meeting this week. All men now being taken are under 25 and most of them are volunteers.

Bombing Plane Shot Full of Holes

S/Sgt. Duane A. Berner, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Berner of Stanton township, recently sent a letter to his parents telling of a thrilling experience he had a few weeks ago. He had returned from rest camp after a series of missions and on April 30th had completed a double mission “to hit No. 30,” thus receiving his second oak leaf cluster for thirty successful missions.

On this mission they had engine trouble and had to get rid of all bombs, but could not make it back, as they had lost too much altitude and were below the mountains and the only way out was to go thru a pass out to sea, or bail out. They stuck by the plane and made the pass safely. They expected fighters to return and shoot them down, but they did not come.

Everything was thrown from the plane, guns, flak suits, kits, and the assistants were standing by there with crash equipment. They had their gas lines shot away and hydraulic line cut, but the brakes held and they landed safely—thanking God for bringing them in. Their pilot received the distinguished flying cross for bringing the crew in safely and the rest of the crew received their second oak leaf cluster for successfully accomplishing 30 missions. After completing 50 missions they will return to the States on furlough.

Services For Sgt. L. Brandenburg

Memorial services were held on Thursday morning in St. Catherine’s Church at Oyens for Sgt. Lawrence Brandenburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brandenburg of Fredonia township.

Young Brandenburg, 23 year old technical sergeant in the air force, was lost in a raid over Bremen, Germany, April 13, 1943. In accordance with the war department’s regulations a year was allowed to lapse before a presumptive date of death was declared, and the parents recently received word that he was listed among the dead on April 18, this year.

Sergeant Brandenburg was a radio operator and gunner on a B-24 bomber, stationed at an air base somewhere in England. He was inducted into the army February 18, 1942, and has been awarded the air medal, second and third oak leaf cluster. His brother, Petty Officer Clarence Brandenburg is in service somewhere in the Pacific.

The memorial services were attended by ex-service men and members of Pieper Post, American Legion, of Remsen, were in charge of the final services at the graveside.

James McClintock Critically Injured

Andrew McClintock of Washington township left Friday for Treasure Island, Calif., called there by a telegram stating his son, James McClintock, who is serving in the Navy, had been seriously injured in an accident and was in a hospital in a critical condition.

Mr. McClintock telegraphed his wife Sunday saying his son had been hurt in an accident July 5, and suffered a broken leg and other injuries. He did not give any particulars as to the cause of the accident.

James McClintock is a seaman second class in the Navy and is stationed at Treasure Island.

~Marvin Delperdang, first class seaman, is on a thirty day leave visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Delperdang of Remsen, after sixteen months service in the South Seas and the Solomon campaign. Marvin joined the Navy two and a half years ago. While overseas, he was in three major engagements without injury and wears three stars for the Asiatic-Pacific service. On leaving Remsen, Marvin will report to a torpedo boats school in Portsmouth, R.I. for his next assignment.

~Walter Case, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Case and Melvin Case, son of Arthur Case, of Kingsley, have enlisted in the Navy and will report this week for duty.

~Cpl. Harley Heimstra, stationed at Camp Barkley, Texas, was home on furlough last week visiting his relatives in Kingsley.

~Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dilley of Kingsley of the promotion to rank of first lieutenant of Icadore Dilley stationed at Camp Crowder, Mo. She entered the American Nurse Corps June 29, 1943.

~Aviation Cadet Arthur Kinzey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kinzey of Kingsley, has completed basic training at the Merced army air field in California, and will be transferred to another camp for advanced training towards attainment of the status of pilot.

~Richard LaBahn left Thursday for the U. S. Repair Base, San Diego, Calif., after having spent several days leave in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LaBahn.

~In a recently received letter from Odie Herbst, of Hinton, he says the ship he is on was among the leaders D-day in the invasion of France, as was the case in the invasion in Africa. The battle was much greater than the imagination of the average person and his ship had many experiences in the disposing of undersea craft. At the time of writing the letter he was still in the thick of battle at the landing places. Odie mentioned the fact that he visited Lowell Phillips often while at Norfolk, Va., before Odie’s trip across. Recently Lowell spent a furlough visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Phillips of Hinton. Mrs. Odie Herbst is spending some time in the Hinton vicinity while her husband is overseas.

~Martha Johanna Lubben, 20, seaman second class, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lubben, of LeMars, has completed her basic training and indoctrination course at the Naval Training School for WAVES, the Bronx, New York, and is proceeding to the Naval Training School (Storekeeper), Milledgeville, Ga., for further instruction. Before she entered the Naval service, Seaman Lubben, was employed with McKesson & Robbins, Sioux City. She is a graduate of LeMars high school.

~The Remsen Bell-Enterprise is in receipt of a V-mail note from First Sergeant Lewis Treinen, member of LeMars Company K before entering service, who is serving in Italy, in which he says he was enjoying brief respite from the horrors of war. He says he is at a “neat camp.” It’s a wonderful place, with a theatre, indoor swimming pool, etc. I was in Rome recently, visited the Vatican; the pope looks similar to his pictures. Met. V. J. Doud of Oyens the other day, and being a recent arrival he gave me considerable news. Marvin Mai and Fid Koob are going home, which leaves me practically alone.

~Odette Reynolds, Pharmacist Mate 3/c, arrived home Saturday to spend a short leave with her mother, Mrs. C.A. Reynolds and other relatives. She is in the WAVES, stationed at El Centro, Calif., and will leave for there on Tuesday, July 11.

~Buck Kuchel, apprentice seaman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Knuchel, is spending a 15-day leave with his parents in Kingsley. He has just finished his boot training at Farragut, Idaho.

~Francis McDermott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emmett McDermott of Kingsley, has arrived overseas in the Pacific, according to word received by his parents.

~Max Hons, seaman first class, son of Clarence Hons, spent ten days leave with his father and other relatives in Kingsley and returned to duty at San Francisco.

~Among recent arrivals at the University of Dubuque, Dubuque, Iowa, for training under the Navy V-12 program was A/S James Carey, of LeMars. After completion of his training there, he will go on to further education in his field under the Navy’s program.

~Private Philip J. Dominick, son of Mr. John P. Dominick of LeMars, has been promoted to staff sergeant. He is a squad leader with the 34th “Red Bull” Division of the Fifth Army in Italy.

~Lt. John Kissinger, accompanied by his wife and baby, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Kissinger, in LeMars. Lt. Kissinger is in the special service department of the Army Air Service Command at St. Louis, Mo.

~Lieut. Marlin McDougall and Mrs. McDougall left Saturday for Lemoure Field, Calif., after spending a 10-day furlough in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McDougall and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Frerichs. Mrs. McDougall will remain with her husband until he gets his overseas orders.

~Master Sergeant Poeckes left Friday morning for Fort Sam Houston, Texas, for reassignment.

~Bob Lake, who is stationed at Great Lakes Naval Training Station, was home Saturday on a sixty-six hour pass.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
July 14, 1944

Capt. Marion D. Mieras, son of Mrs. Clara Mieras of LeMars, is a member of the personnel in charge of prisoners of war in the Mediterranean area. A dispatch from headquarters there says:
“Guarding and supervision of prisoners of war is a little publicized but highly important part of the United States Army overseas. Several hundred soldiers, more than half of whom have seen extensive front line action, are handling the job in North Africa under the direction of the Mediterranean base section provost marshal.

These soldiers receive the prisoners of war from higher headquarters in the field. A “processing” group interviews the prisoners, issues them prisoner serial numbers, takes their pictures and fingerprints and personal data, makes out postal locator cards for them, and processes records which will be kept for the duration of their internment.

And administration group then takes over. These men, officers and enlisted personnel, operate the many prisoner of war camps and stockades. They also feed, clothe and house the prisoners.”

Will Leave July 25 For Princeton, N. J.

George V. Pavlik, Plymouth County Navy recruiting coordinate, reports that Ivan R. Larson, 35, professor of commerce at Western Union college and instructor at the Navy training school at Western Union college, has joined the Navy and will July 25, for Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., for a two months officer’s indoctrination. He is rated as lieutenant junior grade. Mr. Larson is married and is the father of two children.

Will Report July 22 At Washington, D.C.

Second Lieutenant Burton Dull arrived home Wednesday morning on a ten day leave. He completed his training in the Judge Advocate General department at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and received his commission Monday, July 10.

He will report July 22 at Washington D.C., on a temporary assignment in the Engineer department. He has been assigned to duty in Omaha in the district engineers office. His work will deal with contract termination.

~Peter Treinen, who is spending a furlough from the Army with relatives near Remsen and LeMars, was visiting at the John Bortscheller home Saturday and while there, riding a bicycle which upset, suffered a fracture of his collar bone.

Cpl. Gordon Tentinger is spending a 14 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Tentinger. Cpl. Tentinger is in the infantry and is stationed at Camp Atterbury, Indiana.

George Foxen is in receipt of a letter from Cpl. Carl Tentinger, who is in the quartermaster corps of the Army. The letter was written in Naples, where Cpl. Tentinger has been on duty for the last seven months. He is the son of Mrs. Margaret Tentinger of LeMars, and before entering the Army, worked for Mr. Foxen. Tentinger entered Italy by way of North Africa. He stated that he met Bill Huckle while the latter and a bunch of similarly rugged individuals were driving the Germans northward toward Cassino.

Pfc. Clifford Perry is spending a furlough in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry. Clifford is in the cavalry and is stationed at Camp Gordon, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emmick of Westfield received word a few days ago that Stanley Emmick, their son, was reported missing in action over New Guinea, where he had been for some time.
Mrs. Robert Wilhelmi has received word that her husband, Robert Wilhelmi, has been promoted from Technical Sergeant to Master Sergeant. Robert is in the Army Air Corps and is stationed somewhere in England. He has been across one year this month.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
July 18, 1944

Ray Berkenpas Is Participating In Rodeos In Italy
The Fifth Army’s “Iowa Cowboy,” Private Ray Berkenpas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Berkenpas, Route 5, LeMars, Iowa, recently rode a fighting ox in a Fifth Army rodeo in Italy, says a Fifth Army bulletin.

Berkenpas was wildly cheered in the exhibition, which as held in an Italian corral several miles behind the Fifth Army frontlines. Entering the arena atop an enraged ox, “Cowboy” Berkenpas was thrown in the air. He landed harmlessly on the ground amid shouts and cheers from the soldiers and native Italian families making up the late afternoon audience.

Exactly a year ago, the “Iowa Cowboy” participated in a rodeo at Bizerta, Tunisia. A veteran of the Italian, Sicilian and Tunisian campaigns, he served overseas since November 18, 1942. His duties include driving an engineer company of the Fifth Army.

He formerly was employed by the Hartog Elevator Company, Sioux City, Iowa.

Dale Rickabaugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rickabaugh, left last week for San Diego, Calif., to take his boot training at the Naval training station. He notified his parents Monday that he had arrived at the station.

Mr. and Mrs. Rickabaugh have three sons already in service. Max Rickabaugh is in the Navy at the air base at San Diego, Calif., and is an aviation ordinance man second class. Private George Rickabaugh is at the San Diego Naval hospital. Staff Sergeant Jack Rickabaugh is in the Fifth Army somewhere in Italy. He was a member of Company K and left for service with the first contingent for camp and has been overseas since February, 1942.


The name of Pvt. Warren Hardacre appears in a list of Iowans wounded during the fighting in France and among patients in a hospital in England. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hardacre of LeMars. In response to an inquiry at their house Monday, the family stated they had no official notice of their son being among the wounded. They received a letter from him July 2, in which he said he was well and happy.

Former Le Mars Boy Tells Experience

Second Lieutenant Richard Covey, 25, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Covey, of Des Moines, was a B-29 co-pilot in the Superfortress raid on Japan on June 4.

The Covey family lived in LeMars at one time, some years ago, and Richard Covey attended school here. His parents have received two letters from him written since the raid.

In a letter written June 18 from his base, Lieutenant Covey said, “I hope it will be just the start of such news for you because we are all anxious and eager to get the job done.”

In a letter written June 19, Lieutenant Covey said, “Naturally we feel rather proud that our work has finally come to a place where we can strike hard. It’s been a long, tedious job and the sense of satisfaction is natural, I guess, but we know there is much yet to be done—that this is only the beginning.”

“I am glad to have been a part of it—to have made the first mission—but I want to do much more so as to hasten the day of returning home.”
Lieutenant Covey entered the Army in April 1942, and went overseas last April. He formerly was an announcer for radio stations KSO and KRNT.
A graduate of Fort Dodge, Iowa, high school, he attended Grinnell college, Drake University, and the University of California at Los Angeles.
His wife and small son, Rickey, live in Columbia, Mo.

Pvt. Clayton James Klauer, stationed at Camp Grant, Ill., is spending a furlough with his wife and relatives in Akron. He will be transferred to Fort Lewis, Wash.

Pvt. Clayton Small arrived Saturday from Camp Gordon Johnston, Florida, to spend a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Small.

Mr. and Mrs. James Foley of Eagle Grove, Minn., and their son, Donald Foley, pilot in the Army Air Corps, who is stationed in Texas, visited the past week with Mike Foley and Mrs. Elizabeth Week in Akron. Mr. and Mrs. James Foley formerly lived in Akron.

Lieutenant Norman Mauer, who has been in New Hebrides, has been transferred to a fleet base hospital in New Caledonia. He writes that he is enjoying the climate and good food and likes his work very much.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Strehl of Remsen report that their son, Chief Pharmacist Mate Francis L. Strehl, who has been in the Navy since long before the war and who was in Australia for more than two years, has been transferred to Admiralty Island.

A letter received by the Kingsley News-Times of Kingsley, from Allen McNamara, from Treasure Island, San Francisco, states he has been assigned to a ship.

Pvt. Robert Wilson of Camp Gordon, Johnson, Florida, and Sgt. Irvin A. Wilson, of Camp Carson, Colo., are home on furlough visiting relatives in Kingsley.

Glen Sayles, in training in Naval Air Corps at St. Mary’s College, California, is home on leave visiting his mother, Mrs. Bertha Sayles, southwest of Akron.
Sgt. Robert Bissell of Washington D.C., is spending a furlough in the home of his mother, near Kingsley.

Private Jack Gusman has returned to Camp Rucker, Alabama, after a furlough spent at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gusman of Akron.

Pvt. Clarence R. Stevenson is spending a furlough with his sister, Mrs. Lester Witt, in LeMars. After serving nine months in North Africa, he has been in Woodrow Wilson hospital at Staunton, Va. On completion of his furlough here, he will report at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

Private First Class Merlin C. Singer, son of Urban Singer, of LeMars, has been promoted to sergeant. He is squad leader with the 34th Red Bull Division of the Fifth Army in Italy.

First Lt. Tony O. Bamberg of LeMars has been assigned as an instructor pilot at Alexandria Army Air Field, a Flying Fortress combat crew training center.

Alexandria Army Air Field is part of the Second Air Force, which trains the bulk of the heavy bombardment crews in the United States. Lt. Bamberg, who was a reporter for the Globe-Post before entering the military service, is the son of Mrs. Mary Bamberg, 115 Fifth Ave. SW, LeMars. He attended the Western Union College.

Private Adolph N. Kass, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Kass, of LeMars, is a member of a class graduated last week from the tank mechanics school at Fort Knox, Kentucky. The job of this group is to keep the big General Sherman tanks and their little brothers in combat and at the school they worked with the same tools under the same conditions as in the field.

Clarence J. Heissel, of LeMars, has been promoted from the rank of second lieutenant to first lieutenant. He is attached to a signal corps.

Fidelis Koob, who went into the service with Co. K three and one-half years ago, and has been with the 34th Division in Ireland, North Africa, and Sicily arrived home last weekend from Italy where he has been in the thick of the fighting for several months.

In a list of wounded sent out from headquarters, European Operations, the name of Private Warren Hardacre, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hardacre of LeMars, was among a list of men reported recovering from wounds in a hospital in England.

Sherman Shearon, Electrician Mate 2/c, left Monday for the West coast after spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shearon. He has been attending the electrician school at Farragut and completed his training before this last leave.

Promotions for Iowans announced from the War Department include the name of Anna C. Kramer of Remsen, from second lieutenant to first lieutenant.

O.R. Wernli, of Sioux City, was in LeMars the first of the week visiting friends. He says his son, Major James R. Wernli, is with the invasion forces in France and writes that he is well and busy at his job. Major Wernli’s wife is living in Sioux city. Allen Wernli, who is in the Marines, is somewhere in the southwest Pacific, but his father has not heard from him in several weeks.

Pfc. Earl Bogen arrived in LeMars Friday noon to spend a furlough with his grandfather, Henry Atwood. Earl has been in the southwest Pacific for thirty-two months and has not been in LeMars since he left July 8, 1941. He is in the 148th Field Artillery.

S 1/c Orville Crowley arrived home Wednesday, July 12, on a boot leave from Great Lakes. He will leave again Thursday, July 20.

Virgil Albers, aviation machinist mate 3/c, will leave Tuesday evening for Cape May after spending a ten day leave in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Albers in Elgin township. He has been stationed at Cape May for the past twenty months.

Elmer Nemmers, S 2/c, who is stationed at the Great Lakes Naval training station, spent the weekend with his family.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
July 21, 1944

Cited For Bravery On Battle Field In North Africa

Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Kettler, 303 Central Avenue SW received a telegram Tuesday night from the War Department saying “The Secretary of War desires that I extend his deepest sympathy to you in the loss of your son, Private First Class Walter B. Kettler, who was previously reported missing in action. Report now received states that he was killed in action May 29. Letter follows.”
Mrs. Kettler, mother of the young solider, recently underwent an operation for a serious malady at the Sacred Heart Hospital, and had just been returned to her home Wednesday afternoon. The news was withheld from her until after she was home from the hospital.

The last time the Kettlers heard from their son was May 22, when he said he was well. It is reported he was killed while fighting near Rome.

Walter Kettler was a member of Company K and went with the company to Camp Claiborne, La. He went to Ireland in 1942, and then to the front line. He was wounded November 4, 1943, while fighting at Tunisia and received a citation for bravery and the Purple Heart decoration.

Walter Kettler was born in Alton, Sioux County, March 18, 1919, where he attended school and came to LeMars with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Kettler, and attended St. Joseph’s school in LeMars. He was employed in various jobs and at the LeMars Recreational Parlors for some time.

He is survived by his parents, and five brothers and four sisters: Mrs. Loretta O’Connell of Salt Lake City, Utah; Lloyd of Remsen; Milo, Albert, Mary Ann, Bobbie, Florence and Cleo at home; and Clarence Kettler of Sioux City.

Yeoman Philip Boever Home On Leave With His Bride
Yeoman 2/c and Mrs. Philip Boever arrived in LeMars Wednesday to spend a 20-day leave in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Boever. Philip was married January 22 in San Francisco to Miss Marjorie Russell, a native daughter of the West Coast, who is making her first trip to Iowa with him. Philip was working in the Sentinel office when he enlisted in the Navy, December 8, 1941, the day after Pearl Harbor, and has seen duty on both submarines and battleships. He reports for duty at Mare Island navy yard after his leave.

Parents Notified By War Department

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen of Akron received word Tuesday evening from the War Department that their son, Private First Class Byron K. Allen, an aerial gunner and a combat photographer, had been killed in England, Sunday, July 5, 1944.

Private Allen was a graduate of the Akron public schools and entered the Army Air Forces November 13, 1942. He attended photography school at Lowry Field, Colo., and was then sent to Culver City, California, where he was assigned to the picture unit of the Army Air Forces. In November 1943, he went to England and served with a troop carrying glider unit.

With Eighth Division In England

The promotion of Wilbur H. DePree of LeMars, Iowa, from first lieutenant to captain has been announced at an Eighth AFF divisional headquarters where B-17 Flying Fortresses and b-24 Liberator bombing attacks on targets behind the German lines in France are planned and studied.

The recently appointed captain is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. James DePree of LeMars. His wife, Mrs. Frances L. DePree, also lives at LeMars and is clerk in the Selective Service office.

As administrative officer of the communications section at this headquarters, Capt. DePree helps to supervise the installation and maintenance of communications equipment—including the aircraft radios upon which combat crews depend for their orders in the air and which often, with direction finding devices, bring back a lost or crippled bomber and its ten-man crew.

Formerly, credit manager for the Plymouth Cooperative Oil Company, LeMars, Capt. DePree graduated from LeMars high school in 1928 and from Western Union College at LeMars in 1932. After entering army service in March, 1942, he attended Officer Candidate School at Fort Monmouth, N.J. and was commissioned a second lieutenant in November of that year.

Prominent in athletic, dramatic, literary and musical activities in high school and college, Capt. DePree is a member of Pi Kappa Delta and Alpha Psi Omega fraternities. [news copy ends here]

Cited For Bravery When Ship Is Sunk

Elmer Arthur Voss, gunner’s mate second class, USNR, has been commended by the Chief of Naval Personnel for courage’s conduct as a member of the armed guard crew aboard the SS John Penn, which was sunk by enemy forces on September 13, 1942.

He is a native of LeMars, Iowa. His wife, Bernice Laura Voss, is now residing at 438 Wyoming Avenue, Huron, South Dakota.
Voss’ commendation reads as follows: “The Chief of Naval Personnel takes pleasure in commending you on your courageous conduct as a member of the armed guard crew of the SS John Penn which was sunk by enemy forces on September 13, 1942.

A report of the occurrences indicates that on the date mentioned above, numerous enemy aircraft attacked the convoy of which the John Penn was a member. The first attack was made by high-level bombers and torpedo planes, but due to the expert and accurate protective fire of the armed guard crew n damage was sustained by the convoy. During this action the blazing guns of the John Penn sent one attacking plane crashing into the sea. A second attack by approximately sixty torpedo bombers occurred on the afternoon of the same day. The planes came through in formation, concentrating their attack on four columns of the convoy. In spite of the withering counter-fire of the convoy, several of the attacking planes were successful in launching their deadly missiles. A few minutes later the John Penn was rocked by two terrific explosions, immediately lost headway and went out of control. When it became evident that all hope of saving the ship was gone and the order was given to abandon ship, all men conducted themselves in a highly efficient and creditable manner.

Your outstanding bravery, coolness and devotion to duty on these occasions were in keeping with the best traditions of the naval service.”

Memorial services will be held for Sergeant Joseph L. Boyle, at St. James church in this city Thursday morning, July 27, at 8 o’clock. The services will be held in charge of Rev. W.B. Bauer. Members of the American Legion and soldiers and sailors on leave will attend the services.

Sergeant Boyle, a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Boyle, was killed in action, May 29, while fighting in Italy. He was a member of Company K and in March, 1941, went with the company to Camp Claiborne, La., and was in England and Ireland for several months before going to the fighting line in North Africa and then to Italy.

Was Shot Down Over France During Invasion Operation

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Budde were notified Tuesday that their son, Lieut. Rollo Budde, reported three weeks earlier as missing in action over France, was a German war prisoner. Ordinarily such information would not be counted good news but in this case it was joyfully received as his parents feared he might have been killed or seriously wounded when shot down in combat.

The telegram from the adjutant general’s office in Washington said:
“Report just received through International Red Cross states that your son, First Lieut. Rollo L. Budde, is a prisoner of war of the German government. Letter of information follows from provost marshal general.”

Lieut. Budde was inducted into the air corps Nov. 14, 1942, and received his commission and wings June 24, 1943. He trained on half a dozen different fields and left for Ireland, January 7, 1944, and from there transferred to an English base.

His bomber which participated in the D-day air operations was reported shot down June 14. A letter he wrote the day previous indicated he had been on 18 missions, three of them after the invasion of Normandy began.

~Pfc. Lawrence Kobberman, who was recently transferred to the medical department, is now with the 36th Medical Training Regiment at Fort Lewis, Washington, where he expects to remain for four months taking basic training in his new line of work.

~Harold Wanderscheid, A.S., arrived Wednesday morning to spend a 16-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wanderscheid. He has completed his boot training at the Great Lakes and will return there July 27.

~Jack Dorr, A.S. has completed his boot training at the Great Lakes, and is spending a ten day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dorr.

~Pfc. James F. Sampson spent a 3-day pass in the home of Al Sampson of Kingsley and other relatives here. James is in the military police and is stationed at Camp Phillips, Kansas.

~Lt. Burton Dull left Thursday morning for Washington D.C., for his indoctrination in the Judge Advocate General department. He expects to bet there only a short time and then will report for duty at Omaha.

Stanley Kovarna, S. F. 3/c spent a 15-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Kovarna of Merrill. He has completed his boot training at Farragut, Idaho. A family picnic at Riverside on July 2 was attended by Theo. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. James Kovarna and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hartman and Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Epling and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Epling and Esther, Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Newberg and Charleen Kay, Mrs. Clarence Kasch and daughters, Mrs. Floyd Hartman and son, Calvin, Miss Alma Edwards of Jefferson, S.D., Miss Delores Phillips, Mrs. Henry Kasch and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flannery of Sioux City.

Remsen Bell-Enterprise: For the second time Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Horkey and children have received disheartening news from their son and brother, S/Sgt. Joe Horkey, one of the original Company K men, saying he has been severely wounded in overseas battle action.

The first time was in April 1943, when he was shot in the left foot while taking a Remsen buddy, Vincent Wilberding, to a hospital after the latter was wounded. This occurred on Hill 609 in Africa where the Remsen boys took part in the entire campaign.

This time comes word from Italy in the form of a letter from another Remsen boy, Cpl. Orville Raveling. He writes under date of July 8, saying he visited Joe in the hospital for a short time and that the latter asked him to write his parents.

Cpl. Raveling writes: “Joe is a very sick boy but is in a safe place now. He will not be able to write to you for some time as his wounds are in his arms, below the elbows, but they are not serious and he asks you not to worry.”

LeMars Globe-Post
July 24, 1944

Was Signalman On Landing Ship That Hauled Marines Ashore

After a “long black-out of news” Ervan “Bud” Masuen, seaman first class, due to his being in ____ in the Pacific area, or waiting for action, members of his family have received a lengthy letter revealing that he took part in the capture of Saipan island, Japanese stronghold, which is within 1500 miles of Tokyo, and possesses room for large airports.

Excerpts of his letter follow:

He first mentions his stay at Honolulu, which did not impress him as much as he had been led to expect. He said he drove by ___kem field so often it reminds him of home—in fact, of the LeMars ball park. As for Honolulu: I was really disappointed in it. To me it is just a city set up __aply and in a hurry to make money---Yes, I have been out to the Royal Hawaiian hotel at Waikiki beach and have been swimming there. It’s nice, but __er all the publicity—well, as far as I’m concerned, they can have it.

“The harbor here is very large and pretty. It is always nice and war at Lulu if it isn’t raining.” He mentions some maneuvers they were on.

“We came back to Pearl for a few days, and then one noon,” the letter continues, “the navigator came up on the bridge, and we knew by the look on his face that the real thing had come at last. It could only mean one thing—invasion! But where? We found out in a hurry, and it was Saipan. Our force, which was just as large, was to move in on Guam.” (Masuen was on a landing ship, carrying tanks---on L.S.T.)

We steamed toward Eniwetok, the biggest island in the Marshalls. We filled up on fuel and food there. Early one morning, we pulled out of the Marshalls and headed for Saipan.

I received word from the Captain that I was to land with the marines and army on an LCMx tanker lighter. Gol, darn, that was anything but good news to me. Well, it was still dark and the island came into view. It looked very pretty, too. I got rather nervous and uneasy about the whole thing. Dammit, out of a clear blue sky somebody tells you that you are going to land with the marines.

It’s like this: I’m a sailor, not a trained soldier, but they had to have somebody who could read light and semaphore, so I was to go. Two other men off the bridge had to go too, so I wasn’t alone.

It was getting pretty light, and then all of a sudden hell broke loose. Battleship, cruisers and destroyers were firing on the beach, and when I say they laid that town low, I mean it. Holy cow! I don’t see how any army could live through that shelling!

I was in the third wave in one of those boats, and was hauling a medium tank. The first and second wave were those amphibious tanks. I KID YOU NONE WHEN I SAY I WAS SCARED! We were lying about a mile off the beach when the Japs opened up from the hills with 80 MM, mortar shells.

Two of them landed within 15 feet, and we hit the decks fast and hard. I nearly sank our boat, trying to dig myself down into the deck-plates. I CLAWED UNTIL MY FINGERNAILS STARTED TO BLEED.

We pulled back about a mile farther and then got orders to go in about a half mile farther down the beach. We got orders to go in, and the officer in charge said, “Masuen, signal to those other boats to follow.” And THAT IS QUITE A TRICK, BELIEVE ME, FOR A GUY LYING FLAT ON THE DECK.

Well, we were the 14th to go in. They hit the 10th in her gas tank with a mortar shell. As we would go by, these other boats that were coming out, they would give the old good luck signs. Then came our turn. The surf was big and plenty high. The last 100 yards we made wide open, and there was one scared crew on that boat, including myself.

As we hit the beach, a great big wave came over the top and washed me half-way up the side. Holy cow! I could just see myself bobbing around in that water with my life jacket on. I turned around and boy! There was another on right over me. I made a quick grab and grabbed the aerial of the radio we had on our boat. My heart stood still till our tank was off and out front gate pulled up again. We pulled offshore and my ears were pounding from the noised and my heart likewise. I made another landing about 4 hours later, but we had the beach secured then.

I slept that night about 400 years off the beach and boy! Those Japs caught hell all night.

I returned to the ship the next morning and I have sworn up and down that this is the last time I am ever going to make a landing in my naval career. We hauled our fanny away from Saipan and later returned.

(After that he was returned to the United States for awhile.)

Seaman Masuen writes that his Saipan experience “scared hell out of” him, but “this invasion has proved to me that I’m not such a bad man under fire, and also, it made a man of me. I really do mean now, more than ever, that the Nips aren’t going to get me.”

The night we were at Saipan we had an air attack, and two 200-pound bombs just missed our ship by not more than 50 feet. And the night before I got into Saipan, I had the mid-watch, and a message came over the radio, that a “can” (destroyer) had noticed about 25 Japs on a barge. This “can” called over to Vice Admiral Turner, who was ahead of our force on an APA (transport). Turner said if they showed any resistance, they should be fired on. Well, we waited about 10 minutes, and then every small gun on the destroyer opened up for about 5 minutes and then quit. They then threw the Japs a line to come aboard, and the Japs threw it back. Boy, there wasn’t a one who didn’t catch about 15 slugs a piece before this can sank their barge.

When I was back in the states going to school, I used to think that was a lot of hooey in the papers about the Nips losing 20 or 50 planes in a day. Well, now I don’t. I saw a battleship knock down all 20 planes out of one flight which came at her, and she 18 out of the next 20, three minutes later. Damn, boy! That’s a thrilling sight to see!

About 2 days after that raid on Saipan our carrier force tangled hair with the Nips and I lie to you none when I say THEY GOT MORE THAN THE 325 IN A SINGLE DAY that they told the newspapers for sure.


Tininan is easily in range of Saipan and I’d say about 4 or 5 miles—and every night the damn Japs would try and send reinforcements to Saipan and boy! We sure knocked them cold.

The Japs at night would swim out to our ships at anchor, and come up the anchor chains with hand grenades, and if they got aboard, you can see what a mess they make. Dirtying up our decks with their blood. We stopped them before they got that far. Machine guns would spray death every time one was even close to our ship. Men were always posted at night around the ship, looking for just that sort of thing.

(Note: This morning the Associated Press reported that American forces have attacked Tinian Island. Marines have won beachheads and mopping up is proceeding.)

The Japs tried sneak attacks now and then with their dwindling air fleet. Describing one of them, Masuen wrote:

Boy, what a sight! Tracers were everywhere in the sky. An airplane couldn’t ever expect to get through that barrage. Once we got north of Truk, it was a very interesting trip.

“Well, everybody, I’ve earned a star to wear on my campaign bar, and I am now so-called ‘Salty.’ I came out of this invasion okay.”


Jack Sheehan has received a letter from his son, Corporal Leo Sheehan, and a picture of the corporal with some diminutive and very black New Guinea natives. However, that was some time ago, and the letter was written from Saipan, where Corporal Sheehan helped finish off the large Jap garrison.

He wrote that he could have taken some wonderful pictures of Jap warships, wrecked and lying in shallow water, at the tip of the island where the Japs made their last stand, but the captain told him he’d better not, because the censor might not pass the pictures.

Corporal Sheehan wrote that the The Globe-Post, for which his sister subscribed, is coming to him regularly, and that he gets a tremendous “kick” out of sitting down under a palm-leaf shelter and reading the hometown news.


Sgt. Elmer Martfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Martfeld of this city, is looking forward to the rebuilding of a town on the island of Saipan, after it was destroyed by American gun fire while the Yanks were engaged in taking the island from the Japs.

His letter, dated July 11, has just been received by his parents and states in part:

Well, guess it’s about time I am answering your letters. I received one from you this morning. It was dated June 28. I also have one that is dated June 20 and one March 24.

I suppose you received the V-mail letter I wrote to you a few weeks ago, which said that I am now in action. Well it’s all over now. It was pretty hard going for awhile. Our tank unit sure made good this time. I don’t know if we are going to take these other islands in this group or not. I sure hope we don’t, although they wouldn’t be as hard as this one. I guess this island was tougher than they expected. It was lot worse than Tarawa.

I suppose you know by this time we are on Saipan. I sure would of liked to see the towns here before the planes and naval gun shelled and bombed it. They sure are ruined now. We didn’t get in on any street fighting. I am sure glad we didn’t, too. The weather here is quite warm. It rains quite a bit. I don’t know how long I’ll be here, but I guess if they get it all fixed up again it won’t be bad. Well, Mother, I don’t know when they’ll send me home. I think I have done my part out here. Well, Mother, I’ll close for this time, so with God’s help I should be home soon.

Killed In Action July 5 in England After Being Cited for Work

Akron Register-Tribune: The entire community was grieved and saddened by the shocking news that came to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Allen of this city, Tuesday afternoon of the death of their son, Pvt. Byron K. Allen, while serving as an aerial gunner and combat photographer, with the U. S. 9th Air force in the European theater. The sad news came in the shape of a telegram from the War Department at Washington D.C., directed to his mother, which read as follows:

Washington D.C., July 18, 1944
Mrs. Emma N. Allen:
The Secretary of War desires me to express his deep regret that your son, Private Byron K. Allen, was killed in action on five July in England. Letter following. ULIO, The Adjutant General

(Last Monday The Globe-Post printed a story from the 9th air force command, telling of Pfc. Allen’s work as an aerial gunner and combat photographer.)

Mr. and Mrs. Allen have the deep and profound sympathy of the community in the great sorrow that has come to them in the loss of their son. He was one of Akron’s finest young men. During his youth he was a regular attendant at the Baptist church and Sunday school and he completed the course in the Akron public school, graduating with the Class of 1942. Of clean, upright character, studious and sincere of purpose, he had made a success of all his efforts in the brief span of life allotted to him. He enlisted in the service of his country in an unusual, interesting and important branch, aerial photography, and he was making good at that when so suddenly called upon to make the supreme sacrifice for his country and in the great allied cause. His death will add another gold star to the list on Akron’s honor roll. A little later on this community will honor Pvt. Byron Allen at a memorial service to be held in the Baptist church.

Former Member of K. Company Succumbs at San Diego

Kingsley, Ia.—Special: Earl L. Cornish, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Cornish of Kingsley, who as a member of Company K. Iowa National Guard, of LeMars, was in service overseas, died Sunday at the Naval hospital at San Diego, Cal., where he had been since February 10 this year.

Born at Kingsley May 31, 1921, he was graduated by Kingsley high school and entered Western Union college at LeMars. With his National Guard company he trained at Camp Claiborne, La., and Camp Dix, N.J. Going overseas, he was stationed in Ireland where he was stricken with myocarditis and after a long period of hospitalization there was given an honorable discharge. Returned to the United States, he was admitted to the San Diego Naval hospital.

Survivors besides his parents are three brothers, a twin Merle, of San Diego, Forrest in the Navy and Lloyd of Kingsley; two sisters, Mrs. Louise McVey of San Diego and Mrs. Esther Hudgel of Anthon; a grandmother, Mrs. George Jackman of San Diego; and a grandfather, Byron H. Cornish of Kingsley.

The body will be sent to Kingsley for burial. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

“Gum Chums” Are Among Hazards Of Normandy, V. Pavlik Writes
He’s In Navy, But Slept In Castles and In Pup Tents

“Gum Chums” are not the least of the hazards encountered in France by American forces, according to MoM3/c Vincent Pavlik, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Pavlik, a censored letter from whom has just been received by his parents.

“Gum Chums” it appears, are French children of 5 years or less. Wherever the Americans go, they are mobbed by the “gum chums” with demands for candy and gum.

Vincent writes that he is returning to France, after some time spent in England, following the original invasion in which he took part. He operated an LCI out of one of the big LST ships, and transported men to the beachheads, and later, wounded to England.

Some of his duties were ashore, and he wrote that he slept in fox holes, pup tents and in old castles. “The straw mattresses in the castles felt good—but there were no modern conveniences—sometimes not even water.”

He mentioned that the automobiles in England are even smaller that the Austins which used to be seen occasionally in the United States, and wonders how his Dad would get along in one. For amusement, he said, he liked to pick up the whole hind ends of these little cars.

Pfc. Alfred E. Tone returned on Thursday to Camp Shelby, Miss., after spending his furlough with his wife and family in LeMars. Pfc. Tone is acting as cook in camp and likes his work very much.

S/2c John Taylor returned the weekend from Farragut, Idaho, where he completed his “boot” training in the Navy.

Word has been received that Harold J. Vondrak, SC1/c, is back in the South Pacific. He has received the rating of Petty Officer first class. This is his third trip in the South Pacific aboard a destroyer with the U.S. fleet. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Vondrak, of Perry township.

Mrs. Jennie Luiken received word that her son, Sgt. Charles Luiken, arrived in New Guinea.

Fred T. Phillips arrived at his home in Remsen Thursday after spending a month with his son, T/Sgt. Wendell Phillips of the 100th Infantry Division, who is a patient in Lawson General Hospital at Atlanta, Ga. Sgt. Phillips suffered a skull fracture in a truck crash while on duty March 2, and his case has been baffling the doctors. It prevented him from going overseas with the division several months ago and he has been a hospital patient since. First in Oliver General Hospital in Augusta; he was transferred to Atlanta. The senior Mr. Phillips reports that his son is getting along fairly well and that he is under excellent professional care.

Word has been received that Clarence Hansen has arrived in England with the armed forces. His brother, Glen Hansen, is in New Guinea with the armed forces, and a brother, Clark Hansen, is stationed in Camp Grant, Illinois. They are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen of Petaluma, Calif., formerly of Plymouth County.

With the 5th Army, Italy—Private First Class Edward Boyle, son of Patrick J. Boyle of LeMars, has been promoted to sergeant. He is a squad leader with the 34th “Red Bull” division of the 5th Army in Italy.

Ben Borchers of the U. S. Navy, writes that where he is stationed at the Solomon Branch, Washington D. C., the water is rationed. It is turned on three times each day. He is attending a Navy specialists school.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewin received word from their son, Cpl. Vernon Ewin, that he was operated on about 2:30 o’clock in the morning on July 8. He was feeling fine but homesick when he wrote. The last word from him prior to this letter, told them that he was near Rome. [Family note by transcriber: Vernon underwent a successful appendicitis operation.]

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
July 25, 1944

Jos. Fleege of Elk Point, S.D., well known former resident of Akron, received word last week from the War Department that his son, Sergeant John Fleege, was killed in action over Holland and that his body was recovered on April 14.

Sgt. Fleege was a waist gunner on a bomber which had flown over enemy territory in Holland on the 12th of April. The bomber was hit by anti-aircraft guns and he and another gunner, thinking the plane was disabled, baled out. Although damaged the bomber was flown back to its base in England. Members of the crew saw the chutes open and were of the opinion that Sgt. Fleege and his companion landed in Holland unhurt.

Sergeant Fleege was 22 years of age and enlisted in the Air Corps in September 1942. He is survived by his father, Jos. Fleege of Elk Point, S.D., and his sisters, Mrs. Marlin Johnson of Sioux City and Mrs. Wesley Sumerford of Oakland, Calif.

Verdon Doud Of Oyens Among Eleven Cited For Bravery

Remsen Bell-Enterprise:
For “meritorious service in action beyond the ordinary” a contributing factor to the successful advance of their battalion, eleven American men on the Italian front were recently awarded a citation, which brought honor to Verdon Doud, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Doud, of Oyens.
A copy of the citation was received by the Oyens soldier’s parents this week and reads as follows:
“In military operations against an enemy of the United States _________ from May 14 to May 16, 1944, laying wire from ______ across _______ hills _____ and __________ these men were a contributing factor to the successful advance of their battalion. Constantly exposed to enemy artillery and small arms fire, without sleep or food they laid wire by hand over terrain so inaccessible that at times they had to wrap the wire around their bodies to leave hands free for climbing. Sustaining two casualties from shrapnel and one from an exploding mine, they nevertheless continued devotedly and in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles to make sufficient communication with their organization. The vital service rendered by these loyal and courageous men has won the esteem of their comrades and represents the highest traditions of the armed forces.”

Verdon “V. J.” Doud entered the Army February 18, 1943, at the age of 19 years and went overseas with the 88th Division in December of the same year, landing in Africa. Three weeks later he was sent to Italy and has been on the fighting front ever since. Before leaving this country and while still in Louisiana, he was severely hurt when a truck carrying water overturned into a ditch, much of the load falling on him.

The parents were informed recently that Verdon, on a five-day pass, June 21-25, gained audience with Pope Pius and received the pontiff’s blessing. While in Rome he had the pleasure of a meeting with Sgt. Lewis Treinen, Jim Hardacre, Cy Groetken, Phil Dominick and George Case, all members of old Co. K, and a joyful meeting it was. It was the first time the Oyens lad had met a local acquaintance since entering the service.

An Iowan who “would not allow himself to succumb” although he was too weak from bullet wounds to walk has been awarded the silver star for heroism while leading his infantry platoon to a hill in Italy last January 8, the War Department announced Friday.

He was Second Lieutenant Lloyd R. Drake of Chatsworth. The citation accompanying the award said that “he was wounded by machine gun fire, but he would not allow himself to succumb. He crawled, being too weak to walk, to a vantage point from which he successfully directed his platoon all through the day.”

“Though suffering much pain, he talked to his men and encouraged them to carry on the fight, thus keeping the enemy at disadvantage. When he was evacuated, almost 12 hours after he was wounded, he was still conscious and in complete control of the situation.”

Services for Sgt. Boyle and Pvt. Kettler

Memorial services will be held at St. James church in this city Thursday morning, July 27, at 9 o’clock for Sergeant Joseph L. Boyle and Private Walter Kettler, who died while fighting for their country in Italy. The services will be held in charge of Rev. W.B. Bauer, Members of Company D., members of the American Legion and soldiers and sailors on leave will attend the services.
Sergeant Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Boyle of this city, was killed in action May 29, while fighting in Italy. He was a member of Company K and in March 1941, went with the company to Camp Claiborne, La., and was in England and Ireland for several months before going to the fighting line in North Africa and then to Italy. He was 31 years of age.

Private Walter Kettler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Kettler of LeMars, was killed in action May 29, while on the front fighting near Rome, Italy. He was born March 28, 1919, at Alton and came to LeMars when a boy. He was a member of Company K, LeMars, and went with the company to Camp Claiborne, La., and was ordered to Ireland in 1942 and then to the front line.

Captain Calvin Gillespie Here

Captain Calvin Gillespie, a former student at Western Union College, will be in LeMars part of this week to spend a few days with friends. Last Sunday he was married to Miss Lucille Kliphardt, of Leonardville, Kansas, and a member of this year’s senior class at the college. A reception will be given for the young couple by Dr. and Mrs. E.M. Miller Tuesday evening to which a number of former acquaintances, both teachers and students, are invited. Captain Gillespie has served in the Pacific area as head of a bombing squadron and has successfully made his quota of missions entitling him to appointment to home base duty.

Raymond McNamara, formerly of Kingsley, now of Grand Meadow township, last week was awarded a combat infantry medal, from the office of the Adjutant General of Washington, D.C., for bravery on April 21, 1943, in the Tunisian campaign in Africa. He with nineteen of his comrades maneuvered their way from behind the German lines, after being cut off from their company.
The medal is of blue glazed metal with sterling silver rifle inlaid, and two oak-leaf clusters also of silver.

Raymond is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Denlinger and is operating the Denlinger farm in Grand Meadow township.

Is Son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kohout of LeMars

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kohout were notified Friday afternoon that their son, Staff Sergeant Robert T. Kohout, was missing over Germany, July 7. He was a ball turret-gunner on a bomber.
The last letter they received from him was dated July 1, and he wrote that they had been resting several days but would go out on a mission the following day.

He went to England the first part of April after completing his training. He was inducted Feb. 21, 1943, at Camp Dodge. At that time he was an engineering student at Ames and had completed two years work. He was sent to Jefferson Barracks and then to a small Illinois college, the to Tyndall Field, Florida, where he received his gunner wings. He then went to Kearns, Utah, where he completed his armored training. The crew of his bomber was made up at Salt Lake City. His last furlough was Nov. 1, 1943.

He has two brothers in the service, Cpl. Jack Kohout, in the engineering corps at Camp Campbell in Kentucky, Ensign Bernard Kohout, Miami, Florida, who is a Russian interpreter.

A note from Major and Mrs. R. S. Bowers of Fort Smith, Arkansas, says their son, Lieut. James Bowers, is in Normandy, having gone with the invasion. Their older son, Lieut. Richard Bowers, is somewhere in the Southwest Pacific—just where they do not know. Both sons have the “major action” stars won on opposite sides of the world. [See mention in the next newspaper issue, correcting this statement about the BOWERS brothers and their whereabouts.]

John Taylor, S. 2/c, is spending a 15-day furlough in the home of his mother, Mrs. Henrietta Taylor. He has completed his boot training at Farragut, Idaho, and arrived home Saturday.
Jerry Golden, s. 2/c, arrived home Saturday morning after completing his boot training at Farragut, Idaho. He has a 15-day furlough.

Lt. Walter “Buzz” Koenig, who has been stationed at the air base in Sioux City, will leave Wednesday for Chanute Field, Ill. He will be there about six weeks attending a cryptography school.
William J. Bushwaller, who is in the Army Air Corps and is stationed at Madison, Wis., is spending a 7-day furlough with his wife, the former Peggy Joynt, and daughter, Mary Margaret. Mr. Bushwaller has been appointed an instructor at the base at Madison, and will receive his commission as a lieutenant upon his return there. Mrs. Bushwaller and daughter will join him later.

Pfc. Herbert Doering arrived in LeMars Thursday to visit his wife, the former Darlene Long, and son, Dennis, and also his mother, Mrs. Geo. Doering, who is recovering from an operation at the Sacred Heart Hospital. Pfc. Doering is stationed at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and will leave Saturday.

Arthur Ludwigs, S. 2/c, arrived home Saturday to spend a 15-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ludwigs. He has completed his boot training at Farragut, Idaho.

Charles Honnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Honnold, who has been with the signal corps in North Burma for around a year, suffered noncombat injuries during a recent raid by United States forces, and is now recuperating in a hospital in India. Charles is a radio operator with combat troops in that jungle area where it rains almost every day at this time of year.

Lt. Wm. F. (Bill) Arendt is now somewhere in England. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Arendt received a letter from him last week telling them of his safe arrival somewhere in England. He wrote that they had a very smooth crossing.

Two small groups of Plymouth County men leave this week for Fort Snelling, one for induction and the other for pre-induction physicals. The August call, which is much larger, is probably due to additional men being needed for the Navy.

S. 2/c Bill Irwin, is spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Irwin. He is in the Navy, stationed at Great Lakes, Ill. Bill arrived last Tuesday and will leave Wednesday.
Cpl. and Mrs. Gerald Hemphill of Fort Custer, Michigan, are visiting relatives in LeMars and Merrill. Bill is in the military police and his wife is secretary of an Army officer stationed at Fort Custer.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
Friday, July 28, 1944

Mother Receives Sad Tidings From War Department

Mrs. Gertrude Albert, residing at 120 Second Avenue SW, received a telegram from the War Department at Washington D.C. Wednesday saying: “The secretary of war desires to express his deepest regret that your son, Pfc. Wayne H. Albert, was killed in action June 14 in France. Letter will follow.”

Pfc. Wayne Albert was inducted into the Army on November 14, 1942, and was sent to Camp Cook, Calif., where he was assigned to the reconnaissance squad in an armored division and in June 1943 was transferred to Fort Benning at Columbus, Ga., where he received training and was graduated as a paratrooper. He was at Alliance, Neb., for further training and in November 1943, went to Ireland and England, where he was stationed until ordered to the front line.

Pvt. Albert was home on a brief furlough in October 1943.

While stationed in England Pvt. Albert was one of the American soldiers who attended a banquet given by the Mayor of Nottingham on March 23, 1944, to cement relationships and good feeling between American G. I.’s and British Tommies. Forty-eight of the states in America were represented at the gathering and Private Albert was the representative for the state of Iowa. The Mayor Frederick Mitchell, in red robe, lavishly adorned with gold braid, welcomed each soldier at the top of a white marble staircase in the council house. The town of Nottingham arranged the luncheon as a toke of hospitality to U.S. troopers stationed in that part of the country.

Wayne H. Albert was born on a farm in Elgin township, May 26, 1922, and was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Albert. The father died in 1928, and the mother was left with five young children. They moved to LeMars fifteen years ago to make their home and Wayne attended school here and at the time he entered service was employed in the Gamble store.
His death is mourned by his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Albert; two brothers, Carl Albert, working in the shipyards at Portland, Oregon; Richard, living at home; and two sisters, Mrs. Ed Kehrberg and Mrs. Farley Peterson, living near LeMars.

Wayne Albert was a member of the First Baptist Church. He was well liked and popular among his associates.

Ashton Coppock, Gordon Harper and Lyle Daniels, of LeMars, Cliff Aitken, of Parkston, S.D., Dan Tillson, Detroit, Mich., Ray Howell, Kansas City, Mo., and Roy Haviland, of Clinton, Iowa, all of whom have been employed as mechanics at the Beacon Airways, will leave Monday night for Jacksonville, Fla., to report for duty. The men are all in the Naval reserve. Some of the men living away from here left for a brief visit at their homes before reporting for duty.

August Call Is Larger Than For Recent Months

Eight Plymouth County men left LeMars Monday for induction into the armed forces at Fort Snelling. One man who transferred in accompanied the party and two Plymouth countyans included in the call had already been inducted by other boards. All had previously taken their physical examinations. The men who left LeMars were:
Dale E. Holmberg, Merrill;
John R. Bruns, Brunsville;
Vincent E. Feauto, Tonawanda, N.Y.;
Robert A. Howard, LeMars;
Milton V. Delperdang, Remsen;
Martin Wanderscheid, LeMars;
Eldon L. Kanago, Akron;
Sumner R. Rhodes, LeMars;
Randall W. Reinholdt, Kingsley.
Reinholdt had been transferred to Plymouth County from another board where he had registered.

The two Plymouth countyans included in the call and already inducted by other boards were:
Adrian W. Clark, Des Moines,
Myron M. Jessen, Naugatuck, Conn.

On Thursday of this week the following men left for Fort Snelling to take their pre-induction physical examinations:
Richard V. Gee, LeMars;
Paul J. Schumacher, Remsen;
Charles J. Keane, Akron.
A call has been received for August, which is larger than the calls for several months previous.

U. S. Navy Cooperating Recruiter, Geo. V. Pavlik, took four young men to the Navy recruiting station in Sioux City on Monday where all were accepted for regular service until the day before their 21st birthday when all can re-enlist for further Navy service. The boys are: Henry Leo Feller, 17, LeMars; Harold Isadore Mayrose, 17, Remsen; Eugene Cyril Zimmer, 17, LeMars; who will leave July 31 for induction at Des Moines, and Gerald Allen Zimmerman, 16, who will be 17 on August 3, and can then enlist in the Navy. All four boys will go to Great Lakes Naval training station. The families represented by the boys have 15 men in the military service, 11 of them in the Navy.

Memorial services were held on Thursday morning at St. James church for Sergeant Joseph L. Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Boyle, and Private Walter Kettler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Kettler, who died in Italy while fighting for their country. The services were conducted by Rev. W.B. Bauer. Members of Company D and of Wasmer Post American Legion and a number of soldiers and sailors home on leave attended the last rites honoring their comrades in arms.

Circles Globe While Serving Past Seven Years

Arriving home Tuesday almost direct from Saipan while people hereabouts were still discussing the terrific battles in that area, was Chief Electrician’s Mate Joseph Wilberding Jr., who is visiting in the home of his father, Jos. C. Wilberding, says the Remsen Bell-Enterprise.

With him is his fiancé, Miss Wynona Taylor of Monroeville, Ala. The young couple will be married Friday in St. Mary’s rectory.

Joseph is one of Remsen’s enlisted men, having joined the Navy nearly seven years ago, and this is his second visit home during that time. The previous visit was early in 1941 after he had completed his four year enlisted term. At that time he was home for two months.

During his seven years he has traveled over most of the globe and since the present war broke out he has been in much of the sea fighting. Soon after his first enlistment in October 1937, he was sent aboard the new battleship Washington on which he served for one year. Then he was sent to Washington D.C., for eight months of Interior Commerce schooling. He served on a destroyer continuously for two years up to the start of his recent trip home.

The destroyer on which he served of late left the United States in November 1942, and has not returned. The ship still is at sea and Joseph was ordered back to the states on June 27, while the ship was in the Pacific. He traveled back aboard a Navy tanker and landed at San Pedro, Calif., July 18. The purpose of his being sent home was because of an anticipated advancement to the rank of ensign.

Since the Pearl Harbor attack on December 7, 1941, the Remsen man has taken part in five major engagements in the South Pacific, all in the Saipan engagement this month. During his period on the destroyer, his ship accounted for 12 Japanese planes and besides the major engagements it carried out more than 20 bombardments of enemy installations and lesser engagements with the enemy, besides sinking numerous barges and two Japanese destroyers.

Remsen Bell-Enterprise: Tanned and rugged as results of the strenuous life of the soldier on active battle-front duty, Pfc. Fidelis Koob, son of Mr. and Mrs. Math Koob, arrived in Remsen last Saturday after nearly two and one-half years overseas. He is privileged to 21 days at home, then will report to Fort Sam Houston, Texas, where he will receive another assignment, presumably in his native land.

“Fid” Koob is another of the Remsen boys who joined Co. K of LeMars, Iowa National Guard, long before the year. He joined in June, 1938, when that unit went into training in Louisiana and overseas in February 1942. After several months in Ireland, Scotland and England, the outfit proceeded to Africa, arriving there for the invasion in December of the same year. Co. K took part in the entire Tunisian campaign, then followed the “fox” to Italy, passing up Sicily. Koob refrains from mentioning the battles in which he fought, but says “we were credited with nine of them in Italy alone.” He wears the two bronze stars denoting his participation in two campaigns.

The Remsen boy, despite much battle action, escaped without injury.

“There’s nothing to Africa as a place in which to live, especially for a white man,” he says, “desert, hills and Arabs,” and none made a favorable impression on the American soldier. Italy, in his opinion, is a more desirable country although there are hills and mountains and the further north, the higher the mountains, and “it’s really rough fighting.”

All through the African campaign and during most of their time in Italy, the Co. K boys were together, but Fidelis left them last March and at that time the only Remsen lads in the group were Sgt. Lewis Treinen, Sgt. Joe Horkey, and Sgt. Jerome Stoos, and Sgt. Marvin Mai. He says the latter is booked for an early trip home.

In the item in Tuesday’s issue about the sons of Major and Mrs. R. S. Bowers, the Sentinel had their names reversed. Lieut. Richard Bowers went into France with the invasion and Lieut. James Bowers has been somewhere in the southwest Pacific for several months.

Pvt. Robert (Bob) Figg, who is stationed at Buckley Field, Denver, Colorado, arrived home Thursday, July 27, to spend an 18-day furlough. His wife and child accompanied him to LeMars.
John Witt, Chief Motor Machinist Mate, has gone to New London, Conn., to report for duty after spending a month’s leave with his wife and children.

The promotion of Robert J. Wilhelmi to technical sergeant has been announced by the War Department. Sergeant Wilhelmi’s home address is Struble.

R. L. Budde, of LeMars, received a letter Thursday from the War Department at Washington D.C., confirming the telegram he previously received saying is son, First Lieut. Rollo Budde, was a prisoner of war. The letter was signed by Col. Howard F. Breese, assistant director of the prisoner of war division and said no information as to the place of internment was available and it would probably be from one to three months time before the information could be obtained.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krommendyke of Ireton have been notified that their eldest son, Corp. Bernard Krommendyk, a paratrooper, has been missing since D-day, June 6, over Europe. Cpl. Krommendyk is a graduate of the Ireton high school and has been in the Army since 1942. His wife is living at Hull.

Lt. Ed Sullivan and Mrs. Sullivan arrived in LeMars Wednesday from Ardmore, Oklahoma, where Lt. Sullivan has been stationed. He is on a 10-day leave, and will report to Kearney, Nebraska, when he leaves here. Lt. Sullivan is a pilot in the Army Air Corps

Lt. Russell Weenink arrived home Wednesday to spend an 8-day leave in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weenink. Russell has been stationed at Ardmore, Oklahoma, and is a pilot of a B-27 bomber. Lt. Edward Sullivan is a co-pilot on the same plane.

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