Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
July 12, 1935

Northwest Iowa Students Acquire Honors At College

Three Iowa State Teachers' College students from this section of the state
were included on the college scholastic honor roll for the spring term,
according to word received from Cedar Falls.

Miss Phyllis Lang, of Remsen, scored high with a load of 17 hours during the
spring term. Two other honor students, Miss Doris Jensen, of Sutherland,
and Miss Sophie Larsen, of Schaller, carried the regulation 14 hour

To have one's name on the honor roll, a student must ear at least 14 hours
of credit and average three and one-third grade points per credit hour.

County Seeks Pay For Care Of A Patient

Plymouth county has filed suit in the district court asking appointment of a
guardian for the property of Nellie Mohhan, a patient in the state
institution in Cherokee. The petition filed states that the county has paid
$241.35 for her maintenance. As she owns real estate her keep is not
chargeable to the taxpayers, the petition alleges.

Wesley Seymour Of Hinton Weds
Bride is Miss Majorie Irwin of Lake View

The marriage of Miss Marjorie Irwin, of Lake View, and Wesley H. Seymour, of
Hinton, took place at high noon Thursday, June 27, in the bride's home, Rev.
Earl Burgess, of Sheldon, officiating, says the Sac City Sun.

The bride was charming in a floor length gown of white satin and carried a
bouquet of tea roses and sweet peas.

Miss Mildred Irwin, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. She was dressed in
pink crepe and carried white sweet peas.

The groom was attired in a dark suit while his attendant, Byron Seymour,
wore gray. Miss Muriel Irwin sang "I Love You Truly," after which the
bridal party marched down the stairs to the strains of Mendelssohn's..[the
copy runs off the page here]

Eight Year Old Boy Killed in Car Accident
Robert, Son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Obermire, Victim Of Tragedy
Skull Was Fractured
Parents Moved Recently From LeMars to Nebraska

Bobby Obermire, 8 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Obermire, until
recently residents of LeMars, met accidental death at his home near
Atkinson, Nebr., Wednesday, July 10. Bobby, and a boy friend, were riding
in a car with Mrs. Obermire, mother of Bobby. Approaching a line of cars on
a grade, Mrs. Obermire proceeded to shift gears. Bobby, apparently scared,
started to open a door and get out. While his mother was trying to stop him
the car went off the grade into a ditch. The boy was thrown several feet,
but the car rolled over twice and fell on him, crushing his body. He was
conveyed to the Koenig hospital in Spencer, Neb., where he died shortly
after the accident. His skull was fractured and he was injured internally.
Mrs. Obermire was slightly cut and bruised in the accident.

Boy Was Born Here

Robert Harvey Obermire was born in LeMars, May 27, 1927, and was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Obermire. Mrs. Obermire before her marriage was Miss
Alice Levins. Mr. and Mrs. Obermire sent to live in Nebraska about two
years ago.

Besides his bereaved parents he leaves to mourn his death two sisters, Betty
and Rosemary, and many relatives. An infant brother preceded him in death.

Funeral Here This Morning

The body was brought to LeMars Thursday and the funeral will be held at 9
o'clock in St. James church, Rev. L. J. Cooper will officiate at the service
and interment will be made in St. James Cemetery.

LeMars Sentinel
July 19, 1935

Marjorie Eder Becomes Bride of Fred Riter

The news of the marriage of Miss Marjorie Eder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
C. Eder, of Lakefield, Minn., to Fred E. Riter, son of E. H. Riter, of
Seney, was disclosed to friends this week. The young people were married
June 22, in Emmetsburg, Iowa. The bride is a graduate of the Lakefield high
school and is popular in the younger set of that city. The groom graduated
from the high school in LeMars and attended Western Union College, where he
was popular in both social and athletic circles. For the past few months he
has been employed by the Thronberg Tobacco company, of Rock Valley.

Mr. and Mrs. Riter are living in Arnold’s Park at the present.


Mrs. J. W. Crossan, of Los Angeles, California, arrived in LeMars this week
and is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Nolan. Mrs. Crossan was
formerly Miss Frances Swain and was employed at the LeMars Clinic before her
departure to California seven years ago.

Mrs. E. B. Groth and son, Edwin, departed Tuesday for their home in
Minneapolis, concluding a few weeks visit with the former’s mother, Mrs. R.
H. Zimmerman. George Zimmerman accompanied Mrs. Groth home for a vacation

Mrs. H. H. Dickman returned recently from Hamilton, Ohio, where she visited
Mr. Dickman, who has been at Hamilton following an accident several months
ago. She also visited other relatives before her return.

Word has been received of the serious illness of James Grieve at his home in
Webb, Iowa. Mr. Grieve is 88 years old. He is a pioneer in Kingsley, where
he conducted a livery stable in pioneer days.

Mrs. Carl Paul and children, Doris and Carl, departed last Friday for their
home in Muskogee, Okla., concluding a visit of several weeks with Mrs.
Paul’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clarke.

Mrs. Eldon Riter, of Marcus, is visiting this week with relatives in LeMars.
While here she is a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. William Asmussen.

Gilmore Lindsey, former Merrill boy, now serving in the Navy, was married to
Miss Audrey Helfinger, of Los Angeles, Saturday, June 29.

George Single, section foreman on the Illinois Central railroad at Merrill,
left Sunday night on a trip to Germany to visit his mother.

Mrs. Fred Carrington and Mrs. Mae McGibbon, of Norfolk, Neb., motored to
LeMars Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. William Long.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dickman and daughters, Maxine and Norma, of Sioux Center,
spent Tuesday in the H. A. Dickman home.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wolf, of Carroll, were guests on Sunday in the home of
Mrs. Wolf’s mother, Mrs. Mercy Edwards.

Ray Duster, of Omaha, a former LeMars resident, is spending several days
this week with friends and relatives in LeMars.


FREDONIA: (Special Correspondence)

Johnny Petersen and sons, of Sioux City, were visitors in this vicinity
Friday evening.

Miss Lucy McKnight, of Oakland, Calif., is spending a few weeks at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Walter Baldwin.

OYENS: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Weber motored to Lake Shetek, in Minnesota, on Sunday.

Charles Masuen transacted business in Cherokee and Sioux City on Monday.

Miss Marita Masuen is spending this week at the William Cross home near

The Jack Delperdang family were guests in the Joe Alesch home at Marcus,

Grandma Wisser, of Sioux City, was a guest of her son, William and family,
south of town.

Mrs. Orin Kelly and children visited Mrs. Kelly’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Hoffman, at LeMars, Tuesday.

The Jens Kloster family accompanied by Miss Mildred Nielsen were in Marcus
Thursday at a picnic.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schroeder, of Sioux City, visited in the homes of
relatives here over the weekend.

The John Kommes family entertained Mrs. Kommes’ niece and her family, of
Creighton, Neb., last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wells, of Sioux City, were guests of Mrs. Well’s father, Leo
Marx, north of Oyens, Tuesday evening.

Miss Madonna Sitzmann, of Lincoln township, is spending a few weeks in the
home of her sister, Mrs. Cletus Kemp.

Mrs. Alice Geary was a guest last week in the Frank Stoffel home. Previously
she visited the family of her daughter, Mrs. Roy Manning.

Miss Betty Meis, who is studying nursing at the Sacred Heart Hospital in
LeMars, was guest in the home of her uncle, John Meis, on Sunday.

Willard Benson and son, Lowell, and Miss Bernice Cornbusch, of Howard, S.D.,
who have been visiting the Bensons, called on LeMars relatives, Sunday.

Miss Gengler, of Remsen, was a visitor in the home of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Goetzinger. Mrs. Goetzinger has been on the sick list of late.

Charles Masuen has completed a deal whereby the eighty acres north of here,
belong to Mrs. John Hentges, of LeMars, was sold to John Fiedler.

The building committee of St. Catherine’s Church has passed a resolution to
paint all the church buildings. The contract has been given to Greenens, of

Miss Della Kuster drove to Sioux City, Thursday. On her return she was
accompanied by her nephew, Billy Meacham, who stayed at the Kuster home
until Sunday when his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Meacham, came.

Miss Rita Kemp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kemp, who was nine years old,
Wednesday, had a birthday party in her home, on the Kemp lawn with her
classmates and friends as guests. She received many pretty gifts and had a
beautiful cake, which was enjoyed.

MELBOURNE: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Will Kuehn, of LeMars, visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. Ed.
Hahn, over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zinser, of Pasadena, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Will Koenig,
and Rev. and Mrs. Golden Thompson, of LeMars, were guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Will Brehm at dinner Sunday.

An interesting “Flower Garden Excursion” was taken Tuesday afternoon by the
Garden Club. The members started from the home of Mrs. John Schneider and
visited a number of gardens in the community.

Rev. and Mrs. McKinley and daughter, of Noble Center, Iowa, were visitors at
the Rev. K. Kaupp home, Tuesday. They were on their way to see their new
grandson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Schultz.

Miss Dora Schneider returned home this week after an extended visit in the
home of her brother, Dan and family, of Tacoma, Wash., and with her sister,
Mrs. Elizabeth Kraft and family, of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Mrs. George Koenig and daughter, Mrs. Mattie Winter, of Waterloo, Mr. and
Mrs. George Koenig Jr., Rev. A. H. Frase and Bob Frase, Rev. and Mrs. Kaupp
spent Tuesday evening at the Schneider home helping Dwight celebrate his
twenty-second birthday.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Eldon Riter, of Marcus, was a visitor here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Darville are the parents of a baby born on July 6th.

A number from here attended the funeral of Bobby Obermire on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brodie, of LeMars, were visitors in the home of Mrs.
Susan Rayburn, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Riter, of Arnold’s Park, spent the weekend in the homes
of E. H. Riter and W. E. Hennrich.

Richard Koldenhoven and Garret Hartog motored to Spirit Lake and Silver Lake
to fish, returning home on Thursday.

Mrs. Minnie Bernan and granddaughter, Raylena Addy, of DeSoto, Ill., visited
a few days this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich.

Mrs. Susan Rayburn was brought home from a hospital on Thursday, after
spending a few days. She is improved and will soon be herself again.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Riter were entertained by charivariers at the W. E.
Hennrich home, Friday evening. The visitors were invited to the house and
treats were served.

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