Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
September 3, 1936


St. John's Evangelical

The annual Mission Day will be observed in three services Sunday. We
heartily invite all members and friends of St. John's Evangelical to
participate in the services of this day. Special music by the choir and
other vocal groups will be furnished. The following is a program of the
services for the Mission Day:

9:30 a.m., Sunday school.

10:30 a.m. morning worship service, Rev. F. W. Budy, of Hartley, Iowa, will
bring the message.

2:30 p.m. afternoon worship service in the German and English languages,
Rev. Budy will speak in German and Rev. A. F. Rinne, of Schleswig, Iowa,
will speak in English.

7:30 p.m. evening worship service, Rev. A. F. Rinne and Harold Becker will
be the speakers.

The Evangelical League will meet Tuesday evening, September 8, at 8:00 p.m.
in the church parlors. -John Perl, Pastor

Methodist Episcopal

In this "turbulence" that we call "life" man needs strength and guidance.
May we remember that "The Lord is our health and our shield." To learn of
Him is wisdom. The Church proclaims His word. The Sunday school offers an
opportunity to study the Bible. The church services are occasions of
worship. The theme Sunday morning will be "The Serpent." The choir will
lead in our worship in song.

Epworth League rally day is Sunday, September 6. The young people and their
parents will have a potluck supper at 5:30. This will be followed by a

We will attend the Hildreth church for their musical service in the evening.
-J.A. Tumbleson, Pastor

First Baptist

Sunday school at 10 a.m.

We are very happy to have our new pastor and his family with us for our
services Sunday. Rev. S. A. Jones, who has recently moved from David City,
Nebraska, will deliver the sermon at the 11 o'clock service Sunday. An
invitation has been extended us to attend the musical concert at the
Hildreth Evangelical Church at eight o'clock Sunday evening.

"Keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it as the Lord thy God hath commanded
thee." Deu. 5:12

Hogs Killed On Leo Sitzmann Place In Elkhorn Twp.

(By Special Correspondent)

During the storm last Wednesday night a straw stack on the Leo Sitzman farm
was destroyed by lightning. With the help of neighbors and the Kingsley
fire truck the fire was kept under control. Two hogs were killed by the

Dick Page and Fred Hardon left Friday to attend the state fair.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett and daughter, Florence, and Mrs. Jane Mullen, from
Shellsburg, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Mert Kelso and family from Madison, S.D.,
were guests at the annual Pratt-Bainbridge picnic held in the Kingsley park
last Wednesday.

Miss Opal Trout and her brother, Ralph, arrived here Saturday from Amiret,
Minn., for a few days' visit with Mrs. George Fletcher, and family.

Miss Isadore Dilly left for Council Bluffs, Sunday, where she will enter
nurses' training in the Jenny Edmunson hospital.

Mrs. Agnes Dierking and family from Grand Meadow, were supper guests in the
Art Luge home on Wednesday evening.

The Page Silo Co., built a silo on the Ed Heimgardner farm last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fletcher visited Friday with their little nephew, Gale
Morgan, at the Methodist hospital, where he is receiving treatment for an
infection in his leg.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanberg and family from Wagner, S.D., returned to their
home Sunday after several days visit in the E. L. Page and Gus Swanburg

The schools of Elkhorn township opened Monday with the following teachers in
charge: District No. 1, Miss Lilly Stortz; No. 2, Miss Francis Julian; No.
3, Miss Nina Forbes; No. 4, Miss Della Bergner; No. 5, Miss Esther Jerman;
No. 6, Miss Blanche Timmins; No. 7, Phyllis Morton; No. 8, Miss Marjorie
Moritz; and No. 9, Miss Nellie Taylor. Misses Daisy Henry, Estelle Reinking
and Lucille Kehrberg will teach in Woodbury county this year.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mert Kelso, and
family, were Sioux City visitors Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Kehrberg spent several days last week at Sheridan, Iowa,
where they went as delegates to the Nazarene conference.

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Swanberg drove to Cherokee, Sunday, where they spent the
day with relatives. Monday they drove on to Laurens, Iowa, to attend the
golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnston. Mrs. Johnston
is a sister of Mr. Swanberg.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlson, E. S. Wilson and
daughters, Veda and Vera and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wingert, attended a
conference of the Brethren church at Worthington, Minn., over the week-end.

Geo. Wink, Keith Atkinson and Otto Kranz returned Saturday night from a
10-day sightseeing and fishing trip in northern Minnesota. They visited the
recent forest fire area. They also report fishing good.

E. L. Page and Raymond Fletcher attended the state fair at DesMoines, Monday
and Tuesday.

Miss Dorothy Graham has resumed her duties as teacher in the school at
Mapleton, Iowa. Miss Helen Bainbridge will teach again this year in the
Washta school.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Page were Sunday evening visitors in the Keith Atkinson

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Graham spent Sunday in the Harold Graham home.

OYENS: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Doud and daughter, Carlyn, and Mrs. James Burns and Al
Orban of LeMars left Sunday by automobile for Cascade, Iowa, Mr. Doud's
hometown, for the funeral services of their relative, Mrs. B. F. Otting,
there on Tuesday.

Nick Stoos and daughter, Jennie, of Remsen, were Thursday callers in the
Jack Arens home.

The Walter Meacham family of Sioux City spent Wednesday evening at the
Kuster home.

Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Schultz and Mr. and Mrs. S.F. X. Meis and daughter,
Florence, of LeMars, were Sunday evening dinner guests of John Meis.

Mrs. Peter J. Gengler returned to her home south of town last week from the
university hospital at Iowa City, where she had received medical assistance.
She stopped at DesMoines, also, and spent a week with her daughter there.

William Wisser visited his mother in Sioux City Thursday.

Mrs. Charles Kuster and Mrs. J. L. Doud were among the guests at the
quilting party in the William Schnepf home last week.

Woodrow Petersen accompanied his guest of several weeks past, James
Petersen, to the latter's home in Sioux City last week for a brief stay.

Callers at the John Meis home on Monday were Louis Meyer, of LeMars, and his
guests, John Kramer and Fred Klosterman, of Dyersville, all old friends and
neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Meis. Mr. Kramer and Mr. Klosterman were enroute
to Marion, S.D., to consult the Doctors Tiessen before returning to

Miss May Pollard, cousin of the Doud family, left Tuesday for Dubuque to
enter upon the life of a religious at Mount St. Frances convent.

Mrs. Josephine Frisch and daughter, Joan, of DesMoines, spent Sunday in the
home of her sister, Mrs. Ben Hansen.

The St. Catherine's card party last week netted over thirty dollars for the
church. Announcements of the next such event will be made in the near

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weber and Miss Della Kuster were fishing at Silver Lake,

Mrs. Cornelius Ludwig of Remsen called on her sister, Mrs. Kaiser, on

Miss Susan Foxen of Luxemburg, Iowa, has been a recent guest of Miss Katie
Rolfes, and has while here, visited other friends, also. Miss Foxxen had
been housekeeper for Rev. F.X.Schultie during his pastorship of St. Mary's
church at Remsen, until his death.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin spent Sunday at the Jim Cronin home near Marcus.

Overnight guests of Miss Carolyn Doud n Wednesday included the Misses
Harriet, Helen, Marian and Doris Schnepf and Miss Doris Eulberg of Dell
Rapids, S.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Al Bortscheller of Sheldon, were guests during the latter part
of last week, of Mr. Bortscheller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bortscheller.

On Monday night Dr. Meis and his mother, Mrs. John Meis, accompanied Joe
Heying to Granville, where he will visit relatives. The Meis' also called
on their cousins, the Herman Schilmoeller family near Granville that
evening. Mr. Heying came from Hays, Kansas, and was a guest of his uncle,
John Meis, and family last week.

Miss Carol Lilly and her mother, of Westfield, visited in the John Cronin
home Friday.

Chris Kloster was in Spencer last week and had his tonsils removed. Soon
after the operation, performed by Dr. Fettes, he returned to his home, where
he continues satisfactory convalescence.

The J. L. Doud family drove to Macy, Nebraska, last week to attend the
Indian pow-wow.

The Misses Irene Petersen and Gwendolyn Bogh left Sunday for DesMoines to
represent Plymouth county on the 4-H club demonstration team.

Mrs. Catherine Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fiedler and daughter, Berniece,
and Cletus Mayrose of Remsen enjoyed a motor trip and outing to the famously
beautiful grotto at West Bend, Iowa, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisch were Sioux City visitors on Friday.

Lowell Benson of LeMars accompanied by his cousins, Bernice and Kenneth
Dornbusch, of Howard, S.D., visited friends here Saturday. The Dornbusch
children who have been guests of the Benson family lately, are returning
home this week for school.

Mrs. Kaiser and son, Ray, spent Sunday night visiting in the John Shea home
at Remsen.

Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin entertained at her home Wednesday afternoon about
34 ladies in honor of the Misses Gwen Bogh and Irene Petersen, the 4-H girls
who will represent Plymouth county at the state fair. Informal visiting and
the demonstration, "Effective Ways of Cleaning," by the girls, made a
pleasant afternoon and ended in the same mood with an attractive lunch
served by the hostess.

Mrs. James Enright, Jr., of Sioux City, and small daughter, were week-end
guests in the James Enright, Sr., home.

Ben Harvey left Friday for Rapid City, S.D., to visit his three daughters
and his grandson, Kenneth, son of Mrs. Harvey's son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Orrin Jones. Mrs. Jones is the former Beulah Harvey. Mr. Harvey
returned Monday.

The rural schools in the surrounding country also began classes Monday, as
did St. Catherine's. Miss Kuhns of LeMars is back at her old school
teaching job at the Wisser school and Miss Bernice Fiedler, teaches the
Orban school. The Reisch school is being taught by Miss Harriet Schnepf,
daughter of Will Schnepf and the Fiedler and Wagner schools are remaining

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Null and children moved this week from the farm they had
been occupying northeast of here to Seney, where Mr. Null continues his
business as stock food salesman.

Mr. and Mrs. James Enright, Sr., have vacated the Peters house and have
rented a room in the Frances Theisen home, while their son, James, Jr. and
his family move into the Peters place, from Sioux City. The addition of
this new family to our population swells our number, for the Enrights have
seven children, five of who attend St. Catherine's school.


The second annual Weidauer family reunion was held at Terrace Park, Lake
Okoboji, Sunday, August 30, with 118 present.

Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Weidauer and family, Leonard
Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fischer and family, Carl Fischer of LeMars; Mr.
and Mrs. O. W. Weidauer and family of Merrill; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Kammemer,
Mr. and Mrs. John Dirks and family of Leeds;

Mr. and Mrs. Will Breitenkamp and family of Blairsburg, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Weidauer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weidauer and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Burou and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Radshaw and family, John
Weidauer, of Fonda, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jackson and daughter, Minnie
Beck and daughter, of Pomeroy;

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Widauer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Weidauer, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Weidauer of Garvin, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Weidauer of
Lamberton, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Ford Vandeputte and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Anderson and daughter;

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Weidauer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weidauer and son,
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Seiler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seiler and sons, Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Seiler and family, Esther Wild and son, Eddie Weigers, Martha
Knutson, Wilbur Miller, Shirley Hall,

Mr. and Mrs. Orville Weidauer and family of Marshall, Minn.; Bernie Miller,
Russell, Minn.; Clifford Larson, Lynd, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller
and family of Arco, Minn.; Walter Seiler and family, Betty Ratzlaff of St.
Cloud, Minn.; Clara Seiler, June and Margaret Kuehne, of Chicago, Ill.

WESTFIELD: (By Special Correspondent)

Guests who will arrive the last of the week for an over Labor Day visit in
the Ned Spaulding home are Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Spaulding and Miss Mary
Spaulding, all of Marshalltown, Iowa, also Ted Osmalaski.

"As You Like It" club met in the home of Mrs. Linnie Van Vleck with Mrs. Van
Vleck hostess. Progressive bridge was played, with Mrs. Bertha McCue
winning head prize and Mrs. Florence Kapfer low score prize. Mrs. Camilla
Conway and Mrs. Mary Van Vleck were club guests. The next meeting,
Wednesday, Sept. 9, will be a committee in charge.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Boyd were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beard, at
Clark, S.D.

Mary Marcella Tracy, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tracy, has
enrolled for high school work in St. Catherine's Academy, at Jackson, Neb.

Miss Carol Lilly left Sunday for her school work at Marcus, Ia., and Miss
Shirley Lilly, went to Climbing Hill, Iowa, where she is a member of the
teaching staff of that place, also Miss Alice Maysonholder will be in charge
of the sixth grade of the Akron public schools.

Ada Meyers of Akron visited in the Art Anderson home, also with her mother
in the M.F. Flynn home.

Mrs. G. W. Maysonholder and daughter, Lea Rose, returned on Monday evening
from a visit with relatives at Eagle Grove. George also visited relatives
at Huron, S.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wakey and little son are now nicely settle in the Ed
Doyle residence. Mr. Wakey runs a milk truck to the city. They formerly
lived at Walthill, Neb.

The regular meeting of the ladies aid was postponed from Sept. 3 to Sept.
17. It will be Thursday, Sept. 17, in the Keith Knapp home, with Mrs.
Knapp hostess.

Ilene Gant accompanied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Gant, to their home
in Geddes, S.D. She has been visiting relatives and friends here for the
past two weeks.

The Philip Van Vleck family have stored their household goods at their ranch
north of town. They will go to South Sioux City, Neb., where they will make
their home indefinitely.

Neva McCorkell left Saturday for De Smet, S.D., where she will make their
home with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Munger, and
will attend school there.

Vincent Moffatt and family of Slayton, Minn., visited relatives over the

Helen and Catherine Rollins have gone to Lamont, Iowa, where Helen will keep
house for her cousin, Olin Lilly, who teaches in the schools there and
Catharine Rollins, will attend high school there.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Schaff, of Denver, Colo., visited in the home of his
aunt, Mrs. Anna Oaks, last week.

Bernard Beaubien returned to CCC camp at Whiting, Iowa, on Monday.

The schools will open here on Monday, Sept. 7. The high school to attend
school in Community hall, junior high in the Congregational church
parsonage, fifth and sixth grade in the bank building, third and fourth in
the manual training shop, first and second grade in the lecture room of the
Congregational church. Following is the teaching staff for this year:
Superintendent C. L. McLaughlin, formerly of Milford, Iowa; principal and
home economics and English, Miss Larson, high school, Carl Lang; junior
high, Miss Audrey Boylan; fifth and sixth, Miss Anna Lyle; third and fourth,
Miss Marguerite Martin; first and second, Miss Lucille Dennler.

Sister M. Lorraine returned to St. Joseph, Minn., Thursday after an
enjoyable week's visit in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Tracy, and also
with her brother and wife, Dr. and Mrs. John S. Tracy, of Sioux City.

A nice crowd attended the regular meeting of St. Catherine's Guild, in the
Robert Trefren home, Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Trefren hostess. Plans
were completed for the dance to be given Tuesday evening at Riversioux park.
Mrs. John Luken will entertain the guild in her home Thursday, Sept. 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kloster and son returned Saturday to their home in South
Sioux City, Neb., after a several days' visit in the Philip Van Vleck home.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shearer and Mrs. Art Anderson returned Wednesday from
St. Joseph, Mo., where they had gone for a truck load of watermelons for
John Hebeler.

Mr. and Mrs. John Luken spent the week-end with relatives at Brunsville and

In the ball game Sunday afternoon at Reiversioux park, Westfield defeated
the Jewel Tea Co. of Sioux City, by a score of 5 to 2. Westfield will go to
LeMars Sunday, Sept. 6, where they will meet the LeMars ball team on their
diamond. Labor Day, Sept. 7, Westfield meets Akron on the Riversioux

Miss Elsa Cassel is a guest in the Lester Nason home at Sioux Falls.

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, September 7, 1936


Tennis Van Wilgen from Hollandale, Minn., spent Wednesday night in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koldenhoven.

Frank Hartog, Jr., fell from a truck and injured his knee on Friday. He is
slowly getting better.

Mr. and Mrs. Butler moved to Sioux City on Saturday.

Misses Lucile March and Deana Crowell of Sioux City, and Mrs. Jessie Kennedy
of Vermillion, S.D., stopped for a short visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Chapman on Thursday. They were enroute to Hawarden where Mrs. Kennedy
was to stop for a visit with her son, Emerson and family. The Misses March
and Crowell went back to Sioux City.

Mrs. Richard Koldenhoven and Mrs. Garret Hartog have been seeing their
mother, Mrs. Henry Bos, of near Remsen, almost every day as she has been
sick. Mr. Bos took her to Rochester, Minn., on Tuesday. Her many friends
hope for her speedy recovery.

Mrs. O. L. Loudenslager of California, spent a few days in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Pech, the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Reeves of Paullina, stopped for dinner in the home of
their parents Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne on Friday. They were on their way
to Sioux City.

Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Bergman of Danbury visited in the home of Mrs. John
Lancaster, Sr., on Tuesday and spent the night in the home of Mrs. R. A.
Hawkins and on Wednesday went to Merrill to attend the district conference.

GRANT: (By Special Correspondent)

A Sunday gathering was held at the municipal park in LeMars, where the
following had dinner and supper; Mr. and Mrs. John Westhoff and son, Arnold,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ahrendt and family, Mrs. Dick Westhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. John Binneboese and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harm G. Kruse and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Onken and daughter, Hannah, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Westhoff, Mr. and Mrs. George Popken, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Kruse, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Plueger and daughters, Esther and Darlene, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Plueger
and family, Clara, Regina, Clarence, Louise, Elmer and Edward Plueger and
Rosetta Lubben.

Ladies Aid met Wednesday with a large number of members and many visitors in
attendance. Next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Henry Siebels.

Relatives and friends here were sorry to learn of the passing away of Mrs.
John Marienau, a former resident of Grant township. Funeral services were
held Saturday.

Sioux City callers on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plueger.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fruhling and family and Warren Fruhling returned home
Thursday from Minnesota, where they were called on business.

Marliss, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Renken, is slowly
recovering after being quite sick for a few days. She is still confined in
the Sacred Heart Hospital.

Sunday afternoon callers in the John Aalfs home were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Wilde and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Hauschild and family, Mrs. Henry
Siebels and children, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Garrels and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Null and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Frerichs and family. The
occasion was Miss Lenice's eleventh birthday.

Emma Frerichs returned to her home on Wednesday.

PERRY CENTER: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. M. Petersen and Francis Swanson and Miss Christine Petersen of LeMars
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Goodwin in Morningside.

Niels Hansen returned home on Monday evening from Spokane, Wash., where he
made an extended visit with his sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vehe and family visited Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lyon at their
new cottage on McCook Lake, Sunday.

Quite a crowd attended the auction sale at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Winders, in the southwest part of the township, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Winders and family will leave by car soon, for Minneapolis, Minn., where
they will visit his sister. From there they will journey to Oregon to make
their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Swanson of Sioux City, moved out on their farm last

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kovarna and Mr. and Mrs. Mert Helt of Sioux City left
Wednesday morning for a vacation in Minnesota.

Andrew Petersen shelled corn for George Berger, Saturday.

Miss Alta Vehe returned home Saturday evening from a month's vacation spent
in Chicago and vicinity. A week was spent sight seeing at the Wisconsin
Dells and at a resort on Lake Noquebay in northern Wisconsin. She also
attended the Cubs and Cincinnati baseball game played at Wriggly Field.

Mr. and Mrs. William Jaulson of Sioux City spent the weekend in the home of
their daughter, Mrs. Andrew Petersen, and family.

Miss Helen Korvana spent the weekend with her sister, Leona, in Sioux City.

Mrs. William Gruber is visiting friends at Rockford, Illinois.

Miss Mary Vehe left Monday morning for Sioux City, where she will attend
school at North Junior.

The Perry Pals 4-H girls club gave a program and ice cream social at the Ray
McElrath home Friday evening, September 4. The program consisted of music,
a pantomime, and a camp fire ceremony at which two honorary members were
initiated. The program was well presented.

School in district No. 1 opened up Monday with Miss Geraldine Ellison of
Hinton teacher; No. 2, Miss Sue Waddell, of South Sioux City, Neb.; No. 5,
Miss Olive Fugate of Sergeant Bluff, Ia.; No. 6, Miss Hazel Watje; No. 7,
Miss Violet Reinking, of LeMars; No. 8, Miss Beulah Hazen, of Volin, S.D.;
and No. 9, Miss Gontran Beaulieu.

The Perry Pals 4-H girls club will meet Saturday, Sept. 12, in the home of
Helen Kovarna.

Hans Petersen and Frank Williams expected to arrive in Dallas, Texas,
Wednesday after a week's visit with friends and relatives in Los Angeles,

Miss Bonnie Brownlee enjoyed a visit from the Misses Grovener, of Sioux
City, last week.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkins were Sioux City callers on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Moir visited Sunday afternoon in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Chapman.

Mrs. Dabb of LeMars and Mrs. O. L. Loudenslager of California made a short
call in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman on Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Buss and son, Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McArthur and
son, Raymond, and daughter Ruth, went to Sioux City on Sunday to visit in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Darville and also to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Darville, of Gayville, S.D.

Edgar Lancaster went to DesMoines as one of the 4-H Club last week and
returned home on Tuesday.

Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Phillips attended the district conference in Merrill on

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nixon and children and Mrs. Lulu Nixon of Sioux City were
Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Becker.

Our school opened here on last Monday with Miss Vera Reeves and Miss
Margaret Love, of LeMars, as teachers.

Mrs. Grant Chapman spent Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne.

Among the young people from this community to attend high school in LeMars
are Blanche Hawkins, Lois Osborne, Henry Berkenpas, Eveline Lancaster, Ruth
McArthur, and Wallace Rees.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riter of LeMars were calling here, Thursday.

The Ladies Aid society met in the home of Mrs. Wm. Utech on Thursday. After
the business meeting and election of officers for the next year a delicious
luncheon was served by Mrs. Utech assisted by Mrs. Henry Ioos.

Mrs. Jay Donlin and daughter, Elaine and Esther, and son, Donald, of
Jefferson, S.D., visited in the home of her mother, Mrs. Martha Cook, from
Saturday morning to Sunday evening.

Mrs. C.W. Reeves was a dinner guest in the home of Mrs. Martha Cook on

Vernon Morrison of Salem, S.D., visited his sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Connor, on Wednesday. He was on his way to Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. Allie Eason went to Kent, Minn., last week to visit Mrs.
Eason's parents for a few days. Paul Reeves is helping Frank Eason with the
chores while they are away.

The Ladies Aid society will give a program on the ninth of September in the
hall. The people are given small aprons to put a penny in the pocket for
each inch they are around the waist. After the program a free lunch will be
served by the society.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Miss Constance Chapman left Sunday morning for Lawrence, Kansas, where she
will be joined by Miss Wayne Stephenson and Mrs. Joe Patterson. They will
go to Dallas, Texas, to attend the Texas Centennial and to Corsicana, where
Mrs. Patterson lives. The latter part of the week Miss Chapman and Miss
Stephenson will go to Carlsbad, New Mexico, where they are both instructors
of the high school.

Mrs. James Deegan went to Hospers to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Langenhorst, Wednesday. She went with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buckley of LeMars.
Rosarie Buckley came home with them after being there a week.

Mrs. Grant Chapman and daughter, Constance, and grandson, Robert Chapman,
drove to Sioux City Friday.

Vernon DeRaad of near Kingsley visited in the homes of his brothers, Elmer
and Alfred DeRaad, the past week.

J. F. Deegan and daughter, Alice, took their company, Mrs. Sis Scothorn and
Phyllis Brinkman, to Cherokee on Friday, where they were met by relatives
and went home to Sac City.

A large number of our people attended the dance in the Odd Fellows Hall on
Friday night. Among those who went were Mr. and Mrs. Chet Britton, Ethel,
Erlynne and Earl Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chapman and Jean Chapman, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Moir and children, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chapman, Mr. and Mrs.
Silas Siege, Sylvester Siege, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kaiser and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Perry and children, Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and children.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chapman drove to Sioux City on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Daugherty and his mother, Mrs. Daugherty, entertained the
following guests on Sunday for dinner and supper and the evening: Mr. and
Mrs. Johnnie Betsworth, Jr. and daughters Violet, Barbara, and Beverly, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Whitlock and daughter, Elinor, all of Sioux City. John
Betsworth, Sr., who has spent the past week with his sister, Mrs. Mary
Daugherty, returned to his home in Sioux City with them.

Melvin McArthur returned home from DesMoines, where he has been in camp on

Maurice Skein (sic-Skeen) and his aunt, Mrs. Clara Kroesen of Rutland, Ill.,
stopped on Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ewin. They had been to
Seattle, Wash., to visit Mr. Skein's (sic-Skeen's) daughter, and stopped at
Yellowstone National park and Greeley, Colo., also at Denver, to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Ewin and Mrs. Kroesen's brother, Lewis Record, at Nunn, Colo.
They went to LeMars to visit in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermire,
and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Witt and Mrs. Iona Clark, then home to Rutland, Ill., on
Saturday. [Note: Nunn, Colo., is on Hwy 85 northwest of Greeley, Colo.]

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McArthur and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chapman and daughter,
Jean, drove to Spencer on Monday to see Dr. Fettes in regard to Mr.
McArthur's health. Mr. and Mrs. McArthur stayed in Spencer for a few days.

Will Deegan, Robert Chapman and Robert Deegan went to the air fair at
Sheldon on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Langenhorst of Hospers and Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and
sons, Robert and Roland, and daughters, Kathleen and Lorraine, spent the
evening on Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pletschette.

Mrs. John Lancaster, Ira Lancaster, Mrs. R. A. Hawkins and daughter,
Harriet, Mrs. Reaser, and Vincent, spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buss, southwest of LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Deegan and Joseph Kinsella, visited on Sunday with
relatives in Varina.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Jeffers and sons, Clinton and Clyde, returned to their
home at Haxtun, Colo., on Monday after spending ten days here and at Sioux
City and Kingsley, visiting relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Null and children moved into the Hawkins house Tuesday.
We are glad to have the house occupied.

Mrs. Melvin McArthur and sons, Ronald and Gordon, returned home on Friday
after spending the past two weeks at Sanborn. Her sister, Miss Rhoda
Crocker brought her home and spent the day with her.

Nick Scharda returned to his home from the hospital on Tuesday. His many
friends hope for his speedy recovery.

Mrs. Will Hawkins has spent the past week in the home of uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Z. McGogney, at LeMars, taking care of her aunt who passed away
on Tuesday evening.

Mrs. A. Jeffers visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Henderson, at
Alton, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hancer, who have been spending the summer in the home of
Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Phillips, went to Yarmouth to take up their school work
there. They left here early Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman gave a surprise party for their son, Robert, on
Friday night, it being his birthday on Saturday. All had a good time
playing games. Lunch was served later in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Phillips returned on Tuesday from the Black Hills and
spent two days here with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. B. Phillips, going
to What Cheer on Thursday, where they will stay until Sunday, then return to
their home in Chicago. Mrs. Willis Rickman, who has spent the past week
with her parents, returned to her home in Chicago with them.

Mrs. A. Jeffers and Leora Laughton went to the fair at Orange City,

John Hartog and Richard Koldenhoven went to Silver Lake on Monday, to fish.

The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Will Utech on Thursday, instead of

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad went to Kingsley on Saturday to visit in the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John DeRaad, returning Sunday. Vernon DeRaad,
who has been visiting here a week, returned with them.

John Osborne is helping the neighbors north of here to fill their silos.

C. E. Moore visited his son, Floyd, and family in Marcus on Monday.

During the storm on Wednesday night Henry Siege had some stock struck by

PRESTON-CENTER: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and George Gronemeyer and children were visitors in the Emil Woll home
on Sunday.

Ben Bohlken, Willie Borchers, Don Diez and Wm. Gronemeyer, Sr., left on
Sunday for a tour of the Black Hills.

Miss Leona Frerichs left on Sunday for Sioux City, where she will be

Mrs. Anna Barker, Daisy Lyle and daughters of Kingsley enjoyed a few days at
the lakes.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barker and son and Mrs. Anna Barker were visitors in
Kingsley on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Borchers have been entertaining relatives from Illinois.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Popken and daughter, Ramona, were visitors in the Fred
Gronemeyer home on Monday evening.

Those attending high school at LeMars from this vicinity are: Arlene
Helmrichs, Velma and Irma Gronemeyer and Norman Barker. Those attending
Hawarden are Zenithe Hoeck, Esther and Berniece Rohlfs and Iva Ehlers.

Miss Lori Gronemeyer spent a couple of days with Miss Esther Frerichs.

PRESTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Ike Sallberg of Sioux City, spent Sunday at the Albert Bohlken

Albert Collman and Herman Frerichs attended the funeral of John Janssen of
Coleridge, Neb., on Friday.

Rev. and Mrs. Pruiett and children, of Lexington, Neb., a former pastor of
Plymouth Presbyterian church, visited several days with friends. They were
enroute to Mason City to visit relatives.

Ralph Collman spent a week visiting relatives at Montevideo, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grosenheider and son, Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Brunken and daughter, Luverne, attended a birthday party on Sunday evening
at the Emil Grosenheider home.

Mr. and Mrs. John Helmrich attended the Orange City fair on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor and children visited the Sioux county fair,

Mrs. Orpha Noble entertained the Plymouth Ladies Aid on Thursday at her home
in Struble.

Mrs. Anka Collman and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collman and Miss Annie Miller
visited over the week-end with relatives in Omaha, Neb.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hillerichs and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kallsen visited at the
Eldon Kallsen home on Sunday.

Schools opened in Preston township on Monday morning.

Enno Henrichs is on the sick list.

Fred Jacobs and family and Alfred Hartman and Miss Helen Schultz were
visiting at Lake Okoboji on Sunday.

Ben Bohlken, Donovan Dietz, Willie Borchers and Wm. Gronemeyer left on
Sunday for a visit to the Black Hills, of South Dakota.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Barker and son visited relatives at Kingsley on Sunday.

Cecil Null and Norman Rohlfs departed on a sight-seeing trip to the Black

Miss Vera Grosenheider, of LeMars, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Grosenheider, on Sunday.

Henry Tapper, of Leeds, was a Preston caller, on Sunday.

George Rembe had stock on Tuesday's market.

Herbert McGilvrey, Mrs. Will McGilvrey and daughter, Evelyn, and Robert Ross
of Wessington, S.D., were visiting relatives and friends in Preston, LeMars
and Merrill last week.

[Note from Transcriber: I found three headings labeled SENEY news in this one paper.]

Akron Register-Tribune
September 10, 1936

Obituary—John Faust, Sr.

John Faust, Sr., who has been in poor health for some time, passed away in his home here Sunday, September 6, 1936.

Mr. Faust was born August 8, 1862, at Earlville, Iowa, being 74 years and 29 days old at the time of his death. He was married October 18, 1882, to Miss Helen Mary Welch, who preceded him in death several years ago. To this union were born eight children, two dying in infancy. Those left to mourn his departure are: Two sons, John and Wm. Faust, both of Westfield; and four daughters, Mrs. Mary Hoffman, of Seney, Ia.; Mrs. Winnie Beaubien, of Westfield; Mrs. Agnes Kapfer, of Leeds, Ia.; and Mrs. Rose Kapfer, of Akron; 26 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Mr. Faust was an upright citizen, highly respected in the community in which he lived so many years, and will be greatly missed by his many relatives and friends. The community extends sympathy to the bereaved family.

(Special Correspondence)

Old Millnerville acquaintances will be interested in known that Will Waddle, of Webster, S.D., has been named county judge for Day county, where he has lived and practiced law for many years. Being the senior member of the Day county bar, Governor Tom Berry appointed him when the vacancy occurred.

Labor Day was ideal for entertainment and family gatherings, but most of the country folk kept right on laboring, as usual.

The older son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Luce is attending Central high school in Sioux City this year. Allen, the younger boy, still has some vacation left, as the Stony Point school burned and must be replaced before school can reopen there. Mrs. Luce, who taught for some years at the Stony Point school, is the former Gladys Knapp, so this item will interest Millnerville.

Since the intense summer heat, Mrs. C. L. Knapp has been considerably better of her ailment, and while still more or less stiff in the joints, is now not suffering so much pain. This is good news to her friends, who are not used to seeing that very active lady unable to get about.

LeMars Globe-Post
September 10, 1936

NORTH WASHINGTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Borchers were LeMars callers on Saturday.

Several attended the dance at Brunsville on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Luken of Westfield were visitors in the Jack Reese home
Brunsville over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Art Knorr and children, were visitors at the Mrs. Sam Diediker
home of Brunsville on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fischer and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Marienau and
children, were visitors at the Prince home of Sioux City on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ommen of near Craig were visitors at the Henry Johnson
home of Brunsville on Thursday.

Ben Dirks of Washington is visiting his relatives at Brunsville.

Mrs. Henry Harms of Brunsville is visiting at the Barney Johlfs home of
Iona, Minn., the past week.

Bill Fischer of Brunsville is hauling grain from Estherville the past few

ELGIN: (By Special Correspondent)

Schools open Monday, August 31, with the following teachers: Marion Null,
district No. 4; Lois Zimmerman, No. 5; Mary Blumer, No. 8; Miss Hanno, No.
9; Myrna Detloff is teaching again in Fredonia township. Leora Laughton is
teaching again this year in No. 5, Preston Township and Vivien Schlesser,
district No. 9, Grant.

The Seney ladies aid met in the home of Mrs. Wm. Utech Thursday. Following
the devotional and business meeting during the social hour refreshments were
served by the hostess.

LeMars Globe-Post
September 14, 1936

GRANT TWP: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Plueger and son, Dwaine, motored to Minnesota on

While hauling straw Fred Borchers had the misfortune of failing from the hay
rack and was seriously hurt. He is confined to his bed at the home of his
grandparents of LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus Siebens were Sunday evening visitors at the Henry
Plueger, Sr. home.

Miss Sylvia Siebels had the misfortune of breaking her arm when she fell
from a bank upon which they were playing, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Renken and family are going to move to Lincoln, Neb.,
where they will operate a gas station. Bill Johnson and family will move on
their farm in Washington township.

The Grant township Lutheran League had their annual Luther League meeting on
Sunday evening, Sept. 13, with the Ludwig children entertaining the guests.

Miss Roscile Plueger was a visitor at the Claus Siebens home on Sunday.

Many attended the dance given at Brunsville on Saturday evening.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oloff was christened on Sunday evening, as
Victor Virgil.

Many attended the rodeo in Sioux City on Sunday.

LeRoy Osborne and Richard Osborne have left for a trip to Washington.

Roy Plueger and Herman Borchers motored to Minnesota for a short business

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. VanderHam of near Ireton, motored to Sibley one day last

The Grant township ladies aid met on Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Siebels will
entertain the next meeting.

Many attended the funeral services of Mrs. J. Marienau on Saturday.

Charley Plueger of near Craig had the misfortune of losing one of his
valuable horses one day last week.

PRESTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collman and children, were Riverview visitors on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Early and son of Adaville vicinity, visited at the Fred
Schroeder home on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Borchers, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Toel were Omaha business
visitors recently.

Enno Hennrichs left on Saturday for Chicago, Ill., where he underwent an
operation for serious ailment. His brother accompanied him.

John Borchers shipped out 100 head of fat cattle Tuesday and Wednesday to
Sioux City market. Saathoff and Taylor had the trucking job.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Collman were Sioux City visitors Thursday.

Johnny Wilms returned to his home in Chicago, after a visit of several
months with relatives here.

Preston was visited by a nice rain on Thursday night which will greatly
benefit late pastures and alfalfa hay.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Al Orban and daughters, Loretta and Lois, and Mary Jane of near
LeMars, were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman on

Miss Alice Deegan returned on Friday to DesMoines, to resume her school

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludwig and daughter, Nancy, of LeMars, and J. F. Deegan
and daughters, Alice and Pat, were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Deegan.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Obermire on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koldenhoven were calling on their brother, Mr. and Mrs.
Garrett Koldenhoven, at Ireton, Monday evening.

Mrs. C. Ohrens, of Battle Creek, Michigan, visited in the home of her
brother, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smidt, last week.

Raymond and Lawrence Utech visited last week in Minneapolis attending the
state fair for a few days.

Mrs. Martha Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook and son, Dale, visited Sunday in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Donlin at Westfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermire of LeMars visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Ewin on Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White of Sioux City visited Sunday in the home of Mrs. A.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray McArthur and son, Raymond, and daughter, Ruth, went to
Sioux City on Friday evening to attend the circus. They reported a good

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reeves and daughters, Pearl and Vera, and son, George,
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reeves and two children were dinner guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Strong in Sioux City on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buss gave a surprise party for Rose Penning on Friday night.
All had a nice time and a dainty lunch was served after an evening of
playing games.

Mrs. Frank Becker and son, Floyd, went to Sioux City on Wednesday.

Melvin McArthur went to work on the paving gang near Akron, Wednesday.

Mrs. Lulu Nixon of Sioux City came Wednesday to spend a week in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Becker.

Rev. L. M. Metcalf of Sioux City was calling on friends here on Tuesday.

Mrs. Richard Koldenhoven and Mrs. Garrett Hartog received word from their
mother, Mrs. Henry Bos, that she was operated on Saturday at Rochester,
Minn., and was getting along nicely.

The W.H.M.S. will meet on the 16th in the home of Mrs. Lloyd Laughton in
LeMars. All members are requested to be present.

A fair crowd attended the program in the hall and enjoyed the play and the
singing, which was very good.

Miss Dollie Hinde and Lee Hinde drove over to Hawarden on Sunday to visit in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hinde and Mr. and Mrs. Hinde and children came
back with them and visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Will Criswell and
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hinde, returning home on Monday. Vernon Penning went with
them. He came home with Mrs. E. M. Kennedy and son, Dennis, and daughter,
Doris, on Wednesday, who stayed until Thursday I the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning.

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Moir and two children visited relatives on Sunday and
Mr. Moir returned home on Monday. They visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Deegan, George Osborne, and other relatives.


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Plymouth County