Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
Thursday, August 1, 1927

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

A few from here attended the opening of the pavement at Sioux Center on
Thursday of last week.

Mrs. M. G. Mills spent a few days the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Baldwin.

Mrs. Henry Detloff and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich motored to Ireton and visited in
the Chas. Henrich home.

Miss Mable Nixon of Sioux City visited Friday in the home of her mother,
Mrs. Lulu Nixon.

Eldon, small son, of Robert Hinde, who lives with his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Hinde, was unfortunate one day the past week when a milk can fell
on his hand breaking his little finger. A physician dressed the wound and
the little fellow is doing nicely at this time.

Mrs. August Witt and grandson, Eldrid Morrissey, of LeMars, visited Sunday
in the home of her sister, Mrs. Iona Clark.

Misses Lucile and Erlynne March and Deanna Crowell motored to Akron on
Friday to visit in the J. F. March home, returning home Saturday. On Sunday
Miss Crowell and Miss Lucile March left for Walthill, Neb., and Shenandoah
to spend a few days in the home of Miss Zoe Norris.

Mrs. Grant Chapman and Miss Constance Chapman motored to Sheldon Saturday
morning to visit in the Dan and Miles McArthur homes. They left the same
evening for the lakes, accompanied by the McArthur families for over Sunday.
They returned home Monday.

Miss Leora Laughton spent a few days the past week with Mrs. M. G. Mills.

Mrs. A. D. Jeffers visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Henricksen, of

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harkness, of Dakota, visited last wee in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hoslter. They left the latter of the week for Iowa City.

Rev. M. L. Metcalf, sons Clifford and Gordon, were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. R. Hinde on Sunday.

Miss Anna Erickson, nephew Walter Erickson, and Bobbie King, of LeMars, were
guests at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth March on Tuesday.

Mrs. Siebert, of Ruble vicinity, was a caller here on Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John Holster, Misses Myrtle and Cynthia Holster left on
Wednesday for a week's outing at Lake Okoboji.

Mrs. George Dempster, daughter, Miss Lucille, granddaughter, Verna Schats, a
nephew and niece, Kent and Dorothy Dempster, of Springfield, S.D., spent a
few days in the J. R. Hinde home the past week. Mrs. Dempster is a sister
of Mrs. Hinde.

Mrs. Emma Haviland, of LeMars, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkins and helped Mrs. Hawkins with her sewing.

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McArthur left on Thursday of last week for a two weeks
trip through Minnesota.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster, Jr., and children, Mrs. Rosa Unsworth and
Claude Wilkes enjoyed an outing at River Sioux, Riverside and Stone Park on

Mrs. Elam Chapman, Mrs. Earl Chapman and Miss Fern Chapman motored to Sioux
City on Friday for the day.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Reeves and children were guests of the P. Porter, of

The Elgin township farm bureau met on Tuesday evening in the hall. After a
short program and pictures, ice cream was served.

Bert Reeves hauled a truck load of hogs to Sioux City for his brother, W. J.
Reeves, on Tuesday.

J. F. Deegan and Osborne Bros., had shellers the latter part of last week.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jake Berkenpas, a daughter, the past week.

Mrs. Emma Haviland, Misses Ollie Haviland and Any Wenham were calling on
friends here Sunday.

Friends here were surprised to hear of the marriage of Clifford Bray, of
Struble, and Mrs. Hatton, of LeMars. Clifford lived here for a number of
years and congratulations are extended.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manning and children, of near O'Leary, were callers in
the Arthur Reeves home on Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and children and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pletschette
enjoyed a picnic at Stone Park on Sunday.

Rev. M. L. Metcalf left Monday for the Methodist camp ground at Okoboji,
where he will attend the Bible Conference there this week. There will be no
preaching services here in the morning next Sunday, but Sunday school will
be held at the usual hour and the Epworth League will be held in the

Misses Verle Reed, of LeMars, and Mary Frances Konrad, of Sioux City, were
guests of Miss Genevieve Nixon Sunday.

Daniel (sic-Edgar B.) Leonard and son, Daniel, of Kansas City, Mo., arrived on Saturday and
are visiting in the John Daugherty and John Lancaster, Sr. homes. Mr.
Leonard is the father of Mrs. Daugherty and Mrs. Lancaster.
[Transcriber Note: Edgar Benjamin Leonard was father to the ladies at Seney, Ia.]

Mrs. Lulu Nixon and Miss Genevieve returned Saturday from Sioux City after
visiting relatives a few days.

The W.F.M.S. met on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. C. W. Cook. After the
meeting, social visiting and a dainty lunch was enjoyed.

John Osborne received a very painful injury to his left hand last Friday
when a singletree broke on the stacker and it flew back striking his hand.
It is doing nicely at this time.

George Siegersma hauled two truck loads of hogs to Sioux City on Tuesday.

Rev. M. L. Metcalf and son, Clifford, have been doing some painting on the
R. A. Hawkins farm.

Frank Becker is having his house painted.

Those from here enjoying an outing at Crystal Lake park on Sunday were: Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Darville and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buss and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Eason and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wordehoff and
children, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Britton and family, Ethel, Glen Wordehoff and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Moir and Franklin Clark.
[Note on relationships, per volunteer, Viv Reeves: Mrs. Wordehoff, nee Lela
Pearl Britton, was a half sister of Chester Britton.  Ethel and Glenn Moir were
brother and sister, both siblings of Mervin Moir. Also, Franklin Clark was no

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wordehoff and daughter, Virginia, and sons, Raymond and
Norman, of Tyndall, S.D., are visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Britton. Mrs. Wordehoff is a sister of Mrs. Britton. (sic-half sister of Mr. Britton)

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Aker and son, Perry, of Garretson, S.D., visited Friday
in the home of her cousin, C. L. Britton and wife.

The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. W. E. Hennrich on Wednesday, August 3.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich visited at Ireton on Friday. They were
accompanied home by Mrs. Clinton Knowlton, who remained in their home until
Saturday when she returned to her home at Iowa City.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Christoffersen and daughter, Opal, visited in the W. E.
Hennrich home on Thursday on their return from Chamberlain, S.D. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Boyd Creamer, of that city. They left on Friday morning
for their home at Dubuque, Ia.

Miss Cynthia Holster was the guest of Miss Pauline Riter on Thursday of last

Mrs. M. G. Mills entertained at a 1 o'clock luncheon on Wednesday. The
following were guests: Mrs. Sam Lang, of LeMars; Mrs. Geo. Dempster, of
Springfield, S.D.; Mrs. J. R. Hinde, Mrs. Jessie Kennedy, and Miss Sadie
Alderson. The afternoon was spent in visiting.

LeMars Globe-Post
Thursday, August 11, 1927 [Front page]


Members of Company K in charge of Captain Walter C. Huxtable and Lieutenants
Glenn C. Earnest and M. A. Levins will leave LeMars Saturday, August 13, for
DesMoines where they will spend two weeks at the annual summer encampment.

A special train has been provided for the trip and will be under the command
of Col. Gordon C. Hollar, of Sioux City, commanding officer of the One
Hundred and Thirty-third infantry regiment of which Company K is a unit.

Baseball, swimming, basketball, wrestling and competitive drills are
included in the athletic program for the encampment as well as special drill
and field maneuver periods.


The following are the officers and privates of Co. K., who will attend the
annual encampment:

Captain Walter C. Huxtable; Glen H. Earnest, first Lieutenant; Mathew A.
Levins, second Lieutenant; Hans P. Jensen, first sergeant;

Raymond T. Golden, Daniel M. Burkett, Graydon L. Lockard, Bertram
Hecklenlaible, William F. Rees, Adolph Spindler, Donald Munro, sergeants;

William J. Zimmer, Sylvester N. Gergen, William H. Cunningham, Robert L.
Rees, Charles E. Ewin, Donald R. Mahr, Kermit J. Watson, corporals;

Ronald R. Carley, John W. Fletcher, Frank H. Harden, Elmer L. Hoffman,
Vincent P. Lanners, Clarke M. Larsen, Bruce E. Mahr, Eldred E. Morrissey,
Earle A. McCommond, Francis J. Nemmers, Oscar Peters, Robert Pinns, Leslie
H. Smith, Isadore L. Traufler, Frederic O. Wood, John T. Zeig, privates

Charles M. Bartlett, Earl W. Bray, Bernard T. Buckley, Roland L.
Chamberlain, Ray Dickman, James E. Edwards, Earl H. Gillis, Godfrey E.
Hauser, Alvin P. Kolker, Harold C. Kolker, Vernon C. Laux, Gordon W.
Lockard, Melvin N. McArthur, Robert W. McClintock, Fred M. Olson, Donald
Parkinson, Kenneth L. Parkinson, Marion F. Parkinson, Edgar R. Paschke,
James T. Robertson, Lisle N. Sexton, Reginald V. Simeons, Everette P. Smith,
Jake J. Sivering, Cecil Button, Harold E. Van de Steege, Roy A. Walker,
Martin J. White, Glenn H. Wood, Harvey A. Zahrbock, Joseph J. Zimmer.


At a called business meeting of the First Baptist church held in the church
last Monday evening, it was voted to remodel the church building in order to
secure more and needed room for the ever increasing Sunday school classes
and also to make for better worship services in the main church auditorium.
This will necessitate an entire re-arrangement of the interior for the
building including the altar, baptistry, and choir accommodations. The
heating plant will also be renewed and some extra rooms added which will be
used for Sunday school purposes. In the basement the kitchen will be
enlarged, the social room re-arranged and rooms added. It is hoped that
these changes make possible a better system of religious education and

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mrs. M. G. Mills spent a few days the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Lang, of LeMars, and attended the Chautauqua.

Miss Dorothy Henricksen, of Alton, visited friends here on Thursday last

Rev. and Mrs. B. M. Watson and son, Herbert, of Sioux City, visited in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich on Saturday.

Miss Gratia Clasen, of Sioux Center, visited friends here last Sunday.

W. E. Hennrich lost a valuable Jersey cow Monday, when a car bearing a Sioux
county license ran into her as she was being brought home to milk and broke
her leg. Mr. Hennrich had to kill her.

Miss Erlynne March was a dinner guest of Mrs. M. G. Mills on Monday.

Mrs. Lou Bauma and Mrs. Cora Baldwin were joint hostesses Thursday afternoon
in honor of their mother, Mrs. Solomon Perry, of LeMars, who celebrated her
birthday at the home of the former. The twelve guests were Mesdames Mills,
Haviland, J. Lancaster, E. Lancaster, Walkup, S. Lang, Hinde, E. Chapman, G.
Chapman, D. F. McArthur, and F. Perry, who were seated at an attractively
decorated table where a three-course luncheon was served.

On Wednesday evening the losing side of the Willing Workers Sunday school
class entertained the winners at a party in the hall.

Jacob Mars, of Hospers, spent a few days the past week in the home of his
son, Lige and wife.

The W.F.M.S. will meet next Wednesday afternoon, August 17th, with Mrs. R.
A. McArthur.

Mrs. Jessie Kennedy, Misses Lucile March, Norma Leek and Deanna Crowell
returned Sunday from Arnold's Park where they spent a week's vacation.

Elizabeth Nixon returned last week from Truesdale where she visited two
weeks with relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. John Alderson, of LeMars, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Lancaster, Vincent
Lancaster were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Buss on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins accompanied by their guests, Mr. and Mrs. James
McKee and Miss Mary McKee, of Pittsburg, Pa., enjoyed a day shopping in
Sioux City on Friday.

J. R. Hinde is under the doctor's care and friends hope to learn soon that
he is himself again.

Herbert Henricksen, of Alton, visited Franklin and James Clark last Friday.

Mrs. Lulu Nixon received word of the arrival of a grandson in the home of
her son, Glen of Varina.

Miss Deanna Crowell, of Walthill, Neb., left Monday for her home after
visiting with Miss Lucile March the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bos and family, of Sioux City, were callers here on
Friday at the John Lancaster home. Mr. Lancaster accompanied them on the
return trip and attended services at the Holiness Mission returning here

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hillebrand and son, Henry, of Sioux City, spent the
weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elam Chapman.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Deegan were in Sioux City Saturday.

Mrs. M. Meyers and Mrs. Hugh Dealy, of Sioux City, visited Tuesday in the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Uthe.

Mr. and Mrs. James McKee, Miss Mary McKee, of Pittsburg, Pa., who have been
visiting in the home of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Hawkins, for the week past left on Monday for their home.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Donlin and daughters, Elaine and Esther, of Hinton
vicinity, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Donlin's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Cook.

Miss Norma Leek, of Sioux City, is spending the week with Miss Lucile March.

Rev. M. L. Metcalf, son Clifford, Mrs. John Lancaster Sr., and daughters,
Miss Ina, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reeves on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carrier, of Independence, Mrs. Lon Lane and Mrs. Fred
Chapman, of Aurora, Ia., arrived on Monday and are visiting in the Grant and
Elam Chapman homes.

Mrs. C. W. Cook, Miss Viola Cook, and Mrs. Frank Becker motored to Sioux
City on Saturday and spent the day.

Mrs. S. M. Hickman and small son, of Truesdale, are spending the week in the
home of her mother, Mrs. Lulu Nixon.

Calvin Miller, Dan McArthur, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McArthur and daughters,
Ethel and Joyce, of Sheldon, were visitors Sunday evening in the Mrs.
Elizabeth March home.

Mr. and Mrs. Miles McArthur and daughters and Mr. Miller drove to Sioux City
to attend the picnic of the I.O.O.F. lodge at Riverside. Mrs. Dan McArthur,
who cared for her mother, Mrs. March, the past week, accompanied them home.

M. J. Lancaster was pleasantly surprised at his home on Wednesday evening of
last week when the home folks arrived to remind him that another birthday
had rolled around. The evening was spent in visiting and delicious
refreshments served at a late hour. On departure all wished him many
returns of the day. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Lancaster,
Vincent Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hawkins and daughter, Harriet, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Lancaster, Geraldine, Lois and Ellis Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Buss and son Vincent and daughter, Elaine.

S.E. WASHINGTON: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. August Braband were visitors in LeMars Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Auchstetter of Carnes, were visitors in the James Thoms
home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harms and children, of North Riverside, Mr. and Mrs.
George Harms, of Akron, Mrs. Bertha Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frerichs and
son, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowers and Carl Schultz were dinner guests in the Ed
Harms home.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tucker transacted business in LeMars the fore part of
the week.

Elmer Thoms was a LeMars caller Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Ed Harms helped Mrs. Lester Brown prepare for the threshers last

Hans Nielson was a Merrill caller the latter part of the week.

D. Redmon was a LeMars caller on Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Alsworth Campbell were dinner guests in the August Braband home

A number of this vicinity attended the big dance which was held at Grimes'
pavilion Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Minnie Howes and daughter, Sethg, of Morningside, Sioux City, are
visiting in the Ed Harms home the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bowers were visitors in this vicinity Monday evening.

Louis Lemke motored to LeMars Tuesday and transacted business.

A number of this vicinity are still busy threshing.

Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brown and the children were LeMars callers Saturday

GRANT TOWNSHIP: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Dirks and family and Miss Margaret Frerichs were visitors
at the Dick Westoff home Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Dick Plueger and son were business callers in LeMars on

Charley Albers was a business caller in LeMars Monday afternoon.

Gustav Otto was a caller in LeMars Saturday evening.

A large number of this vicinity attended the married folks dance in Craig
last week.

Miss Edna Willms and Dick Willms are spending this week at the Fred Plueger

Miss Margaret Frerichs is spending a few days at home, sewing for her

Ed Zink and Fred Remer are doing some carpenter work for Fred Plueger.

Harm Kruse, who was operated on last week, is progressing quite favorably at
the present time.

Peter Porter and family were visitors at Orange City one day last week.

OYENS: (By Special Correspondent)

Miss Rosella Thill had the misfortune to get her hand in the wringer Monday.

Mike Heuertz had a cow killed by lightning recently.

Elsie and Pearl Herewjnen have left for their home after spending a week at
the M. V. Heuertz home.

Mrs. Peter Fiser visited at the Geo. Kelley home recently.

Threshing is in full swing around Oyens. Some report the oats crop as being

Mae Steenwjk spent a few days at the Mike Heuertz home.

Misses Ella and Viola Heuertz are back home after spending a week with
friends and relatives at Sioux county.

The Frank Lauters family are enjoying their trip through the Black Hills and
different points according to reports.

FREDONIA: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson and children, Viola, Gladys, Annabelle and Doris,
of Sherman, S.D., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Petersen Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. T. Kloster and family, Harry, Walinga, and C. P. Kloster and
family were Sunday dinner guests at the Axel Petersen home.

LeMars Globe-Post
August 18, 1927

SENEY: (By Special Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ewin and their daughter, Dorothy, of LeMars, were Sunday
dinner guests of Mrs. Iona Clark.

Walter Baldwin is in South Dakota looking after farm interests this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cliff and children, of Leeds, were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carrier and Miss Constance Chapman left on last
Thursday for Onida, S.D., to visit a few days with friends.

Adrian and Miss Myrtle Holster motored to Vermillion, S.D., on last Monday.

Mrs. W. J. Reeves, Miss Pearl, Carrie, Vera and Clarence Reeves motored to
Sioux City on Tuesday to do some shopping.

Rev. T. S. Bassett, district superintendent of the northwest Iowa
conference, will hold the fourth quarterly conference on Friday, August 26th
and all board members are urged to be present. Everyone is invited.

Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Killian, of Sioux City, attended church here Sunday

Mrs. Grant Chapman, Misses Lucile and Erlynne March, Pauline Riter and Norma
Leek motored to Akron on Friday and visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. March.

Mrs. Walter Baldwin and daughters, Evelyn and Lucille, were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. M. G. Mills.

Misses Marian and Dorothy Henricksen, of Alton, visited with friends here

E. F. Anstine had his Velle sedan stolen last week, but was fortunate in
recovering it.

Franklin Clark and Fred Olson unloaded a carload of coal for W. E. Hennrich
the past week.

C. E. Ewin and Melvin McArthur left Friday in the former's car for Camp
Dodge, Des Moines. Franklin Clark and Fred Olson left on Sunday morning by
train with the rest of Co. K.

The Good Samaritan class of the Sunday school held their monthly meeting in
the hall last Wednesday evening. After an evening of fun, ice cream and
cake were served.

Mrs. C. E. Ewin and children left Friday for Elgin, Neb., to spend two
weeks with relatives there.

Misses Lucile March and Norma Leek motored to Sioux City on Saturday and
Walthill, Neb., where they visited Miss Deanna Crowell and attended the
Indian pow-wow of the Omaha tribe at Macy.

Robert Dealy, of Sioux City visited Sunday in the W. E. Hennrich home.
James, his brother, who has visited the past two weeks accompanied him home.

Misses Erlynne March and Margaret Moore were guests of Miss Olivia Haviland
of LeMars on Tuesday.

S. M. Hickman, of Truesdale, and Miss Mabel Nixon, of Sioux City, visited
Thursday in the home of Mrs. Lulu Nixon. Mrs. Hickman and her small son,
who have been visiting her mother and sister the past week, accompanied her
husband home.

Mrs. Fred Chapman, Mrs. Lon Lane, Mrs. Elam Chapman, Mrs. Earl Chapman and
Miss Fern Chapman were Sioux City visitors on Wednesday.

The Epworth League will give a program this Friday evening in the hall. The
program will consist of musical selections on the Hawaiian guitars by the
Howes sisters of LeMars, vocal and instrumental selections by home talent,
readings will also be given. The admission of 25 and 15c will be charged at
the door and ice cream and cake will be sold. Everyone is invited.

Friends are glad to learn that J. R. Hinde is able to sit up after a short

Herbert Henricksen, of Alton, is working on the track here and staying in
the Clark home. Mr. Olson has charge of the section while C. E. Ewin is in
camp at DesMoines.

Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Buss, Vincent and Elaine Buss, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Bauma and
sons, Roy and Melvin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perry and children, Mrs. L. D.
Baldwin, Misses Ethel and Verna Baldwin motored to Fairview the past week
and visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lanmark.

Mrs. S. J. Wallace, sons Geo., Howard and Wesley, of Akron, visited friends
here on Friday.

A crowd of Young people gathered at the Frank Becker home on Thursday
evening in honor of Miss Genevieve Nixon, it being her birthday. The
evening was spent in games and visiting and a good time was enjoyed by all.
On departure the guests wished Miss Genevieve many more happy birthdays.

Friends here were sorry to learn that Rev. S. J. Wallace was seriously
injured in an accident in Spokane, Wash., on August 4. He is reported to be
doing well at this time.

Relatives here received word last Sunday that D. F. McArthur was in an
accident near Mitchell, S.D., one day last week when his car and another had
a collision. Mr. McArthur was hurt but particulars are not at hand at this
time. Friends hope to hear soon that he is not badly injured.

Mrs. Wm. Conner is having her home painted this week.

Mrs. M. G. Mills visited a few days the past week in the home of Mrs. Fred
Pech, of near Struble.

H. Schweisow, of LeMars, visited Wednesday in the home of his niece, Mrs. A.
D. Jeffers.

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Sullivan, daughters, Dorothy and Helen, of Alta, Mr. and
Mrs. B. Walton, of Storm Lake, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Deegan on

J. J. Deegan accompanied his brother Will, of LeMars, to LaCrosse, Wis., on
Friday for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich and Misses Pauline Riter and Gratia Clasen made
a trip to Hudson, S.D., Tuesday evening.

The Misses Nola and Edna Johnson and sister, Mrs. Elsie Simonson, of
Brookings, S.D., who visited friends here last week, returned home safely.

JOHNSON TWP: (By Special Correspondent)

Ben Von Hagel entertained threshers on Saturday.

Miss Ethel William and Miss Mamie Orban helped Mrs. Stofferan on Monday as
they had threshers.

A fine rain was had Monday evening. It was well appreciated by the people
in Johnson township.

Mrs. Chas. Utesch is still a patient at the hospital. She is improving

Hubert Radloff and Vernon Hoffman were visitors at the John Orban home.

Miss Ella Klemme was a caller at River Sioux Sunday.

Ed Betsworth entertained threshers on Monday.

Henry Buere shelled corn the first of the week.

A surprise was given on Joe Orban a short time ago. Around sixty friends
and relatives entertained the party. A good time was had by all.

Tare Pollard is busy staking his grain.

Mrs. J. L. Jordin returned to her home. She had been at Akron the past

LeMars Globe-Post
August 22, 1927

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Rounds Entertain Great-grandfather Down To Little

The home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Rounds, on the north edge of LeMars, was the
scene of an interesting family reunion in which four generations were
represented as follows:

Wm. Rounds, Onawa, great-grandfather

M. H. Rounds, grandfather

Glenn Rounds and LeRoy Rounds, fathers

And their two children completing the fourth generation.

The guest list included: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rounds, Sr., of Onawa; Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Mergell, Seminola, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rounds, Jr., of
Chatsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rounds, of Akron; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Rounds
and son, Marcus Jr., of Brunsville; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Rounds and son Alfred
LeRoy; Miss Milly Rogers, LeMars; William E. Rounds, Brunsville; Mr. and
Mrs. G. W. Butcher and son, Jr.; Mrs. Lena Butcher and daughter, Mary.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ommen and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Neisius and family have
returned from Lincoln, Neb., where they have been guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Assein and family. Mr. and Mrs. Assein mourn the loss of their
infant daughter, which was born dead on August 12.


John Rodenbour, Jr., of Struble left Friday for Chicago to make his future
home there.


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Plymouth County