Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, October 17, 1938

Passed Away at Dubuque, Iowa, Following Brief Illness

John Wittkop, former resident of this vicinity, passed away on Saturday at
St. Francis Home in Dubuque, Iowa, where he had lived for the past five
years. Mr. Wittkop had been sick for the past two weeks. Deceased had
reached the advanced age of 77 years, 5 months, and 14 days.

John Wittkop was born at Merisheim, Germany, on May 1, 1861. He married
Theresa Niggemann in Germany and they immediately came to this country and
settled near Remsen. Shortly after their arrival here, they took up farming
south of Remsen until 1900 when he purchased additional land southeast of
LeMars. They moved here and farmed until 19 years ago.

Surviving to mourn his loss are six sons and three daughters: Henry, John,
Mrs. John Neisius, Tony, George, Charles, William, Elizabeth and Theresa,
all of this vicinity. One brother, A. J. Wittkop, lives in Fairbanks,
Alaska. There are also four grandchildren who mourn his passing, Irvin,
Robert, George Jr., and James.

He was preceded in death by his wife and one daughter, Anna, who died at the
age of four.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'clock from St.
Catherine's Church, of Oyens, with Rev. H. Rolfes officiating. Interment
will be made in St. Catherine's cemetery under the direction of Wiltgen's
funeral chapel.

Passed Away Saturday Following Four Months' Sickness

J. William Osterbuhr, well known resident of Grant township, passed away
Saturday at the Zimmerman Home following a four months sickness. He had
reached the age of 63 years, 3 months and one day.

Born July 14, 1875, in Germany, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ockee Osterbuhr,
both natives of Germany, he came to this country when a boy and spent most
of his life in Grant township. He had lived at Brunsville for the past 10

Funeral services will be conducted from the Grant Township Lutheran Church
Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock and interment will be made in the Grant
Township Cemetery. Rev. F. Bunge will officiate. Mauer's funeral chapel
will be in charge of the arrangements.

Surviving to mourn his loss are three brothers: Gerd, Otto, and Fred. Two
sisters preceded him in death.


Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Gainsley of Ann Arbor, Mich., were last week visitors
in the R. J. Tentinger home.


The LeMars fire department was called to West LeMars at 3:30 today, when an
alfalfa stack caught fire and endangered the buildings on the Ed Marienau
place. With the help of neighbors and the LeMars truck, the blaze was soon
extinguished without further damage.

Illinois Central Presents Lifetime Service Pass

L. L. Jones, agent for the Illinois Central and Chicago Northwestern lines
here, was today honored by the Illinois Central system upon the completion
of 40 years with the company.

A letter from L. A. Downs, president of the railroad company states:

"You will soon be observing the fortieth anniversary of your entry into
Illinois Central service and as the Illinois Central's recognition of this
occasion I am sending you a veteran's service pass good for lifetime use. I
hope you and Mrs. Jones get a lot of enjoyment out of it for a long time."

The pass is beautifully bound in a leather case and the letters "veteran's
service pass" are engraved in gold.

Mr. Jones said today that he started out with the company when the present
building was erected and that "he was wearing out with it."

Miss Agnes Granquist and Richard Bean Joined In Wedlock

The Immanuel Lutheran Church of Akron, was the scene of a pretty early fall
wedding on October 8, at 8 o'clock, when they solemn vows were taken by
Richard Bean and Miss Agnes Granquist, well-known and popular Akron young
people. Rev. Ernest G. Svenson officiated at the solemn and impressive
nuptial ceremony. They were attended by Robert Greenleaf and Miss Miriam
Ericson, as best man and bridesmaid.

To Report October 31 to J. Edgar Hoover, of F. B. I.

Don A. Ladenberger, 24, son of Mrs. Agnes Ladenberger, of this city, has
been notified of his appointment in the federal bureau of investigation in
the United States department of justice, and will report to J. Edgar Hoover,
F. B. I. Chief, at Washington D. C., on October 31. Mr. Ladenberger's
appointment was made by Mr. Hoover, and he will be one of the department's
special agents, commonly known as "G-men."

At Washington Mr. Ladenberger will be given 14 weeks of physical and mental
training. He will also study finger print technique and at the end of this
period will be assigned to one of the department's bureaus. This year the
F. B. I. lowered its age limit from 25 to 23 years, making it possible for
Mr. Ladenberger to get into the service this year.

He recently passed his mental examination at Des Moines, and physical tests
at Omaha, and is ready for service. He was graduated from the Iowa
university last year, majoring in law and was admitted to the Iowa bar this
summer. The federal bureau's appointments are made to only lawyers who are
completely schooled in law, and before a new man is added to the staff his
record is checked from the time he was able to walk up until the present

When asked whether his work would include actual pursuit of a criminal, such
as the time G-man Melvin Purvis hunted Dillinger, he said that about 5
percent of the work would include criminal cases and if his investigation
assignments covered the apprehension of noted public enemies, he would be
included in the list of agents "out to get their man."


Dr. D. O. Kime returned home Sunday from a trip to Johnstown, Pa., and
Syracuse, Ind.


Mrs. Henry Koehler, who has been a house guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Koehler, left on Saturday evening for her home in Kansas City.


Marriage licenses were issued out of the clerk's office to Joseph A. Kunkel,
LeMars and Ollie Mary Elizabeth Hauser, Westfield and to Louie Stamer,
Estherville and Ann Durant of Spirit Lake.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
October 18, 1938

Ceremony Takes Place Monday At Corpus Christi Church In Fort Dodge

Walter C. Lentz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lentz, and Miss Kathleen C.
Kelley, daughter of Mrs. James E. Kelley, all of this place, were united in
marriage Monday evening, October 18, in Fort Dodge. The ceremony took place
at 8 o’clock in the rectory of Corpus Christi church and was performed by
Rev. Thos. J. Davern, the pastor.

The bride appeared charming in a traveling suit of bronze crepe, cut street
length, with accessories of brown and carried a bouquet of bronze pompoms
and talisman roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss Frances Holton, wore a pretty dress
of teal blue crepe, cut street length, with matching accessories and carried
a bouquet of gardenias. James P. Kelley, brother of the bride, was bestman.

The bride and bridegroom are both extremely popular in the younger circles
of the community where they grew up. Both were reared in LeMars and
attended high school here.

The bride after finishing school work in LeMars attended the University of
Minnesota where she gained a B.A. degree. She was employed in the Sentinel
office for over a year and gained many friends and formed many pleasant
associations while engaged in the work.

The bridegroom after graduating from the LeMars high school attended Western
Union college and attained his B.A. degree.

He is employed with the Iowa highway patrol and is a zealous and competent
officer, well liked by his associates.

Mr. and Mrs. Lentz will be at home to their friends after November 1, at 905
1⁄2 Sixth avenue north, Fort Dodge.


Edwin Herman Frerichs and Eila Catherine Beeck, members of well known
families, residing in Portland township, were united in marriage Thursday,
October 13, Rev. Theo. Meyer of the Preston township Lutheran church
performing the ceremony. The attendants were Herbert Frerichs and Miss
Margaret Rosick.

LeMars Globe-Post

October 27, 1938

PERRY CENTER: (By Special Correspondent)

Frank Vondrak is slowly improving from an attack of pneumonia.

Mike Vondrak was sick several days this week.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Schager in Sioux City, Tuesday morning, October 25. Mrs. Schager was a former Perry Center girl and is better known here as Helen Vondrak.

Miss Johanna Reynolds and Albert Doyle of Sioux City, were married Thursday morning at 6 o’clock in the Blessed Sacrament church in Sioux City. Mrs. Doyle grew to womanhood here and made her home with her aunt, Mrs. Kate Montagne.

Mrs. Frank Scharf and son, Jack, of Elgin, Ill., visited in the David Swanson home Thursday. Mrs. Scharf and Mrs. Swanson were college chums in Morningside in 1911.

Mrs. Rob Crouch of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Cora Douglas, of Hampton, Iowa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Crouch, Tuesday. They returned to LeMars, Wednesday.

Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Arthur Miller and Joan of Sioux City, visited Mrs. Ejnar Hansen, on Wednesday.

Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Vondrak were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Weidenfeldt of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Huffman of Ellendale and Mrs. Sweeney and several members of the Sweeney family.

Mrs. John Kovarna and Mrs. Thomas Vondrak were called to the bedside of their father, Geo. Maxey, in Sioux City, who suffered a stroke, Monday.

Mrs. Herbert Burnett received word of the death of her father, Mr. Doane, at the Zimmerman Home in LeMars, Monday morning. Mr. Doane had just recently returned from Iowa City, Ia., where he was a surgical patient.

The Perry Friendship Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Ray McElrath, Thursday afternoon, Nov. 3. Members are supposed to come attired in a Halloween costume.

Mrs. Frank Scharf and son, Jack, of Elgin, Ill., and Mrs. David Swanson visited Ruth Swanson’s school in Liberty township, Thursday forenoon.

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