Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel, Nov. 21, 1940


[the article includes two photos of the church-Present First Baptist Church,
photo also showing the parsonage next door --- and a photo of the Original
Baptist Church of LeMars]

REV. S.A. JONES, Present Pastor [article includes a nice photo of the

The First Baptist Church is celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of its
founding next Sunday and Monday. Sunday morning, Rev. J.C. Hoover, of
Denver, Colo., a former pastor, and the man who led in the building of the
present building will preach the anniversary sermon from the subject, "The
United Ministries for a Church as God's Husbandry." Sunday afternoon the
young people will have charge with Rev. B.G. Field, director of Christian
Education for Iowa Baptist State Convention, as speaker. Sunday evening Dr.
J.L. Pickett, of Keokuk, Iowa, will be the speaker, the church history will
be given by B.T. Clagg and a musical program will be rendered by the choir,
led by Mrs. B.T. Clagg. Monday afternoon Rev. N.L. Haney, a former pastor,
now at Shreveport, La., will speak. Monday evening will be the homecoming
banquet with Dr. Frank Anderson of Des Moines, Iowa, as banquet speaker.

The First Baptist Church of LeMars was organized in November, 1890, by six
charter members who were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clagg, E. R. Thomas, Mrs. Eliza
Riffle, Mrs. Mary Garton, and Miss E. Mabel Kinney. Rev. Robert Carrol,
district missionary, acted as chairman at the time of the organization. So
far as we know none of the charter members are living at the present time.

Soon after the organization of the church, property was purchased on the
corner of Clark and Sixth Streets (now Plymouth St. and 2nd Ave. SW) known
as the old Congregational Church, that became the home of the church for
many years. Rev. Howard M. Jones was the first pastor and a Sunday school
was organized under his ministry. Rev. G.R. Bisby succeeded him and being
an able preacher and a tireless worker, left the church in a prosperous
condition at the close of a three-year pastorate. Succeeding him the
following men served as pastor in the old building, and through their
faithful and efficient work the church grew steadily and always maintained a
prominent place in the affairs of this city: Rev. Chas. Braithwaite, Rev.
Ernest Wood, Rev. C.H.H. Moore, Rev. Parker Smith, Rev. G.R. Bisby (second
term), Rev. J. L. Ayrault, Rev. L.H. Steinhoff, and Rev. J.C. Hoover.

Rev. Hoover was called as pastor in 1910, and it was during his pastorate
that the need of a new building was felt and under his leadership the
present building was erected and dedicated. The dedication too place in
November 1914. The pastors that have served since then have been: Rev. G.R.
Lewis, Rev. T.H. Hunter, Rev. E.L. James, Rev. N.L. Haney, Rev. J.W. Case,
Rev. J.L. Pickett, Rev. T.P. Potter, and Rev. S.A. Jones, the present

It has always been the pride of this church to keep its property in splendid
repair, so that it could be a worthy asset to the city in keeping with its
prominent location. In 1923 the church received a bequest of $5,000 from
Frank Wilmerton, which was used for extensive remodeling and additional
equipment for the church plant. Under the present pastorate the church
building has been completely repaired and interior decorated at the cost of
$800. The church is growing in membership and usefulness in the community.
It now has a membership of 147 and a combined membership and constituency of
250. The Sunday school has always been a prominent part of this church, and
this fall is averaging around 100 in attendance. The enrollment is 132.

To this history we are adding the complete program for this celebration,
which is as follows:


SUNDAY, November 17, 1940

Mrs. A. Van Steenwyk, Supt.

Quiet Meditation Prelude Miss Norma Herzig

Prayer Mr. O. Kalas

Prayer Song, No. 35 (first stanza)

Song No. 204 "Marching to Zion"

Scripture Reading Mr. J.D. Tindall

Poem, "The Church" superintendent

Song No. 198 (first and fourth stanza)

Classes Assemble

Secretary's Report Clyde Coppock

Birthday Offering

Closing Song "Living For Jesus"

Prayer Rev. S.A. Jones


Piano Prelude Miss Lois Kern

Call To Worship (Unison)

"...Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it: that He might
sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might
present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any
such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" --- Eph. 5:

Doxology Invocation Pastor

Gloria Ptri

Hymn No. 352 Congregation


Scripture Reading I Cor. 3:1-11

Prayer Choral Response "Threefold Amen"

Solo Mr. H. E. Jones, Ft. Dodge,


Anthem, "Send Out Thy Light" Gounod

Anniversary Sermon, "The United Ministries for a Church as God's Husbandry,"
Rev. J.C. Hoover, Denver, Colorado

Anthem, " Lift Up Your Heads" Emerson

Benediction Postlude Miss Lois Kern



Service by and for the Young People with All Adults Invited

Piano Prelude Miss Mary Tindall

Hymn No. 184, "I Am Happy In the Service of the King"


Hymn No. 50, "Count Your Blessings"
Duet Clyde Coppock and Stanley

Scripture Reading Romans 12

Solo Miss Evalyn Clagg

Prayer Rev. S.A. Jones

Prayer Response, "Into My Heart" No. 342

Quartet, Irene Jones, Marjorie Norton, Richard Albert and Robert Glazer

Devotional Topic Miss Norma Herzig

Solo Robert Totman

Address, Rev. B.G. Field, Des Moines, Iowa Director of Religious Education
of the Iowa Baptist Convention

Duet Mary Tindall and Marjorie Norton


Closing Hymn No. 192, "God Will Take Care of You"

Benediction Rev. B.G. Fields

Postlude Miss Mary Tindall


Piano Prelude Miss Lois Kern

Devotional Service Pastor in Charge

Musical Program by the choir, and led by Mrs. Ben T. Clagg, choir director

"Ye that Stand in the House"---Spinny

"Who Hath Seen Good" ---Adams

"The King of Love My Shepherd Is" ---Shelley

"Goin' Home: ---Dvorak

"Peace I Leave With You" ---Roberts

"Holy Art Thou" ---Largo-Handel

Historian Ben T. Clagg

Thank Offering

Greetings from Former Members and Others

Hymn No. 325 Congregation

Sermon Rev. J.L. Pickett, Keokuk, Iowa

Anthem, "The Day Thou Gavest Lord is Ended" ---Adams


Postlude Miss Lois Kern


Devotional Service---to be provided

Solo, "O Rest In the Lord" ---Mendelssohn by Mrs. S.A. Jones

Sermon Rev. N.L. Haney, Shreveport, La

Ladies Quartet, Mrs. B.T. Clagg, Mrs. B.F. Henning, Miss Evalyn Clagg and
Mrs. S.A. Jones

Hymn, "Day Is Dying in the West"



Homecoming Banquet, 7:00 P.M.
35c Per Plate
L.L. Jones, Toastmaster

Table Thanks by visiting pastor.


Community Singing Mrs. B.T. Clagg

Reading Mrs. Clyde Coppock

Associational Greetings, Rev. G.R. Siemens, Moderator

Duet, Mrs. Lawrence Lemon and Mrs. B.T. Clagg (the Jones Twins)

Greetings from other churches

Duet Clyde Coppock and Stanley Tindall

Banquet Address, Dr. Frank Anderson, Des Moines, Iowa, Executive Secretary
of the Iowa Baptist State Convention

Quartet --- John Schoep, Clyde Coppock, Stanley Tindall and Robert Glazer

Prayer and Benediction by Pastor, Rev. S.A. Jones

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