Iowa Old Press

DECEMBER 8, 1926


Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Vernon and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown and
family, Misses Bernice and Viola Ellskamp, Mrs. Sophie Thompson, Miss
Lauck of Merrill, Rev. and Mrs. Simpson and daughter Donnabel, Dr.
Robbins, Miss Jean Robbins of Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Blackmore, Mr.
and Mrs. M. H. Mammen of Leeds were those who attended the chicken
dinner and bazaar given by the M. E. Ladies'aid.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ellison had as their Sunday dinner guest, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dennler and Miss Viola Ellison.

Mrs. Charles Rolf and daughter Eloise of Le Mars spent the weekend at
the George Ellison home.

Mrs. George Schneider and sons, Jimmie and George, visited at the Bill
Schneider home in Sioux City.

A $25,000 damage suit brought by Blanche Brown against Mrs. E. Jauer of
Hinton won a jury verdict for the defendant. This trail was the results
of an automobile collision.

FOR SALE- used Ford cars; in good running order; $25.

Miss Helen William, of Minneapolis Minn., is visiting her sister, Mrs.
A. F. Overlie.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright Friday, Dec. 3.

Mr. and Mrs. George Pavolik and son met with a serious auto accident
Saturday evening while returning home from Le Mars. Their car hit a
truck that was standing on the road the truck having no lights. Their
little son was knocked unconscious but is getting along nicely now.
Their car was badly damaged.

The neighbors of Mrs. J. McElphree had a surprise party on her at her
home as a farewell courtesy before they leave for their new home in
Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. John Barnholtz and family were dinner guests at the Andrew
Zurfel home.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marth left for their new home at Saskatchewan,

Mrs. J. A. Johnson and Mrs. Small attended Mr. William Jensen's funeral
in Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. Brock of Lincoln, Neb., spent Thanksgiving at the home of
Mrs. Brock's, parents Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Heizer.

Mr. and  Mrs. Arthur Maloney have purchased a farm near McCook Lake, S.
D., and will move onto it in the spring.

Mrs. Andrew Petersen was taken suddenly ill with heart trouble Monday
evening and was removed to the home of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Wm.
Paulson at Morningside.

Mr. Lloyd Thompson and Miss Marjorie Hillner of Sioux City were dinner
guests at the Joe Thompson home.

Mr. William Mahoney of Roswell, New Mexico,  Mrs. H. E. Stockburger and
Miss Ardis Stockburger of Morningside were dinner guest at the Clarence
Brown home.

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated December 10, 1926

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

That party that chivalried H. J Hawkins had an oyster supper at the home of
Harvey Buss on Wednesday. About 25 were present, all had a fine time.

J. F. March, of Akron, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of his mother,
Mrs. E. March.

Mrs. S. M. Hickman returned to Truesdale Saturday, after spending a week
with her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. F. B. Nixon.

Mrs. Ben Cooper returned Saturday to her home in Elgin, Nebr, after spending
three weeks here with relatives. Her son, Orville, went as far as Sioux
City with her.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reeves , son Donald and Mrs. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich
motored to Akron Sunday, where they visited at the home of Rev. and Mrs.

The talk given by Rev. John Hautla, of Sioux City, was well attended and
enjoyed by all present.

John Smith and son of Logan, Kansas returned home on Thursday after spending
three or four weeks with Mr. Smith's sister, Mrs. Frank Buss.

Mrs. A. Jeffers attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. H. Schwiesow in
LeMars Tuesday.

Rev. F. B. Nixon attended the evangelistic meetings at Merrill on Monday.

Lawrence Moir took a load of stock to Sioux City for M. J. Kunath who with
his wife and Mrs. C. L. Britton went also on Monday.

C. W. Reeves went to Sioux City with a truckload of stock for Mike Engles on

Mrs. Walter Woodhouse of Thomas, S. D., arrived here on Monday night to stay
with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker till after Christmas.

The Seney school gave a fine program at the Hall on Friday evening and had a
large crowd and took in about $30.00. It showed hard work and skillful
practice to get the children to do so well.

Don't forget the supper and talk by Rev. B. M. Watson of Sioux City on
Friday evening.

Albert Hawkins received a car of hay from Sioux City last Thursday.

W. H. M. S. will meet at the home of Mrs. Bert Criswell on December 15.
Please bring old clothing for box to be packed.

Miss Marion Hendrickson of Alton attended the store for Mrs. A. Jeffers on
Tuesday so the latter could attend the funeral of her aunt in LeMars.

DECEMBER 23, 1926


William Flannery and family of Sioux City were visitors at the Adolph
Kovarna home.

The auction sale at the J. W. Hanes farm was postponed Monday to
Thursday on account of the storm with a fair attendance Thursday. The
community will be sorry to lose these fine neighbors as they are
planning to locate elsewhere.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown were guests Sunday at the O. C. Brown home.

Mr. Pat Lavelle of Pierre, S. D., is spending the holidays at the Klass

Elmer Knebel of Sioux City spent the weekend at the Ian Maxwell home.

Mr. and Mrs. George Richard and family were dinner guests at the Charles
Bennett home.

Mr. Lloyd Thompson and Miss Marjorie Hillner of Sioux City were dinner
guests at the Joe Thompson.

Dr. McFadden, of Le Mars, called on Dr. Fletcher. Dr. McFadden is
leaving soon for the west.

Miss Gladys Bowers of Hinton was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
G. Stichler at Leeds.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvina Ellison moved into the P. E. Held home in Hinton.

Mrs. George Phillips of Sioux City visited at the Frank Beguin home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lou Houser of Merrill were supper guests at the George Manz

Mr. and Mrs. Carter Harrison are the proud parents of a 71/2- pound baby
girl born Sunday.

Mrs. Vern Torbet and son Jimmie of Florence, Neb., are visiting with
relatives at Hinton.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown and daughter Dorothy were dinner guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown at Morningside.

Miss Grace McDonald who has been visiting at the Ed Casper home departed
Friday for her home in Los Angeles, Ca.

Miss Bess Munson left to spend the holidays at the home of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Munson at Flandreau, S. D.

Mr. and Mrs. John Barnholtz and family left for Clarkefield, Minn., to
visit Mrs. Barnholta parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Seibert.

Mrs. Marjorie Bock of Lincoln, Neb., is spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Helzer.
Her husband will arrive to spend Christmas here.

Mrs. Vina Weinrich of Hinton and Miss Vivian Kunkel of Hawarden left
for Paige, Neb., to spend Christmas and New Year's with the former's
daughter, Mrs. Jack Weber.

Mrs. Sara Soule left this morning for Leeds to spent the remainder of
the winter with her daughters, Mrs. J. A. Knapp and Mrs. John Casper.

Last Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Heldridge of Lincoln Twp, occurred the marriage of their
daughter, Leda Heldridge and George Kumba. The groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Kumba of Milford, Iowa. The wedding ceremony performed
by Rev. J. L. Ralston, M.E. Pastor of Hinton. They will make their home
near Milford, Iowa.

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Plymouth County