Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
November 1, 1934

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. Carrie Reaser returned on Wednesday to spend the winter with her aunt,
Mrs. Susan Rayburn. She has been spending the summer with a sister at
Missouri Valley and an aunt.

Miss Lucile March of Sioux City, stopped at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich. She then went on to Sheldon to
spend a few hours in the home of her sister, Mrs. Dan McArthur, returning
this way again on her way home.

Warren Detloff and Miss Gladys Fowler of Richmond, Calif., returned to their
home on Saturday morning, picking up the rest of their party somewhere in
Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Detloff gave them a farewell party on Friday
evening, over seventy friends and relatives being present. They spent the
evening in dancing with the Pech orchestra playing, and also card playing.
Later a fine lunch was served.

Fred Siege was a Sioux Center caller on Wednesday and also attended a sale
at Remsen on Saturday.

Miss Pauline Riter was a Sioux City visitor from Saturday until Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermire visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ewin and Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanderMyde,

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siege of the Sioux county line, visited in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Chapman.

Mrs. George Osborne entertained the ten-cent tea which is being given by
different ladies of the aid society on Wednesday. Those attending were Mrs.
Harry Buss and daughter, Marion, Mrs. Albert Hawkins, Mrs. M. J. Kunath,
Mrs. Elam Chapman, Mrs. Orville Cooper, Mrs. Susan Rayburn and Mrs. Carrie

Friends of Mrs. Susan Haviland are sorry to hear that she fell down and
broke her hip and is now in the hospital. We hope she will be getting along
nicely and be better soon.

A number of men are working in a sand pit at Remsen. They are John
Lancaster, Harold Darville, Mr. Kloster, Will Buss, Art Berkenpas and Vernon

Mr. and Mrs. Hancer of Merrill spent Sunday with their parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Philips.

Relatives and friends are sorry to learn that Mrs. Reuben Hamilton of Tulsa,
Okla., is in a hospital at Savannah, Mo., and hope for a speedy recovery.
She will be better remembered as Miss Minnie Siege.

A farewell party was given to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hinde as they are going
to move to Hawarden the first of November. They are moving on a farm.

The ladies aid will meet in the hall on Nov. 7.

A number of children from here went to Struble Friday to be vaccinated.

JOHNSON-PRESTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Jack Eilks spent Sunday in Sioux City, with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. William Borchers were visitors in the Lawrence Eilks home,

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luschen and family were LeMars shoppers, Saturday

Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Popkin, Mr. and Mrs. John Onken and Mr. and Mrs. John
Mammen, were LeMars shoppers Wednesday afternoon.

Several reminded Louie Eilers of his birthday Monday evening.

Albert Popken is busy husking corn for Henry Molzen.

Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Miller and family were visitors in Chatsworth, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eilert Miller and family were dinner guests in the Frank
Johnson home in Akron, Sunday.

Those who helped Mrs. Herman Weyen remind her of her birthday were: Mrs.
Ben Fisher, sr., Mr. and Mrs. William Fisher and daughters of Brunsville,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collmann, Anna Miller, Mr. and Mrs. William Plueger and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Plueger and son, Mr. and Mrs. Morten Johnson and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John Plueger and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harm Fisher, Mr.
and Mrs. Louie Eilers, Mr. and Mrs. George Oiler, Hannah Onken and Helen
Miller. Cards and social visiting were concluded by a delicious luncheon.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Renken and sons, Randall and Keith, and Mr. and Mrs. Art
Gronemeyer, were visitors in the George Miller home, Sunday evening.

Several reminded Mrs. Albert Collmann of her birthday on Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Fred Renken and son, Keith, and Anna Johnson were visitors in the John
Johnson home Tuesday afternoon.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
Friday, November 2, 1934


Mrs. Patrick Shanahan, of Bernard, Iowa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Brennan in Union township.

Col. A. A. Lyle has returned from California and will be glad to conduct your sale. Phone 102, Kingsley, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rheinhold, of Kingsley, were visitors Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Heckenlively.

Mrs. Wm. Aird returned to her home at Charles City Wednesday after spending several weeks in the J. M. Whitman home.

Mrs. Bert Kernan and Mrs. Alice Gergen, of Sioux City, have been spending the past week with their mother, Mrs. O. H. Higday.

Miss Pearl Timmerman, of Plainview, Neb., has been a guest the past week in the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Trafford.

P. N. Wiltgen and S. H. Luken attended a district meeting of the Northwest Iowa funeral directors association at Sutherland, Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Roland Grim, of Council Bluffs, were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bender and George Bender at Hinton.

John Lubben, who has been seriously ill for some time, was taken to the Sacred Heart Hospital Wednesday for treatment. His condition is critical.

Miss Eloise Mauer returned Sunday from Waterloo where she had temporary position teaching.

Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kluckhohn motored to Austin, Minn., for a week end visit with their daughter, Miss Jane Kluckhohn. Miss Kluckhohn is a teacher in the Austin high school.

Mrs. M. Carlton, of Sioux City, and Miss Ilene Carlton, of Sioux Falls, S. D., were week end visitors with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Vincent Harker.

Geo. H. Bender, of Hinton, will accompany John Brehm and daughter, Miss Gladys, to California, when they return Wednesday after an extended visit here. Mr. Bender will spend the winter in California.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Briggs have gone to Omaha where they will spend the winter with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott. Mrs. Scott was formerly Miss Carrie Briggs.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fountain and son, Billy, of Modale, Iowa, and Miss Gladys Lemke, who teaches in the Modale schools, will arrive Friday for a week end visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lemke.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trafford, Misses Edith and Emma Trafford, and Lawrence Masuen motored to Beresford, S. D., Sunday where they were guests at a silver wedding anniversary dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Birney. Approximately sixty relatives and friends participated in the celebration.

Hinton Progress
November 29, 1934


Peter Casper Sr., a pioneer resident of Lincoln township, passed away
Tuesday afternoon in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carl Muecke, after a
lingering illness.

Mr. Casper was taken to a Sioux City hospital for medical treatment several
weeks ago, and last week Thursday left the hospital and went to the home of
his daughter. His condition was considered about the same or a trifle
better than it had been in previous weeks.

The deceased has many friends here who will mourn his loss, having lived in
Lincoln township for many years where he owned and operated farms.

As this paper goes to press we are unable to obtain the obituary of the life
of the deceased but it will be published in the next issue.

Funeral services will be held form Trinity Lutheran Church in Lincoln
township on Friday afternoon of this week at 2:00 o'clock, Rev. R. J.
Torgler, pastor of the church, officiating.

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