Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
March 9, 1934

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)
Mrs. Floyd Becker and son, Bobby, is visiting relatives in Sioux City this

E. H. Riter sold a truck load of cattle on the Sioux City market Monday.

Miss Lucinda Thill, of LeMars, is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph

Chas. Connor, Dwight Riter, and W. E. Hennrich motored to Luverne, Minn.,

Mrs. Dorothy Hultin, of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting her brother and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ewin. (Transcriber note: Her brother’s name was
Howard Ewin, who was staying with the Charles Ewin family.)

Mrs. Pauline Detloff, of LeMars, visited Sunday with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Uthe.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvie McArthur, of Sioux City, were week end visitors in the
home of Mr. McArthur’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al McArthur.

Mr. and Mrs. John Daugherty and son, John, and Mrs. Mary Daugherty motored
to Emerson, Neb., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Daugherty.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ewin and family, who have been living in LeMars, the past
few years, moved to Seney last week end and are living in Mrs. Martha Cook’s

Mr. and Mrs. Al McArthur entertained as guests Sunday, it being Mrs.
McArthur’s sixty-third birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Irvie McArthur, of Sioux City,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McArthur and daughter Ruth, son Raymond, and Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin McArthur.

Rev. W. C. Bergman motored to Whiting Tuesday to visit in the home of his
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Munson. Mrs. Bergman, who was
called there last week end by the sickness of their granddaughter, returned
home with him, the little girl feeling better.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
March 16, 1934


Came to LeMars To Live
When Town Was In Its Infancy
Prominent in Church and Social
Work Many Years

Friends in LeMars were notified Wednesday of the death of Mrs. C. L. Trenery
at Omaha, Neb., where she had been staying of late with her son, Dr. F. S.
Clarke. Mrs. Trenery had been in failing health for some time and death was
due to a general breakdown of her constitution. She was 80 years of age.

Mrs. Trenery was an early settler in LeMars coming here when a girl from
Prairieville, Wis., where she was born May 22, 1853. Her maiden name was
Fidelia Sweetland and her parents came to LeMars about the time the town of
LeMars was established. She was married to George Clarke, a pioneer
attorney, who was associated with the late H. C. Curtis. Clarke street, now
Second Avenue, was named in his honor. Mr. Clarke died a few years after
their marriage, and she later married C. L. Trenery, a well known business
man of LeMars for many years.

Mrs. Trenery was intimately associated with the life and growth of LeMars
and no history of the town would be complete without her name. She was
active in community circles, club life and in church work. She was a member
of the Congregational church and one of the most ardent supporters and
workers. She took an interest in public life and was for several years a
member of the LeMars school board.

Mrs. Trenery was admired and beloved not only in her immediate environment,
but among younger generations who appreciated her kindliness and worth.
Many people who have known her all their lives offer a tribute to her life
and memory.

She is survived by two sons, Dr. F. S. Clarke, of Omaha, Neb., and Frank
Trenery, of Los Angeles, Calif. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Chris
Koehler, of Hastings, Neb., and Mrs. M. Ryan, of Portland, Oregon.

The body was brought here for burial and services will be held this Friday
afternoon at the Luken mortuary and interment made in the city cemetery.

LeMars Globe-Post
March 19, 1934

PERRY CENTER: (By Special Correspondent)

Phyllis Monk, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monk, became very sick
with convulsions, Thursday, and was taken to a Sioux City hospital and an
operation for telescoped bowels was performed. Later a blood transfusion
was given. She grew worse and died Monday afternoon at 2:30. She was born
on August 11, 1931, and was the only child.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ferguson and daughter, Vera, visited in the Dethlef
Tiedeman home, east of Sioux City, on Sunday. His daughter, Miss Frieda, is
to be married this week to Joe Marks. They will make their home in South
Dakota. The Tiedeman family were former residents here.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson of James, Iowa, were Sunday evening callers in
the Francis Ferguson home.

Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Pence and granddaughter, Opal, were callers in the home
of Mrs. Pence's mother, Mrs. Julia Overholzer, in Leeds, Sunday afternoon.

The directors elected in this township, Monday were as follows: George
Berger, district No. 1; Chris Petersen, No. 2; No. 3 not reported; Leon
Rodwig, No. 4; Clarence Von Drak, No. 5; J. White and Miles Barrett tied in
No. 6; Walter Pence, No. 7; Mr. Allard, No. 8; and Mr. Eylers in No. 9.


Mrs. John Luken, Mrs. Darrell Luken and Mrs. Jack Reese were Sioux City
callers Wednesday.

The following helped Martin Croon celebrate his birthday on Wednesday
evening: Mrs. Theodore Plueger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siebels and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Freiberg, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plueger and family,
Mr. and Mrs. John Brabander and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ludwigs and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John Lubben and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hauschild
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Frerichs and family, and Bill Pecks. Pinochle
was the diversion for the evening, high scores going to Mrs. John Brabander
and John Hauschild.

Mrs. Fred Osterbuhr and son, Otto, and Mrs. Elmer Popken motored to Hawarden
where they visited the Herman Renken family.

The following directors were re-elected in Grant:  Dick Frerichs, district No. 1; Charles Renken, district No. 6; Will Johnson, district No. 9, and Grant Hanstein, district No. 2; and Harm Heeren, district No. 7.

The following new directors were  elected:  Mrs. Theodore Plueger, district No. 4; John Brabander, distict No. 5 and Henry Marienau, disctict No. 8.

John Brabander had a consignment of live stock on the Sioux City market

Mrs. John Mammen has been on the sick list. At present she is confined to
her bed.

Mr. and Mrs. Folkert Frerichs were callers at the Dick Frerichs home,

Miss Minnie Von Hagel visited in the Ernest Meyer home Wednesday.

The Misses Lucille Bruns and Katie Marienau are recovering from the measles.

Garireth Renken was reminded of his birthday on Wednesday. A number of
relatives and friends were present.

Albert Goiterman of Lockhart, Minn., arrived here on Monday to visit friends
in this vicinity.

The Misses Clara and Minnie Von Hagel are assisting Mrs. John Hauschild in
the papering.

Mr. and Mrs. Hilbert Hennings are the proud parents of a baby boy.

Mr. and Mrs. George Borchers were Friday callers at the J. D. Hauschild

Fred Plueger had a load of hogs on the Friday market. Louis Plueger did the


George Kovarna and daughter, Blanche, and Gladys, Josephine and Darlene,
visited last Sunday in the Ed Beaulieu home.

A large crowd of neighbors and friends attended a dance in the John Woods
home near Sunnyside High School last Saturday evening.

Mrs. George Berger visited last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Wallace

Miss Eileen Beaulieu visited over the week end with her sister, Mrs. Ed
Gorman, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Halyen of near Merrill were Sunday evening visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Berger.

Mrs. Alfred Raby of near Hinton is visiting this week in the home of her
brother, William Angove.

Mrs. Thomas VonDrake is recovering from a very serious operation in the St.
Joseph hospital in Sioux City.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Orin Griffith last Wednesday evening at
their home in Perry township.

Triplet babies were born last Sunday, March 11, to Mr. and Mrs. William
Angove, two boys and one girl. The boys only lived a short time after
birth, but the girl is still living although she weighs barely two pounds
and has to be fed with a medicine dropper. Mr. and Mrs. Angove have the
sympathy of the entire community, having lost four small sons by death in
the past three years.

Miss Celia Beaulieu visited over the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Albert
Shindel of Sioux City.

WESTERN STANTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Miss Lucille Danne, who teaches at Freeman, S.D., left Sunday afternoon for
that place to resume her duties after spending several days in the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Danne. Mr. and Mrs. Danne accompanied her
as far as Yankton.

Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fischer motored to Cherokee, the past week, where they
baby, Arlene, received medical treatment.

The officers of the W.M.S. of the Stanton church, met on Wednesday afternoon
at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Kaupp, where plans were made for the work to be
done in the W.M.S. society for the coming months.

O. W. Weidauer and W. F. Danne attended the vocational Bible school
convention held in LeMars Wednesday.

Harold and Merlyn Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goodwyn, Clyde and Henry
Robbins, visited in the home of Mrs. Geo. Schultz, Saturday evening.

The young people of the league of the Stanton Evangelical church presented
an Easter pantomime entitled, "He Lives," on last Sunday evening.

Rev. Kaupp delivered the morning address at the Melbourne charge, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knapp were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Knapp,
Monday evening.

Election of directors took place Monday morning in the various districts.
Ben Brandstetter was re-elected in district No. 4, and Ray Berner was
re-elected in district No. 3.

STRUBLE: (By Special Correspondent)

John Aalfs is slowly recovering from an infection in his leg which
developed from an injury to that member several weeks ago. He is still under
the doctor's care.

Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Bertram and family of Ireton, visited in the Wm.
Nicholson home, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alec McDougall and Miss Joan spent Sunday in the Judson
McDougall home near LeMars. Judson is slowly recovering from a several
months sickness of pneumonia.

Mr. and Mrs. James Nolan and children spent Sunday evening in the N. R.
Schlesser home.

Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall were guests in the R. W. Southwick home in
Craig, Sunday evening.

Mrs. N. R. Schlesser, who has been suffering from an attack of flu, the past
six weeks, has been confined to her bed the past week and is slightly
improved at this writing.

Norbert Ruhland, John Popken Jr., and N. R. Schlesser were among those who
had consignments of sheep on the Sioux City market the past week.

N. R. Schlesser and family spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Rose
Flaherty, at West LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Husby (sic-Bushby) and family of McNally, visited in the
John McDougall home Monday evening.

Miss Alice Mandelkow, who has been visiting friends at Wayne, Neb., has
returned home.

Mrs. Elaides and infant son and daughter came home from the Sacred Heart
hospital, Friday.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodhouse and children visited Sunday in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Becker, parents of Mrs. Woodhouse.

Anthony Daugherty of Emerson, Neb., visited Saturday in the home of his
mother and brother and family.

Jack Hinde, who has been staying with his brothers at Haxtun, Colo., the
last few months returned home Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Erlick, of Sioux City, were week end visitors in the Floyd
Becker home. Mrs. Floyd Becker and son Bobby, who have spent the past week
in Sioux City, returned home with them.

Ethel Britton is staying with her grandmother, Mrs. S. Haviland.

Mrs. Melvin McArthur visited her mother, at Sheldon the past week.

E. H. Riter and son Dwight motored to Hawarden Sunday to visit in the home
of the former's brother, P. J. Riter.

The male quartette, Frank Becker, M. J. Lancaster, C. W. Reeves and R. A.
Hawkins, sang in the Nazarene Church in LeMars Sunday evening.

Mrs. Frank Becker and Mrs. Lulu Penning and son Vernon motored to Hawarden
Monday to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kennedy and family and to Hudson, S. D.,
to visit the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodhouse
and family.

The Ladies Aid society served a chicken supper in the hall on Thursday
evening, followed by moving pictures given by Mr. and Mrs. Koppenol,
missionaries from Kentucky. Mrs. Koppenol was born and raised near Alton,
and is remembered to her many friends as Emily Eason.

H. C. Detloff and Mr. Faust of Luverne, Minn., were callers in the D. E.
Hennrich home Wednesday.

Pauline Riter returned home after spending the past three weeks in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lankhorst, Jr., in Hawarden.

The school election was held here Monday and Jno. Alderson was re-elected.

LeMars Globe-Post
March 29, 1934


Mr. and Mrs. August Osterthun, living near Akron, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Phillip Lubben, of LeMars, on Tuesday.

Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Cole have as their guest this week, Miss Katherine
Mourning, of Sioux City.

Mrs. Rene Carlton of Sioux Falls will arrive Friday for a week end visit in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Harker.

Johnnie Deegan returned last week from Detroit, Mich., driving back a new
car. He was accompanied as far as Dubuque by his aunt, Mrs. James Deegan,
who visited relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson of Mankato, Minn., were calling on friends here

Rollo Budde will have as his guest over the week end, Dick De Wolf of Orange

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stamp have as their guest, Mrs. Stamp's mother, Mrs.
Viola Greer, of Kingsley.

Miss Lauretta Brauch, of Omaha, and Miss Francis Brauch, of Sioux City, will
spend the week end with their mother, Mrs. V. W. Brauch.

Herman Rasar and Bob Moore of the U. of I. arrived home on Wednesday for a
few days visit in the home of their parents. There were accompanied by Dick
Kloster of Iowa City who will be their guest while here.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Prust, of LeMars, and Miss Viola Mueller, of Sioux City,
went to Springfield, Minn., Wednesday to attend funeral services for Mrs.
Walter Jahn of Springfield, a sister of the ladies.

Mrs. Harvey Obermire and children, Betty, Robert, and Rosemary, left
Wednesday for Atkinson, Neb., where they have bought a farm. Mr. Obermire
is already there, getting things ready. He will come back after his family
arrives, and will truck out the rest of his belongings.

Mrs. Ray Huxtable and son, Arthur John, will leave Friday for a short visit
in the home of Mrs. Huxtable's mother, Mrs. A. C. Munn, of Boone.

Myron Nelle, student at Ames returned Sunday to his work after a few days
vacation in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Nelle.

Miss Mary McCauley of Hiawatha, Kansas, who has spent the past few weeks
with Mrs. Russell Knapp, of Stanton, and with her niece, Miss Edith Ukena,
at Wernli Hall, returned to her home today. She was accompanied by Miss
Ukena who will spend the week end at Hiawatha.


Bill Johnson and Miss Ardith VeredeVere of Sioux City came home to celebrate
his 21st birthday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Johnson, of Preston
township, Thursday evening. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miles,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, Roy Neumauer, Miss Margaret Miles, Frank Young,
Jack Anderson, Bud Pahl, Johnnie Wyk, Dorothy Nold, Ella Keith, Mildred
Ellenburg, all of Sioux City. Bill received lots of presents.


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