Iowa Old Press

Akron Register-Tribune
June 11, 1936

(Special Correspondence)

John Popken is the proud owner of a new Chevrolet car.

A large number of friends reminded Mrs. Orin Harris of her birthday last Monday.

There was a good attendance from this vicinity at the dance at Chatsworth, Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klemme were shoppers in LeMars, Saturday.

Quite a large number from this vicinity attended the wedding dance of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilken. The bride is a former teacher of the Stony Point school.

Edith Smith, of Marathon, Ia., has been visiting in the home of her sister, Mrs. Albert Witt.

LeMars Globe-Post, Monday, June 29, 1936, Page 1, Column 8:

Throat Cut From Ear to Ear by Glass

Eva Attrill, 16, is dead and her mother, Mrs. G. E. Attrill is in a hospital
at Akron and Mrs. Ed Fischer in the Sacred Heart hospital, as the result of
an automobile accident, that happened 1 1/2 miles south of Adaville, on the
Perry creek road, about 7 o'clock Sunday evening.

The death car contained Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Attrill and two children, Eva and
Lloyd, 23, of Akron. Lloyd was doing the driving.

In the Fischer car were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fischer, of Merrill; Mr. and Mrs.
Lou Baack and baby and Bill Ressen, also of Merrill. Mr. Fischer was doing
the driving.

According to reports received at the sheriff's office, both cars were
driving in the middle of the road, and crashed headon at the top of the
hill. Eva Attrill was thrown through the windshield and died almost
instantly. Her jugular vein in her throat was severed.

Mrs. Attrill, who is in the Akron hospital, suffered several broken ribs and
minor injuries. Hospital authorities at Sacred Heart say that Mrs.
Fischer's injuries are minor, and that x-ray pictures reveal no fractures.
The rest of the occupants escaped with minor injuries, but Mr. Fischer was
treated at the Akron hospital.

Coroner S. H. Luken could not be reached today, but Deputy Sheriff Leo
Hentges, who investigated the accident, said an inquest would be held.


The case brought by doctors of the LeMars Clinic against Dr. H. H.
Burroughs, asking for an injunction to prevent his practicing medicine in
LeMars, according to the court calendar, would come up this week. Due to
the absence of C. D. Roseberry, attorney for the plaintiffs, however, it
will be postponed. Mr. Roseberry will be back next week. Keenan, Kelley &
Diamond represent the defendant. The case will not be tried by jury,
according to its present docketing.

Oyens Farmer Was Ripping Up A Board

W. C. Aird, 45, farmer, living about a mile and a half south of Oyens, was
brought to the Sacred Heart hospital this morning minus three fingers of his
right hand, which he lost in a ripsaw about 9 o'clock this morning.

Mr. Aird had attempted to rip up a couple of planks at the Charles Kuster
planing mill, and in some way got his hand into the saw. In addition to
severing the three fingers, the saw also lacerated his thumb, and little
finger, but these will probably be saved, Dr. W. L. Downing said.

Mr. Kuster rushed Mr. Aird to LeMars in his car, taking him to the LeMars
Clinic, and after first aid was rendered he was taken to the hospital for an
operation on the hand.

LeMars Sentinel, Tuesday, June 30, 1936, Page 1, Column 1:

Fatally Hurt In Car Crash At Adaville
Eva Attrill Killed Instantly When Thrown Through Windshield In Collision
Jugular Vein Severed
Two Other Women Badly Hurt Are In Hospital

Eva Attrill, 16 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Attrill, of Akron, was
instantly killed Sunday evening, and Mrs. Attrill and Mrs. Ed Fischer were
seriously injured in an automobile accident.

Cars driven by Ernest Attrill and Ed Fischer, of Liberty township, collided
head on a mile and a half south of Adaville. The cars approached each other
on a slope on a newly graded road.

Miss Attrill was thrown through the windshield and her jugular vein was
severed. Mrs. Fischer, who was with her husband, suffered three broken
ribs. She was brought to the Sacred Heart hospital in LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Baack and Wm. Rissen in the car with the Fischers escaped
with bruises and cuts. Mrs. Attrill is in a hospital at Akron seriously

Ernest Attrill, his wife, daughter, Eva, and son, Lloyd, and Helen Richter
were on their way home to Akron after a visit with his brother, Fred
Attrill, at Adaville. The two cars met at the crest of a hill about half
past six in the evening.

Deputy Sheriff Leo Hentges and Coroner S. Luken went out to investigate the
accident and an inquest will probably be held.

Graduate of Akron School

Eva Marie Attrill, the victim of the crash, was graduated from the Akron
high school this month and was a star basketball player.

The funeral will be held in the Methodist church at Akron Wednesday at 9:45
a.m., Rev. J. F. Moore officiating, and burial made in the Adaville

Page 1, Column 2:

Miss Irene Kohl Resigns Job As Welfare Worker

The Estherville, Iowa, News, a few days ago printed the following notice in
reference to Miss Irene Kohl, who has been welfare worker in Palo Alto
county. Miss Kohl is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Con Kohl, of LeMars. The
News said:

"Miss Irene Kohl, county welfare worker here for more than two years,
yesterday resigned to take further study in social service work. Miss Kohl
presented her resignation to the board and it was accepted.

Miss Kohl, who came to Estherville from social service work in Buena Vista
county, intends, she said, to study in the graduate school of social service
at the University of Chicago summer school. Her resignation took effect
June 15 and she has entered the summer term at the University.

During Miss Kohl's work here the activities of the relief office have
reached their all-time peak, though today the number of unemployed cases on
the rolls is less than it has been in many years, she said.

Miss Kohl received her social service training at Morningside college and
after graduation entered the family welfare bureau there. Later she became
welfare worker in Buena Vista county.

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