Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel
February 15, 1935

At the annual school election in LeMars independent district on Monday,
March 11, there are three directors to be elected as the terms of office of
Fred Moore, Ralph Dalton and L. E. Mauer expire at that time. They first
two named have announced they will not accept reelection as they have been
on the board for many years.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Glen Hinde and Dwight Riter were at Orange City on Wednesday.

E. H. Riter, Dwight Riter and Glen Hinde were at Hawarden Sunday.

Henry VanderMyde returned from Chicago on Monday after a weeks' visit.

A number of ladies gathered in the hall Wednesday afternoon for a social

Marian and Herbert Hendrickson, of Alton, visited in the A. D. Jeffers home
on Saturday.

Word was received by E. H. Riter on Tuesday morning of the death of his
nephew, Orin Riter, at Hawarden.

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Riter, of Marcus, stopped here at the home of E. H. Riter
and took him along over to Hawarden to visit relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Becker and son, Bobbie, and Mrs. Frank Becker motored to
Hudson, S.D., on Saturday for a visit in the Walter Woodhouse home.


At the monthly meeting of the LeMars Ministerial Association recognition was
taken of the death of Rev. J. J. Vollmar, of St. John's Lutheran church,
whose sudden sickness and untimely passing has been such a shock to the
entire city. The secretary, Rev. John Perl, reports the following action:

"Rev. J. J. Vollmar has made an enviable record in his pastorate of St.
John's Lutheran church of thirty years. Too few men is it given to be
privileged to organize and build a congregation and be permitted to serve
that same congregation as an active pastor for the entire period of active
service in ministry. To have built St. John's Lutheran church from its
small beginnings of over a quarter of a century ago, to its present size and
influence in our city speaks eloquently of Rev. Vollmar's ability as an
administrator and promoter of his church. Through his long service in the
community as a pastor of this growing congregation, he has made many

The LeMars Ministerial Association join the citizens of LeMars in extending
heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. J. J. Vollmar, the bereaved family and
congregation of St. John's Lutheran church in their great sorrow.
Signed: John Perl, Frederick P. Pfaltzgraff, T. P. Potter, J. R. Rumbleson,
Oliver M. Yaggy.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
February 19, 1935

Well Known Young Business Man In This Community

Oren P. Riter, widely known young business man of Hawarden, died at his home
Tuesday following an attack of influenza.

Mr. Riter was well known to many LeMars and Plymouth county people through
his various activities and personal associations. The Hawarden Independent
gives the following sketch of his life:

Oren Philip Riter was born at Struble, May 27, 1896. At the age of six years
he came with his parents to Ireton where he grew to manhood. He attended the
Ireton public schools and was graduated from the high school there, later
attending business college at Mankato, Minn. He entered the implement
business with his father, J. Philip Riter, in Ireton. In 1923, the Riter
Implement Company established a store in Hawarden and the large concrete
block implement house, which still bears their name, was erected. Oren
Riter came to Hawarden as manger of the Hawarden branch and has since
continued in that capacity. Subsequently the company established branches at
Craig and Akron and the business was incorporated. Mr. Riter serving as
secretary and treasurer of the company.

On February 16, 1928, he was united in marriage with Miss Blanche Hickman
and they went to housekeeping in Hawarden. One daughter, Roma Rae, was born
to them. Besides the wife and daughter, he is survived by his father, J.
Philip Riter, of Hawarden; three sisters, Mrs. Pearl Shawhan, of Akron; Mrs.
Lola Morey, of Craig; and Mrs. Inez Duree, of Berkeley, Calif.; and one
brother, Lester A. Riter, of Ireton.

During his residence in Hawarden, Mr. Riter took a prominent and active
interest in church, business, fraternal, civic, and social affairs. He was a
life long member of the Methodist church and served as a member of the
official board of the church and as a member of the church choir. He was
active in implement trade organizations and served as a director of the Iowa
Implement Dealers association and was chairman of the code committee at the
time of his death. He was affiliated with the Masonic order and was serving
as senior warden of Dale lodge this year. For seven years he served as
secretary of the Hawarden Chamber of Commerce and in this position won
widespread praise for the intelligent direction and meticulous care which he
gave to every detail of the work, a trait which was outstanding in his
entire business career. Although he relinquished his post as Secretary of
the Chamber of Commerce a year or so ago, he continued to take an active
interest in the organization and was a member of the board of directors at
the time of his death.

He enjoyed the confidence and esteem of a wide circle of friends and
business associates who mourn his untimely death and extend expressions of
sorrow to the members of his family.

The funeral was held Friday afternoon in Hawarden, with Rev. J. A. Kettle,
of Lake Park, Iowa, formerly pastor in Ireton, conducting the service.
Interment was made in Grace Hill Cemetery. Members of the Masonic order
conducted final rites at the graveside.

LeMars Globe-Post
February 28, 1935

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauler of Kingsley were business callers on Thursday

Mrs. C. E. Flaugher and Mrs. S. Munn returned on Monday from a visit at Los
Angeles, Calif.

Mrs. Mary Dunne and sons, William and Philip, of Kingsley were business
callers Thursday afternoon.

A school of instruction of O.E.S. Chapter No. 70 will be held on Monday
afternoon, March 5, at the Masonic Temple. Mrs. Martha Chalmers of George,
Ia., instructor for district No. 1, and Mrs. Ray Claussen, worthy matron,
will be guests of honor at a past matron’s luncheon which will be held at
noon at the temple. In the evening the chapter will meet for regular work
at 8 o’clock and for the initiation of candidates. A social hour and a late
luncheon will follow the program of the evening.

To those who consoled us on the occasion of the death of our beloved husband
and father, Peter Theisen, to those who assisted us in any way, as well as
to those who sent flowers or spiritual bouquets, we express our heartfelt
thanks. –Mrs. Peter Theisen and Family.

The out of town people at the Peter Theisen funeral were Mrs. Mary Burgraff,
Billie Laddusaw, Sioux Falls, S.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Val Hearts and Mrs. Mike
Spielman, Frank Spielman and Mrs. Bill Spielman of Hartford, S.D.; Mr. and
Mrs. John Burgraf of Humboldt, S.D.; Mrs. Joe Gebhart, Dell Rapids, S.D.;
Mrs. Mike Kaiser and son Lester, Mr. and Mrs. John Spielman, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Lanners, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Calvin, of Marshall, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs.
John Kenzie and Mrs. Mark Faschman and John Kleinschnitz of Sioux City; Mrs.
Jack Flynn of Fort Dodge; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Spielman, Ruth Kirpes and Mr. and
Mrs. Aloy Bohlke and daughter, Cerilla, Pete Lanners, Joe Lanners and Agness
Lanners of Remsen. The pallbearers were John Braun, Nick Kellen, Fred
VanGoor, John Wolf, Nick Wanderschied and John Rolling, all neighbors of the


John J. Dunn
Funeral services for John J. “Jack” Dunn, 76, who died in a Sioux City
hospital Wednesday, will be held at 9 o’clock on Friday morning in St.
Michael’s Catholic church in Leeds. Rev. F. N. Klein will officiate and
interment will be in Calvary Cemetery.

Mr. Dunn was born in St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 4, 1858. When he was 11 years old
he came to Sioux City. He was employed by the Illinois Central railroad for
25 years and then operated a farm east of Leeds until 10 years ago when he

Mrs. Minnie C. Hamilton

Mrs. Minnie C. Hamilton was born at Stanwood, Iowa, February 10, 1880, and
passed away at the old family home in Struble, Ia., February 20, 1935, at
the age of 55 years and 10 days.

In 1880 the family left Cedar county and came to this vicinity, where the
members have made their homes through the years. Here our sister grew to
young womanhood, attended school, and made a host of friends.

Mrs. Hamilton was engaged in business in various localities, finally
locating in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she was living at the time her health
began to fail. All that was possible was done for her, but the incurable
disease from which she suffered took its toll, and she was mercifully
released from her suffering. Her sisters cared tenderly for her through
these last weeks, and their ministrations were a source of marvelous comfort
to the one whom they loved so much.

Surviving her are six sisters and two brothers: Mrs. Clara Schwer, Long
Beach, Calif.; Henry Siege, Maurice; Mrs. Henry Werley, LeMars; Mrs. Henry
Franke, Ireton; Mrs. George H. Mueller, Maurice; Fred Siege, Maurice; and
Miss Marie and Miss Anne Siege, Struble.

Nephews acting as pallbearers were : Silas and Sylvester Siege, Orin and
Elmer Franke, Lloyd Mueller and Frank Utech.

The dead are like the stars by day,
Withdrawn from mortal eye,
Yet holding unperceived their way
Through the unclouded sky.

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