Iowa Old Press

Le Mars Sentinel
November 1, 1929.


Miss Esther Busse and friend, of Rice, Minnesota visited a few days last
week at the Paul Gaumnitz home in Stanton. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Gaumnitiz and family and their guest, motored to Sioux City to visit with
relatives there.

Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Brandstetter and son, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brandstetter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Knapp, Mr. and
Mrs. O. W. Weideauer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Grimjer were guests
at the J. Brandstetter home in LeMars Sunday at a family dinner in honor of
Mrs. August Dobbert, who left for her home in California Monday.

STRUBLE: (Special Correspondence)

Frank Petges was a business visitor at Spencer, Iowa, last Monday.

Martin Lenth and family, of Ida Grove, were visiting relatives here Sunday.

Will Short and family were callers at the G. E. Simeon home in Le Mars,

Miss Edith Coffey, of Sioux City, attended the card party here Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. William Bertram wrote to Salix and Blencoe, Thursday, on

Will Eustace and "Bud" La Valle, of Sioux City, attended the card party here
Sunday evening.

John Shroener, a Sioux Falls, S. D., was a weekend guest in the Frank
Schlesser home.

Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Moran drove to Farmer, S.D., Monday, to look after their
farm interests there.

Robert Moir, a Mitchell, South Dakota, was among the people from away, who
attended the J. Hawkins funeral last Wednesday.

Will Jahn and family, Merrill, and H. E. Becker and family, of LeMars, were
visitors at the D. Jahn home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Husby and family, of Craig, were guests in the Charles
Lang home here Sunday, the location being Mr. Lang's birthday.

Buckley Bros., north of town, had 94 sheep killed Sunday morning by the
Great Northern passenger which arrives here at 10:50, southbound.

Mr. and Mrs. Beck, of Geddes, South Dakota, were callers at the N.
R.Schlesser home at last week. Mrs. Beck was formerly Miss Estelle
McFarland, of Struble.

Mrs. Billy Burke, of Chicago, Illinois, spent the weekend in the home of her
brother, Frank Petges. She took advantage of the homecoming excursion.

Mrs. K. Dreckman, mother of Mrs. F. Determan, died at the home of her son,
Barney Dreckman, last week. She was 82 years of age at the time of her
death. The funeral was held in Le Mars and was largely attended.

The Ladies Aid of the Maurice parish met at the J. Schlesser home last
Thursday afternoon as the guess of Mrs. C. Reed. Bridge was played for a
few hours, and later a delicious lunch served. Mrs. P. J. Moran, of Struble,
was high scorer for the bridge game.

FREDONIA: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Neil Brower is a patient at a Sacred Heart Hospital.

Harold Kloster was a visitor at the Sioux Valley Hospital at Cherokee,

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Miller were visiting with Mr. Miller's mother at Marcus,

The six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ruden had the misfortune to break
his leg last week.

Mrs. Morton Mortensen and infant son returned home from the Sacred Heart
Hospital Tuesday afternoon.

The Dorcas Aid Society will meet on Wednesday, November 6, at the Sam Lund
home. Everybody is invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Ole Anderson and family, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Petersen and
children, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kunath and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Kloster and family and Harry Wallinga were guests in the T. Kloster home

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. Bridgeman of Cleghorn was a business caller here Tuesday.

Will Jeffers and his mother, Mrs. A. Jeffers, visited Thursday in Alton.

Rev. and Mrs. Kiernan, of Sioux City, were visitors and Seney, Sunday.

Mrs. Steven Eason, of Alton, visited in the home of friends on Tuesday.

The Ladies Aid Society will meet in the home of Mrs. Albert Hawkins on
November 6.

Floyd Moore, of Marcus, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moore
on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Erlick, of Sioux City, visited in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Becker on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Eldridge, a Rock Valley, were guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. F. McArthur, Sunday.

Mrs. John Lancaster senior received word that her brother, Delbert Mills, of
Everett, Washington, passed away a week ago.

A. S. Knowlton, of Le Mars, visited here on Friday. He left for the West on
Monday where he will spend the winter.

Mrs. Jay Donlin and daughters, Elaine and Esther, of Hinton, spent a few
days with her mother, Mrs. C. W. Cook.

Will Engblin and a friend from Minnesota are husking corn here. They are
friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Siegersma.

Ray Hinde arrived from Haxtun, Colo., on Monday. He will stay for a few
weeks with his mother, Mrs. J. R. Hinde.

Mrs. Palm, of Minnesota, spent the past two weeks in the home of her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Siegersma.

Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Chambers, of Thomas, South Dakota, returned to their home
after spending 10 days in the home of relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Connor and daughter, Virginia, of Ireton, are expanding at
few days with his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Connor.

Mrs. Mary Workhoven, of Doon, returned to her home, Wednesday, after
spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. C. W. Cook.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Penning were hosts to about a dozen guests on Monday
evening. Mr. O'Connor, of Alton, served a three course dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Miles McArthur and daughters, Ethel and Joyce, and Mrs. Dan Mc
Arthur, Sheldon, were guests in the home of Mrs. E. March on Sunday.

Mrs. George Hughes and Will Jeffers returned to their homes at Haxtun,
Colorado, on Saturday morning, after spending the week here being called by
the death of the C.W. Cook.

Ms. Lucille March, of Sioux City, spent the weekend in the home of her
mother, Mrs. E. March. Misses Deana Crowell and Erlynne Kennedy came up on
Sunday to visit here.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hitzman and daughter, Georgia, and son, Gerald, of Hospers,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donlin and daughters, Elaine and Esther, of Hinton,
were guests in the home of Mrs. C. W. Cook on Sunday.

UNION: (Special Correspondence)

A. E. Eyres and family visited Miss Ruth Eyres at Pocahontas Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. David Harvey, visited at the Wm. Alseph home in Cherokee last

The Christian Endeavor Society held a business and social meeting at the H.
C. Hoyt home Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Featherston and son, Walter, of Le Mars, were guests at
the Fred Featherston home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Buehler and daughter, Clara, of Sioux City, were guests
in the R. S. Eyres home, Sunday.

LeMars Sentinel
November 12, 1929

Several Schools in County Report a Perfect Attendance
Study Center is Featured by Interesting Lectures

American Education Week is being observed in the Plymouth county schools
during the week of November 11 to 17, inclusive.

Ten hundred and seventy-five of the boys and girls enrolled in the Plymouth
county rural school were neither absent nor tardy during the month of
September. The following schools reported a perfect attendance for all
pupils: District No. 1, Liberty; District No. 7, Elkhorn; and Breezy Hill,
Portland. Schools reporting a perfect attendance for all pupils during the
month of October are: District No. 1, Plymouth; District No. 4, Hungerford;
District No. 3, Sioux; and Breezy Hill, Portland.

Forty-four teachers from the Plymouth country rural schools attended the
teacher's convention in Sioux City October 18.

School District No. 2, Marion township, gave a program and basket supper on
October 23. The proceeds amounted to $23.20. Miss Esther Wood is the


One hundred and thirteen rural teachers attended the study center held in
LeMars on November 2. A good program was given by the instructors from the
Iowa State Teachers College and Dr. Gardner of the State Bureau of Dental
Hygiene. Professor Fullerton gave instructions in music and county choir
work. Miss Humiston instructed the teachers how to teach physical training,
and Dr. Gardner explained the Iowa Plan of Dental Hygiene.

County Superintendent Petersen called on fifty rural schools during the
month of October.

A Parent Teachers' Association was organized in District No. 5, Perry
township, on Wednesday evening, November 6. Mrs. Fred Hammond, County
P.T.A. Chairman, gave a splendid talk on the work and value of P.T.A.
organizations. Officers elected were Mrs. J. Piersol, president; Mrs. Joseph
Vondrak, vice-president; Miss Minnie Petersen, secretary; Edward Vondrak,
treasurer. The organization will be known as the Perry Center Parent
Teachers' Association and will meet on the third Friday of each month. This
is the second district to a organize a P.T.A. in Perry township.

Mrs. Clarence Hummel is teaching the school in District No. 6, Westfield
township, during the illness of the regular teacher, Miss Grace Briggs.

Henry Newell Observes Seventy-Fourth Anniversary Friday

A party of neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Newell on Friday night to assist in the celebration of Mr. Newell's
seventy-fourth birthday anniversary which fell on that day. The party spent
a pleasant evening in the Newell home and before leaving presented their
host with a gift in honor of the occasion. Mr. Newell came to Plymouth
county fifty years ago last spring and has resided here ever since. He has
served his county in the legislature and in local offices and since takes an
active interest in all public offices.


The local unite of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist
Episcopal church will meet in LeMars Wednesday, November 13, at 10 a.m. at
the First Methodist Church. The societies included in this unit are those
affiliated with the Merrill, Hinton, Akron, Seney, and LeMars Methodist
churches. There will be round table discussions, special music, a
devotional service at 12:15 conducted by Rev. F. E. Burgess and a luncheon
at 12:30. The officers are Mrs. Lombard, district president; Mrs. Gusteson,
district secretary; Mrs. Greer, secretary children's work; Mrs. Stephens,
Sioux City.


Mrs. Nic Wilhelmi, of Stanton township, left Friday for Muscatine, Iowa,
were she expects to remain for some time with her daughter, Mrs. A. G.
Slattery, and become acquainted with her new granddaughter, who arrived at
the Slattery home recently.

Missing Turn at Million Dollar Corner, Drive Through Guard Rails

Harold Drier and Harold Siebens, of Storm Lake, are patients in the Sacred
Heart hospital suffering from severe cuts and wounds in their heads and arms
sustained in an automobile accident when two cars were ditched Saturday
night at the Million Dollar Corner, over the line in Sioux county. In the
other car were Mrs. H. H. Douglas, of Sioux Falls, S.D., and E. Swanson, of
Storm Lake.

The members of the party in the two cars were on their way to visit friends
at Sioux Falls and enjoy a few days hunting. Due to the fog prevailing
Saturday night the drivers missed their way on the meandering curve near
that point and went through the guard rails into the ditch and some of the
occupants were thrown against a barb wire fence.

The parties in the accident were brought to the hospital here and their
injuries dressed. They were severely cut and bled profusely but their
injuries are not reported as permanent. Mrs. Douglas and Swanson were able
to leave the hospital yesterday.


Three cars got into a mixup near the Grimes pavilion, east of town, Sunday
evening, according to a report made at police headquarters a little after
midnight Sunday. According to the story a car driven by T. Gilman, of
Struble, said to be going on the wrong side of the road, ran into a car
driven by F. T. Talbott, of Cherokee, who in turn bumped into a car driven
by Otto Osterbuhr, of Brunsville. No one was reported hurt and the
blue..(Continued on page five) [Page five is not available for
transcription at this time..]


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