Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel

Tuesday, May 12, 1942

Death Claims Patrick Gant

Resident of Plymouth County Sixty Years

Patrick Gant, 77, well known stock farmer and landowner in Plymouth County for many years, died Sunday at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGruder, in LeMars. Mr. Gant had been in poor health for a long time and death was not unexpected.

Patrick Gant was born in Canada, and when a youth in his teens came to Plymouth County. In early days he operated a large farm in Sioux township and owned several hundred acres of land and farmed on a large scale, raising cattle and hogs and dealing extensively buying and selling stock.

He was widely known in the community where he lived for over sixty years.

He is survived by his sons, Thos. Gant of Hawarden, William and Stephen Gant of Akron, Emmett Gant of Sioux City, Leonard Gant of Geddes, S.D., and daughters, Mrs. Rita Kirby of Minneapolis, Mrs. Cecil McGruder of LeMars, Mrs. James Cahill, of Clinton, and Sister Wilfred of Clinton.

The funeral will be held this Tuesday morning in St. Patrick’s church at Akron, Rev. Charles Ernst, the pastor, officiating, and interment made in the Catholic cemetery at Akron.

Jacob Vanderloo Taken By Death

Jacob J. Vanderloo, 65, 116 Bluff street, Sioux City, died Thursday afternoon at a hospital following a short illness. He had been resident of Sioux City and Lawton for the last 25 years.

Mr. Vanderloo was born June 27, 1876, in Holland and came to the United States with his parents when he was one year old. He married Miss Lulu Hines in 1899 at Carroll.

Surviving are the widow; two sons, Clarence of Merrill, and George, who is with the United States armed forces; two daughters, Mrs. E. R. Betzer of Bronson and Mrs. C. D. Smith of Hornick; 12 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

LeMars Globe-Post
May 28, 1942

Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Locer of LeMars announce the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy, to Alfred Tone of Akron.  The couple were married Friday, May 22, at South Sioux City, Neb.  Miss Darlene Robertson, the bride’s cousin, and Donald Lucken attended them.  Mr. Tone returned to Fort Jackson, S.C. Tuesday night, where he is serving in the United States army.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
May 29, 1942

-Mr. and Mrs. James Clark of Cherokee were week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hemphill.

Alfred Tone Weds Dorothy L. Weis
Wedding Takes Place At South Sioux City

The marriage of Dorothy L. Weis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Locer, to Private Alfred E. Tone of Fort Jackson, S.C., took place Friday, May 22, at the Methodist parsonage at South Sioux City, Neb.

Miss Darlene Robertson, cousin of the bride, and Donald Lucken, friend of the groom, were the attendants.  Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Siebie Siebens.

The bride looked charming in a dusty blue suit and her bridesmaid wore a light tan suit.

The bride has been a successful teacher in Plymouth county and will resume her teaching in the fall.

The groom, son of Mrs. Ed Jans of Akron, has made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Siebie Siebens.

Mrs. Tone will remain at the home of her parents west of LeMars while Mr. Tone is stationed with the U.S. Army at Fort Jackson, South Carolina.

Valentine Mehrer Succumbs To Old Age

Death claimed Valentine Mehrer, 85, a resident of this community for forty years at his home, 31 Sixth avenue NE, Tuesday, May 26.  Mr. Mehrer had been failing in health the past six months. 

He was born in Bruhl, Germany, June 9, 1857.  Mr. Mehrer worked in this community for forty years and made his home with Louis Schafer for over thirty years.  He had no relatives living in this country.  He was well known to many in LeMars and was esteemed as a good citizen.

The funeral was held Thursday morning at St. Joseph church, Msgr. J. D. Fisch officiating at the mass, and interment was made in St. Joseph cemetery.  Wiltgen’s funeral home was in charge of arrangements.

Well Known Citizen Here For Many Years

Hugh Campbell, 75, a resident of Plymouth county and LeMars since the early eighties, died Thursday morning at the residence of Will Henrich, Third avenue SE., where he made his home of late years.  Mr. Campbell suffered a stroke some time ago and was enfeebled in health the past year or two. 

Born in Ontario, Canada, April 18, 1867, he came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell, to LeMars in 1882.  The senior Campbell operated a large farm in Union township with the assistance of his sons for many years before retiring to LeMars.  Hugh Campbell, after coming to LeMars, worked at various occupations as long as health permitted.

He was a member of a family of six sons and one daughter.

Surviving him are two brothers, Hector Campbell of Madison, S.D., and Allen Campbell, of Los Angeles.

Hugh Campbell was known to nearly everybody in LeMars and neighbors can testify to many kindly acts he performed.

The funeral will be at the Mauer Funeral Home Monday afternoon, Rev. Glen E. Morrow in charge.

[transcribed by L.Z., Jan 2020]

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