Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe Post, LeMars, Plymouth, Iowa, USA Thursday, December 1, 1927


Popular Young School Teacher Becomes Bride of Ireton Auto Dealer

The marriage of Miss Lucilla Luikens, of LeMars, and H. W. Pere–boom, of
Ireton, took place Monday afternoon, November 28.

The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Luikens of this city She was
born and reared here and is a charming and accomplished young 1ady whose
loverness of character and pleasing personality have endeared here to a host
of friends. She is a graduate of the LeMars public schools and has followed
the teaching profession since graduation. The bridal couple were attended by
Miss Florence Luikens, a twin sister of the bride, and Andrew Pereboom, a
brother of the groom. Rev. J. J. Vollmar of the Lutheran church, of LeMars,
officiated. The groom is engaged as an automobile dealer in Ireton where the
happy couple will be at home to their many friends after December 1.

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, December 5, 1927

S.E. WASHINGTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Jake Cowan, of Sioux City, was a business caller in this vicinity the fore
part of the week.

Mrs. A.J. Bowers and son Leonard of Hinton, were visitors in the Ed Harms
home Wednesday.

Nic Kellan shelled corn the first part of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tucker transacted business in LeMars the latter part of
the week.

Hans Nielson finished husking corn Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brown were LeMars callers Thursday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howes left last Thursday morning for South Dakota, where
they will visit friends and relatives.

August Braband was a Merrill caller one day last week.

Mrs. A. J. Bowers and Miss Millie Harms motored to LeMars Wednesday

A number of this vicinity attended the big dance which was held in Merrill
Monday evening.

Mike Miller was a business caller in this vicinity Wednesday.

MERRILL: (By Special Correspondent)

Chris. Schneider has moved into the oil station he recently bought of Mr.

The Merrill club dance had a large attendance Monday night. Crowley's
orchestra furnished the music.

Mrs. James Aharcun of Sioux City visited friends in Merrill the first of the

Sam Derucha of Scholes, Wisconsin, came to attend the funeral of his
brother, Frank, at Ellendale.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Taylor of Hinton visited at the A. B. Barnett home the
first of the week.

Mrs. Earnest Frels entertained the W.C.T.U. at her home Wednesday. A large
attendance was in evidence. At the close of the meeting a two-course
luncheon was served.

Lloyd Weinheimer of Houston, S.D., came home to stay for a few months.

Mr. and Mrs. Bud Morehead, of LeMars, visited their daughter, Mrs. W. A.
Nigg, the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. George Bouhler are the proud parents of a baby girl, born
November 26th.

Mr. and Mrs. Morriston from Galena, Illinois, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Nick Singer, Sr., the past two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson from Omaha came to attend Mrs. Jackson's mother's

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Weston entertained Mrs. Iona Clark and sons, Franklin and
James, at dinner on Thanksgiving day.

Floyd Becker was a Sunday dinner guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Robert and Allen Hinde left Sunday morning for Haxtun, Colorado, after
visiting a few days in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hinde.

C. E. Ewin and Mrs. Iona Clark received word Saturday that their niece,
Dorothy Ewin, of LeMars, was injured in an auto accident. Dorothy suffered
a broken collar bone and a gash in the head. She is well known here, having
moved to LeMars last spring. All friends are glad to know that she is
progressing favorably at the Community hospital and will soon be taken home.

Miss Pauline Riter, of Sioux City, spent her Thanksgiving vacation here with

Mr. and Mrs. M. Myers of Sioux City and Mrs. Henry Detloff of LeMars were
dinner guests on Thanksgiving day in the home of the ladies parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Deegan, of LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lancaster and Vincent Lancaster were dinner guests on
Thanksgiving day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Buss.

Mr. and Mrs. Alex McArthur had their sons, R. A. and Irving McArthur and
their wives as dinner guests Thanksgiving day.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Criswell entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donlin and children
of near Hinton at dinner on Sunday.

George Siegersma hauled two truckloads of hogs for Walter Baldwin for the
Sioux City market Monday.

Mrs. Otto Knop is again in the Community hospital at LeMars, taking

Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hawkins left this week for Pasadena, California, to spend
the winter.

Miss Eva Penning, of Pipestone, Minnesota, arrived for Thanksgiving and is
visiting in the homes of Albert Penning and F.B. Rees.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bauma entertained the following guests Thanksgiving day at
dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Perry, Mrs. L.D. Baldwin and daughters, Misses
Ethel and Verna, all of LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Berkenpas and children of Stanton township visited Sunday
evening in the Will Rees home. Miss Esther Berkenpas accompanied the Rees
young folks to church.

Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kunuth had as their guests Thanksgiving, Mrs. Susan
Haviland, Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Britton and

F. E. Weston and Charley Kunuth went to Woodstock, Minnesota, to look the
place over where he is to go in the near future.

Don't forget that the revival meeting starts with next Sunday morning
services, with Miss Johnston, of Westfield, to help conduct the singing.
Everyone is cordially invited to come and bring your friends.

Rev. S. J. Wallace and son, George, of Salix, Iowa, were visitors Monday in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cliff and children, of Leeds, were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rees.

Adrian and Cynthia Holster spent Thanksgiving with their sister, Miss
Myrtle, at St. Charles, South Dakota. They returned home Sunday,
accompanied by Emerson Kennedy, of Vermillion, all returning the same
evening to LeMars, where Miss Cynthia attends high school and Vermillion,
where the young men attend the university.

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lancaster are the proud parents of a baby boy born
Saturday, November 26.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker returned Monday from Thomas, South Dakota, where
they spent Thanksgiving day in the home of their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodhouse.

The Ladies Aid society will meet next Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. John

Mrs. Iona Clark is on the jury this week.

LeMars Sentinel
December 9, 1927

Power Line Falls Over Telephone Wire and Lives Are Endangered

A dispatch from Kingsley says: Several Kingsley telephone operators
narrowly escaped death or serious burns when their switchboard suddenly
became a mass of snapping, writhing sparks due to a high voltage
transmission line carrying 33,000 volts falling on a telephone wire.

As it happened, the operators were all away from the switchboard for the
moment, so that no one was hurt. Had the accident occurred a few seconds
earlier or later there might have been a fatality.

Investigation disclosed that the high voltage line had been moved by a road
working crew. Considerable damage was done to the telephone equipment before
the high voltage current burned the line off.

Biennial Work of Auditing County Offices Is Now In Progress

Ben Hall, of Cherokee, and Warren Smith, of Winterset, employed in the State
Auditing Department, at Des Moines, arrived in LeMars Monday afternoon, and
Tuesday began the work of checking over the various sets of books kept by
the officers in the court house. It has been two years since the last audit
was made. The state checkers will be here for some time. They started in
Tuesday morning checking accounts and records in the office of the county


Jaje Gottlieb Grothaus was born at Holte, Kreis, Leer, Ostfriesland,
Germany, on February 21, 1855.

He attended school in Germany until the age of fourteen years at which time
he emigrated with his parents to the United States. The family settled at
Ackley, Hardin County, Iowa, and engaged in farming and for a number of
years the deceased assisted in farming and attended school.

On October 20, 1882, he was united in marriage with Angeline Fokken. The
couple farmed in Grundy county until 1886, at which time they moved to
Plymouth county, Iowa, and settled near Remsen on the farm home where the
deceased still resided at the time of his death.

Of this union, eight children were born: two daughters, Mrs. Tjodie Fromme,
of Remsen; and Mrs. Minnie Schumacher, of Eldora, Iowa; and six sons, Wm.,
John and Clarence, of Kingsley; Carl, of Bemis, S.D.; and Henry and Harvey,
of Remsen.

Although the deceased had given up farming a few years ago, he was, in spite
of somewhat failing health, active until the day before his death. On the
evening of November 23, he retired apparently in good health and was found
unconscious in his bed on the following morning. In spite of all that
medical aid could do, he passed away on the morning of November 25, without
having regained consciousness.

Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Schumacher, of Eldora, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grothaus; Mr. Henry Eggers,
of Buffalo Center, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siebold, of Ackley, Iowa; Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Duit, of Iowa Falls, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Fokken, of
Chancellor, S.D.

Rev. Charles E. Snyder of the First Unitarian church, Sioux City, Iowa,
conducted the services, which were held in the Congregational Church at
Kingsley, Iowa. He was buried beside his father and mother in the Kingsley

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, December 12, 1927

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Weston left Thursday of last week for their new home at
Woodstock, Minnesota. Their car of household goods left the same evening.
They spent a few days at the home of her mother, Mrs. Nora Weaver, at

R. J. Russell was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman.

A basket ball game between LeMars boys and Seney was played on Friday
evening. The score was 21 to 1 in favor of Seney.

The Misses Lucile March, Norma Leek, Lota Wilson, Zoe Norris and Deanna
Crowell of Sioux City were dinner guests in the home of the former's mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth March.

O. E. Swanson, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, has charge of the depot.

The Elgin township community club will meet on Thursday, December 15th, with
Mrs. D. F. McArthur for dinner. Ladies, please bring sandwiches for the
members of their party and a covered dish. Each lady bring a Christmas card
to exchange with others, and all wishing to bring toys do so and they will
be sent to children at some home or mission.

Mrs. Rosa Unsworth and son Claude Wilkes, who have spent the past few months
here, left Monday for their home at Afton, Iowa.

Mrs. Rosa Unsworth, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Daugherty and son John and Claude
Wilkes, were dinner guests Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster,

Rev. M L. Metcalf went to Sioux City Wednesday as no meeting was held that
evening on account of the storm.

Only ten pupils were in attendance here Wednesday on account of the storm.

The snow fence put up at the E. M. Lancaster place showed its value in
Wednesday's storm.

Rev. T. S. Bassett of Sioux City, Rev. S. Earl Burgess of LeMars, Rev. Mark
Masters of Merrill, Rev. Shearer of Hinton, and Rev. Struitt of Chicago were
around this community on Monday in the interest of Morningside college.

FREDONIA: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Pete Miller and children from Storm Lake have been visiting at the C.
P. Kloster home the past week.

The Fredonia township Farm Bureau will hold their regularly monthly meeting
at the usual place Wednesday.

LeMars Globe-Post
December 15, 1927

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. Earl Chapman will entertain the W. H. M. S. next Wednesday afternoon,
December 21st. All ladies are invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker entertained at Sunday dinner, the following
guests: Rev. M. L. Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster, Sr., Miss Hattie
Johnson and Miss Ina Lancaster.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. March, P. L. March and Emerson Kennedy of Vermillion,
South Dakota, were Sunday dinner guests in the home of the former's mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth March.

Leslie Darville had a truck load of mixed stock on the Sioux City market on
Thursday. George Siegersma did the hauling.

Mrs. Albert Penning is suffering from an attack of eczema.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker and son Floyd were Sioux City visitors on Tuesday.

Miss Johnston sang a solo at the W. U. college on Wednesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster were Sioux City visitors on Tuesday.

H. M. S. Program
The Stanton H.M.S. will observe their annual Thanks offering program Sunday
evening, December 18, at 7:30 o'clock. An interesting program has been
arranged. All are cordially invited to attend this service.


Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Redmond of Akron visited Tuesday in the home of J. B. and
M. B. Redmond in LeMars.

LeMars Globe-Post
December 22, 1927


Popular Young Couple Will Make Home in Southern Part of the County.

Relatives and friends received announcement of the marriage of Miss Mabel Angeline Yount, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Yount, of Leeds, to Elmer A. Millage, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Millage, of James, Iowa.

The wedding took place at five o’clock Saturday evening in Sioux City. The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Chet Hollinsworth (sic-Hollingsworth) of Sioux City. They are sister and brother-in-law of the groom.

The bride was becomingly attired in a blue satin gown with hat to match.

The wedding supper was served in the home of the groom’s parents. The bride is a popular member of the younger set and is esteemed and respected by all who know her. Their many friends wish them a long and happy wedded life. They will make their home on the groom’s farm, north of Leeds.


Mrs. Otto Knop, of Seney, died at the Community hospital in LeMars Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock, following a lingering illness.

Miss Mary Specht was born in Germany, April 8, 1864, and was 63 years and 8 months and 12 days of age at the time of her death.

She came to America when a young woman and was married to C. F. Kunath at Glenwood, Iowa, March 3, 1888. To them were born five children, Frank, residing near LeMars; Moritz, of Seney; Charles, of Seney; Mrs. Harry Goodwin, of Carbon, and Mrs. John Morissey, of Sioux City..

Mrs. Kunath was later married to Otto Knop, who with five children survive(s) her.

The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at the Seney Methodist church, Rev. S. J. Wallace, of Salix, officiating and interment was made in the cemetery at Seney.

The following were pall bearers: Toval Kloster, Grant Chapman, T. J. Rees, John Alderson, J. R. Hinde, John Osborne.
_ _ _

A new idea in amusements is in store for LeMars citizens this week. At 11 o’clock Sunday night, a show will be given at the Royal theatre, followed by the Emma May Cook Stock company. After the show, there will be a midnight dance at the armory, with Joe Bauer and his radiocasting orchestra. Bauer plays in Sioux City from 8 until midnight, then drives to LeMars for another dance.

J. H. Sampson of Struble was a business caller in LeMars on Tuesday.

L. M. Sampson of Ireton was a business caller in LeMars Tuesday.
_ _ _

Miss Dorothy Keenan returned to her home in LeMars Wednesday night, to spend the Christmas vacation with her parents. She is attending school at Iowa City.

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Miss Margaret Moore, who attends I. S. T. college at Cedar Falls arrived on
Wednesday to spend the holidays in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
E. Moore.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving McArthur motored to Sioux City on Saturday. They were
accompanied by John Evan, Evelyn and Willard Anstine, who were delighted to
see the Christmas display in the city.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich visited in the home of Mr. Hennrich's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hennrich, of Ireton, on Sunday.

Our school closed here on Friday for the holiday vacation.

Mrs. John Mounsey and son of Leeds were visiting in the home of her brother,
J. M. Kunath and wife one day last week. She was called to the bedside of
her mother, Mrs. Otto Knop, in LeMars, who passed away Tuesday.

The special revival meetings closed Sunday evening after two weeks services.
Miss Hattie Johnston, who had charge of the singing, left on Monday for her
home at Westfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McArthur and daughters, Ethel
and Joyce, of Sheldon, were callers here on Saturday at the Mrs. Elizabeth
March home enroute to Sioux City to spend the day.

Miss Constance Chapman, who is a teacher in the high school at Dazey, North
Dakota, arrived Sunday and spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Chapman. On Monday evening she entered the Sacred Heart hospital in
LeMars for an operation for appendicitis. She is progressing favorably at
the present time.

Miss Lucile March of Sioux City is spending her holiday vacation with her
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth March.

The Sunday school will give their Christmas program in the church on
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. The program is entitled "Christmas Angel."
Everyone is invited.

Rev. H. M. Burns of Rock Rapids was calling on old friends here on Tuesday.

Rev. T. S. Bassett of Sioux City was a visitor here on Tuesday.

Franklin Clark and Melvin McArthur visited Sunday in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Christ Henricksen, of Alton.


Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold Smith will entertain Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spotts at
Christmas dinner.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bushgens will be guests of Mrs. Bushgens' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mike Walter on Christmas Day.

LeMars Globe-Post
Thursday, December 29, 1927

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. Chris Lancaster of Mitchell, South Dakota, arrived on Wednesday of last
week and is visiting relatives here. She returned home Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chambers of Hazel, South Dakota, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Woodhouse, of Thomas, South Dakota, arrived on Friday to spend Christmas in
the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reeves and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Becker.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich entertained at dinner on Christmas Day the
following guests: E. F. Anstine, E. H. Riter and family and Will Pech and
Mrs. Martha Mordoff of LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cook, Miss Virla and John Arthur Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Criswell and Son Ervin were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donlin, of
Hinton vicinity, on Christmas Day.

The Christmas program was given in the church on Saturday evening and
apples, nuts and candy distributed at the close.

Misses Dollie and Myrtle Hinde, Glen and Jack Hinde spent Christmas in the
home of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Dempster, of Springfield,
South Dakota. They returned home on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, and son, Raymond, Mr. and
Mrs. Irving McArthur, and Miss Ethel Darville left the latter part of the
week to spend Christmas in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Darville of Gayville, South Dakota. On Sunday evening, while Roy and wife
Dorothy, Oscar and Edith Darville were driving into Yankton, they were hit
by another car and the two sisters were taken to the hospital. Roy and
Oscar were only shaken up badly. Particulars are not known at this time.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McArthur entertained guests on Christmas Day. The
following were present: Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick and daughter, Miss Helen,
of Hawarden; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hinde and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Eldridge
of Rock Valley; and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Chapman.

Lester Riter of Rock Rapids accompanied by his brother, E. H. Riter, were
Sac City visitors on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich visited Sunday evening with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Hennrich, of Ireton. They were accompanied home Monday by Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Hennrich of St. Paul, who left that evening for their home.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and children, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Deegan and son
James, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pletschette, John and Joe Deegan, were Christmas
Day dinner guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Deegan,
of LeMars.

A. S. Knowlton left last week for LeMars to spend the winter in the Wallace
Winslow home.

Adrian Holster, of Vermillion, S.D., and Miss Myrtle of Charles City, S.D.,
are spending the holidays in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John

Miss Pauline Riter, who attends high school in Sioux City, is spending her
vacation with relatives here.

Miss Elizabeth Nixon of Sac City is visiting Marjorie Riter this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermire
of LeMars on Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Uthe entertained Mrs. Henry Detloff, of LeMars, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Myers of Sioux and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Detloff and family at dinner
on Christmas Day.

Mr. and Mrs. Dan McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McArthur and daughters, Ethel
and Joyce, of Sheldon, were Christmas dinner guests of their mother and
grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth March.

Will Falk, of LeMars, visited Monday in the home of his son, Frank and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ewin entertained relatives as guests on Christmas Day.
They were: Mr. and Mrs. August Witt, Eldrid Morrissey, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Ewin and daughter, Dorothy, all of LeMars, and Mrs. Iona Clark and sons,
Franklin and James.


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