Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
August 25, 1930

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Buss entertained the Good Samaritan Class of the Sunday
School in their home one evening last week.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. March and son George, of Vermillion, Mrs. Jessie Kennedy
and son Emerson, returned on Thursday of last week from Cedar Falls where
they visited in the home of W. L. March for a few days.

W. E. Hennrich received word on Thursday of last week of the death of his
brother, Ed’s wife, at Denver, Colo.

Mrs. Grant Chapman and daughter, Miss Constance, and Mrs. Jno. Lancaster
Sr., motored to Sioux City on Wednesday of last week, doing some shopping
and Mrs. Lancaster visited her brother, Solomon Mills.

Mrs. Emma Haviland and Miss Amy Wenham of LeMars visited Thursday in the
Mrs. Susan Haviland home.

Albert Hawkins shelled corn for T. K. Chapman one day the past week.

Lois Osborne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Osborne, had her tonsils
removed at the Sacred Heart Hospital in LeMars the past week.

Henry Hartog had shellers on Thursday of last week.

The Seney boys and the north Seney crowd of boys played a game of kittenball
Friday, the score being 7 to 13 in favor of Seney.

Chas. Conner of Marcus spent Sunday in the home of his mother, Mrs. Lizzie

Boys from here that left Sunday morning for Camp Dodge at Des Moines were
Ernest Schemmel, Melvin McArthur, Gerald Wicks and Fred Olson.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McArthur and granddaughter, Ethel McArthur of Sheldon,
visited Sunday in the home of Mrs. Jessie Kennedy.

Miss Margaret Moore spent a few days the past week in Sioux City and LeMars
on business and pleasure.

Miles Warner of St. James (Minn.) arrived here Saturday and has charge of
the depot during Mr. Schemmel’s two weeks stay in camp at Des Moines. Miles
is well known here and visited here frequently when a boy and is enjoying
meeting his former playmates.

The Rees families enjoyed their annual picnic along the river south of town
on Sunday. Those present were: Mrs. Edward Rees, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rees Sr.,
of LeMars; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rees and son Kenneth and daughter, Eva (of
Seney); Mr. and Mrs. Will Rees and children, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Rees and
son, Marshall, Mrs. Ted Rees and children of Sioux City; and Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Okerstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rees and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rees, all of

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker left Wednesday for Thomas, S.D., to spend a few
days in the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter

Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster Sr., Mrs. Z. Rayburn and John Lancaster Jr. left
Tuesday for Haxtun, Colo., for a short business trip, looking after farm

George Siegersma hauled two truck loads of stock, etc., to Orange City, to
the Sioux county fair on Monday for M. J. and Vincent Lancaster. M. J. has
his Arabian mare and white colt and some fancy Brown Swiss cattle on
exhibition and Vincent has sheep, rabbits and chickens. Edwin and Edgar,
sons of Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Lancaster, are caring for the stock and Vernon
Penning is staying with them and needless to say are all enjoying the

Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Becker spent the week end with relatives in Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning and daughters, Misses Mable and Florence, were
Sioux City visitors on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Haren, son and daughter of Grundy Center, were week end
visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wicks.

Bert Reeves and children returned Saturday from the Black Hills, S.D., where
they visited their son and brother, Lawrence and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reeves and son, Donald, were South Sioux City visitors on

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Conner and daughter, Virginia, motored to near Moville
on Tuesday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Conner.

This community enjoyed a fine rain Sunday morning and some light showers
during the week.

George Siegersma hauled two truck loads of hogs to Sioux City on Wednesday
for John Deegan.

Mrs. C. E. Ewin and children of LeMars spent Tuesday with Mrs. Lizzie

A number of our people from here attended the Sioux county fair at Orange
City the past week.

Arthur Reeves entered the Methodist hospital in Sioux City on Tuesday for

The W. H. M. S. was postponed a week on account of the Sioux county fair and
will meet next Wednesday, August 27th, with Mrs. R. A. McArthur.

John Osborne and John Deegan were Sioux City visitors on Wednesday.

The Volunteer Class of the Sunday school will hold a chicken supper in the
hall on Friday evening, August 29, to which the public is invited. Supper
will be served at 6 o’clock until all are served. A short program will be
given after the supper. Come and help the young folks.

The Volunteer Class enjoyed a social evening in the hall on Monday evening.

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