Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
September 3, 1934

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chambers, of Hazel, S.D., were callers in the Jno.
Lancaster, sr. home on Monday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and son Robert and daughters Kathleen and
Lorraine, and Miss Constance Chapman were Sioux City visitors on Thursday of
last week.

Mrs. Jessie Kennedy was a dinner guest of Mrs. Frank Becker on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reeves of south of LeMars, were dinner guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne.

Mrs. D. F. McArthur returned home Saturday from Sioux City, where she spent
the past week with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Keizer and children visited in Sioux Falls this week.

The Misses Lucile March, Lota Wilson and Deanna Crowell of Sioux City, were
callers in the Mrs. Jessie Kennedy home Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman and daughter, Miss Constance, were callers in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermire Monday evening.

Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Bergmann visited with their daughter, Miss Clara, a
patient in the Methodist hospital in Sioux City.

Floyd Moore of Marcus was a caller here in the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Moore, on Thursday of last week.

Mrs. Frank Becker and son, Floyd, visited Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Woodhouse, of Hudson, S.D.

Mrs. Fred Wonser and daughter, of Unity, Wis., left Wednesday for their home
after visiting relatives here for the past few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Munson and son Tommy and daughter Marlene left Saturday
for their home at Whiting. Mrs. Munson and children spent the summer in the
home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Bergmann, while Mr. Munson attended
summer school at Iowa City.

Miss Constance Chapman left on Tuesday morning for Lawrence, Kansas, and
after visiting a day with her friend, Wayne Stevenson, also a teacher at
Carlsbad, N.M., will continue her trip accompanied by Miss Stevenson, and
should arrive in Carlsbad by Saturday and schools will open Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Becker, and son, Bobbie,
visited relatives and friends in Sioux City on Sunday.

Mrs. William McArthur and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McArthur of Sioux City visited
relatives here on Sunday.

The Siege and Lehrman families drove to Clear Lake on Sunday and met
relatives from Lowden, where they enjoyed a picnic.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman had as their guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Connor and sons, Carel, Gerald and daughter Mary Colette, of Neptune, Mr.
and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and son Robert and daughters, Kathleen and Lorraine,
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Chapman and Mrs. Jessie Kennedy.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Eldredge of Rock Valley visited Sunday and Monday with Mr.
and Mrs. D. F. McArthur.

Glen Parry left last week for California. Mrs. Parry and son will stay with
her mother, Mrs. Treptow, of LeMars, while he is away.

Mrs. Elmer DeRaad has visited the past week in the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Raak and Mr. and Mrs. John VanGelder at Ocheydan. The ladies are

Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Deegan and son James and daughter Delores returned home
Saturday after visiting a week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coleman of
Claire. His brother, Bill, of LeMars, had charge of the place during his

Jake Foreman and son Leonard, Mike Foreman and son Geo. Were visiting at
Vilas, S.D., in the home of Henry Mohr.

George Bergmann was a business caller at Maloy on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hinde and Jack Hinde were Sioux City visitors on

Mrs. J. F. March of Vermillion, S.D., spent a few days the past week in the
home of Mrs. Jessie Kennedy.

Fred Riter was a Marcus visitor on Friday in the home of his brother, Eldon
and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rees, Miss Eva Rees and
Godfrey Hauser motored to Camp Dodge, near Des Moines, and spent the day

Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Buss of south of LeMars entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Lancaster, sr. and daughter, Miss Ina, Mrs. Cooper and Vincent on Monday
evening in honor of Mr. Lancaster’s 86th birthday. [Note: The Mrs. Cooper
was very likely Mrs. Orville (Fern) Cooper.]

E. M. Kennedy and Jeff Richardson of Hawarden were callers Tuesday in the
home of his mother, Mrs. Jessie Kennedy.

Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hartog returned after spending the past week visiting
relatives at Freeport, Ill., and also attending the Century of Progress.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donlin and family of Hinton visited Sunday in the home of
her mother, Mrs. Martha Cook.

Mr. and Mrs. John Mounsey and son of Sioux City visited on Saturday in the
J. M. Kunath home.

The ladies aid society will meet Wednesday afternoon, September 5. All
members are requested to be present as election of offices will be held.

Chas. Conner and Dwight Riter were Sioux City visitors Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kanago of LeMars and Mrs. Daisy Port of Sioux Falls were
visitors Monday evening in the home of Mrs. Susan Haviland.

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Knowlton and son Bobbie of Iowa City were callers in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich.

Miss Pauline Riter, who spent the past 10 days in Chicago, returned Tuesday.
Her friend, Miss Marge Coleman, returned with her for a visit.

Mrs. L. A. Riter and daughters, Gail and Jean, of Rock Rapids, were callers
in the E. H. Riter home Saturday. Chas. Riter, who spent the past few days
here returned home with his mother and sisters.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanderMyde and children, and Howard Ewin, of Chicago, are
visiting in the Chas. Ewin home.

The W. H. M. S. held their picnic in the grove on Wednesday afternoon and an
enjoyable time was spent.

GRANT: (By Special Correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Janssen and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Harms of Hobart, Okla.,
have been visiting in the George Reichel and Albert Bolken homes the past

Miss Dorothy Schultz of Olympia, Wash., is visiting in the Herman Heeren

A very large crowd attended the mission festival which was held in Christ
Lutheran Church on Sunday.

Hinton Progress
September 6, 1934


Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Poradek, 84, Plymouth county pioneer woman,
was held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the home of a daughter, Mrs. A. L. Armstrong,
709 West Second, Sioux City, Rev. P. M. Fowler, officiating and interment
was in Floyd cemetery directed by Larkin's funeral home. Mrs. Poradek died
Thursday afternoon in Mrs. Armstrong's home.

Born in Bohemia, March 25, 1850, Mrs. Poradek came to the United States in
1882 and settled on a farm in Perry township, Plymouth county. She lived
there 30 years and then moved to Sioux City.

Surviving are six daughters: Mrs. Mike Vondrak, Mrs. Charles Juzek, and Mrs.
Robert Brownlee of Hinton; Mrs. William Bauerly and Mrs. Fred LaBahn of
Merrill; and Mrs. Armstrong; a son, Joseph, of Sioux City; 19 grandchildren
and 12 great-grandchildren.

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Plymouth County