Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
November 23, 1943

William Bos of Volga Acquires Creamery Plant
Buys Out Interests of J. J. Killeas In Thriving Concern

A business deal was completed last week in which J. J. Killeas disposed of his interest in the Plymouth Creamery company, one of the larger thriving business places in LeMars to William Bos of Volga, S.D. The new manager comes highly recommended as one of the most successful creamery operators in that state, with long experience and business acumen. He is married and has two children of high school age. Mr. Bos and family will shortly move to LeMars. Mr. Killeas in speaking of the deal says he has no plans for the immediate future, but will continue to reside in LeMars. He has been in poor health for the past six months and on medical advice is obliged to curtail his business activities. Mr. Killeas, while operating the Plymouth Creamery, has built up a thriving business and has invested in property in LeMars and in farm lands and has interests in a creamery in Nebraska. He recently purchased the former Weiland property, Eighth Street, SW, one of the desirable residence places in LeMars for a home.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel, November 30, 1943  

Sergt. Bob Burns Reported Wounded In Italian Campaign
Was First Sergeant of Co. K Which Went From LeMars

Mr. and Mrs. James Burns received a telegram Friday noon notifying them that their son, Bob, had been wounded in action.  The telegram is as follows:

“Regret to inform you, your son First Sergeant Robert J. Burns was, on November 4, seriously wounded in action in Italy.  You will be advised as reports of condition are received. –Signed, Adjutant General.”

Bob is a member of Co. K. and went with them to Camp Claiborne, La., from there to Camp Dix, New Jersey, then to Ireland, England and then to Africa where they saw action.  On September 21 they arrived in Italy and two days later went into action.

The last letter that they received from Bob was written October 23 and in it be wrote, “In regards to our goings on, no doubt you can well imagine it.  Your radio can give you much more than I even know.  So keep an eye on us, as we move up your map.”

Bob was recently made First Sergeant of Co. K.

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