Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
Thursday, September 2, 1937

Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoorneman have returned from a trip to Garretson, and Sioux Falls, S.D.
Dr. R. M. Figg returned today from a brief business trip to Des Moines, Ia.
Miss Alice Deegan left Tuesday for Des Moines, Iowa, where she will teach for the coming year.
Miss Helen Edmonds will leave on Friday morning for Detroit, Mich., where she has accepted a position in the public schools.
After a visit with her aunt, Mrs. T. Brinkman, at Sac City, Iowa, Miss Patricia Deegan, will enter St. Joseph Academy, Des Moines.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schroeder are the proud parents of a baby daughter, born August 15.
Mrs. A. R. Kammerer and son, Reed, of Waverly, Iowa, are visiting this week in the home of Mrs. Maria Hirsch.
Miss Katherine Edmonds will leave on Friday for Dearborn, Mich., where she will resume her teaching in the public schools.
Mrs. Bertha Inmann and daughter, Betty, of Los Angeles, Calif., are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kelley.
Misses Dorothy and Virginia Irwin will leave on Saturday for Oto, Iowa, where they will teach in the public schools.
Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Ebinger of Hoskins, Neb., visited with their daughter, Miss Velma Ebinger, on Wednesday and attended the funeral of Bishop Seager.
Prof. and Mrs. Roy M. Smith, of Boxholm, Iowa, visited with LeMars friends during the week. Prof. Smith formerly taught in Western Union College.
Miss Mariette Kushner, of Cedar Rapids, who has been visiting in the home of her sister, Mrs. E. Pill, returned on Tuesday to her home.

LeMars Globe-Post
September 6, 1937

PERRY CENTER: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. Mary Schuttpelz and Richard and Dorothy, returned home Tuesday from a
week’s visit with Mrs. Schuttpelz’s sister in Frazee, Minn.

Miss Deloris Clemensen left on Friday of last week for Seattle, Wash., where
she will spend six months or a year with her sister, Mrs. Mabel Hansen.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bonnes and Warren and Robert, returned home on Monday of
last week from a sightseeing trip to the Black Hills, and also visited
relatives in De Smet, S.D., Minneapolis and Windom, Minn.

Mrs. William Ferguson returned home recently after spending a few weeks
assisting with the work in the Louis Franks home, east of Sioux City.

Miss Helen Hensel left for Sioux City Sunday evening, where she will resume
teaching in the Smith school.

Constance Dilly of Hawarden, Iowa, spent last week with her cousins, Helen
and Jeanette Petersen, and grandmother, Mrs. M. Petersen.

Miss Helen Kovarna had an operation for the removal of her tonsils in a
Sioux City hospital, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. David Swanson and Ruth accompanied by Miss Sue Waddell, of
South Sioux City, Neb., and Marvin Burnett, returned home Thursday evening
from a week’s vacation, spent fishing at Black Duck Lake, near Hines, Minn.
They spent last Tuesday at Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada.

Silo filling has been started here.

Miss Alta Vehe will teach in Plymouth township, near Merrill.

Miss Elsie Vondrak will teach the Ed Beaulieu school in Liberty township.

Mrs. Lawrence dilly of Hawarden, Iowa, Mrs. Bernard Lucken and children of
Chatsworth, Iowa, and Mrs. Wm. Dilly of Worthington, Minn., were guests in
the home of Mrs. M. Petersen. Constance Dilly, who had been visiting here,
returned with them to Hawarden.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Swanson and Nancy of Sioux city, were weekend guests of
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Crouch.

Clarence Vondrak had an operation for removal of tonsils in a Sioux City
hospital last week.

Billy Hunter returned to his home near Westfield, Friday evening, after
spending the summer with his grandmother, Mrs. A. C. Clemensen.

Richard Heizer is spending a few days in Chicago.

Mrs. Joan Ferguson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Dehl, and family in

Miss Olive Fugate and brother of Sergeant Bluffs, Iowa, visited in the John
Kovarna home, on Thursday. Miss Fugate returned last week from Sheridan,
Wyoming, where she spent the summer months with her sister and family.

The Perry township teachers attended a teachers meeting in LeMars, Saturday,
and Institute in LeMars, Tuesday.

Mrs. A. W. Crouch attended a 1 o’clock luncheon, Friday, at Crescent Park
church in Sioux City. She was a guest of Mrs. Albert Swanson.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blougea of Sioux City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. David
Swanson, Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parkhill went to Raymond, Minn., recently where they
visited the latter’s brother, Leo Kelly, and family. They reported that Leo
had not threshed yet as the weather had been so rainy.

Miss Sue Waddell, former teacher in Perry No. 2 school, will teach the T. A.
Ross school in Hancock township the coming year.

Quite a number of friends and former neighbors attended the funeral services
for Frederick Ernst, of Sioux City, at 2 p.m. Friday. Rev. E. W. Stimson
officiated and burial was in Logan Park cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maloney and Donald, of McCook Lake, S.D., and Mrs. Kate
Luce of Leeds, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Goodwin and Marilyn and Barbara of
Morningside, were Sunday guests of Mrs. M. Petersen and Hans.

Perry township schools opened up with the following teachers Monday morning:
No. 1, Miss Gontran Beaulieu; No. 2, closed; No. 3, Miss Edna Rickert, of
Sioux City; No. 4, Miss Dorothy Howes; No. 5, Miss Catherine Ruck; No. 6,
Miss Hazel Watje; No. 7, closed; No. 8, Miss Olive Fugate; and No. 9, Miss
Anna Vondrak.

The Perry township junior high and Central high school students began their
studies Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

Miss Hazel Watje returned home from Dennison, Iowa, where she attended 12
weeks of summer school sponsored by Iowa State Teachers College of Cedar
Falls, Iowa.

The Perry Friendship Club will meet Thursday afternoon, September 9, in the
home of Mrs. Wallace Anderson.

Miss Florence Ferguson, who spent the summer months in California, is
employed in a dress shop in a suburb of Los Angeles, Calif., and will remain

OYENS; (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Majeres of Lismore, Minn., were guests during the past
week in the home of Mr. Majeres parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Majeres.

Miss Zoe Lauters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lauters, of Sioux City, was
entertained in the Lawrence Laddusaw home last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cronin and children were LeMars shoppers on Saturday.

High school students in the Oyens vicinity are already started on this
year’s program of classes or will begin this week. At the LeMars high school
are enrolled: Dorothy and Eldon Kelly, Mary Magdalene Gengler, Irvin and
Dolores Masuen and the Misses Delphine, Evelyn and Margaret Fiedler,
daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fiedler. Louella and Verdon Doud are
attending St. Mary’s high school in Remsen.

Mr. and Mrs. Othmar Rolfes and daughter, Jeanette, of near LeMars, were
Sunday guests of the Mrs. Frances Theisen familhy.

The Maurice Carrigans returned to Sioux City Sunday night, after having
spent the last week of Mr. Carrigan’s two weeks vacation at the John Meis
home. They accompanied to Sioux City Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Flemming and
daughter, Shirley, who were dinner guests of the Meis family.

Miss Dolores Masuen returned Sunday from a several days visit with her
sister, Mrs. Ray Schroeder and family near Remsen.

The Lawrence Laddusaw and Matt Ruba families were at Kingsley last Sunday
night at the birthday celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruba’s son, Jerry,
whose birthday cake with its two candles marked his having reached the age
of two.

F. J. Homan of Milwaukee was a visitor Thursday in the home of his sister,
Mrs. John Meis.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuster attended the funeral of Mrs. Kuster’s
sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Heymann, at St. Mary’s church in Remsen, on Tuesday

Josephine Hentges was in LeMars several days last week.

Miss Mary Cronin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cronin, was a guest of the
Misses Jane and Helen Lanzendorf, on Sunday.

The John Meis’ and Maurice Carrigan’s were in Orange City on Thursday at the
annual fair there.

Mr. and Mrs. William Frels, formerly the O’Leary storekeepers and now
residents of San Diego, California, were in Oyens and in the neighborhood of
our town recently to visit their old friends and acquaintances.

The Misses Anita, Mary Angel and Joan Lorge of Pocahontas were visitors in
the home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Meis, Friday.

Miss Carlyn Doud is back from Remsen, where she had charge of the Curly-Cue
beauty shop during the vacation of its owner, Miss Marjorie Parry.

Mr. and Mrs. Hector Pommier, of Currie, Minn., and their daughter, visited
Mrs. Pommier’s sister, Mrs. Andrew Kunkel and family, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laughlin and Ben Harvey went to Sioux City, Saturday, to
get the Misses Irene and Thelma Harvey and Mrs. Jones and son, Kenneth, who
will spend a few weeks visiting their relatives, the Harveys and Laughlins,
before returning to their home in Dakota.

Charles Masuen was a business visitor last week in Mankato, Faribault,
Owatonna, Fairmont, and other Minnesota towns.

Rev. Henry Rolfes last week completed the taking of the census of his
parish, St. Catherine’s. There are, he found, 519 people making up the
parish membership and 97 families in total.

John Mensen, of Lismore, Minnesota, with his son, Leonard of Azusa,
California, was recently visiting relatives and old friends in and near
Oyens. The Mensen family lived in the vicinity before they moved to

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dugan and children, of Paullina, Iowa, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Dugan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feller.

Rural schools in the neighborhood of Oyens have begun their 1937-38 term.
Miss Mary Hendrick of LeMars is teaching the Mohning school three miles
south and one mile east of town, Miss Esther Coons of LeMars is again the
teacher at the Wisser school just south of Oyens, Miss Bernice Fiedler
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fiedler has the Orban school, Miss Gladys
Willenburg of Remsen is at the Kramer school and Miss Clarisse Anderson of
Dakota is teaching the district No. 2 of Fredonia township.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer and daughter, Ruby, and son, Paul, of Spencer, were
Sunday callers in the Lanzendorf home.

Mrs. Margaret Miesch, after a visit with her mother, 103 years old, in
Chicago, was a guest lately of her nephew and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Weber, and her niece and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fiedler, here. She
made her departure last week for her home in San Antonio, Texas, and will
visit enroute with nieces and nephews at Tulsa, Okla., and Lindsay, Texas.

Charles Masuen was a Sioux City business caller on Monday.

The Lawrence Laddusaw family have moved from the former Peters residence in
the extreme west end of town, to Sioux City, since the trucking firm for
which Mr. Laddusaw now works has headquarters in Sioux City. Before residing
in the Peters house, the Laddusaws had lived in the Reard house and previous
to that their home had been in LeMars.

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