Akron Register-Tribune
October 19, 1939
A daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Nyland west of town, at Akron Hospital, October 13, 1939.
A son, to Mr. and Mrs. Orin Blake, of Akron, October 13, 1939.
A daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Gagner, of Jefferson, S.D., October 13, 1939.
Mrs. Clara Nall and her brother, Clarence Welch, of Santa Monica, Calif., came the last of the week for a visit with relatives, friends and former neighbors.
Mrs. Lizzie Erickson and her brothers, Wm. Schneiderheinze and Chas. Kroksh, east of Westfield, are leaving in a few days to again spend the fall and winter at Laguna Beach, Calif.
Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Kerr are expected home next Monday from a hunting trip in the mountains of Utah. Dr. Kerr and his brother, Dr. T. J. Kerr, of North Platte, Nebr., bagged a couple of mountain lions.
A Hallowe’en program will be held in the Stony Point school, Portland township, No. 3, Friday, October 27. A box of groceries will be given away. Admission, 10c. Lunch free—Lucille Bellwood, Teacher.
Friends of Mrs. Gunhild Johnson are glad to hear she has left the hospital and is now staying with her sister, Mrs. H. R. Anderson, in Sioux City.
Miss Joyce Vreugdenhil is staying with her mother, Mrs. John Fredell, of Akron.
Mr. and Mrs. George Farrin, of California, visited here the latter part of last week in the homes of his sister, Mrs. Henry Munn, and his brother, Dudley Farrin, northwest of town. Mr. Farrin formerly lived here and he renewed a number of acquaintances.