Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
November 11, 1926

But Vacation is Short Lived-School To Be Held in Private House In Washington

When the pupils of district No. 5. Washington twp. got up Sunday morning
they heard the cheering news that their school house had burned down early
in the morning, the fire having started by an unknown cause. The
schoolhouse and contents were a total loss.

No one saw the fire except a farm hand on a nearby farm. He got up about 5
o'clock and noticed the glowing embers. Going over there he saw that there
was no use in spreading an alarm.

District No. 5 had good luck with its insurance. A few months ago when A.
F. Kilker was elected secretary he noticed there was no insurance, so eh
went and asked for the board's permission to take out $500 on the building
and $150 on the contents, which is now practically pure velvet.

A new school house will be built as soon as possible.

In the meantime school will be held in the Henry Harms home.


Howard Woerner, of Omaha, a former student of W.U.C. (Western Union
College), attended the homecoming celebration here Saturday, and not only
did that, but brought his two brothers, Walter and Norwood, with him.


The funeral of the late B. H. Jobert was held from the Luken funeral
parlors, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Rev. J. L. Pickett officiating.
Burial was made in the city cemetery.


Mrs. Robert Dempster, who was seriously ill in one of the local hospitals
the past three weeks, is regaining her health and is expected to be able to
return to her home in a few days.



SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nixon and Miss Mabel of Sioux City visited Sunday in the
home of their parents.

A number from here attended the funeral of the late Frank Beattie in LeMars
Monday afternoon.

The W. F. M. S. met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. F. B. Nixon. The hostess
served a dainty lunch at the close of the business meeting.

On Nov. 19 the ladies aid society will entertain the men and boys at a
banquet in the hall.

Friends here will be interested to know that Miss Lucile March of Sioux City
was the winner of the $1000 lot of Golf View, for plans and specifications
submitted in the Journal Dream Home Contest.

The Epworth League will enjoy a party at the parsonage Friday evening. All
young people are invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hinde and children of Haxtun, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. J. R.
Hinde and family, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker Sunday.

The W. H. M. S. has been postponed from Nov. 17 to Nov. 24 and will meet
with Miss Virla Cook.

While helping to raise the aerial pole of Western Union College, Allen Hinde
was unfortunate in having it fall on him injuring his leg badly.

Mrs. F. B. Nixon attended the annual H. M. S. convention held at Grace
church, Sioux City Wednesday and Thursday.

The Elgin Community club will meet next Thursday with Mrs. H. F. Groetken.

Silas Siege got his hand badly bruised when he got it caught in the rollers
of the corn picker.

Miss Marie Siege of Struble spent a few days with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Werley.

Sam Uthe had a car of baled hay shipped in the past week.

E. F. Anstine and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green, of Sioux City, were dinner
guests of Mrs. Walkup Sunday.

Rev. G. T. Notson, superintendent of the M. E. hospital in Sioux City, will
preach here Sunday morning.

Miss Virla Cook spent a few days last week in the home of her sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Jay Donlin, of Dalton.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Thies of Shellsburg spent a few days in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. J. Lancaster. She is a sister of Mrs. Lancaster's and was
called here by the death of their father, Mr. Beattie, of LeMars.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving McArthur left on Friday for Gayville, S.D., to visit in
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Darville.

Mrs. Iona Clark visited Monday with her sister, Mrs. August Witt, of LeMars.

Mrs. Henry Werley spent a few days in Struble last week, helping to care for
her mother, Mrs. S. Siege, who is ill.

Mrs. Otto Knoop was able to return from the Community hospital on Monday.
Dr. McPhaden brought her home.

Walter Baldwin is looking after farm interests in Worthington, Minn., this

The delegates of the unit of the F. M. S. of Merrill, Hinton and Seney will
meet in LeMars next Wednesday in the M. E. church.

Geo. Beattie, of Minneapolis, visited a few hours at the home of his niece,
Mrs. M. J. Lancaster Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cook, Miss Virla and John Arthur were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Criswell Sunday.

STRUBLE: (Special Correspondence)

Miss Katharine Delperdang who is attending parochial school at Remsen, came
home last week for a months visit.

Mr. and Mrs. George Frerichs of LeMars were visitors Sunday at the Martin
Frerichs home.

Pete Kaiser spent last week in Omaha on a pleasure and business trip.

Mr. and Mrs. Verne Keough and Mrs. Wm. Nicholson and son were Sioux City
visitors Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester McDougall and Mr. and Mrs. John McDougall were week end
visitors at Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nicholson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
DeMots in Sioux City.

A group of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Lou Becker Thursday evening on the
occasion of the 2th wedding anniversary. The evening was spent informally
and at midnight refreshments were served to conclude a most delightful
evening. [Transcriber note: the number of the anniversary was typed as it
was printed in 1926]

PLYMOUTH TWP: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Singer, Jr., spent Sunday evening at the Archie Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dennler attended the Passion Play at the Dreamland
Theater Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Grimjes were LeMars callers Monday evening to see his
mother, who is on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schindel and family of Hinton were Sunday dinner guests
in the Chas. Dennler home.

John Dennler was a Merrill visitor Tuesday evening.

Chas. and John Dennler are assisting Milton and Will Spies with their corn

Mrs. C. Kale was a Sioux City shopper Wednesday.


The Globe-Post wants your news, any time and all the time. With every
reader also a news contributor, this could be a real newspaper. Use the
telephone or Uncle Sam's post office.


S. E. WASHINGTON: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harms of North Riverside, formerly of Southeast
Washington are the proud parents of an 11 pound baby boy born Oct. 31. The
boy will be called Dwayne Charles.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Luken were LeMars callers Saturday afternoon.

A number of this vicinity are still picking corn.

Elmer Thoms was a LeMars caller Saturday.

Mrs. Louise Lempke was a LeMars caller one day last week.

LeMars Globe-Post
November 15, 1926


Friends at Seney have been informed of the death of Mrs. John L. Sudduth, a
former Seney resident, who passed away in a hospital at Mitchell, South

Lillian M. Ridgeway was born in Pennsylvania in 1848. She married Rev. John
L. Sudduth on Aug. 23, 1892, who was pastor of the Seney M.E. church She
died in a hospital in Mitchell, S.D., following an illness of six weeks.
The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon in the M.E. church, Rev. F. B.
Nixon officiating.

Mrs. Sudduth taught school and as far as possible, her pupils acted as
Pallbearers and did the singing.

The Pallbearers were Elam Chapman, W. J. Reeves, John Alderson, C. W.
Reeves, C. E. Ewin and C. L. Britton. Interment was made in the Seney
cemetery. She leaves to mourn her death, her husband of Pierre, S.D. and
many friends. Relatives attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sudduth
of Rock Rapids, James Sudduth of Pierre, S.D., W. G. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs.
Adrian Bowers and Miss Bernice Sudduth of LeMars.

LeMars Globe-Post
Thursday, November 18, 1926

First Baptist Church

In spite of the storm last Sunday a fine attendance was shown in all
departments and splendid results obtained. We are hoping to establish new
records this week.

Next Sunday is Thanksgiving Sunday. What a tremendous pull at the human
heart results when we think of God's mercies toward us. Surely the most
unfortunate of us can find many things for which to be thankful. So we
invited you to a special Thanksgiving service of consecration and
dedication, of genuine Christian praise. The pastor's subject will be "Our
Thanksgiving Obligation." An opportunity will be given to unite with the
church at this service.

In the evening a service of evangelism commencing at 7:30.

There will be baptismal services the last Sunday of the month, and those
desiring to unite with the church should do so this Sunday if possible.

Church school at 10. B.Y.P.U. at 6:30. Rev. J. Pickett, Pastor.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. D. F. McArthur and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hinde and children, of
Haxtun, Colo., motored to Forrestburg, S. D., on Thursday of last week and
visited relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Weston and son, Loren, motored to Brewster, Minn., on
Saturday to visit in the home of Mrs. Weston's mother, Mrs. Nora Weaver.
They returned home Sunday.

Misses Lucile March and Deanna Crowell of Sioux City spent the weekend with
the former's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth March.

J. L. and James Sudduth, of Pierre, S.D., left on Sunday for their homes
after spending two days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster. They
brought the body of Mrs. J. L. Sudduth for burial.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hinde and children and Robert Hinde left Friday in the
latter's car for their homes at Haxtun, Colo., after spending the past few
weeks here with relatives.

Emerson Kennedy of Vermillion, S.D., spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs.
Jessie Kennedy.

The W. H. M. S. will meet next Wednesday afternoon with Miss Virla Cook.
All those having mite boxes pleased bring to be opened.

Mr. and Mrs. Irving McArthur returned home Tuesday from Gayville, S.D.,
after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Darville for a few weeks.
Miss Cerelle Darville accompanied them.

Robert Conner who spent the past few weeks at South Shore, S.D., returned
home this week.

The Potter farm was sold Tuesday at public auction. Elam Chapman and J. F.
Deegan each bought a quarter section of $150 and $141 per acre.

Rev. G. T. Notson, superintendent of the M. E. hospital at Sioux City,
preached here Sunday morning.

Some of our high school students have been staying in LeMars a few days
because of bad roads.

Floyd Moore has accepted a position with the Standard Oil Co., at LeMars for
awhile and will still keep his truck and do hauling the same as before. It
will be driven by a competent driver and all phone calls will be taken care
of at the McArthur store.

The entertainment for the men and boys that was to have been given this
Friday evening in the hall as been postponed until Friday, Dec. 3 on account
of bad roads.

Mrs. F. B. Nixon attended the unit of the W. F. M. S. in LeMars Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Koehler and son, Stanley, of Santa Barbara, Cal., visited
Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Weston.

LeMars Globe-Post
November 29, 1926

OYENS: (Special Correspondent)

Heinie Cook has been busily occupied the past week in building snow fences.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Weber were in Sioux City Sunday.

Erman Olinger has been picking corn for Andrew Juhl the past several days.

Miss Virginia Goetzinger spent last Tuesday at the home of her brother,
Nick, near LeMars.

35 neighbors and friends of Chris Wachter near O'Leary played the role of
good fellows Saturday by husking and cribbing his 80 acres of corn that day.
He is unable to do his work at present being a patient in a LeMars hospital.

Nick Wurth and son, Bernard, came Monday from Elkton, S.D., for a brief
visit with the John Wurth family and with old friends here. They left here
last spring for Elkton where they are now farming.

Joe Strobean and Mike Weber spent Sunday afternoon at LeMars.

A letter from the Hodapp family has been received here and tells about the
trip to Portland, Ore., on which they started a month ago. From Iowa they
drove through Nebraska, Kansas, New Mexico and Arizona to Los Angeles where
they spent a week. From there they continued along the coast and drove over
1000 miles of paving to Portland, where they are now settled. Heinie is
again in the barber trade. The real beauty of the trip though was the fact
that they had no car trouble at all the entire distance. Mr. Hodapp had
traded his Tudor sedan for a larger Ford before leaving. [Transcriber Note:
this is apparently the Henry Hodapp family per the 1920 Fed. Census]

Father Rolfes assisted Monday at the solemn requiem mass services at the
funeral of Mrs. Therese Ley at St. Joseph's church in LeMars.

Most all of the corn husking is finished in the surrounding country and corn
shelling is now in progress.

Mike Hentges of LeMars was in town on business one day last week.

PLYMOUTH TWP: (Special Correspondent)

Eldon Danne of LeMars spent the weekend in the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Danne, of Merrill.

Lowell and Wilma Kehrberg and Eldon Danne attended the basket ball game in
Merrill Friday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Danne were LeMars callers Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dennler were LeMars callers Tuesday afternoon visiting
Grandma Spies.

Miss Dorothy Dennler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dennler, was on the
sick list last week.

SENEY: (Special Correspondent)

Mrs. M.G. Mills left Friday for Stroud, Okla., to spend a month in the home
of her son, Chas. Mills and wife, before leaving for Los Angeles to spend
the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Moist.

W. W. Jeffers of Sioux City visited relatives and friends here Thursday. He
expects to leave soon for Mexico, where he does missionary work.

The T. J. Rees family are enjoying some music these days from a new piano.

Mrs. Ben Cooper, of Elgin, Neb., arrived Saturday and is visiting in the
homes of her brother, Jonathan Alderson and sister, Mrs. Edwin Lancaster,
and other relatives.

The school will give a program in the hall on Friday evening, Dec. 3.

The young people of the Epworth League attended League services in LeMars
Sunday evening and report a good meeting.

Fred Riter was unable to attend school Monday as he got his hip hurt in the
football game last Friday night.

Mr. Colpoys, of LeMars, was a caller in town Tuesday.

Frank Becker had the shredders on Tuesday. Hinde boys did the work.

A number from here attended the Hirsch auto sale Tuesday.

The W.H.M.S. met Wednesday with Miss Virla Cook. After a good meeting, a
dainty lunch was served by the hostess.


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