Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
Friday, March 1, 1935

Deceased Was Engaged In Business In Oyens Past Six Years

Death claimed Ray H. Conklin, 300 First Avenue SW, at the Sacred Heart
Hospital February 27, after a brief illness caused by influenza and
complications. Mr. Conklin served in the World War and was taken sick at a
veteran’s camp at Lehigh, Iowa. He was brought home a week ago and last
Monday was taken to the hospital when his condition became serious.

Ray H. Conklin was born August 24, 1892, at Sutherland, Iowa. With his
parents he went to Morningside, Sioux City, when a child and lived there
until his marriage. He was married May 12, 1917, to Ellen Adamson at Miles
City, Mont., where they lived for a few years and then came back to

Mr. Conklin lived in Oyens the past six years where he followed his
occupation as barber. The family moved to LeMars last July.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Conklin, and three children, Byron, Earl
and Marion, of this city; his father, George R. Conklin; two sisters, Mrs.
L. E. Short, Anthon, and Mrs. Arthur Beckwith, Sioux City; and a brother, J.
A. Conklin, of Chicago. He was preceded in death by one child, his mother
and two brothers.

Mr. Conklin was a member of the World War veterans and a member of the
Eagles. He was a good citizen, highly esteemed by a large number of

The funeral will be held Saturday at 2 o’clock in the Methodist church, Rev.
J. R. Tumbleson officiating and interment made in the City cemetery.

The services will be conducted with military honors.


Kingsley News-Times: Joseph R. Mills, prominent farmer living southwest of
Kingsley, passed away at his home on Monday evening of this week following a
short illness. Mr. Mills was 81 years of age. Funeral services were held
from the Methodist church here Wednesday afternoon, services being in charge
of Rev. John B. Walker, pastor.


R. Laurence Campbell, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Campbell, of Woonsocket,
S.D., died in a hospital at Denver, Colo., Monday following an illness of
nearly a year, caused by pulmonary tuberculosis.

The remains were brought to LeMars, Wednesday, for interment.

Laurence Campbell was born June 12, 1916, and spent most of his life in
Spencer, S.D., and Woonsocket, S.D.

He was graduated from the Woonsocket high school last year and was a pupil
on the honor roll. While a student he was prominent in musical circles and
in athletics and popular with his associates. He was a faithful workers in
the Methodist church and the Epworth League.

The youth was taken ill last spring. He spent some time in LeMars and
Merrill last year, and lived an outdoor life in hopes of ameliorating his
condition. In company with his mother, he went to Denver last September,
seeking change of climate.

He leaves to mourn his early death his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Campbell,
of Woonsocket, S.D., his brother, Eugene, a student at Yankton college, his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Mauer, of LeMars, and a large number of
other relatives.

The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Beely Mortuary
chapel, Rev. J. R. Tumbleson, pastor of the Methodist church of this city,
officiating. Mrs. Andrew Pereboom and Mrs. F. F. Null, of Hawarden, sang
“He’ll wipe Away Tears” and “The Lord Knows Best.” A number of fellow
students from Woonsocket came to attend the last rites and friends were
present from Ireton and Hawarden. John Campbell, of Beresford, S.D., and
Roscoe Campbell, uncles to the youth and an aunt, Miss Lois Campbell, of
Huron, S.D., came to attend the funeral.

Six cousins were pallbearers. Interment was made in the family burying
ground in the City cemetery.

Le Mars Globe-Post, March 4, 1935

Vermillion Woman Is Dead As Result of Crash

Mrs. Arthur Powers, 35, of Vermillion, S. D., received fatal injuries in an
automobile accident
near Akron last night when cars driven by her husband and Richard Bean, 20,
who was injured,
met in a head-on collision. The accident occurred one and a half miles south
of Akron on Highway 12 at about 7:30 p. m.

Bean, driving a Ford V-8 belonging to Russell Pollock of Akron was
accompanied by Agnes
and Marie Granquist of Akron and Robert Viken of Sioux City and was driving
south. Mr. and Mrs. Powers and their three children, John, Ernest and
Harriet, were in the other car and were traveling north. It was raining very
hard at the time of the collision and the visibility was very poor.

Sam Claussen and Ellen Welch of Akron, who arrived at the scene of the
accident, rushed Mrs. Powers to the Akron hospital where she died at about

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
March 5, 1935

Well Known and Prominent Resident of
Elgin Township Dies After Brief Illness

Death claimed R. A. Hawkins, 49, prominent farmer and stockman, of Elgin
township at the Sacred Heart hospital in this city Sunday afternoon after a
brief illness of cerebral meningitis.
Mr. Hawkins was life long resident of this vicinity and was widely known.
Among this associates and friends he was called “Allie” Hawkins. He was born
in Elgin township October 8, 1885.

He is survived by his wife, Lizzie Lancaster, to whom he was married June 5,
1907, and one daughter, Harriet. He also leaves his mother Mrs. R.H.
Hawkins, of Seney, two brothers, W.G. Hawkins and Albert Hawkins, of this
county, and two sisters, Mrs. Martha Hayes, of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Jessie
Potter of Mitchell, S.D.

The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock in the Seney Methodist church.


Glenn H. Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Campbell, of LeMars, was united
in marriage with Miss Mildred Hadley, of Cedar Rapids, Friday, March 1st, in
the bride’s former home at Ackley, Iowa. Attendants at the wedding were the
groom’s brother, Earl Campbell, of LeMars, and the bride’s sister, Miss Edna
May Hadley, of Clear Lake, Iowa. After a brief wedding trip to Chicago, the
couple will reside in Cedar Rapids, where Mr. Campbell is employed with an
insurance company.
Miss Mildred Phipps spent the weekend in Sioux City visiting in the home of
her mother, Mrs. Ellen Phipps.

LeMars Sentinel
March 8, 1935

Last Rites For R. A. Hawkins At Seney Church

The funeral for the late R.A. Hawkins, of Elgin township, was held Wednesday
afternoon in the Methodist church in Seney, with Rev. W. C. Bergman
officiating and was largely attended.

Relatives and friends from out of town at the services were: Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Brown and son and Mr. Samuelson, of Home, Kans.; Mrs. Mary McMullen, of
Larchwood, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Onawa; Mr. and Mrs. Allie McMullen,
Dewey McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thompson, Wm. Johnson, Mr. Sickles, of
Sioux City; Lloyd Mc Mullen, of Larchwood, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Potter,
Des Moines; Mr. and Mrs. James Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter, Rob, Peter
and Lawrence Moir, of Mitchell, S.D.; Jno. Elles, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Potter, of Sioux Falls; Andrew Moir, of Andover, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Willett, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mitchell, Rev. M. L. Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Summermeyer, of Sioux City; Chris Lancaster, Mrs. Riggert, of Mitchell,
S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Meril Simons, of Ireton; Mrs. Martha Haney and family, of
Minneapolis, Minn.; Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Bergman, of Danbury; Mr. and Mrs.
Irvin Cooper, of Hawarden.

The pallbearers were: Jno. Osborne, Wm. Albert, Wm. Pech, Clifford Bray,
Jake Berkenpas, and Henry Groetken. The interment was made in Seney

Remsen Pioneer Taken By Death

Funeral services were held in St. Mary's church in Remsen Tuesday morning
for Theodore Fideler, a pioneer of this county, Rev. Father H. J. Schiefer

Mr. Fideler was born at Biesen, Luxemborg, Europe, December 29, 1862. He
came to this country in 1884 and worked in a blacksmith shop in LeMars and
then went to Remsen where he followed the same occupation. The deceased was
a hardworking and honest man and a good citizen. He was a devout member of
the Catholic faith, a devoted husband and father. He built the first hook
and ladder fired truck in Remsen and it is still in use.

He is survived by his wife and children, who are Mrs. George Ertl, of Fort
Dodge; M. S. Fideler, of Remsen; Theo. M. Fideler, of San Diego, Calif.;
Louise Haack of Sioux City; J. P. Fideler, of Fort Dodge; and Louis, of
Waterloo. One son, John, preceded him in death.


A snow storm that started Wednesday morning and continued through most of
the day brought .34 inches of moisture. The mercury dropped during the day
and registered 1 degree above zero early Thursday morning.

ADAVILLE: (Special Correspondence)

The 4-H club met with Helen Marbach Saturday.

The W. M.A. met at the Will Philips home Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Betger, of Akron, are keeping house for Tom Dreeszen.

Harry Hawkins moved to the farm recently occupied by Mr. Andersen.

Warren King and Mrs. Anna Green went to Davis (sic David) City, Neb., and
were united in marriage at the home of his son-in-law, Rev. Jones. They will
visit in Kansas and will be at home soon on the King farm.

Mrs. Isabella Dry passed away last Thursday from pneumonia. Her children,
Mrs. Ruth Frantz of Palestine, Ill.; Leonard Dry of Detroit, Mich.; Mrs.
Hannah Leuer, of Chicago, were called home to attend the funeral.

Mrs. Brundine has rented her farm and will keep house for her brother-in-law
in South Dakota. Ed Utesch moved from the Norton farm and the Jensen family
will occupy the place vacated. Rube Heins has moved into the August
Erickson place.

Rev. N. A. Hollingshead has been giving some very interesting sermons from
the Book of Romans. Everyone that is not affiliated with some other church
are cordially invited to come join in the services. Splendid Sabbath
school. All are given a cordial welcome. Prayer meeting this week was
postponed on account of the condition of the roads.

Rev. and Mrs. N. A. Hollingshead and son, Clyde, went to Walnut, Iowa, to
visit Mrs. Christiansen, where they met their daughter, Helen, and family,
of Indianapolis, Indian, enroute to Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Christiansen has
been milk administrator of Indianapolis and Ft. Wayne and has been
transferred to Ft. Worth, Texas, where he takes up the work in that section.
Dr. Hilton, of Sioux City, will speak on Wednesday, March 13, at 8 p.m. in
the court house. Subject, “Religion, Humanity, and the Townsend Plan.”
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Kanago and children, Patty and Dennis, and Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Kanago drove to Omaha to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Kanago
and son.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Dan McArthur, of Sheldon, was a visitor here Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hartog motored to Sioux City last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mars and son moved to a place near Orange City to work
for a farmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad motored to Ocheyedan Saturday to spend a week with

Mr. and Mrs. Irvie McArthur and Mrs. Darville, of Sioux City, spent the week
end here with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bos, of Fredonia township, honored their daughter,
Christina, last Friday evening with a miscellaneous shower. A number were
there and many useful gifts received.
The old machinery store and warehouse on the west end of the Butler property
on First Avenue SW is being torn down this week. The buildings situated on
valuable ground have outlived their usefulness.
Mrs. John Tucker left Thursday evening for Hubbard, Iowa, where she will
visit indefinitely in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Hoskins. She was
accompanied by Mrs. Hoskins who have been in LeMars the past ten days.
Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Joynt are home from a trip to St. Louis, Mo., where Dr.
Joynt attended a post graduate school for a week. They stopped enroute at
Waterloo to visit the doctor’s brother and at Dubuque to visit their son,
John, who is attending Columbia College there.
I have not been able to see all of my friends personally to solicit their
vote for school director, but take this method of assuring them I will
appreciate their support at the polls next Monday. ~~Dr. R. M. Figg.

I am a candidate for the two year term as director. Your vote will be
appreciated. ~~Geo. W. Koenig.

LeMars Globe-Post
March 11, 1935

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

The ladies aid society served dinner in the hall Wednesday, March 6,
followed by the regular business meeting.

Christina Bos was honored with a miscellaneous shower in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jno. Koldenhoven, Monday evening. About 60 people were there to enjoy
the evening and the bride-to-be received many useful gifts.

Mrs. Minnie Lehrman, Mrs. Paul Rock, of Ocheydan and Mrs. Jno. Van Gelder of
Rock Rapids, were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Minnie Hamilton,
Saturday of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hofland, of Orange City, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartog, of
Maurice, and Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hartog helped celebrate little Frances
Marie Hartog's first birthday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hartog, on
Tuesday evening.

Miss Christina Bos spent the week in the home of her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hartog.

Mrs. Minnie Lehman, Mrs. Paul Rock of Ocheydan, Mrs. Jno. Van Gelder, of
Rock Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad were Sunday guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lehrman.

E. H. Riter had a truck load of sheep on the Sioux City market, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Nate Connor and son of Moville moved to Seney this week to make
their home.

Miss Pauline Riter returned home Sunday after spending a few weeks in the
home of her brother and family, at Marcus.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chambers of Castlewood, S.D., visited in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Becker, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hartog motored to Sioux City Thursday.

Jno. Hartog moved Ernie Reeves to Paullina, Thursday.

WESTFIELD: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. Laura Mills spent several days here among friends but was called away
suddenly on account of the serious sickness of her son, George, at Denver,
Colo. She accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. John Witte, left Saturday
morning for Denver.

A. Bertrand family from Salix will farm the place formerly occupied by the
Hartwig family, the Hartwigs going to the farm vacated by the Wm. Lorenzen
family, east of town.

A nice crowd attended the ladies aid meeting in community hall last Thursday
evening with a committee in charge.

Mrs. Rose Burke and granddaughter, Edith Catharine Berguim, spent the week
end with relatives in the city.

Mrs. M. J. Kennedy and son returned to their home near Salix after a weeks
visit in the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Tracy, and among other relatives.

Miss Dorothy McDougall is assisting in the Wm. Connolly home near Elk Point.

Nels Beaubien and Phil Beaubien motored to the city Sunday to see their
brother, Lawrence Beaubien, who was quite seriously hurt in an auto

Mrs. Ray McCue was a delightful hostess to the Wednesday Bridge Club
Wednesday afternoon in her home.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Lilly and baby left Thursday for their new home near
North Riverside where Mr. Lilly will farm for the coming year. Farrell
Harrington will have charge of the Standard Oil station.

Mrs. Cecil Harrington entertained a large crowd in her home Thursday
afternoon at the regular meeting of St. Catharine's guild.

Mr. and Mrs. John Mathis and daughter, of Dakota City, Neb., have taken up
their residence in Westfield and Mr. Mathis will reopen the Beaubien garage.

The Harry Michael and Ed Kane families are now occupying the house vacated
by the Wayne Lias family.


Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Heinen and Mike Friend, of Marshall,
Minn., arrived Sunday to attend the funeral services for their sister and
cousin, Mrs. Charley Arens, of Alton, who died at Sacred Heart Hospital on
Saturday. While here they are guests in the John Wolf home.
Friends here have received word of the marriage at Dodge (sic David) City,
Neb., on Wednesday, Feb. 27, of Warren King of Merrill to Mrs. Anna Green of
Akron. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. J.E. (sic Rev. S.A.)
Jones, a son-in-law of Mr. King’s . After a short southern honeymoon trip,
Mr. and Mrs. King will make their home on the King farm west of Merrill.
We wish to express our gratitude to our friends and neighbors for their
kindness during the sickness and passing away of our dear husband, father,
son and brother. We appreciate the beautiful flowers and other expressions
of sympathy expressed to us. ~~Mrs. Elizabeth Hawkins and daughter Harriet,
Mrs. Jane Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Potter,
Mrs. Martha Haney, Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Hawkins.

A very pleasant evening was spent in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ahlfs,
on Thursday, March 7, when a large company of relatives and friends gathered
in honor of their fortieth wedding anniversary. The evening was spent in
talking over olden times and playing cards. Their grandchildren, Dale and
Lenyce Ahlfs, sang two very beautiful songs, which were appropriate for the
occasion. A dainty three-course lunch was served at the close of the
All 1935 county dog license fees shall become delinquent on the first of
April and a penalty of one dollar shall be added to each unpaid license on
and after said date. Payable at county auditor’s office. ~L.A. Ludwig,
County Auditor.

-Arthur Powers, of Vermillion, S.D., husband of the woman who was killed
near Akron, says that published accounts of the accident erred in the
following particulars:

The dead woman was 31 years old, not 35; he was driving south, not north; it
was not raining hard at the time of the accident as was published; there was
another occupant of the car who was injured. He was James Thomosen, with
three broken ribs, hips bruised, who is still in bad condition, but

-Members of the DeVall family, heirs of the former owners of what is now the
county home for the aged, objected to the item which implies that the
DeValls were receiving aid from the county, and that the home was taken by
the county on a claim for aid received, after their death.

None of the DeValls have ever received a cent of aid from the county. Mrs.
DeVall, wife of the former owner, was a patient in the state hospital at
Cherokee, and after her death the bill was presented to the heirs. The heirs
settled the bill by turning the house over to the state. The county later
obtained the house from the state, there having been an agreement all

LeMars Globe-Post
March 14, 1935

WESTERN STANTON: (By Special Correspondent)

The Women's Missionary Society of the Stanton Evangelical church met on
Wednesday afternoon, March 6, in the home of Mrs. Albert Lang. After the
regular lesson study, presented each month, a social hour following during
which time the hostess served delicious refreshments.

Miss Minnie Lentz departed on Wednesday for her home at Denver, Colo., after
spending several days in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lenz.

Miss Lois Zimmerman left this week for Cherokee, where she will teach in the
city schools for the coming three months.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Berner had as dinner guests on Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
I. E. Brandstetter and son, Roger, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Lake and family and
Walter Kehrberg.

Henry, Phyllis, Berneice and Harvey, children of Mr. and Mrs. ? Smith, who
moved to Stanton to farm near Remsen, have entered school in district No. 3.

Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Brandstetter were callers in Sioux City, Thursday.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad motored to Ocheydan, last Saturday to spend a week
with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mars and son moved to a place near Orange City to work
for a farmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvie McArthur and Mrs. Chas. Darville of Sioux City, spent the
week end with relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chambers of Castlewood, S.D., visited relatives here last

Mr. Patterson, Frank Burdick of Sioux City and Mr. Ferguson are getting the
Booth & Olson machinery ready to start work just as soon as the weather

Dan McArthur of Sheldon was a caller here Wednesday.

Mrs. Ray Hinde and daughters, of Hawarden, and Vernon Penning who has been
working there the last few weeks, are visiting in the home of their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning.

C. E. Moore motored to Marcus Sunday to visit in the home of his son and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore.

RUBLE: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klemme were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of the
latter's mother, Mrs. Ben Tapper.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell and sons were LeMars shoppers, Saturday.

Wayne Miller spent Friday evening with Norman Morehead.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kallsen and family, Mrs. Barth Miller and Mr. and Mrs.
Clare Morehead and sons, were Sunday afternoon guests at the John Tapper

Mrs. John Kallsen, Mr. and Mrs. Barth Miller, Jesse Kallsen and Arthur
Kallsen and daughter, Edna, Otto Kallsen of near Craig, and Mrs. Peter
Kallsen of LeMars motored to Lester, Iowa, on last Thursday to attend the
funeral of their aunt and sister-in-law, Mrs. Emil Thiesen of that place.
They returned home on Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller and daughter, Darlene, were Sunday dinner guests
at the Clarence Braun home.

NORTH WASHINGTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Johnson of Holstein spent Saturday evening and Sunday at
the home of Edw. Johnson of Brunsville.

Mrs. Gerd Siebens and daughter, Tillie, were Sioux City shoppers Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Early and Miss Flossie Early were Sioux City business
callers on Saturday.

Mrs. John Luken of near Brunsville and Mrs. Jack Reese were visitors at the
home of Mrs. John Harms of Brunsville.

Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson and daughter, Alice, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson,
all of Preston township, Mrs. Bertha Voss and children and Mr. and Mrs. John
Renken and daughters, of LeMars, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Renken of near Brunsville.

A very large crowd attended the apron and overall dance which was held at
the Brunsville hall on Saturday evening.

A farewell party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ehlers of near
Brunsville on Tuesday evening. A number of friends from this vicinity were
present. The evening was spent in playing pinochle and social visiting.
The following guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Gerd Siebens, Herm Harms,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Renken and son, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Vernon and son, Mrs.
Nora Vernon, Mrs. Katerine Dickman, Miss Fannie Vernon, all of Brunsville;
Mrs. Henry Harms and daughters of LeMars; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz and Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ehlers will make their home on a
farm near Ruble.

Hinton Progress
March 14, 1935


Louis Wiese, 57 years of age, who for the past few years resided in the home
of his son-in-law, Joe Senftleben, southeast of Hinton, passed away in
LeMars Sunday, March 3, after an illness of several months.

The deceased was born in Germany, October 19, 1877, and when a child came to
America with his parents. They located in Sioux City where he lived until
1918, when he moved to Hinton. He was married to Christina Blankenberg on
November 20, 1902, at Sioux City. She and one son preceded him in death.

Survivors are three sons and two daughters, namely, Roy L., Walter E., and
Howard O. Weise; Mrs. Joe Sentftleben, of Hinton, and Mrs. Elmer Mook, of

The funeral services was held at Sioux City in the Nelson-Berger funeral
home at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Rev. G. A. Matthaidess, officiating. Burial
was made in the Floyd cemetery at Sioux City.

LeMars Globe-Post
March 18, 1935

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Daugherty of Emerson, Neb., visited Sunday in the home
of the former’s mother, Mrs. Mary Daughtery and brother and family.

Miss Margaret Moore of Glenwood spent last week end in the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koldenhoven moved Monday into the Jno. Osborne house.

Mrs. Ray Hinde and daughters of Hawarden, were visiting in the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning, last week. Vernon Penning, who has
been helping his brother-in-law shred corn, came home with her.

School election was held last Monday and Mrs. Ray McArthur and Wm. Rees were
elected on the school board.

Jno. Hartog trucked sheep to Sioux City Tuesday for E. H. Riter.

Henry VanderMyde motored to Sioux City, Tuesday.

Miss Jacobe Mars visited in the home of Richard Koldenhoven on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Detloff, formerly of this community, now living in Sioux
City, are the proud parents of a baby girl born Tuesday.

Roy McArthur sawed wood for Harry Buss Wednesday.

Sam Uthe and Wm. Utech motored to Sioux City Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rees and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rees, motored to Sioux City,

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeRaad returned home Thursday from Ocheydan, where they
have been visiting the past 10 days with relatives.

Nate Connor is busy building a house on the forty of Mrs. Lizzie Connor
where they will move into as soon as completed.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werth, of Stanton township, are the proud parents of a 7 ½
pound girl born Wednesday.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
March 19, 1935

ADAVILLE: (Special Correspondence)

Grant Brown was reelected director of the Adaville school at the recent

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson spent Sunday with her brother, Mr. Herron, in
South Dakota.

Mrs. Frank Morehead has been nursing the Beaulieu boy, who has pneumonia. He
is improving.

Marvin Dreeszen visited in Sioux City over the week end with relatives.
Bobby returned home with him.

Miss Laughton, of LeMars, will finish the school year at the Lukens school.
Miss Philips has resigned.

The Otterbein Guild yearly business meeting will be held at the Andrew
Johnson home Saturday at 7:30 p.m.

Jack Tindall, of LeMars, spent Friday with his mother, Mrs. Agnes Tindall,
who is at the Adam Tindall home.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were called to Beresford, S.D., to attend the funeral of
his brother-in-law, Carl Sorenson, Thursday.

The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. Charles Johnson Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
Joe Johnson will have charge of the program.

Jorvil Stinton has been assisting his uncle, Lew Hansen, distributing mail
out of Merrill on Route 1, while the roads were bad.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown attended the Nelson Patrick sale near Cherokee,
Tuesday. Mrs. Patrick was formerly Phoebe Morehead.

Mrs. Milt Gable visited with her daughters in LeMars Friday and attended the
World Day of Prayer at the Presbyterian Church.

H. B. Morehead is moving from the home farm on account of poor health into
LeMars. His son, Verle, of LeMars, will move on the farm vacated by his

A large crowd gathered at the Warren King home to welcome Mr. and Mrs. King
who were lately married in David City, Nebraska, then taking a wedding trip
into Kansas. Mrs. King was formerly Mrs. Anna Green. A luncheon was served,
consisting of ice cream and cake.

At the yearly meeting of the United Brethren W.M.A. held at the home of Mrs.
Will Philips the following officers were elected for the coming year:
President, Mrs. Elmer Philips; vice-president, Mrs. Frank Gable; secretary,
Mrs. Chester Philips; treasurer, Mrs. Chester Brown; secretary of
literature, Mrs. Everett Orr; secretary of stewardship, Mrs. Clark Gable;
patroness of Otterbein Build, Mrs. N. A. Hollingshead. Mrs. Elmer Philps
has been the efficient president for the past five years. She was chosen at
the delegate to the State Branch meeting to be held in Waterloo in May.
Mrs. Elmer Brown, alternate.

LeMars Sentinel
March 22, 1935

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Kenneth Rees is the owner of a new truck.

Rev. Samuel Polovina, an evangelist, preached here Sunday morning.

Henry Vandermyde left Monday morning for Freeport, Ill., on business.

Miss Leona Reints was a week end visitor in the home of Marie Woomer in

Mrs. A. Jeffers visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Trafford in
LeMars Sunday.

Mrs. C. E. Moore left for Iowa City Saturday morning to consult the doctors
on her health.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zimmerman, of Sioux City, were visitors Sunday in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkins.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cooper, of Hawarden, were visitors in the home of the
former's mother, Mrs. Alice Cooper.

The Connor boys are busy building a house on the forty owned by Miss Lizzie
Connors, where Nate and his family will live.

Relatives received word of the death of Wm. Knewstubb at Argyle, Wis. He
was known by many here, visiting the Alderson and Lancaster families a
number of times.

The father and son banquet was well attended Friday evening. Rev. B. M.
Watson, former pastor of Seney, and Rev. E. N. Tompkins gave an interesting

Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson had as their guests Sunday the former's father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Ferguson, and his brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Lorit and children of Emmetsburg.

STANTON: (Special Correspondence)

J. Deters recovering from an illness of several weeks.

Max Schuler, of Griswold, is working for Robert Hodgson.

Lenten services at the Stanton Evangelical church are in progress.

Miss Erma Lippke, who is employed at Homer, Neb., visited in her parental
home Sunday.

MAURICE: (Special Correspondence)

Gerrit Maasen is seriously ill with pneumonia.

W. J. Klessig is moving to a farm in northern Minnesota.

Mrs. Chas. Jansma has been sick the past few weeks but is on the road to

Mrs. Clarence Van Roekel was called to South Dakota by the death of her

Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Eberly spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Vander Naald
at Schaller.

Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Vore entertained a number of guests at cards and lunch
Tuesday night.

The Ladies Aid of the First Reformed church met Wednesday with Mrs. Wm. Van
Peursem as hostess.

The Ladies Altar society meeting was postponed from last week to this week
Thursday. Mrs. Fred Buckley was hostess.

Among relatives and friends who helped J. G. DeJong celebrate his fiftieth
birthday Wednesday were Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jones of LeMars.

The Art club, a branch of the Women's Club, met Tuesday night with Mrs.
Herman Rowenhorst, Miss Margaret McDonald leading the discussion.

Al De Janger is recuperating after an accident which caused the loss of the
third finger to the knuckle and a gash necessitating the taking of several

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gaalswyk, of Rock Valley, visited at the Frank Kuiken home
Friday. Mr. Kuiken is recuperating from a dangerous siege of pneumonia.

Rev. Dowstra, of Hull, Rev. John Straks and Mrs. Gerrit Van Horsen spent
last week in Pella where Rev. Staks attended a Central college board

Clarence Van Roekel and Clarence Kuiken motored to Clear Lake, S.D., Tuesday
to attend the farm sale of Neil Ellerbroek, who, with his family will move
to Idaho.

Relatives living Maurice attended the funeral of Miss Cynthia Draayer at
Orange City Monday. She succumbed to an attack of appendicitis.

Iowa Old Press Home
Plymouth County