Iowa Old Press

The LeMars Globe-Post
April 4, 1935

SENEY:  (By Special Correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore and family of Marcus were callers here on Tuesday.

Bill Johnson of Missouri was calling on old friends here last week end.

Herman Weenink called on friends here Sunday.

The Ladies’ Aid society will meet in the home of Mrs. W. E. Hennrich, Wednesday, April 3.

Mrs. Alice Cooper is confined to her bed at this writing.  Mrs. Carrie Reser is taking care of her.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Lancaster, sr., and daughter, Ina, Mrs. Lizzie Hawkins and daughter, Harriet and Vincent Lancaster were guests Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buss.

District Superintendent Dr. Bond of Sioux City held quarterly conference here last Tuesday evening.

Mrs. H. R. Dealy and daughter, Myrne, and Mrs. Paullina Detloff, who has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. Dealy, the past winter, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reints Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Betsworth of Sioux City were visitors in the homes of Jno. Daugherty and the Connors’ Sunday.

Jno. Renken, of Ireton, and his son Herman of Los Angeles, Cal., were visitors in the home of W. E. Hennrich Friday a week ago.

Nate Connor moved his family into the house he recently built on his mother’s farm, which he will farm this year.

Relatives received word here from Iowa City, that Mrs. C. E. Moore was operated on Wednesday morning.  Her daughter, Margaret, is with her.

Dwight Riter motored to Rock Valley Tuesday on business.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanderMyde and family who have been living in the Kennedy house the past six months, moved to LeMars Thursday.   Their son Donald will continue going to school here until the school is out.

[transcribed by LZ, Nov 2019]

Hinton Progress
April 4, 1935


Services were held Monday in Chicago for John Henry Raby, 71, former Iowa
resident who died in his home there Friday due to a heart attack.

Born in England September 2, 1863, Mr. Raby settled on a farm in this
territory 53 years ago.

Surviving are the widow, Anne, and two brothers, William, of Sioux City, and
Alfred of Hinton.

LeMars Sentinel
April 5, 1935

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hinde are the parents of twin babies, a boy and a girl
born Monday, April 1.

Rob Connor moved his family into the Kennedy house Wednesday, recently vacated
by Henry VanderMyde.

Mrs. Susan Rayburn and son, Roy, and Geo. Almon, of Hurley, S.D., were
visitors Sunday in the home of Mrs. Z. Rayburn.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bock, of LeMars, were guests Sunday in the home of their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reeves.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Strong, of Sioux City, were week end visitors in the home
of Mrs. Strong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reeves.

Marjorie Riter returned home from Marcus where she has been visiting in the
home of her brother, Eldon and family, the past week.

Mrs. Martha Cook entertained on Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Bert Criswell and
son, Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donlin and children and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
DeRaad and son.

Henry VanderMyde moved his family to LeMars last week. Donald will continue
going to school here until school is out. Their many friends wish them well
in their new home.

Mrs. C. E. Moore, who was operated on last week, is getting along as well as
can be expected. C. E. Moore and daughters, Mrs. Ralph Southwick and Mrs.
Tom Rees, motored to Iowa City this week Monday to see her.

John Renken, of Ireton, and son, Herman, of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs.
Peter Pederson, of Centerville, S.D., visited in the W. E. Hennrich home
Friday on their way to Ireton from Iowa City where they spent a few days
visiting relatives. While there, Mrs. Pederson's parents celebrated their
sixty-eighth wedding anniversary. The father is 91 years old and the mother
87 years.

Hinton Progress
April 18, 1935


Kenneth Richard Peters, 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters Jr.,
residing three miles east of Hinton, was killed Friday afternoon while
playing in a granary on the premises.

The child was strangled when his head was caught between two sliding boards
in the door of an oats bin. His throat was caught against the lower board
and the upper board on the back of his neck pinned him down, causing

The child was found by his mother. He had been playing around the yard
within sight of the house and when his mother missed him, she went out to
look for him.

S.H. Luken of LeMars, county coroner, was called to make an investigation of
the accident.

Kenneth Richard Peters was born January 7, 1932. He leaves to mourn his
death his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Peters Jr.; two brothers, Raymond,
aged 9, and Merlin, 7; his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Muecke, of
Hinton, Mr. and Mrs. C. Henry Peters, of LeMars; and many other relatives.

The funeral was held Monday afternoon at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lincoln
township, the pastor, Rev. R.J. Torgler, officiated, and interment was made
in the Lincoln township cemetery.

Pallbearers were Dickie Krause, Kenneth Torgler, Beny Muecke and Fred

The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends.

LeMars Sentinel
April 19, 1935

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Henry Vandermyde of LeMars was a visitor in the Southwick home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson and daughter spent last weekend with relatives at

The Volunteer Sunday school class will give a chicken supper in the hall
Thursday evening, April 25.

Mrs. Henry Detloff and daughter, Dorothy, of Luverne, Minn., were calling on
relatives here Sunday.

Beginning Sunday the evening service will begin at 8 o’clock instead of 7:30
for the summer months.

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Koldenhoven and children, of Ireton, visited in the
home of Richard Koldenhoven Monday.

Mrs. C. E. Moore, who underwent an operation in Iowa City a few weeks ago
returned home Friday feeling better.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman, who spent the past five months in Carlsbad, New
Mexico, returned home Tuesday.

The Home Missionary society met Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs.
Carwell. After the business luncheon was served by the hostess.

There will be a program Easter Sunday eve in the church. Members of the
Volunteer Sunday school class will give two one act plays, “I Go A-Fishing”
and “Bread of Tears.”

FREDONIA: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallinga, of Sheldon, spent the weekend at the Toval
Kloster home.

Orrin Kelly and Mike Gabel attended the funeral of Andrew Mortensen at
Luverne, Minn., Tuesday. The Mortensens were former residents of Fredonia

Chris Kloster and Mrs. Tina Miller and children, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kloster
and daughters, Phyllis and Ardith, and Mr. and Mrs. Jens Kloster and
children, of LeMars, visited at the Axel Petersen home Sunday.

LeMars Globe-Post
April 22, 1935

W. U. College News

The annual meeting of the college board of trustees will be held May 14th
and 15th.

The order for the “Depression Annual ’35” have now reached the 125 mark.

The campus is being raked and the shrubbery trimmed and now shows its new
spring attire.

The Men’s Glee Club are making a 10-day tour through Nebraska and
southwestern Iowa. They broadcast from Norfolk during the second day out.
The club will return April 29th.

Dr. Zuehl gave an address at the Evangelical church at Fonda, Iowa, on
Easter Sunday.

Professor E. L. Fireoved attended the annual meeting of economists in the
Midwestern states, on April 12 and 13, the meeting was held in Kansas City,

During the visit of Dr. and Mrs. Heim from Humboldt, Neb., last week, the
students and faculty pledged $85.00 for missionary and educational work in
southeastern Kentucky. Dr. Heim was president of the college Y.M.C.A. in
1918 and was instrumental in originating the annual mission drives which
have been sponsored by the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. ever since.

The Albright Fellowship, including 17 ministerial students at Western Union
college, enjoyed an annual dinner as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Zuehl at their
last monthly meeting. In the absence of Theodore Moritz, the president,
Vernon Schendel, the vice president, assumed the chairmanship. A discussion
of vital topics for the minister followed the dinner and was led by Rev. O.
M. Yaggy and Prof. H. A. Smith.

The Girls’ Glee Club will make a ten-day trip over eastern Iowa, leaving on
Tuesday, April 23. The club has a membership of 18 and will be directed by
Mrs. D. O. Kime.

Hinton Progress
April 25, 1935


A large crowd from this community attended the funeral services for Mrs.
Alsorotta Williams, Monday afternoon in Westcotts chapel. Rev. James J.
Haines officiated and burial was in Floyd cemetery.

Mrs. Williams died Friday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bessie Anderson,
in Morningside at the age of 75 years. Mrs. Williams was born at Pottstown,
Pa., May 10, 1859. She had lived on their farm in Perry township for many

Surviving are the widower, Chas. Williams; two sons, Earl and Frank of this
township; five daughters, Mrs. Bertha Johnson of Los Angeles, Mrs. Clara
Lormsbury of Sioux City, Mrs. Elsie McWilliams and Mrs. Bessie Anderson of
Sioux City, and Ethel Christianson of Vesper, Kansas; one brother, Nathaniel
Savage, of Hinton; one sister, Hattie Nelson, of New Hartford, Iowa; nine
grandchildren and four great grand-children.

Pallbearers were Charlie Clark, Guy Clark, Mr. Kersting, Gerald Harrington,
Francis Rodwig and Leon Rodwig.

LeMars Sentinel
April 26, 1935

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

O. J. Holton, of Minneapolis, was a visitor here Sunday.

E. H. Riter spent the weekend with relatives in Rock Rapids.

Mrs. Lela Reed, of Sioux City, was a week end visitor in the Alderson home.

The Ladies Aid society will meet in the home of Mrs. Albert Hawkins
Wednesday, May 1.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wiggins motored to Sioux City Sunday to spend Easter
with friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McArthur, of Sheldon, were visitors in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Chapman, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvie McArthur and John Darville, of Sioux City, were week end
visitors with relatives here.

Miss Margaret Moore, of Glenwood, was a week end visitor in the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moore.

Charlotte Jenkins, of LeMars, who spent the past week with her sister, Mrs.
Kenneth Rees, returned home Sunday.

Mrs. Martha Haney, of Minneapolis, Minn., spent the week end in the home of
her mother, Mrs. Jane Hawkins.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Daugherty, of Emerson, Neb., visited in the home of his
mother, Mrs. Mary Daugherty, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermire, of LeMars, were guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Ewin and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Reeves, of Paullina, were guests in the home of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Osborne, Easter Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes, of Chariton, Iowa, visited in the home of John
Osborne Sunday. Mrs. Holmes is a niece of Mr. Osborne.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reints had as their guests Easter Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Reints and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weber and family.

Miss Pearl Reeves, who is teaching at Belle Plaine, returned to her work
after spending the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reeves.

Visitors in the C. E. Moore home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore and
children, of Marcus, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Southwick and Dolly and Myrtle
Hinde and Margaret Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kennedy and children, of Hawarden, visited in the Albert
Penning home on their way to Sioux City Monday where they were guests in the
home of the former's aunt, Miss Lucile March. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman
and son and Mrs. Grant Chapman were also guests.

ADAVILLE: (Special Correspondence)
The W. M. A. celebrated the Day of Prayer at the church Friday.

Miss Frances Gable was a guest at the Jack Tindall home in LeMars Sunday.

Bob Tindall, a medical student at Iowa City, is home for the Easter

Miss Violet Goodrich, of Sioux City, visited in the home of her parents

Mr. and Mrs. Bertsel Brown have been under the weather from the flu the past

The Ladies Aid meeting at the home of Frank Gable was well attended and a
lunch was served.

The Easter cantata at the Adaville church was much enjoyed by a large
audience Sunday night.

Miss Evelyn Baldwin, of Akron, visited with her cousin, Ardis Goodrich, over
the week end.

Miss Eleanor Jenkins, of LeMars, and Miss Agnes Johnson, of Johnson
township, were guests at the parsonage Sunday.

Eldon Bryant will go to Des Moines to the State Spelling contest Friday.
Eldon is the contestant from Plymouth County.

Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of Akron, were guests in the Andrew Johnson home
and attended the Easter cantata Sunday night.

Mrs. Jack Tindall and children, Bob, Mildred, Stanley, and Mary, of LeMars,
and Mrs. Edith Brown visited relatives here Sunday.

The Brotherhood and Ladies Aid have been placing new trees and shrubbery
about the church and parsonage and beautifying the grounds.

A fine rain fell during the night Monday and continued throughout Tuesday
which will prove of great benefit to the gardens and early grain.

Mrs. Iva Harris, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Morehead, and sister,
Mrs. Vera Semple, of Sioux City, returned home Saturday with her sister,
Mrs. Elmer Brown.

The last meeting for the year of the Farm Bureau was held at the Art Husted
home on Wednesday. The subject under discussion was “Getting Ready For
Achievement Day.”

A few from the neighborhood attended the play given at Sunnyside, “Here
Comes Charley” given by the P.T.A. of that place Thursday evening. They
pronounced it a decided success.

Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of Akron, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Johnson and
children, Paul and Naomi, Mr. and Mrs. Reuel Brown and sons, Dwight and
Wallace, were guests at the Russell Brown home in Sioux City Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Philips were agreeably surprised Thursday evening upon the
arrival of their children and grandchildren with well filled baskets to
remind them that it was the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of their
marriage. After a bountiful repast, the evening was spent in reminiscing
former days. The family consists of four boys and three girls, sixteen
grandchildren. They left as evidence of their esteem and affection a
beautiful lounge chair.

OYENS: (Special Correspondence)
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Mott, of Sioux City, visited at the Meis home Sunday.

Jack Arens, who is working in Fort Dodge, spent the week end with his

Miss Olivia Meis is spending the Easter holidays in Chicago, visiting

Mrs. Emil Hansen, who moved here recently from Granville, is seriously ill
with pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hansen and family visited at the Victor Schneider home near
Alton on Sunday.

Ralph Doud, who attends Drake University in Des Moines, spent the Easter
vacation at his home here.

Mr. and Mrs. Nic Kamp and daughter, Mary Jo, of Rock Rapids, visited friends
and relatives here Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuster attended the funeral of Mrs. Kuster’s cousin,
Nic Frank, in Remsen Thursday morning.

Miss Virginia Goetzinger, who is employed in Sioux City, spent Sunday at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goetzinger.

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hentges and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hentges and Barney
Mai, of LeMars, were guests of Mrs. Anna Hentges on Sunday.

A family reunion was held at the Toval Kloster home Sunday when their sons
and daughters and grandchildren gathered to celebrate Easter day.

George Kelly drove to Luverne, Minn., last Tuesday, where he attended the
funeral of Andrew Mortensen, a former resident of Fredonia township.

LeMars Globe-Post
April 29, 1935

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Charlotte Jenkins returned home Sunday after spending her Easter vacation
with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rees.

O. J. Holton was a caller here Sunday.

E. H. Riter spent a few days visiting relatives in Rock Rapids the past

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Werth and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reints and children,
Mrs. Frank Weber and children, and Marjorie Riter were guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reints on Easter Sunday.

Pearl Reeves returned to Belle Plaine, Sunday after spending Easter vacation
in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reeves.

The ladies aid society will meet with Mrs. Albert Hawkins, Wednesday, May

Mrs. Martha Haney, of Minneapolis, Minn., spent the week end with her
mother, Mrs. Jane Hawkins.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvie McArthur and Jno. Darville of Sioux City were week end
visitors with relatives here Easter Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Daugherty of Emerson, Neb., called on the former's
mother, Mrs. Mary Daugherty, Saturday.

Miss Margaret Moore returned to Glenwood, Sunday evening, after spending a
few days in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moore.

Mrs. Lela Reed of Sioux City was a week end visitor in the Alderson home.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McArthur, of Sheldon, were visitors in the Grant Chapman
home Easter Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Reeves of Paullina, were guests in the home of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Osborne's Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holmes of Chariton called on the latter's nephews, Jno.,
Stephen and Geo. Osborne last Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wiggins motored to Sioux City, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermire, of LeMars, visited Sunday in the home of Chas.
Ewin and Grant Chapman.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and son and Mrs. Grant Chapman motored to Sioux
City Monday to be dinner guests in the home of the latter's sister, Miss
Lucile March.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kennedy and children of Hawarden were callers in the
Albert Penning home Monday.

Mrs. A. Jeffers motored to Alton Sunday to visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Hendricksen.

Mrs. Lois Herman and Marian Hendricksen of Alton were callers in the home of
Mrs. A. Jeffers Thursday.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
April 30, 1935

Sylvester Kobberman and Margaret Bunkers Are Married

St. Mary’s church in Remsen was the scene of a pretty wedding Wednesday
morning when Miss Margaret Bunkers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. F.
Bunkers, was united in marriage with Sylvester Kobberman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dobberman, all of Remsen.

The date of the wedding was the Silver anniversary of the bride’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bunkers, and the double event was duly celebrated.

The ceremony at 8 o’clock was performed by Rev. H. J. Schleler.

The bridal couple was attended by Miss Armelia Bunkers, a sister of the
bride, and Theodore Kobbermann, a brother of the groom. The bride appeared
in a gown of white satin with lace jacket and wore a long veil held in cap
effect with orange blossoms and pearls. Her other accessories harmonized
beautifully with the bridal gown, and as her principal ornament she wore a
string of pearls which was a gift by the groom. The bride carried a bouquet
of calla lilies. The maid of honor wore maize taffeta, white hat and shoes,
and accessories to match, and carried a bouquet of yellow tea roses and
orchid sweet peas.

Following the ceremony, the bridal party went to the home of the bride’s
grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Bunkers, a mile east of town, where breakfast was
served, and later the reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents.
The rooms were elaborately decorated in the bride’s colors, white and
yellow, and silver was used in the decorative scheme in recognition of the
silver wedding anniversary of the bride’s parents. A magnificent wedding
cake, prepared by the bride’s aunt, Mrs. Jas. Wagner and a cousin, Mrs.
Cordula Bueltel, graced the table as a center piece. Relatives were
entertained at dinner at noon and throughout the rest of the day.

Table waiters were Misses Victoria Bunkers and Malaine Vaske, cousins of the
bride, and the kitchen honors were supervised by Mrs. Jas. Wagner and Miss
Cordula Bueltel.

In the evening the bridal couple entertained their friends at a dancing
party in the Falke Hall, and hundreds were in attendance.

The young couple will make their home in Remsen where the bridegroom is
employed with an auto salvage company.


Murl Brown and Leonora Lehmann, well known and popular young people of
Merrill, were united in marriage April 25, Rev. E. H. Gillmann, of the
Lutheran Church performing the ceremony. The young people were attended by
Gerald Brown and Lucille Lehmann.

S. S. Boylan and son, W. H. Boylan, who purchased the Burg Store here last
week, were called to Hubbard, Iowa, Friday, by the death of a relative.
They returned here this week.

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