Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, November 2, 1936

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

The Volunteer Sunday school had a meeting at the parsonage on Thursday
evening to read over and try out parts for the play which they will present

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Smidt are the proud parents of a baby boy born Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McArthur and granddaughter, Ethel McArthur, of Sheldon were
supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Pete Keizer gave a Halloween party on Friday evening. A large
number of our people attended and a good time was had by all. The ladies
served a lunch late in the evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siege visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman
and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Worley on Sunday afternoon.

M. J., Vincent and Edgar Lancaster were Sioux City visitors on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jones visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Deegan on

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McArthur and granddaughter, Jean Chapman, drove to Rock
Valley to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Eldridge on Saturday after
spending the day there they drove to Hawarden to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Hinde and staying the night with Mr. and Mrs. George Niehaus, returning home
on Sunday evening.

Among the group that drove to near Kingsley on Friday night, to visit in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John DeRaad, were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad, Mr. and
Mrs. Pete Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Berkenpas and sons, Art and Bill, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Chapman and daughter, Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cooper, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Penning and Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McArthur.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad started from here to drive to California for the
winter on Monday. Their many friends hope they have a nice trip and also a
nice winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mall of Paullina, were supper guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne on Saturday.

The Sunday school board had their meeting on Monday evening in the church
and elected the following officers for the coming year: Superintendent,
Will Utech; assistant superintendent, Frank Becker; secretary and treasurer,
Vincent Lancaster; pianist, Ruth McArthur; chorister, Albert Null;
librarian, Richard Hawkins; assistant librarian, Roy Carwell; program
conductor, Mrs. Ray McArthur, Mrs. Frank Becker and Mrs. Anna Hawkins.

Mrs. George Osborne assisted by Mrs. Earnest Reeves of Paullina, were joint
hostesses to a shower given to Mrs. Ronald Parks, a recent bride, on
Saturday. About 30 were present at the miscellaneous shower. Lunch was
served by the hostesses.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin McArthur, of Sioux City, were dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McArthur.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Ewin of Denver, Colo., visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ewin, on Tuesday and Wednesday and spent the rest of the week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermire, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Witt and Mrs. Iona
Clark, in LeMars, returning to Denver, Sunday.

The Volunteer class of the Sunday School met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Null on Tuesday to go over their parts in the play to be given soon.

Bert Reeves had as dinner guests, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne and
son, Billy, and daughters, Lois and Georgene, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Parks,
Lowell Parks, of Kingsley, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Reeves of Paullina and
Myrtle Reeves of LeMars.

Mrs. C. J. Darville of Sioux City was a dinner guest in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy McArthur, on Sunday.

Miss Alice Deegan returned to Des Moines, on Sunday, where she is teaching
after spending a week at the home of her father, J. F. Deegan, who is sick
but getting better again.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludwig and daughter, Nancy, of LeMars, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Langenhorst of Hospers, were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Pletschette, on Sunday.

Roy McArthur returned home, Tuesday, from Aurelia, where he has been working
as a form setter in the paving gang. It has gotten so cold they are
stopping work till next spring.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ardudsen drove to Rock
Rapids on Sunday to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Gueldes.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad went to Ocheydan to visit in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Rack, also Mrs. Minnie Lehrman, who stays with her daughter.

Mrs. George Miller of Struble visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Chapman on Wednesday evening.

PRESTON CENTER: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Borchers and sons, were Craig callers on Wednesday

LeMars callers on Wednesday were: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weyen, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Popken, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Collman, and Mrs. Wm. Barker.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hillrichs, jr., were Akron callers on Wednesday evening.

Mrs. John Gronemeyer and daughter and Cora Meether were LeMars callers on

A number of friends helped Miss Zenith Hoeck celebrate her birthday on

Mrs. Art Kallsen was taken to the Hawarden hospital where she underwent a
major operation.

Fred Brunken shelled corn on Wednesday.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
November 3, 1936


BRUNSVILLE: (Special Correspondence)

Bill Richards is employed in the Farmers elevator of Brunsville.

Joyce Harms has been suffering from an infection in her arm, the past week.

Mrs. Tommy Vernon of Sioux City spent several days last week in the Dick
Harm’s home.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dysthe of Omaha, Nebr., visited Thursday in the Gert
Siebens home.

Mrs. Fred Dirks and daughter of Akron visited Wednesday in the Mrs. Minnie
Harms home.

Miss Mildred Harms underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Sacred
Heart Hospital of LeMars on Tuesday.

Mrs. McGilvery of Wessington, S.D., and Mrs. Duncan Robertson, of LeMars,
spent Tuesday with Mrs. B. Richards.

Carl Oltmanns and daughter Annie and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oltmans, of Carroll,
left on Monday for Sterling, Illinois, where they will spend a week with
relatives and friends.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

The Ladies Aid Society will meet Wednesday, November 1, with Mrs. Frank

Miss Ethel Keizer entertained a number of friends at a Halloween party on
Friday evening.

Roy McArthur returned home from Aurelia, Iowa, on Tuesday, the paving job he
was on being completed.

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Mall, of Paullina, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Osborne Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving McArthur, of Sioux City, were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. McArthur, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker motored to Hudson, S.D., Tuesday and visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodhouse.

Members of the play cast of the Volunteer Sunday school class met at the
home of Miss Marion Null on Wednesday evening for rehearsal.

Miss Alice Deegan, who teaches in the public schools of Des Moines, spent
the past week in the home of her father, John Deegan, who is ill.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ludwig and daughter Nancy and Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Langenhorst, of Orange City, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pletchette,

Mr. and Mrs. Will Ewin of Denver, Colorado, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Ewin. They visited until Sunday with Mrs. Iona Clark and other
relatives in LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rock of
Ocheyedan on Sunday. From there they will leave on Monday for California,
where they will spend the winter.

Mrs. George Osborne and Mrs. Ernest Reeves were joint hostesses at a
miscellaneous shower given Saturday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Ronald Parks.
About thirty guests were present. At the close of the afternoon, the
hostesses served a delicious lunch.

The Sunday school board met at the church on Monday evening, October 26, for
the annual election of officers. The following officers were elected: Will
Utech, superintendent; Frank Becker, assistant superintendent; Vincent
Lancaster, secretary-treasurer; Ruth McArthur, pianist; Albert Null,
chorister; Richard Hawkins, librarian; Roy Carwell, assistant librarian.

Akron Register-Tribune
November 12, 1936

(Special Correspondence)

The ladies of the Stony Point school district gave a surprise visit on Mrs. Otto Popken on Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McCorkell and family were Sioux City visitors Tuesday.

Darlene and Marjorie spent the week end at their home near Chatsworth.

The ladies of St. Matthew Lutheran Church at Chatsworth will serve a chicken supper on Wednesday, November 18. Your patronage will be appreciated.

LeMars Globe-Post
November 16, 1936


A pretty home wedding took place at Seney when Vincent Lancaster and Ina
Lancaster were quietly married at the bride’s home in Seney.

Rev. Batho, pastor of the M.E. church, performed the ceremony in the
presence of a few relatives and friends.

The bride is an adopted daughter of Amelia Lancaster and the groom is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lancaster, he is engaged in farming and raising
purebred livestock.

The young couple have been reared at Seney and have a host of friends and
neighbors who wish them success.

They will live on the groom’s farm at Seney.

LeMars Globe-Post
November 23, 1936

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

The Ladies Aid held their annual chicken supper at the hall Wednesday
evening. A good evening brought out a good crowd and the ladies are well
pleased with results.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Penning and daughter, Rose, visited in the C. L. Britton
home, Sunday afternoon.

Out of town folks at the chicken supper were Rev. and Mrs. Metcalf, Rev.
Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Will Eiler and Miss Harriet Daniels, all of Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Eldridge of Rock Valley visited at the Duncan McArthur home
this week.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and children had dinner at the Henry Ludwigs
home, south of LeMars, on Sunday.

Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lancaster, who were
married November 11, at Seney. Mrs. Lancaster was formerly Miss Ina

Miss Jewell Godwin was a Friday dinner guest at the Osborne brothers home.

Miss Knight, the home making teacher in the LeMars schools, visited at the
home of Phyllis Mueller, Patricia Deegan, Blanche Hawkins, and Lois Osborne
last Friday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chambers are visiting relatives in this vicinity. They are
on their way to their home after a trip to Clear Lake, Iowa.

A small group of friends helped Harvey Buss celebrate his birthday on
Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mohan and daughter, of Sioux City, were guests in the
Albert Hawkins home, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Eilts of Leeds, were Sunday evening guests in the George
Osborne home.

Miss Jewell Godwin spent the weekend in the Glen Moir home.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Detloff of Sioux City, were guests in the Will Detloff
home, Sunday.

The Ladies Aid met in the hall, Tuesday, and again on Friday, serving for
the bazaar.

The men of the church cut wood, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hartog are the proud parents of a boy, born Sunday.

A group of Epworth Leaguers motored to Akron, Monday evening, to attend
their rally day. Those attending were Earl Buss, George and Vera Reeves,
Orville and Lila Reese, Richard Hawkins and Blanche Hawkins, Marion and
Alberta Null, Edgar Lancaster, and Reverend Code Batho.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buss entertained a large crowd of relatives, numbering
about 60, at supper Tuesday, complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lancaster,
who were recently married.

Mrs. Lena Meyer and son, and Mrs. Martha Chapman, of West Union, Iowa, were
calling in Seney Wednesday. Mrs. Meyer and Mrs. Chapman were daughters of
Tom Hanson, who lived in the Seney vicinity 50 years ago, and stopped in
Seney on their way to Rock Valley.

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