Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
October 3, 1940

Funeral Services Will Be Held Saturday Morning

Funeral services will be held at nine o’clock Saturday morning from the
Assumption Church at Merrill with Father Frank Greteman officiating for
Edwin Labahn who passed away Wednesday at his home in Merrill. Interment
will be in St. Joseph’s cemetery at LeMars under the direction of Wiltgen’s
funeral home.

Edwin Labahn was born November 15, 1891, at Merrill, Ia., and had reached
the age of 48 years, 10 months and 17 days. He had been a lifelong resident
of the Merrill community. On December 3, 1919, he married Blanche Pattison,
at Omaha, Nebraska, and to this union three children were born.

Surviving besides his wife are three daughters: Eileen, Helen and Mary Jane.
Three brothers and one sister, Will, Fred, Alfred and Mrs. Fred Atrill, also

Mr. Labahn was a well known garage man in Merrill, and was a member of the
American Legion, Olson Halweg Post No. 125.

The following obtained marriage licenses out of the clerk’s office:
Oliver Swensen, 25, Alcester, S.D., and Agnes Vanbreg, 20, Akron.

Orville L. Bradshaw, 21, and Lucille M. Connell, 18, both of Sioux City.

C. T. Norton, prominent garage operator in Merrill for many years, and Daisy
Hamilton, also of Merrill, were quietly married Thursday in South Dakota.

Leon Steele, a LeMars student at Western Union college, has the distinction
of being the first of the 20 students enrolled in the CAA course to solo an
airplane. He did this Wednesday morning after having had eight hours and 20
minutes instruction under the supervision of Henry Oppenheim, who pronounced
him a capable and learning pilot.

Ervin Criswell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Criswell, of LeMars, and Betty Lou
Nelson, of Westfield, were united in marriage lat Tuesday afternoon by Rev.
G. O. Thompson, pastor of the Hildreth Memorial church. The single ring
ceremony was used.

Attending the couple were Miss Arlene Bernard and Peter Wayne Zevenbergen.

Marie Burns and Francis Sharp Exchange Nuptial Vows

The marriage of Miss Marie Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Burns of
LeMars, and Francis L. Sharp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sharp, of
Mitchellville, Iowa, took place on Tuesday, October 1, at 9:30 o’clock in
the morning at St. James Catholic church in LeMars. Rev. L. J. Cooper read
the nuptial mass.

Miss Matilda Beacom and Robert J. Burns, brother of the bride, were
attendants. Miss Beacom wore a floor length gown of pink taffeta with
matching hat and carried a bouquet of vari-colored flowers.

For her wedding dress, the bride wore her mother’s wedding dress of white
lawn with indentations of lace. Her long veil was caught to a crown with
lilies of the valley and she carried a colonial bouquet of white roses and

A wedding breakfast followed in the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Sharp will reside at Carroll, Iowa.

LeMars Globe-Post
October 10, 1940


George Gordon was united in marriage to Miss Martha Hakl of San Diego,
Calif., at a 10 o’clock nuptial mass at Our Lady of Angels church at San
Diego, Calif. Rev. Father Gillespie performed the ceremony.

The couple then left by plane for Denver. The trip was over Boulder dam,
where the plane circled to enable the 21 passengers to get a good view of
the big construction project. The trip was then continued over the Grand
Canyon and the Painted Desert. Incidentally, it was the first time that
either the bride or groom had ever ridden in a plane.

The couple crammed all that sight seeing into the trip, arriving in Denver
shortly after dusk. They drove to Sloan Sunday.

The bride is a daughter of Mrs. C. Hakl, of Dante, S.D. She had formerly
been a beauty operator at Sioux Falls, S. D., and last March went to the
West coast in the employ of a big food store.

The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Gordon of Sioux Falls, S.D.

The groom is a native of Cleghorn, Iowa. He went to work for the Iowa Public
Service company at Cherokee after a year of college at Western Union and a
year at Wisconsin Engineering school. He came to Sloan as manager for the
company late last year.

One of Couples Well Known in Perry Township

Perry Center Special: Leonard Swanson, son of Martin Swanson, and Miss
Mildred Huffman, of Elk Point, S.D., and Martin Peterson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arvid Peterson, of Luck, Wisconsin, and Miss Laura Merritt, of Ponca,
Neb., were united in marriage in a double wedding ceremony on Saturday
afternoon at 4 o’clock in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson, in Sioux

Willard Rodgers, of Omaha, performed the ceremony. Leonard Swanson and Miss
Mildred Huffman attended Mr. and Mrs. Martin Peterson were the attendants of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Swanson.

The brides were attired in street length costumes of soldier blue with
harmonizing accessories and carried a corsage bouquet of white carnations.

Out of town guests who attended were Mr. and Mrs. W. Merritt and family of
Ponca, Neb., and several relatives from Elk Point, S.D.

A wedding luncheon was served at 4:30 by Mrs. Norman Swanson assisted by
Mrs. Howard Blongea of Sioux City and Mrs. Anvy Swanson and Miss Hazel

The young couples will reside in Sioux City, where the grooms are employed.

Private funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. from
Mauer’s funeral parlors for Mrs. Ida Bennison Zink, 72, who died suddenly
following a heart attack Monday morning while she was visiting with a friend
in her hotel room. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. W. M.
Hubbard, and burial will be made in the City Cemetery.

LeMars Globe-Post
October 21, 1940

Was Former Clerk of Courts In This County

(very nice photo of Jim Sickler included with this obituary)

James A. Sickler, 64, a resident of Plymouth and Woodbury counties for 30
years, died Friday in a veteran’s hospital at Himes, Illinois, following a
long sickness.

Mr. Sickler was at one time a deputy sheriff of Plymouth county and later
was elected to the office of Clerk of Courts.

He was born January 20, 1876, in Rockford, Mo. His childhood was spent in
Kearney, Neb., and he saw service in the Spanish-American War. He was a
member of the Maj. William Kirk post of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. On
December 17, 1907, he was married to Mrs. Elsie Streater at Sioux City.

Surviving are the widow; two step-sons, Homer and Earl Goode, both of
Chicago; two sisters and three brothers.

The body was sent to the W. Harry Christy funeral home at Morningside.

Funeral Services Were Held Monday Afternoon

Henrietta Charlotte Kress nee Kortemeyer was born at Freeport, Illinois,
October 25, 1875, and passed away October 18, 1940, at the age of 64 years,
11 months, and 18 days.

As a young girl she came to Iowa with her parents and settled on a farm in
Stanton township. In 1894 the family moved to South Dakota where she lived
for a year. She was united in marriage to George Martin Kress in 1895 and
they established their home in Plymouth township where they lived for many
years. Two children were born to them, a son, Clifford, and a daughter,

Early in life, Mrs. Kress came under the influence of the pioneer preachers
of the Evangelical church and became a Christian. She united with Stanton
Evangelical church where she was a member for several years. After moving
to LeMars, she transferred her membership to Hildreth Memorial Evangelical

Her labors ended, her sufferings over—the family and friends pay a tribute
to her life. No one can forget the kindly ministry of a loving wife and
mother. Neighbors and friends join with the bereaved family in a loss which
all share.

She is survived by her husband, her son Clifford, and daughter, Mrs. E. W.
Holzapfel of Ogden, Iowa; three brothers, Henry Kortemeyer of Omaha, Neb.;
Will of Chancellor, S.D.; and Herman of Salem, Oregon; two sisters, Mrs. Dan
Richter of Lennox, S.D.; and Mrs. George Haken, of Sioux Falls, S.D.; a
granddaughter, Joan Holzapfel, and a grandson, Paul Kaston.

Funeral services were held at Hildreth Memorial Evangelical church on Monday
afternoon at 2:00, Mauer’s funeral home directing. Rev. G. O. Thompson,
officiated, assisted by Rev. L. E. Olson, pastor of the Stanton Evangelical

LeMars Globe-Post
October 24, 1940

Services Will Be Held From Reading Township Church

Mrs. Amelia Albers, a well known resident of Reading township, Sioux county,
passed away Tuesday afternoon at her home. Mrs. Albers had been in poor
health for the past two years.

Funeral services will be held on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the
Reading township church. Interment will be made in the Reading township
cemetery under the direction of Mauer’s funeral home.

Surviving to mourn her passing are her children: Raymond, Loretta, Wallace,
Marvin, Lester, Alfred, Mrs. John Huls and Mrs. Henry Bohms. There are also
seven grandchildren who survive.


The marriage of the former Mrs. Freda Lobdell, of LeMars, and Paul Reeves,
of Seney, took place on Wednesday afternoon in Sioux City. Mrs. Robt.
Edwards and S. S. Ellis attended the couple.

Mr. and Mrs. Reeves will make their home in LeMars. Mr. and Mrs. Norrel Fox
entertained at dinner on Wednesday evening in courtesy to Mr. and Mrs. Paul

Funeral Services Will Be Held Friday Afternoon

Harry Attrill, 90, a retired farmer who has resided most of his life in
Plymouth county in the vicinity of Merrill, died Tuesday afternoon in the
home of a son, Fred Attrill, of near Merrill, from infirmities of advanced

Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday in the United Brethren Church
at Adaville. Interment will be in a cemetery there. Rev. Charles Cox of
Walthill, Neb., will officiate.

Born April 14, 1850, in England, Mr. Attrill came while a young man to the
United States, settling in the early days near Merrill.

Surviving, besides Fred, are two other sons, G. E., of Sioux City, and Ben
of Whittier, Cal.; two daughters, Mrs. Ray Oaks of Alcester, S.D., and Mrs.
G. L. Bryan of Elk Point; 17 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.


Louis J. Hoffman, well known resident of Stanton township, passed away
Thursday morning at his home following a heart attack. Mr. Hoffman had not
been in good health for several months. He was 75 years of age.

Funeral services will be held on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock from the
home and at two o’clock from St. John’s Lutheran Church with Rev. L. L. Belk
officiating. Interment will be made in the City Cemetery under the direction
of Mauer’s funeral home.

Surviving to mourn his loss besides his widow are four sons: Werner and
Theodore, of LeMars; Elmer, of Akron; and Louis, of Storden, Minn.; and one
daughter, Gertrude. There is also one brother, John, and a sister,

Louis J. Hoffman was born on March 6, 1865, at Florence, Illinois, and had
lived in Plymouth county for the past 50 years, where he farmed for many
years. He married Christina Herbst on January 5, 1905.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. A. Jeffers spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Hendrickson at Alton.

Miss Pauline Riter of LeMars spent Sunday in the Dwight Riter home.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex McArthur and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning were Sunday
evening visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin McArthur in LeMars.

Miss Lillian Plueger and Bill Berkenpas visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rees
Sunday evening.

Miss Ruth McArthur of Westside spent the weekend in the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McArthur.

Marvin Jenkins of Leeds spent Tuesday evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth

Rev. and Mrs. John Hantla and son, John Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Burris and
daughter, Verna and son Eldon, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Darville and Mr. and Mrs.
Irving McArthur, all of Sioux City, called on relatives and friends here

Mrs. Emma Penticoff of Fergus Falls, Minn., is visiting in the homes of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Penning and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning.

Those from here who attended the St. John’s Lutheran aid society near Ireton
Wednesday were Mrs. George Osborne, Mrs. Albert Hawkins, Mrs. Harvey Buss,
Mrs. J. M. Kunath, Mrs. Elam Chapman and Mrs. Swanson. Mrs. Marion Chapman
was hostess.

Those from here who attended the Western Union homecoming play were as
follows: Mrs. Ray McArthur, Miss Ruth McArthur, Miss Nina Forbes, Blanche
and Richard Hawkins, Lois and Georgine Osborne. Edgar Lancaster was a
member of the play cast.

Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Janssen were Mr. and Mrs.
Earnest Myers and family of Ireton; Mr. and Mrs. Gerd von Hagel and family,
Grant township; Herman Myers and Miss Viola Koontz of Worthington, Minn.

Raymond McArthur, Wesley Lancaster and Elmer Janssen attended the high
school party on Tuesday evening.

[Photos published with the article below]

Over a half century ago, E. F. Anstine came to this community with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Anstine. The family came here from Freeport,
Ill., and located on a barren piece of land near Seney.

A lover of trees, one of the first things Mr. Anstine died on the new place,
after erecting a few buildings, was to plant some trees. From one of the
small saplings, about the size of a lead pencil, grew a big cottonwood,
shown in the picture at the left. Today it stands stately and mighty and is
a show piece of the neighborhood.

The tree is over 100 feet high and 22 feet in circumference at the base.
Right now its leaves are a golden brown and admired by everyone viewing it.
The tree is unusually large for its 55 years of growth and some of the
branches alone are large enough to be good-sized trees.

Mr. Anstine lives on his 160-acre farm alone and has a variety of other
trees planted around the spacious yard. Mr. Anstine is shown standing in
front of the tree in the lower picture.

LeMars Globe-Post
October 31, 1940

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nanninga and daughter Joan left Thursday for their home
in San Jose, California, after spending two weeks visiting in the C. F.
Nanninga home here.

Friends here extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reeves, who were
married in Sioux City, October 23. Mr. Reeves is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Reeves, deceased, former residents of this vicinity. He was raised
here and attended Seney school. He has lived in and around this community
all his life. The newlyweds will make their home in LeMars, where the groom
is employed.

Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hartog and family of Sanborn called at the John Hartog
home Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kennedy and daughter, Doris and son, Dennis, of Sioux
City spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rees and son, Larry, were Saturday evening supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reeves, of Sheldon.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinde and son, Keith, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nanninga and
daughter, Joan, spent Wednesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nanninga.

Mrs. Ed. Koldenhoeven of Granville spent Friday in the Jake Mulder home.

A large group of young folks from this vicinity attended the wedding dance
given by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Detloff and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Detloff Friday
evening at the Eagles Club.

John Darville of Sioux City visited Sunday in the homes of his sisters, Mrs.
Roy McArthur and Mrs. Harvey Buss.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connor and family of LeMars spent Sunday in the home of
Mrs. Lizzie Connor.

Wesley Lancaster underwent an operation for appendicitis Saturday evening at
the Sacred Heart Hospital. He is getting along nicely.

Harold and Helen Alberts entertained the Willing Workers Sunday School class
and their teacher, Miss Evelyn Lancaster, at a Halloween party at their home
Saturday evening. Guests were met at the door by ghosts and an old witch.
The home was decorated by large Jack-o-lanterns.

The women’s division of Christian Service will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 6, in
the Seney hall, with Mrs. Ray McArthur as hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hughes and W. I. Jeffers of Haxtun, Colorado, arrived
here Thursday for a two weeks visit with relatives. They are all former
residents of Seney.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Becker and sons Bobby and
Jerry motored to Sioux City Saturday. Floyd leaving from there on a bus for
a business trip to Detroit.

Mrs. W. I. Jeffers of Haxtun, Colorado, and Mrs. A. Jeffers visited
relatives at Ruble, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walt Howea and family of Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeJong
and family of Alton called in the M. J. Lancaster home Sunday.

Mrs. Catherine Oltmans and son George of Craig were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Janssen.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Collman and daughter, Lorena, were guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman of near Brunsville.

Charlene Reinking and Art Berkenpas were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Hinde.

Lloyd Nanninga and C. F. Nanninga were Sioux City business callers Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Janssen and family motored to Ireton to help Mr.
Janssen’s brother, Dick Janssen, celebrate his birthday.

Mrs. Lloyd Nanninga is spending this week in the Merl Daughterty home near
Maurice, where her husband is employed picking corn.

Miss Nina Forbes and Miss Arlene Boysen attended a teachers meeting held
Saturday in the LeMars high school.

A new house is being erected on the Dwight Riter farm, where several years
ago the house burned down.

Mrs. Lulu Nixon is spending a few days in the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Floyd Becker.

Rev. and Mrs. Willard Cunningham of Sioux City were Sunday visitors in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lancaster.

Mrs. Emma Penticoff of Fergus Falls, Minn., returned home Thursday, after a
weeks visit with relatives here.

August Albrecht had the misfortune to break his ankle Sunday evening when a
cow knocked him down. The injured member was set at the LeMars hospital, and
he was brought home Tuesday.

Iowa Old Press Home
Plymouth County