Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
Tuesday, March 2, 1937

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

The Ladies Aid will meet in the church on Tuesday, March 2, at 2:30 o'clock.

A number from here attended the farm sale at the home of Will Hakins

Jake Mulder has rented rooms in the home of Mrs. Lizzie Connor and settled
in last week.

Charles Carwell, who has been confined to his home with a long illness, is
slowly improving.

Miss Ida Cox, of Marcus, arrived Tuesday for a visit at the home of her
nieces, Mrs. Melvin McArthur.

Miss Eva Rees has secured a position as stenographer at the Farm Bureau
office in LeMars. She began work last week.

Mrs. Ted Langenhorst, of Hospers, returned to her home Thursday after a few
days visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. T.K. Chapman.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donlin, daughters, Elaine of Merrill, and Esther and son,
Donald, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Will Cook on Wednesday.

Relatives from here who attended the wedding of Miss Myrtle Reeves and
Lowell Parks at the Free Methodist church on Wednesday evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Will Reeves
daughter, Vera and son, George, and Mr. and Mrs. John Arthur Cook.

Frank Becker was the honored guest at dinner party given at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Becker on Friday evening, the occasion being his sixty-fifth
birthday anniversary. Those present were E. D. Hathaway, Everett Simon,
Jess Edwards, Ray Golden, John Johnson, A. R. White, John Nemmers, Nick
Holton, Chas. Begg, Gean Harrison, Ray Manning, George Bunt, Pat Swain, and
George Lang, all members of the Iowa State highway working force with whom
Mr. Becker has worked for a number of years. A delicious three course
dinner was served and the evening was spent in visiting. The guests
presented Mr. Becker with a handsome table lamp bearing the inscription, "To
Dad From the Boys," as a token of their esteem.

CHATSWORTH: (From Hawarden Independent)

Mrs. Effel Westover, of Hawarden, visited with friends here the past week.

Chris Westergard had the misfortune to fall on the ice and crack his elbow.

John Kuck, of Centerville, was a visited at the Mrs. D.K. Bennett home,

Prof. H. A. Knief and wife and daughter, Lavon, Miss Fern Wood and Miss
Benita Sidwell visited in Hawarden, Wednesday.

John Dannenbring, of McNally, was a caller at the W. A. Evans home Sunday.
Mr. Dannenbring was just returned from a motor trip to the west coast.

John Towns moved to the Art Adams farm and Alfred Skogman moved onto the
farm vacated by Mr. Towns, and Gus Stephenson moved onto the former J. C.
Bonney farm vacated by Alfred Skogman.

BRUNSVILLE: (Special Correspondence)

E. Harms in on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dirks and children, of Akron, spent Sunday in the Mrs. D.
Richards home.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Borchers entertained a number of their friends at a card
party on Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Borchers and son, Bill, of near Akron, visited in the Gert
Siebens home on Saturday.

Henry Huls and Marvin and Lester Alberts left on Monday for Klamath Falls,
Oregon, where they will visit friends.

Burglars broke into the Volunteer Food Store on Thursday evening and broke
the dials off the safe, but failed in the attempt at theft.

Mr. and Mrs. Les Gately, who have been making their home in Fort Dodge the
past four months, returned to Brunsville where Mr. Gately operates a garage.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Fischer, of McNally, visited Wednesday in the Gert
Siebens home. Mr. and Mrs. Fischer leave for California within a few days
where they will make their home.

Several families in this vicinity have been moving the past week. The Roy
Jennings family moved east of LeMars. The Schilmoeller family, of
Granville, moved on the Jennings farm. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Pendelton, of
Akron, moved on the G. F. Null farm and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters moved east
of LeMars.

HINTON: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Steen returned last week from a trip to California where
they spent the winter.

A. S. Crabb and son, of Luton, Iowa, made a brief visit with Hinton friends
Thursday afternoon.

Emil Jauer shipped another car load of cattle to Chicago last Saturday. He
accompanied the shipment.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel March 26, 1937 

SENEY: (Special Correspondence) 

Marion Chapman is recovering from a severe attack of influenza. 

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rees and family have rented the C. E. Moore home and moved Thursday. 

Miss Rhoda Crocker, of Minneapolis, Minn., visited Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Melvin McArthur. 

Miss Margaret McKee, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Will Hawkins. 

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodhouse and children, of Hudson, S.D., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker, Sunday. 

Mrs. Charles Penticoff, of Mitchell, S.D., has been visiting at the Will Penning, Albert Penning and Marshall Rees homes. 

Miss Ida Cox, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. Melvin McArthur, left on Thursday for a visit with friends in Marcus. 

Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kennedy, daughter Doris and son, Dennis, of Hawarden, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning on Sunday. 

Miss Margaret Love and Miss Vera Reeves, teachers of the Seney school, attended the rural teacher’s meeting held at the Central school building in LeMars Saturday. 

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McArthur motored to Rock Valley Friday, where they attended the funeral of E. C. Suter. Mr. Suter formerly lived on a farm near Struble, and is known to the older residents here.

Special music by a group of young people will be furnished on Easter Sunday morning. A pageant entitled “The Challenge of the Cross” will be presented Sunday evening by members of the Epworth League. 

Ruth McArthur taught in Fredonia school District No. 5 on Tuesday as part of the practice teaching work required by the high school normal training course. Miss Myrne Detloff is the teacher of the school. 

Miss Marion Buss entered a large group of young people at a party in her home on Friday evening, the occasion being the birthday anniversary of her brother, Earl. The evening was spent in dancing and during an intermission delicious refreshments were served. 

The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rees in the loss of their twin sons, who passed away suddenly on Sunday morning. Funeral services were held in the home of Mrs. T. J. Rees on Monday, Rev. T. C. Batho officiating and interment was made in the Seney cemetery. 

The Women’s Home Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. Earl Chapman on Wednesday. At the close of the business session a Lenten program was given by Mrs. C. W. Reeves as leader, and the usual Lenten offering was taken. Mrs. C. E. Ewin, Mrs. Elmer DeRaad, Mrs. Marion Chapman, and Miss Margaret McKee, of Pennsylvania, were visitors. The hostess served a delicious luncheon. 

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