Iowa Old

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
October 9, 1934


The fire department was called out Saturday morning, about 5:30, to the
Lampert lumber yards on First avenue SW, where fired had started in the
office room. According to firemen, the blaze was caused by electric light
wire. The company had been using an electric device for warming asphalt and
neglected to turn off the light. A hole was burned in a desk, causing a
loss of a few dollars.


Robert Merritt, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Merritt, 101 First Street
SE, suffered a painful injury to his eye Saturday while playing with a
number of other children at the Walter Aird farm east of town. Members of
the Presbyterian Church Sunday School were enjoying a picnic on the farm.
While running the boy brushed his head against a low hanging branch of a
tree and a twig struck him in the eye. His injury is painful, but it is
thought the sight of the eye will not be impaired.


The body of Charles A. Baldwin, 49, of Correctionville, who died Thursday in
a Sioux City hospital following an operation, was taken to a Correctionville
funeral home Thursday night.

Mr. Baldwin was born January 27, 1885, in Center Junction.

Surviving him are: his widow, Daisy; three sons, Harley, Floyd and Clifford,
of Correctionville; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldwin, of Akron; four
brothers, Oscar and Lloyd, of Akron, and Walter and Clarence of Sioux City;
and a sister, Mrs. Allurta Waddle, of Waubay, S.D.

Funeral services were held Saturday.

Cars driven by Carl Durr and Emmett McGraw collided on Highway No. 5
Saturday night, and both cars were damaged. A number of young people were
in both cars. Nobody was injured, according to the report made by Durr at
police headquarters.

~Clarence Meis reported the theft of his car from in front of Lane’s place
Saturday evening. The police found the car later on Highway No. 75 in the
southwest part of town.

The Gleam
Western Union College, LeMars, IA
October 20, 1934


The Rev. J.M. Runcie of Dawson, Nebr. stopped off at Western Union College
while enroute from Akron, Ohio, to visit his son, Jim. The Rev. Mr. Runcie
was a delegate to the general conference of the Evangelical church at Akron.
This has been his fourth occasion as delegate to a General conference.

Sixteen students from “The Land of Ten Thousand Lakes" Organize.

Students from "Ten Thousand Lakes" met organize and discuss plans for the
activities for the year. Minnesota has 16 students enrolled here.
The Rev. H.H. Miller, Blue Earth, Minn, has made arrangements for this
organization through the Minnesota conference. The following officers were
President, Ted Moritz; vice president, Herbert Henke; secretary, Erna
Schoppert; treasurer, Lucille Nuffer.

Students from Minnesota are the following;
Dorothy Banker, Elmore; Royal Caldwell, Wells; Leonard Deaver, Racine;
Floyd Freiheit, Goodhue; Herbert Henke, Blue Earth; Caroline Kruse,
Luverne; Wesley Miller, Anoka; Theodore Moritz, Minneapolis; Lucille Nuffer,
Vern Schendel, Renville; Erna Schoppert, Minneapolis; Walter Schwen, Blue
Earth; Walter Schwen, Blue Earth; James Vander Heide, John Vander Heide,
Matthew Vander Hiede, Leota; Willert Zahl, Bellingham.

REV. KALAS, W.U. '25, Gives Inspirational Talks To Y's

The Rev. Harry H. Kalas of Trinity church, Chicago, gave some very
inspirational message as speaker during the Week of Prayer sponsored by the
Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A.

Unusual interest was manifested in each one of the meetings by the large
attendance. Although the Rev. Mr. Kalas spoke primarily to students, his
messages were of vital interest to old and young alike. The aim for the
week was "Together Upward." Special music furnished by the students was a
part of each service.

The theme selected for the week was "Let me be Aware" and in each service
the Rev. Mr. Kalas developed one phase of this theme. Monday evening he
spoke on the subject, "Let me be aware of my soul" men lose their souls
because of mental confusion, or dropping of high morals, or because of
spiritual loneliness. Everyone needs more than a human friend at times, a
friend like Jesus. “Let me be Aware of Human Failures" was the theme for
Tuesday night. Everyone makes mistakes but "if you must publish someone's
faults, publish your own." God wants each one to be great but if left to
himself a person is destined to mediocrity.

Wednesday evening Mr. Kalas spoke on the topic, "Let me be Aware of the Holy
Presence." Thursday evening the topic was "Let me be Aware of the
Discriminating Christ," and Friday evening "Let me be Aware of a Father
God." The Rev. Mr. Kalas understands young people and he discussed many of
the problems that are facing college students of today.

The Christian Associations consider themselves fortunate in having been able
to secure such a capable speaker as the Rev. Kalas.

17 Girls Take Y. W. Pledge

Seventeen girls pledged their membership to the Y. W. C. A. in the “Candle
Light Service” held Wednesday morning, October 10.

Alice Engel, president of the local organization, presented a welcome to the
girls wishing to join. Each girl, after declaring her desire to enter the
association, lighted her small candle from the one large light, which
exemplifies Christ. The Y. W. C. A. pledge was then repeated in unison by
the new members.

Devotionals were led by Ruth Specht. Special music was furnished by the
trio, Pearl Lucas, Virginia Irwin, and Dorothy Irwin. “The Prayer Perfect”
was sung by Lorraine Schol.

The meeting was closed with the singing of the national Y. W. song, “Follow
the Gleam.”

The new members are: Betty Gordon, Betty Hale, Carolyne Kruse, Freda McCune,
Shirley Featherston, Erna Schoppert.

Helen Thiele, Evelyn Sohl, Eileen Wahl, Mona Newbecker, Alpha Simmons, Ruth
Letsche, Verna Becker, Dorothy Banker, Cleone Warnecke, Lucille Tullis and
Laurable Kehrberg.


Newly elected members of Sigma Tau Delta played major roles in the formal
initiation ceremony of the organization at its regular meeting October 10.
The badges which they had worn for the last two weeks were taken off since
they are now members.

A short business meeting followed the initiation ceremony. The president,
Kenneth Kaupp, appointed a committee to decide on the theme of study for the
coming year.

The new members initiated were: Edith Ukena, Dorothy and Virginia Irwin,
Pearl Lucas and Kathleen Schutt.

Refreshments were served by the hostess, Prof. Miss Thomas.

Prof. Smith Enters Third Year As Forensic Mentor; 6 Veterans returned

With the debate season just around the corner, Prof. Harold A. Smith, debate
coach, reports the prospect for the season as follows:

“The outlook for debate is very good because we have six debaters with
experience, and the question is one of immediate importance: ‘Resolved, that
the nations should agree to prevent the international shipment of arms and
munitions.’ The season is short, but the work will be intense and we hope to
schedule even more debates than last year, for many requests came in after
we closed the season.”

Professor Smith is entering his third year as debate coach. He acted as
judge in the national speech contest held in Sioux City in 1932 and has had
considerable experience in judging debates.

Last year 24 intercollegiate debates were scheduled. Ten students
participated. These were Winifred Knudson, Merton Zeisset, Billie Winders,
Donald Roker, Audrey Johnson, Donald Larenberger, Harold Becker, DeWitt
Stauffer, Royald Caldwell, and Huberta Williams. The last six are in
college here this year, and are looking forward to an interesting debate

The date for the tournament of the Sioux Province, of which we are a member,
has been set at April 4, 5, and 6.

There is a possibility that the 1936 National Pi Kappa Delta convention will
be held in Sioux City.

Participation in three intercollegiate debates make a person eligible for
membership in Pi Kappa Delta, the National Forensic fraternity.

Dr. Arthur Blue gave an address at the teachers convention at Sioux City
last week. His talk was on “Science clubs in high schools.”


The first meeting of Science Seminar was held Oct. 4, with Prof. A. R.
Hershberger, the president of the society in charge. It was decided that the
time of the meeting shall be every Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Seven new members have been admitted to the society: Ruth Specht, Edward
Weir, Huberta Williams, Virginia Irwin and Wesley Miller, Walter Farley, and
Kenneth Sol.

The second meeting was held Oct. 11. At this meeting three short talks were

Alice Engel spoke on “Tannic Acid and the Treatment of Burns.” It was only
in recent years that tannic acid was discovered to be valuable in the
treatment of burns. The discovery was made in 1924 by a young doctor in

Walter Farley spoke on “Infra-Red Photography.” Infra-red rays permit the
taking of pictures at long distances. This is valuable in the field of
astronomy as well as in other lines of activity.

Vernon Parks spoke on “Mortuary Customs of the Eskimos.” The Eskimos have
many strange customs in connection with the burial of their dead. In their
mourning no tears are shed.

Rev. O. M. Yaggy and Dr. B. F. Zuehl drove to Vermillion to the football
game today.

Wesley Miller supplied for Ted Moritz at the latter’s regular charge at
Slayton, Minn., last Sunday. Mr. Moritz made the trip to Decorah with the
football team.


Crowning of Queen, Comedy For Friday Evening, Parade Saturday

Homecoming, one of the biggest and most enjoyable times of the entire school
year at Western Union college is to take place Friday and Saturday of this
week. This year all things point toward a bigger and better program,
beginning with crowning of the queen, Friday evening at 7:30 following the
crowning of the queen, the Homecoming play "A Peach of a Family" will be
presented by a picked cast. Upon the completion of the play a colorful and
inspiring pep meeting will be conducted in the glow of a huge bonfire.

Saturday morning will see a clash between the alumni and the college
kittenball teams at 9:00 followed by the Alumni Chapel at 10:15. Immediately
after chapel a short pep fest is to be held. A luncheon will be served at
12:15 in Wernli hall.

The traditional parade of class and organization floats will get under way
at 1 o'clock, wInding its way through the business district to McDuffie
park where the Golden Eagles will be host to the Yankton Greyhounds in the
annual Homecoming game. The alumni banquet, the last activity of the day,
will follow at 6:00 in Wernli hall. Homecoming arrangements are supervised
by a general committee composed of Prof. H.A. Smith, Royald Caldwell,
chairman and Elna Grimjes.

The general committee in turn appointed the following special committee
Mrs. Brown, “banquet," Mrs. Hershberger, “homecoming queen,” Henry Hayen
"26, alumni get-together," Gerald Hemphill, “pep and publicity," Mrs. D.O.
Kime, “play KIttenball,” Coach W.B. Koch, Prof. Edna Saunders, “alumni
chapel parade,” Don Ladenberger and Royal Caldwell.

The Homecoming committees are working to make the Homecoming the best, and
most successful event of the year and with the full cooperation of the
student body this will be accomplished.

Mrs.D.O. Kime Directs a Peach of a Family
for Homecoming Entertainment.

The Homecoming play "A Peach of a Family" directed by Mrs. D. O. Kime is
rapidly nearing perfection and is to be presented Friday evening. October
26, at 8:15, admission 15 cents.
Six of the character parts are played by local talent, including Donald
Ladenburger, Alice Hoorneman, Rollo Budde, Gerald Hemphill, Shirley Starr,
and Holden Beachler, The play is a three act comedy.and has an amusing theme
which is summed up as follows:
Steven Richmond (Don Ladenberger) ne'er-do-well nephew of a rich and
indulgent uncle (Gerald Hemphill) is told that his income is to be taken
away because of his escapades, and that he will have to shift for himself.
His friends tell him that he lack is and incentive to hustle, and persuade
him to agree to adopt an orphan.
Instead of the one expected boy-orphan he becomes "guardy" to four girls,
gushing young things and what a race they lead him, being aided and abetted
by one peach of a chaperone! (Helen Beachler.) The latter is Pauline Shelby
in the play. The love interest is centered about her, with such characters
as the crusty old uncle, the sentimental aunt (Villetta Walters), the
domineering housekeeper (Alice Hoorneman), two young businessmen (Virgil
Beuerman and Eddie Weir), a hard boiled banker (Rollo Budde), and the family
of four girls (Shirley Starr, Betty Hale, Lorraine Schol, and Cleone
Warneke) providing an abundance of laughs and situations.

Hinton Progress
October 25, 1934


Funeral services were held Tuesday at Sioux City for William Clyde Williams,
who took his own life by shooting himself in the head Sunday afternoon in
the basement washroom of a café on Fourth Street, where he was employed.

Rev. John Hantia officiated at the funeral and interment was in Logan Park

Mr. Williams was employed in the vicinity of Hinton for a number of years.

Instantly Killed In Motorcycle Accident

Orville Hauser, age 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hauser, of Merrill, was
killed instantly Tuesday afternoon on the Perry Creek Road near the Geo.
Manz garage when his motorcycle collided with a truck from Hudson, S.D. It
was reported the side of the truck struck the handlebar of the machine and
threw the youth to the pavement.

He had been visiting at the home of his uncle, George Manz.

Funeral services will be Friday at 2 p.m. in the Merrill Methodist church.

Le Mars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
October 30, 1934
Le Mars, Iowa

Mrs. Boyson Ross Claimed By Death
Akron Pioneer Dies After Two Month's Illness

Mrs. Boyson Ross, a pioneer resident of Akron vicinity, passed away at her
home in this city Sunday morning, October 21, 1934, at 2 o'clock, after an
extended illness from diabetes and complications. She had been in declining
health since she suffered a light stroke several months ago, says the Akron

Dora Hoist was born February 22, 1861, at Sabula, Iowa. Her family moved to a
farm about three miles north of Richland, Union county, Dakota Territory, in
1856, where she grew to young womanhood.

On September 11, 1881, she was united in marriage with Royson Ross and they
made their home on a farm three miles north of Akron, in Union county, Dakota
Territory, until 1888 when the family moved to Akron, which has since remained
her home. To this union were born seven children, three daughters and four
sons, who with the husband and nine grandchildren, survive.

The children are: Miss Alta Ross and Mrs. E. H. Youngstrom, of Akron; Mrs. O.
O. Stoland, of Lawrence, Kansas; Dr. Fay B. Ross, of Kalispell, Mont.; Arden.
E. Ross, of Tulsa, Okla.; Hobart and Donald Ross of Akron. Three sisters also
survive. All the children were at home to attend the last rites.

Mrs. Ross was a woman of kind and sympathetic nature, devoted to her family
and home, a valued friend and neighbor, whose useful life and good deeds will
linger long in the memory of all who knew her. The sincere sympathy of the
community is extended to the bereaved relatives.

Funeral services were held, Wednesday forenoon at 10 o'clock in the first
Baptist church, conducted by Rev. R. E. Brown, with many friends in
attendance. Mrs. Russell Ross sang as a solo the beautiful selection, "Going
Home," with Mrs. H. Shoulberg playing the organ accompaniment. The four sons
and two sons-in-law of the deceased acted as pallbearers. Interment was in
Riverside cemetery.

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