Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, April 2, 1934


(By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. J. D. Lattimer arrived home last week from West Salem, Wis., where she
had been staying with a sister while recuperating form an operation. When
the porter handed her her luggage, a suitcase was missing. Orders were
wired to Wren and the train was searched, but no trace of the missing bag
was found. Several days later she received word that a small purse, which
had been in the suitcase, was picked up in the Pellitier store. From this
it seems that the bag was stolen and thief had mislaid the purse.

The CWA workers started work last week on a new sidewalk from the school
house to the street on the north side of the school grounds. The old trees
around the grounds have been removed and new trees will be replaced as soon
as the weather permits.

Mrs. Tony Tronner who has been seriously sick at her home, is much improved
at this writing.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilhelmi and son Gerald who have resided in Ashton for the
past year, moved back to Merrill, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCorkell are the parents of a son born on Monday, March
19, at the Sacred Heart hospital. Mrs. McCorkell was formerly known as Iva
Mae Weidenfeller.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harvey have moved to the house vacated by Mrs. Ella
Harrison, who has moved to the country.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Husted on Saturday, March 17. Mrs.
Husted was the former Ilo Corl.

Mrs. Jesse Grimjes, who has been spending the winter in California, returned
last week, accompanied by Earl Davidson, who also wintered in California.

Mr. and Mrs. Felix Carstensen are the parents of a daughter, born, March 15.

A number from here attended the confirmation exercise held at the Johnson
township Lutheran church, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Heiden and family were Sunday visitors at the Clarence
Schulz home east of town.


Mr. and Mrs. Frank Von Drak and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElrath, were among
those from this vicinity who attended the P.T.A. meeting and chicken supper
at North Junior High in Sioux City.

Miss Pauline Anderson submitted to a major operation in Sioux City,
Thursday. She returned home Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Scherner and children visited in the O. J. Pence home
last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ohlsen were callers in the Lloyd Yount home in James last
Sunday. Mr. Yount expects to return to Iowa City soon for more treatment
and examination.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barkley is quite sick in a Sioux
City hospital.

District No. 7 of Perry township will put on a program before the farm
holiday association at Merrill, on March 29.

Mr. and Mrs. William Ernst visited in the Fred Ernst home in Sioux City,

The April meeting of the Friendship club will be held on Thursday afternoon,
April 5, in the home of Mrs. Clem Ohlsen. There will be a seed, flower and
bulb exchange. A white elephant grab bag will be a feature of the meeting.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Utesch motored to Lake Wood, Minn., to visit their son and
family, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Utech.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore and family were Sunday guests in the home of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hartog motored to Sioux City Saturday.

Ray Hinde was on the Sioux City market with a truck load of sheep, Saturday.

Miss Pauline Riter is visiting in Sioux City, over the week end in the home
of H. R. Dealy and family.

Miss Margaret Moore, of Glenwood, was a visitor over the weekend in the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moore.

The play given by the Volunteer Sunday school was well attended and will be
given next week, Wednesday, April 4.

Sam Uthe was on the Sioux City market Thursday with two truck loads of hogs.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Uthe and Marjorie Riter motored to Sioux City, Thursday.


Grandma Croon, who has been sick for about seven weeks, is on the road to
recovery. She is getting stronger day by day, and although her improvement
is slow, we all hope that she will soon be able to be about again.

Mrs. Johnny Westhoff was well reminded of her birthday on Wednesday evening.
Nine tables played pinochle. At a late hour lunch was served.

Friday evening visitors at the J. D. Hauschild home were Mr. and Mrs. John
Aalfs and family.

Helen Heeren is spending her Easter vacation at her home.

AMERICA: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alesch and children, Jimmy and Jean, of Marcus, spent
Sunday with relatives here.

Harvey Obermire, who moved to Butte, Neb., recently had the misfortune to
break his leg when a horse kicked at him early this week. Mrs. Obermire and
children, who were visiting in the Levins home, left at once for Butte.

Guests in the Louis Hoffman home on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Herbst,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herbst, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Herbst and daughter, Doris, of
near Storden, Minn., Norbert Markel, of near Pipestone, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Adler and family of LeMars.

Adam Clark, of Luverne, Minn., was a recent caller in his father's home

PIERSON: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Plueger and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plueger and
children were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Baack at Struble on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. John Plueger and Mr. and Mrs. Heinie Plueger and children were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Baack of Grant Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobs and children were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Hartman of Akron Sunday.

Children playing with matches on Saturday caused a fire in a clothes closet
at the Heinie Plueger home. Lucky the fire was discovered in time and

LeMars Globe-Post
April 5, 1934


A four-county meeting of Standard Oil men, covering Plymouth, Sioux, and
Lyon counties in Iowa and Union county, S. D., was held in the Union hotel
Tuesday under the direction of J. Manning of Sioux City, district

Les Spry, district auditor, gave a talk on the new state taxes. R. D.
Sherman, local representative, conducted the rest of the meeting on the
subject of sales.

Those present were: Roy Nelson, Hawarden; R. Ross, Akron; Billy Hyink,
Alton; Paul Nietzschke, Remsen; Fred Bauer, Orange City; J. Ryan, Merrill;
H. Smith, representing Union county; Ed Van Hagen, Ireton; several from Lyon
county who did not register.

The meeting was very successful and a high degree of enthusiasm was aroused.
Standard Oil has just signed contracts for a new advertising campaign, and a
new high peak of sales for the coming season is anticipated.


Chandos Smith, former LeMars young man and son of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith
of this city, is making good as president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce
at Knoxville according to a report published in a Knoxville paper. Mr.
Smith promoted a spring opening idea in Knoxville, getting a proclamation
from the mayor to establish March 19 as official spring opening. Merchants
veiled their windows the afternoon of the 18th and the fire whistle at 7:30
the next morning was the cue to drop the veils and display the spring
merchandise to the public. Hundreds of persons had gathered in the city at
that early hour to take part in the celebration.

A style show and program constituted the day's activities. Mr. Smith is
employed by the Dixie Oil Co., there.

GRANT: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dirks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fruhling and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reelfs and family were Sunday visitors in the
Ben Reelfs home.

A number of relatives reminded Fred Ahrendt of his birthday, Sunday.

Miss Elnora Heeren is staying in Craig helping care for her grandmother,
Mrs. Henry Croon.

Luther League will meet Sunday in the Lutheran school. Martin and Victor
Bunge will entertain.

Monday evening callers in the John Hauschild home were Mr. and Mrs. John
Brabander and family.

The quarterly meeting of the Christ Lutheran church will be held Sunday
after morning services.

Sunday afternoon visitors in the Garrieth Renken home were Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Heeren and family, Miss Johanna Dirks, Mr. and Mrs. Gerd Renken, Jr.,
and Ed Hoppe.

The following will take part in the community play which will be given in
the Brunsville hall by Grant No. 6 on April ll: Ed Hoppe, Rieka, Henry,
Bennie and Carl Ahrendt, Dorothy Westhoff, Luella Renken, Rose Doering,
Clara Heeren and Herman Renken. A dance included in the admission price,
will be given after the play.

Mrs. Bunge's mother and other relatives spent Sunday in the Rev. Bunge home.

LeMars callers on Tuesday included Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lubben, J. D.
Hauschild, Will Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siebels.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Chas. Connor spent a few days at Pierson.

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Riter and son of Marcus, were Sunday visitors in the W.
E. Hennrich home.

A number of friends and relatives gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Garriet Hartog on Friday evening to help celebrate Mr. Hartog's birthday.

The Ladies Aid society met on Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Fred
Pech. After the business meeting, the hostess served lunch.

WANTED-MORE NEWS items, personals, society items for The Globe-Post. Mail
them in, phone them in, or bring them-they'll be equally welcome. No charge
for news items, of course. tf


George Jungers, Jr., of Alton underwent a mastoid operation on Friday.

Mrs. Felix Streff, of Alton, severed the tendons in her hand on Friday.

Mrs. Truels Peterson of LeMars is a surgical patient.

A. L. Grady of Granville is a medical patient.

Larry Kenney of LeMars is seriously sick with pneumonia.

George Wilke of Cherokee is a surgical patient.

Harley Byrne of LeMars had his tonsils removed Monday.

Gerber DeVries of Rock Valley was a recent medical patient.

Steve Buttenhause of Rock Valley was a medical patient this week.

Gerrit Katje of Orange City underwent a tonsillectomy Wednesday.

Mrs. Catherine Forkenbrook of Granville underwent a gallbladder operation on

Fern Kaelke of LeMars had her tonsils removed Thursday.

Aileen Hamilton, of Merrill, received a severe fracture of her leg Tuesday
night when a stove exploded.

Akron Register-Tribune
Akron, Iowa
April 5, 1934

Geo. Gant and E.A. Fields of Sioux City, Were Well Known in Akron.

Sioux City Journal: A victim of illuminating gas, George Gant, 43, was found dead in a barber shop which he operated at 1405 Dace avenue early Monday afternoon.

Gant was found lying on the floor in the back of his shop by Nick Ghida, 11413 Dace avenue, when Ghida entered the back room of the shop to look for Gant. Ghida smelled gas and investigated. Gas was escaping from a small hot water heater when Ghida entered. Coroner W.M. Krigsten said that death was accidental.

Mr. Gant was born December 9, 1891, in Westfield. He lived there several years, and four years ago came to Sioux City. He is survived by five brothers, S.A. Gant, W.B. Gant, and L.V. Gant of Westfield; E. J. Gant, of Sioux City and T. B. Gant, of Hawarden; his father, Patrick Gant, of Westfield, and four sisters, Sister Mary Wilfred, of Clinton; Mrs. Jas. Cahill, of Kalona, Ia.; Mrs. R.M. Kirby, of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Cecil McGruder, of LeMars.

The body will be taken to Westfield, Wednesday evening. Funeral servies will be held at 9 o’clock Thursday morning in St. Patrick’s Catholic church at Akron, Rev. Father Roder will officiate and burial will be in St. Joseph’s Catholic cemetery at Akron.
- - -
Friends in Akron were shocked by the news in the Sioux City papers of the tragic death of E.A. Fields at his home there, 2111 Douglas street, last evening, from the fumes of escaping gas from the water heater in the bathroom. When Mrs. Fields arrived home at 9:30 last evening, she found her husband lying unconscious on the bathroom floor. She summoned aide, and the fire department inhalator squad and three physicians worked over Mr. Fields for forty-five minutes, but could not resuscitate him. Mr. Fields’ eyesight had been failing as a result of cataracts, and it assumed that he failed to notice the the pilot light on the burner was out, allowing the gas to escape. The cause of his death was officially given out as accidental.

Edward A. Fields was born at Rochelle, Illinois, September 21, 1869, and came to Akron from that city when twenty-three years of age, engaging in the grain and milling business here with the late Wm. Slaughter, for a number of years. Twenty-eight years ago, in March, 1906, Mr. Fields moved from there to Sioux City and has since engaged in the grain business there. A man of splendid character and ability, Mr. Fields was a civic leader in Akron, as he has also been in Sioux City. He served one term as state representative from Plymouth county, was local Republican committee man and served on the town council here, and was always an active booster for the community’s interests. A host of friends in Sioux City and Akron are grieved at his untimely death and extend sincere sympathy to his bereaved relatives. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, two brothers and two grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 3:00 o’clock in the First Unitarian Church in Sioux City. Interment will be at Rochelle, Illinois.

LeMars Globe-Post
April 12, 1934

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Glenn Parry and son Stanley are visiting this week with relatives near

Charlie Connor is visiting with friends at Pierson, this week.

Mrs. Thill of LeMars is visiting in the home of Mrs. S. Haviland.

Earl Terris of Flandreau, S.D., visited in the E. H. Riter home, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving McArthur of Sioux City visited Tuesday evening with
relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Kennedy, and daughter, Doris and son Dennis, of Hawarden,
spent the past weekend in the home of Mrs. Kennedy's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. Penning.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Hartog spent Sunday visiting relatives in Ireton.

Misses Geraldine and Lois Lancaster and Geo. Willet of Sioux City visited in
the home of the girls' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lancaster on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Riter, of Rock Rapids, visited Tuesday in the home of his
brother, E. H. Riter and family.

Otto Knop spent Sunday visiting friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Potter, of Mitchell, S.D.,
are visiting in the home of Mrs. Hawkins.

Merrit Riter, of Rock Rapids, spent the week end in the home of his uncle,
E. H. Riter.

E. H. Riter had sheep on the Sioux City market, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Means of LeMars spent Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. Parry.

John Dugan of Danbury, Iowa, was a business caller here Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee McMahon, of Sioux City, visited in the E. H. Riter home,

Bob Dealy, of Sioux City, spent several days in the Riter and Hennrich

Pauline Riter returned home Saturday after spending the past two weeks in
the H. R. Dealy home in Sioux City.


George Krause objected to an item appearing in the last issue, saying he was
married to Margaret Brennan. The item was handed in by friends of the
couple, who undoubtedly wanted to "pull" a fast one on George. The latter
says he isn't married, so there it is.

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, April 23, 1934

BRUNSVILLE: (By Special Correspondent)

Deepest sympathy is extended to the Bunge family in the death of their son,

Eleven adults were admitted to church membership in St. John's Evangelical
Lutheran church. They were Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Galland, Mrs. Herman Eggerbrecht, Jr., Mrs. Alvin Winterfeld, Mrs.
Gronemeyer, Geo. Noble and Joe Osborne.

When a man buys a farm nowadays everyone sits up and takes notice. August
Wilkins has bought a farm of 80 acres from Jack Reese, one mile west of
Brunsville. This is unimproved and he paid $72.00 an acre.

There are dozens and dozens of cases of measles throughout the immediate
country. Both old and young are victims. Some cases are so slight children
are not out of school.

Friends regret to learn that Dr. Bendixen of Ireton was operated on last
Thursday at the Sacred Heart hospital for chronic appendicitis. His
condition is good.

Gertrude Nolan was operated on last Friday at the Sacred Heart hospital for
acute appendicitis. Her condition is good.

Edna Beaumann, a senior high school student is confined to her home here
with measles and pleurisy.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tripp were Ireton callers, Saturday evening.

The infant daughter, Elaine Helen, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eilers, was
christened Sunday at St. John's church and the daughter, Geralois Grace, of
Mr. and Mrs. Harm Klave.

Grandma Heeren of Grant is staying with Mrs. Croon, Sr., while Mrs. Croon is

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Peebles entertained their card club Saturday evening.

Friends here received the announcement of the birth of an 8-pound son,
Russell Elmer, born April 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fischer of America
township. Mrs. Fischer was favorably known here as Miss Irene Sampson.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Becker and son Bobby and Mrs. Frank Becker visited Sunday
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodhouse of Hudson, S.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chapman and daughter, Jean, were dinner guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. DeRaad on Sunday.

H. C. Detloff and son Charles of Luverne, Minn., visited relatives here on

Miss Hartog, of Maurice, Iowa, is visiting this week with her brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Garret Hartog.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Riter and daughter, Jean, and Dr. J. Maloney, of Rock
Rapids, Iowa, visited Sunday in the E. H. Riter and W. E. Hennrich homes.

Rev. and Mrs. Bergman were Sioux City visitors on Monday.

Grant Chapman returned home Tuesday from Carlsbad, N.M. where he spent the

Geo. Siegersma of Struble was calling on friends here Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Nate Connor and family, of Moville, Iowa, visited Tuesday with
relatives here.

Word was received here Tuesday of the death of Warren Connor, of Donlin,
S.D. Mr. Connor was an uncle of the Connor boys and is well known in the

Mrs. Reser returned home on Tuesday after spending several weeks visiting
relatives in Missouri Valley, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Riter and son, Terry, of Marcus, visited on Tuesday in
the Riter and Hennrichs homes here.

The W.H.M.S. met Wednesday in the home of Mrs. D. F. McArthur. After the
business meeting, luncheon was served by the hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman and Mrs. Lizzie Alyea of LeMars, visited in the
home of Mrs. S. Haviland, Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Parry and son, Stanley, visited the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Rees Parry, Monday near Marcus.


Mr. and Mrs. Jensen, of Inwood, Iowa, visited in the Niels Hansen home a few
days last week. They returned home, Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ernst visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Asplund in
Sioux City, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bonnes received a message from Volin, S.D., Saturday
informing them of the death of their cousin, Alec Olson, who died Saturday
from injuries received in an auto accident. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnes went to
Volin, S.D., Sunday.

Vernon Dahl is absent this week from school on account of measles.

Members of the Frank Vondrak family who have been sick with mumps and
measles are recovering.

The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barkley is improving and expects
to return home soon from the hospital.

C. W. Hoyer, of Battle Creek, Iowa, was a visitor in the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Clem Ohlsen, Monday night.

Miss Dorothy Dempster of Sioux City, was a guest in the Mrs. M. Peterson
home, Sunday.

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, April 30, 1934

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning motored to Pipestone, Minn., on Tuesday to
attend the funeral of Mrs. Simon Aukema. She was well known in this
community. formerly living near Seney.

The ladies aid society will meet next Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Ed.

Mrs. Pauline Detloff of LeMars was a guest Sunday in the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Uthe.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Moore and children of Marcus, visited relatives here

Russell Pollock, of Akron, called here Wednesday.

Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Bergman motored to Sioux City, Monday to a meeting of
the ministers of the Sioux City district.

STRUBLE: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. Frank Smid was taken to the Sacred Heart hospital and operated on for a
serious malady, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Baack and family, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hanstein and family
visited in the Judson McDougall home near LeMars, Sunday.

Miss Gertrude Nolan, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Sacred
Heart hospital Friday is recovering nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Waterbury of LeMars visited in the Otto Oltmann home,

Mrs. W. W. Stinger, Mrs. N. R. Schlesser, Mrs. G. J. Ludwigs, Mrs. C. W.
Wilde and a number of others attended the tuition student's party at the
high school, Friday evening.

Miss Marie Painter spent the past week with relatives in Sioux City.

Mrs. Allie Lusch and son, Edmund and Miss Sue Kelleher of Elkader, Iowa, who
came to attend the funeral of L. E. Becker, remained until Sunday to visit
with relatives.

Struble schools enjoyed a vacation the past week due to an epidemic of

Hugh Irwin of Sioux City was a visitor here Monday.


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