Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel, Tuesday, June 4, 1940, Page 1, Column 2:

Popular Salesman Claimed by Death
Ted Rees Dies from Heart Ailment

E.J. Rees, 69, well-known resident of Plymouth county since early boyhood,
died at his home, 426 Second Avenue SW, Sunday night from a heart ailment
for which he had suffered in recent years. He was up and around in spite of
his infirmity until four days prior to his death.

Edward John Rees was born November 17, 1870 at Carnarthen, Wales, a
principality of the Kingdom of Great Britain.

With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rees, he came to America in 1881. They
were members of the English colony which located in this part of
northwestern Iowa in the late seventies and early eighties.

They farmed near Seney and Ed Rees attended the rural school and later
graduated from the LeMars Normal school known as the predecessor and nucleus
of the now flourishing Western Union College.

Industrious all His Life

E.J. Rees, brought up under pioneer conditions, early learned to take care
of himself and was willing to take any job which came within his ken.
Competent farm worker and skilled at other jobs, he had no difficulty in
obtaining employment.

Mail Carrier Many Years

He was rural mail carrier out of LeMars for over fifteen years and if a
patron on the route ever uttered a complaint it is yet to be recorded.

He later was engaged as salesman with the International Harvester Company
and was known over the northwest territory as a good worker and pleasant

Possessed of a sense of humor, ready at any time with a quip or merry jest
and a delightful story teller, he gained hosts of friends.

In earlier days Mr. Rees was a member of the Odd Fellows. In babyhood he was
christened into the Episcopal church.

Mr. Rees was married in 1893 to Sarah Alice Barrett who, with eight
children, survives him. They are Edward J. Rees, William Frederick Rees,
Robert Rees, Mrs. Oscar Weidenfeller, Mrs. Gus Okerstrom, Mrs. John
Kammerer, Mrs. Lloyd Weidauer, and Mrs. John Behrend. One daughter, Mrs.
Harry Simons, preceded him in death. There are thirteen grandchildren and
two great grandchildren.

The funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. in the Mauer
funeral chapel with Rev. W. M. Hubbard of the First Methodist church
officiating and interment made in the city cemetery.

LeMars Globe-Post, June 6, 1940 


Mrs. Hannah Clare (sic Clair) Was Nearly 103 Years Old 

Mrs. Hannah Clare (sic), a patient at the Zimmerman home for the past five years, and a resident of Plymouth county for 79 years, passed away Tuesday morning at the advanced age of 102. 

Mrs. Clare (sic) was born in County Cork, Ireland, and would have been 103 years old on June 12. Mrs. Clare (sic) was the first patient at the Zimmerman home and though handicapped physically, she had always taken an interest in politics. Mrs. Clare (sic) came from Ireland to this country 99 years ago and had lived in Plymouth county for 79 years. 

Funeral services were held on Wednesday morning at nine o’clock from St. James church with Rev. L. J. Cooper officiating and interment was made in St. James cemetery under the direction of Luken’s Funeral home. Surviving is one niece, Mrs. Margaret Kale, of Merrill. 

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel

June 7, 1940

Mrs. McCormick Claimed By Death

A special for Hancock township says: Death claimed Mrs. Viola Elizabeth McCormick Sunday in her home. Mrs. McCormick had been ill but a short time. The deceased was born September 15, 1915, in South Dakota. She is survived by her husband, Clemence; three daughters, Pauline, Shirley Ann and Billie; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wentz of Creighton, Neb.; two sisters, Shirley Wentz of Creighton and Mrs. Mildred Rasmussen of Plainview, Neb.; and five brothers, Ralph, Earl, Kenneth, James and Leslie of Creighton. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Creighton. The community extends sympathy to the bereaved family.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
June 11, 1940

Had Been In Business There For Half Century

William Simeon, a Plymouth county pioneer and widely known business man of
Akron, died in the Akron hospital Sunday where he had been taken four days
previous for an operation for strangulated hernia. His death marks the
passing of one who has lived in Plymouth county for 72 years and been a
business man in Akron for half a century.

William Simeon was born on a farm in Jackson county, Iowa, July 16, 1863,
and came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Simeon, to Plymouth county in
1868. They homesteaded an eighty in Liberty township and lived in a sod
shanty until a log cabin could be erected, being among the earliest settlers
in that community. William Simeon assisted his father on the farm until
1886, when he went to Akron and engaged in the butcher business until 1889.
He then rented a farm near Millnerville which he operated for five years.
Returning to Akron, he engaged in the butcher business for a short time,
later in general merchandising for several years, then a grocery and bakery
and more recently a furniture store.

In 1889 Mr. Simeon was married at Hawarden to Minnie Hitzeman, who died
about fifteen years ago. Four children survive them: Mrs. Minnie Hammond, of
LeMars; Frank of Sioux Falls; Henry, of Laurens; and Mrs. Fred Bertrand, of
Vermillion, South Dakota.

On December 24, 1931, Mr. Simeon was married to Carrie Raish, who survives
him, as do also the following brothers and sisters: Joe and Phil, of LeMars;
Peter, of Sioux City; Mrs. August Luken, LeMars; Mrs. Hannah Hitzeman, Los
Angeles, California. His death is mourned by sixteen grandchildren and nine
great grandchildren.

The funeral services will be held at St. Joseph church in Akron at 9 o’clock
this Tuesday morning, Rev. Charles Ernst officiating.

William Simeon was interested in public affairs throughout his long life,
was an active Democrat, had served his home town as Assessor for years, was
Justice of Peace and was interested in church and various civic
organizations. He was renominated for Assessor and Justice of Peace at the
recent primary.


Dennis Lenihan left Sunday for Des Moines where he will enter the state
highway patrol school at Camp Dodge for a month’s training.

Dennis has already passed the preliminary physical and mental tests and will
be one of thirty or forty young men called to the school.. If they receive
further approval after thirty days of intensive training, about one-third of
the number will be selected at once to fill vacancies in the patrol and the
others who qualify will be placed on a waiting list and give position as
additions are made to the patrol or further vacancies occur. Dennis is well
qualified for the work and his friends expect him to land an early

Siebens—Harrington Nuptials Saturday

Miss Tillie Siebens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gert Siebens of Brunsville,
and Farrell Harrington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harrington, of Westfield,
exchanged marriage vows at St. John’s Lutheran Church in LeMars at 2 o’clock
Saturday afternoon. Rev. L.L. Belk performed the ceremony.

The couple were attended by Miss Gertrude Harrington, a sister of the
bridegroom, and Herman Oltmans, friends of the couple.

The bride wore a becoming dress of dusty rose chiffon and chose sweet peas
for her flowers. The bridesmaid was attired in a dress of pink crepe.

Following the wedding ceremony the party went to Sioux City where a 6
o’clock dinner was served at the Hotel West. Immediately after the dinner
the couple departed for a trip to the Minnesota lakes.

The newlyweds will give a dance for their friends at the Brunsville hall on
Saturday evening, June 15.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
June 14, 1940


Groom, Leading Attorney
Bride, School Teacher

The wedding of Miss Helen Margaret Reidy of Manilla and James Pearce Kelley
of LeMars was solemnized at St. Patrick’s Catholic church in Akron at 9
o’clock Wednesday, June 12. Father Charles Ernst officiated at the ceremony.

Miss Marion George of Mason City and Walter Lentz of Fort Dodge were the
couple’s attendants.

The bride was becomingly dressed in a gown of white embroidered organdy.
Her bridal bouquet consisted of white roses and sweet peas. Her attendant
wore a blue embroidered organdy dress with pink accessories.

After the ceremony, the wedding party went to the home of the bride’s
sister, Mrs. Clifford Metz, where a breakfast was served to fourteen guests.

The bride is a daughter of Mrs. M. J. Reidy of Manilla. She is graduate of
the State University of Iowa and has been teaching in Manilla. The groom is
a son of Mrs. J. E. Kelley of LeMars and is also a graduate of the State

The couple are spending their honeymoon in Denver, Colo. The bride’s going
away costume was a black net ensemble. They will at home after July 1, at
512 First Street SE in LeMars, where they groom, a well known and popular
young attorney, is the junior member of the firm of Keenan & Kelley.

Out of town guests at the wedding were John Reidy and Miss Marie Killinger
of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lentz of Fort Dodge, Mrs. J. E. Kelley and
Mrs. Pearce of LeMars.

The fifteenth annual reunion of the Twogood family was held at the state
park in Correctionville Sunday, June 9, with fifty-nine members of the
family present.

The following officers were elected for another year: Mrs. McKinley Evans,
Sioux City, president; Mrs. Anna Leinbough, Laurel, Neb., vice-president;
Ralph Bacon, Randolph, Neb., secretary-treasurer; Miss Dorothy Leinbaugh,
Moville, Iowa, reporter.

A number of the Plymouth County members of the family attended the picnic
which is an annual event.

LeMars Globe-Post

January 15, 1940

Former Resident Died Saturday at Huron, So. Dak.

Funeral services were held at three o’clock Monday afternoon from Luken’s funeral home with Rev. S. A. Jones officiating for Mrs. M. E. Cavanaugh, former resident, who passed away Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Naeve, Huron, S.D. Mrs. Cavanaugh died from injuries sustained in a fall about two weeks ago. Interment was made in the city cemetery.

Deceased was born in Germany and came to this country at an early age with her parents. They resided in Jackson county, Iowa, and later she married M. E. Cavanaugh at Dubuque, Iowa, in 1877. They later lived at Dalton, Iowa, and for the last four years, Mrs. Cavanaugh had made her home with her daughter.

Surviving are her daughters, Mrs. J. A. Naeve, Huron; Mrs. Ann Chapman, Worthington, S.D.; Mrs. May Hopkins, Kansas City, Mo.; two sons, Fred, of Allen, Neb.; and one son, Elmer, preceded her in death.

Pallbearers were: Jack Tindall, Ben Clagg, Roy Jennings, A. Van Steenwyk, Henry Atwood, and Paul Durr. Mrs. S. A. Jones and Mrs. Ben Clagg sang for the service.

LeMars Globe-Post
June 17, 1940

WESTFIELD: (By Special Correspondent)

Miss Maizie Tracy will be hostess to St. Catherine’s Guild on Thursday
afternoon of this week in her home.

Mrs. Charles Brown and daughter, also Mrs. Patrick Curry, all of Elk Point,
visited in the M. W. Conway home, Monday.

Robert Maynard spent a couple of weeks in the Nels Beaubien home while
attending vacation school at Akron.

Catherine Spaulding arrived on Saturday morning from Chicago, to spend her
vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Spaulding.

Harold Lawrence has accepted a position in a store in Sioux City.

The many friends of Farrell Harrington were interested in hearing of his
marriage Saturday, to Miss Tillie Siebens of Brunsville. Farrell is the
second son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harrington and has lived in Westfield
vicinity practically all of his life. At present he works for the Phillips
Oil Co. They will make their home near Brunsville with her parents. The many
friends wish them much happiness.

Mrs. George Garvin was a passenger to Sioux Falls, Wednesday, on business.

Mrs. Carl Kruck was hostess to “As You Like It” Club Wednesday afternoon of
this week in her home.

Mrs. Percy Harrington of Long Beach, Calif., is visiting among relatives and
friends here, having come from California to visit her mother, Mrs. Charles
Boden, who has been quite sick in her home near Akron.

The 4-H club met in the Louis Bertrand home Monday evening with County Agent
Jones present. Refreshments were served and a pleasant evening spent.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. Fred Riter entertained Mr. and Mrs. Will Auscratt and Mr. and Mrs.
Miles Warner of Alton in her home Saturday evening in honor of her husband’s
birthday anniversary.

Mrs. Lena Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rees and daughters, Donna, Marilyn and
Sherry, spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keizer, in

Relatives here received word last week of the serious sickness of Mrs. Mary
Bowen, of Tacoma, Wash. Mrs. Bowen is a sister-in-law of Mesdames Margaret
Rees and Lena Rees. She visited here recently and her many friends regret
hearing of her sickness.

Mrs. Kenneth Rees and son, Larry Keith, visited her brother, Derald Jenkins,
who is a patient in the St. Vincent’s hospital in Sioux City Saturday

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodhouse and family of Hudson, S.D., visited in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker, Sunday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jenkins and daughters, Marcella and Charlotte, grandson
Junior Jenkins and W. W. Leonard of Leeds, called on Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Rees, Sunday afternoon.

A large group of relatives and friends attended the funeral of E. J. Rees in
LeMars Wednesday afternoon last week.

Seney Vacation Bible School opened Monday with an enrollment of 33 pupils.
The school is being held under the supervision of Mrs. Richard Mohler with
Erlynne Britton and Georgine Osborne as teacher of the beginner’s classes,
Margaret Olson, teacher of the primary class, Ruth McArthur and Lois Osborne
in charge of the junior classes.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinde were Sioux City visitors Monday.

Orville Cooper received word on Sunday of the sudden death of his father,
Ben Cooper, of Elgin, Neb. The funeral was held Tuesday. Those from here
attending were V. M. Lancaster, M. J. Lancaster, Mrs. Lizzie Hawkins and
daughter, Harriet, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chapman and daughter, Jean, Sadie and
John Alderson and Orville Cooper.

Mrs. Frank Becker entertained a group of children at her home Tuesday in
honor of her grandson, Darrel Woodhouse, of Hudson, S.D., the occasion being
his eleventh birthday anniversary. The afternoon was spent in playing games
and in closing Mrs. Becker served ice cream and cake. Those present were
Junior Conner, Calmer Olson, Bobby Lancaster, Cletus Reeves, Dean DeRaad,
Jerry and Bobby Becker.

The Epworth Leagues of LeMars, Hinton, Merrill and Akron, were guests at the
Seney league at a sub-district rally held at Seney Friday evening. About 60
young people were present and supper was served in the hall, after which a
recreational hour was enjoyed on the church lawn, followed by a devotional
period and program held in the church in charge of Mrs. Hubbard of LeMars.

The Seney Home Missionary Society will hold its annual birthday luncheon in
the hall on Wednesday, June 19.

Miss Elaine Donlin of Westfield, who is attending summer school at Western
Union College, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Martha Cook.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riter, Art Berkenpas and Miss Charlene Rienking were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinde.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Britton of Spencer, Iowa, returned to their home Tuesday
after a few days spent in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lora Green.

Rev. A. S. Laux, of Worthington, Minn., who has been visiting his daughter,
Mrs. Richard Mohler, the past two weeks, returned to his home Thursday.

Miss Lucile March, Mrs. Moritz Weldt and daughter, and Mrs. Jessie Kennedy
all of Sioux City, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the Grant Chapman home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Nanninga attended a family dinner Sunday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Null in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Geo. McDougall, of
Trinidad, Colorado, who were enroute to their home after attending a
national Presbyterian church convention.

The Ladies Aid Society met in the home of Mrs. Lizzie Buss on Wednesday,
June 5. After the regular business session plans were made for an ice cream
social to be held on the church lawn, Tuesday, June 22. The hostess served
luncheon in closing. Visiting guests of the society were Mrs. Henry Ioos,
Mrs. Braband, Mrs. George Utech, Mrs. Glen Detloff, Mrs. Harvey Buss, Mrs.
Bertha Utech, of LeMars.

Miss Ruth McArthur, Edgar and Evelyn Lancaster motored to Homer, Neb.,
Sunday to see the flood district.

Marshall Rees and Albert Penning of LeMars motored to Rock Rapids Tuesday
where they attended the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. Jennie Yappan.

Misses Blanche Hawkins and Martha Janssen enrolled at the Western Union
College for the summer school session and began their studies Wednesday.

Howard Nanninga returned to San Jose, Calif., Thursday after visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Nanninga, the past week.

A number from here attended the eighth grade graduation exercises held in
the high school auditorium in LeMars Thursday. Lawrence and Norman Berkenpas
were graduates from the Seney school.

Wesley Green returned to his home in Kansas City, Saturday, after visiting
several days in the home of his brother, Lora Green.

Mrs. Roy McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buss and son, Stanley, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Darville in Sioux City.

Miss Frances Ewin, of LeMars, visited over the weekend with her sister,
Ethel Ewin, in the John Alderson home.

Miss Juanita Parks of Sioux City, was a weekend visitor in the home of her
aunt, Mrs. Lora Green.

PERRY CENTER: (By Special Correspondent)

Miss Dorothy Howes has gone to California to spend the summer months.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hartmann from east of Hinton and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Kovarna spent Sunday afternoon viewing the flood area in Home and Winnebago,

Misses Anna and Regina Vondrak are attending summer school in Western Union
College at LeMars.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel

January 19, 1940

Funeral Services Held For Pioneer Woman Monday

The funeral of Mrs. M. E. Cavanaugh, pioneer of Plymouth county, was held Monday afternoon at the First Baptist Church, the pastor, Rev. S. A. Jones, conducting the service. Music was rendered by Mrs. Ben Clagg and Mrs. S. A. Jones. The pallbearers were Henry Atwood, B. T. Clagg, Paul Durr, Roy Jennings, A. Van Steenwyck and J. D. Tindall.

Mrs. Cavanaugh died Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Naeve, of Huron, S.D., following the effects of a fall she sustained two weeks prior to her death.

She made her home with her daughter the past four years after leaving LeMars. She was well known to the older residents of the community.

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Plymouth County