Iowa Old Press

The Hylite, November 13, 1930
Westfield, Iowa

Ad Harness Shop
I will appreciate your harness and shoe repair work. ~Frank Laehle,
Westfield, Ia.


Perhaps the biggest improvement in Westfield this year is the erection of a
new post office, by Mr. Sanford. The Sanford family is also going to take
up residence in the new building when it is completed.

The building is of tile construction on the outer walls which pronounces it
fire proof. Mr. Sanford lost his home last winter thru fire. We all
congratulate him on constructing a new building to help improve the business
part of town.

The carpenter work is being done by Mr. Jonas Wester and Frank Connolly.
Mr. Sanford is also helping erect the structure. The outside walls are
completed and work is being done on the inside walls.

We hope that the Sanfords can soon move in before the severity of winter is
upon us. Ones own home always seems to give a person consolation.


Thursday morning, November 13, aroused the people of Westfield with the cry
of “Fire” at an early hour. This happened to be the third disastrous fire
within ten months. The fire is said to have started in the extreme upper
part of the Lowery Elevator. The blaze was discovered by a car load of
people who were returning from Sioux City. They saw the blaze as they
approached town. They drove thru the streets calling for aid. Many citizens
responded to the call and each did his duty to keep the fire down but
Lowry’s elevator operated by C. E. Voyles and J. J. Mullaney elevator
operated by N. R. Beaubien were burned to the ground. The new feed grinder
that had been installed in the Lowry building was a total loss. It is
estimated that sixteen thousand bushels of grain was destroyed.

It was less than ten months ago that the Mellon building including the Post
Office was burned to the ground. In the first part of August, Spauldings
large feed barn was destroyed. At the same time the Heck home was burned.
On Sept. 25, a fried started in the Kapfer Battery and Tire Shop but due to
the alertness of Mr. Kapfer and ready help, it was soon extinguished.


The basketball suits, which were ordered from the Spaulding Company, have
arrived and the girls all think they are very satisfactory. Several of the
suits have been fitted and they make a very neat combination.

The uniform consists of a sleeveless sweater of old gold color trimmed with
a large black “W” on the front and a number, also of black, on the back.
The trunks are black with old gold stripes down the sides. Adding the socks
of black and old gold to the uniform completes the outfit which is very
attractive looking.

This is the first year that the girls team has had suits all alike and we
are sure that is going to make the girls have a great deal more spirit and
attitude toward the game. We are very eager for our first game so we can
appear before an audience with them on.

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