Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post, June 7, 1943


Lester Witt, ship’s cook first class, arrived in LeMars Thursday for a 10-day furlough, visiting his wife and father, August Witt.  Seaman Witt is stationed out of Boston harbor and re-enlisted in the Navy in December, 1942.  After completing four years in that organization 11 years ago, he retired, but since the outbreak of the second world war, Seaman Witt felt the urge to get back in service and has seen plenty of it so far.  He is wearing four Navy bars—one for good conduct, American theater of war, north Atlantic patrol and African campaign.  He has been to Africa twice on convoy work.

[transcribed by L.Z., Sep 2020]

The LeMars Globe-Post, June 28, 1943

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Troxel, Mrs. Andrew Bogh, Mrs. Marius Bogh and Dorothy drove to Lake Okoboji, Tuesday for a couple of days outing.

Mr. and Mrs. Niels Mortensen, Eldon, Leona and Wendell, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nielsen attended the wedding of Miss Clarisse Andersen and Leonard Nielsen at Valley Springs, S.D., Wednesday evening.

PERRY CENTER. (By Special Correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vehe and family had the following as guests at a picnic dinner Sunday:  Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmid, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Binding, Mr. and Mrs. Verdine Uhrp of Kingsley, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dunn and family of Remsen, Merlin Luken and Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Radloff and family of LeMars, Mrs. Claus Uhrp and Fred Trometer and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Trometer and Deanna Jean of Merrill.

STRUBLE: (By Special Correspondent)
Paul Schwier, who attends Concordia college at St. Paul, Minn., arrived home Thursday for the summer vacation.

Miss Gertrude Donovan of Sioux City spent the past week in the Nic Schlesser and John Schlesser homes.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kruse of Idaho Falls, Idaho, visited in the John Rohlfs home the past week.

Miss Jean Schlesser of Sioux City spent the week-end in the home of her father, John Schlesser, and visited with her brother, Corporal Milo V. Schlesser, who is home on a furlough from Camp Chaffee, Ark.

Mrs. Anna Rodenbuhr, who has been visiting in the home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wittkop near Oyens, returned to her home here last week.

Mrs. Orpha Noble moved her household goods to LeMars Tuesday and is living on 2nd ave. S.E.

The Cliff Noble, Leland Fett and Grant Hanstein families attended a birthday party in the Dale Noble home at Hawarden Sunday.

Miss Roseen Schlesser entertained a number of relatives and friends Friday evening in honor of their cousin, Leo Flaherty, who will leave shortly to be inducted in the army.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long attended the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Smith, who died in Sioux City Saturday.  Mrs. Smith was well known as she lived in this county until 1919, when she moved to the home of her daughter in Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman of east of town celebrated their silver wedding by entertaining a large crowd of relatives and friends at a dancing party at the Eagles Club in LeMars Friday evening.  A number from here attended.  Their daughter, Lorraine, celebrated her 16th birthday at the same time with 40 guests present.

Mrs. Frank Schlesser received word the first of the week of the sudden death of her brother, John Schreiner at St. Paul, Minn.  Mr. and Mrs. Schlesser motored to Dell Rapids, S.D., Tuesday where the funeral services was held and interment made.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Werley, Mrs. Will Schwier, Ronald, Paul and Lynn Schwier spent Sunday in the Ed Peterson home in Sioux City.

WESTFIELD: (By Special Correspondent)
Mrs. Eva Lilly entertained the members of As You Like It Club in the home of her father, J. O. Bliss, Wednesday afternoon.  Club guests were Mrs. Edith Spaulding and Mrs. Arch Lilly.  Mrs. Phyllis Smith, Riversioux park, will entertain the club, July 7. 

Paul C. Everett was born Feb. 15, 1876, at Elk Point, S.D., his parents being among the pioneer settlers there.  He was united in marriage with Alice Mae Ellsworth at Alcester, S.D.  This union was blessed with one son and one daughter.  Mrs. Everett preceded him in death in 1933.  He has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Huls since 1935. Left to mourn his departure are his daughter, Mrs. Henry Huls of Westfield, his son, Pvt. Vernon Everett, in training in the paratroop corps at Fort Benning, Ga.p one granddaughter; one brother, Wm. Everett, Luverne, Minn., and three sisters, Mrs. Charles Swauhland of Seattle, Wash., Mrs. A. E. Adams of Spokane, Wash., and Mrs. E. A. Thorton, of Los Angeles, Calif.Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Akron Methodist church conducted by Rev. A. A. Howe, the pastor.  Interment was in the family lot in Pleasant Hill cemetery in Union county, S.D.  Pvt. and Mrs. Vernon Everett of Fort Benning, Ga., and Wm. G. Everett of Luverne, Minn., came to attend the funeral. 

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eisle of Hastings, Neb., visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hummel last week.

R. H. Raub and children, Ilene and Billy, will leave Saturday for a few days visit in the home of his mother at Edgerton, Wis.

Mrs. Lorne Ross and Little son of Los Angeles, Cal., have been spending several weeks in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beaubien.  They spent a few days last week in the Virgil Ross home.

The George Hummel, A. W. Hummel and Fred Hummel families attended the Hummel reunion at Stone Park Sunday.

Bake sale Tuesday evening, July 6, Doyle building under auspices of St. Catherine’s Guild. 

[transcribed by L.Z., Sep 2020]

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