Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
May 8, 1925

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Edward Rees is seriously ill at his home.

Harry Reints shipped cattle to Sioux City Tuesday.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Will Lehman last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rees, of LeMars, visited their father, who is ill, Sunday.

The ladies of the church have been helping paper the parsonage the past

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cook and Mrs. Frank Becker spent Tuesday in Sioux City.

W. A. Ewin has gone on the section as another man was needed during Chas.
Ewin’ sickness.

Next Sunday is Mother’s day and there will be special singing and sermon.
Everyone is expected to be there.

Mrs. Jno. Lancaster, Sr., and Mrs. Grant Chapman were six o’clock dinner
guests of Mrs. Elizabeth March Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lancaster spent Sunday in LeMars at the home of Mrs.
Lancaster’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beattie.

Howard Ewin, who works for Jay Donlin, near Dalton, spent Sunday at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Ewin.

Roy McArthur and T. J. Rees went wolf hunting west of LeMars Sunday but Mr.
Rees was called back on account of the illness of his father.

Lewis Pagle, the relief man for F. E. Weston, the depot agent, returned to
Minneapolis Tuesday morning as Mr. Weston returned a few days ago.

The Ladies Aid society met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Elam Chapman.
After the business meeting, a dainty lunch was served by the hostess.

The W.F.M.S. will meet next Wednesday afternoon, May 13, with Mrs. Bert
Criswell. All members are invited to come and bring your friends.

Mrs. Iona Clark, son James, and Miss Anna Schmidt, left Thursday for Omaha
where James will compete in the spelling contest, Friday, at the Technical

Miss Lucile March and Emerson Kennedy, of Sioux City, were weekend visitors
at the home of their mothers, Mrs. E. March and Mrs. Jessie Kennedy.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Weston, recently married in Minnesota, arrived on
Thursday and will live in the J. Alderson house vacated by Ole Olson.
Congratulations are extended.

The Farm Bureau had their monthly meeting Friday evening, having been
postponed from Tuesday evening on account of the rain. Rev. Belling, of
LeMars, gave a very fine talk.

Robert and Paul Reeves motored to O’Leary Sunday to visit in the home of
their daughter and sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Manning. Paul
returned the same day. Mr. Reeves staying until Wednesday.

The Ladies Unit of the Farm Bureau met at the hoe of Mrs. Wm. Hawkins, April
30. Twenty-five ladies were present. They took up trimmings and talked on
chickens. After a dainty luncheon, they adjourned to meet at the home of
Mrs. W. Justman, May 28.

Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman and children, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Deegan and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deegan and the Wm. Deegan family, of LeMars, motored to
Stone Park last Sunday. They had a nice trip in spite of local showers that
came down during the afternoon.

E. H. Riter received word of the serious illness of his son, Eldon, Monday.
Eldon attends high school at Rock Rapids and was taken sick at school. Mr.
Riter, son Dwight, and Dr. Mosher left by auto the same afternoon to be at
his bedside. They found him much improved and Dr. Mosher returned Monday
night, while Mr. Riter stayed until Tuesday night.

Mrs. Jessie Kennedy entertained a few friends Monday afternoon at her home
in honor of Mrs. Frank Becker, the occasion being her birthday. The
afternoon was spent in visiting and at 5 o’clock the hostess served a dainty
lunch. Congratulations were extended and wishes that many more milestones
be reached were expressed. Those present were Mrs. Frank Becker, Mrs. C. W.
Cook, Mrs. C. W. Reeves, Mrs. W. E. Hennrich, Mrs. S. J. Wallace, Mrs. Grant
Chapman and Mrs. Iona Clark.

Mrs. Frank Becker was pleasantly surprised at her home Sunday when a few
relatives and friends from Sioux City and LeMars, invited by her daughter
Miss Helen, arrived to help the family celebrate her birthday. At 1 o’clock
the guests sat down to a three-course luncheon served by Miss Helen, where
much merriment and good will prevailed. Visiting and a walk along the river
after dinner, including a bonfire after the rain and chilly breeze, was also
greatly enjoyed. On departure, the guests wished Mrs. Becker many more happy
birthdays and thanked the family for a very pleasant day. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thomas, Mrs. Almond
Green, daughter Gertrude, of Sioux City; and Mrs. Emma Haviland and
daughters, Carol and Ollie, of LeMars.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
May 22, 1925


SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Edward Rees is slowly improving from a severe attack of illness.

Don’t forget the school program this Friday evening in the hall.

Seney school closes next Wednesday with a picnic in the grove.

The county nurse took John Evan Anstine to Iowa City to have his eye treated.

Mrs. Geo. Hinde, of Sioux City, has been spending a few days at the home of J. H. Hinde.

Joe Deegan and T. K. Chapman each took a truck load of hogs on the Sioux City market Tuesday. Floyd Moore took them down.

Vincent Lancaster has been under the doctors care for over a week but is getting better again now.

S. J. Wallace took his Sunday school class up to the Elam Chapman home last Friday evening.

The Ladies Unit meeting of the Farm Bureau is postponed from May 28 to June 4, at Mrs. Will Justman’s.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hennrich and Marjorie Riter motored to Ireton Sunday to see Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hennrich.

Friends of Jake Foreman were glad to see him out again after about eight weeks of illness with blood poisoning in his hand.

Mr. and Mrs. John Lancaster, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McSparren.

The farmers of this community report that rain is needed badly for fields and pasture, also the gardens are in need of moisture.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eason and son, A. F., and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Chapman were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Chapman.

The W.H.M.S. met at the home of Miss Vira Cook Wednesday. After the business meeting a dainty lunch was served by the hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cook and children motored to Alton Sunday and visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Henricksen.

W. E. Hennrich accompanied Floyd Moore to Sioux City in the truck on Tuesday when he took a load of hogs down for E. H. Riter.

Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Weston entertained the following guests at dinner Sunday: Mrs. Dora Weaver and children, Mrs. C. Jeppersen and son, of Brewster, Minn.

The Sunday school class play was well attended Tuesday night and those taking part did excellently. A nice sum was realized. June 3 another play will be presented by these classes.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gerling and family, of LeMars, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reeves. Mrs. Arthur Reeves and Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Wallace were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reeves in the evening.

Walter Collins, of LeMars, put down a new 36 foot well for Frank Becker Tuesday, striking a 10 foot vein which ought to furnish a good supply. Wednesday they put one in for Robert Reeves at a depth of forty feet.

Wednesday noon Rev. S. J. Wallace, John Osborne, M. J. Lancaster, T. J. Rees, Vincent Lancaster, and Mrs. J. M. Kunath took the school teachers and children to LeMars to see the Robbins Bros. circus parade which was a treat they all enjoyed.

Mr. and Mrs. O. Britton, son Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Britton and baby, of Tyndall, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Britton, of Spencer, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Britton Sunday evening. They were here to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Jackson, their sister.

A number of our people attended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. Jackson in LeMars last Monday. Mrs. Jackson was well known here as she lived a number of years on the farm north of here and a number of years in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Obermeier (sic Obermire), of LeMars, came up Monday and took Will Ewin and Mrs. Iona Clark to Sioux City to attend the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Captain Lathrop, who died in Texas was brought to Sioux City for burial.

LIBERTY CENTER: (Special Correspondence)

Final examinations were given at Liberty Consolidated school last week.

Lewis Brouilette and family were Sunday visitors at the P. L. Brouilette home.

A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mansfield Thursday, May 14.

Liberty Consolidated school will close May 22. Merrill will play a return baseball game here, which will be the main event of the day.

The Junior class decorated the hall at Potosia for commencement exercises. The entire high school was excused from school Wednesday.

Miss Grace Briggs closed another successful year of teaching at Pleasant View school last Friday. A picnic dinner was served and everyone had an enjoyable day.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown are the proud parents of twins born Sunday, May 17. Mrs. Brown was formerly Esther Phillips, a well known young lady of the community.

The High School students, Supt. Holtzen and family and Mr. Cutler, of Liberty, enjoyed a picnic at River Sioux last Thursday. The afternoon was spent in roller skating and fishing.

C. D. Eberhard was pleasantly surprised Monday evening by several friends and neighbors, the affair being Mr. Eberhard’s birthday. The evening was spent in visiting and playing cards.

Tuesday seemed to be picnic day at Liberty. The grammar room with their teacher, Mrs. Yoerger, held a picnic in Yoerger’s grove. The intermediate room had their picnic in Mansfield’s pasture. Miss Christensen and the primary children had their picnic in Christensen’s grove.

LeMars Sentinel, Friday, May 29, 1925, Page 3, Column 3:

     Mr. and Mrs. John Rubel (sic--Ruble) went to Akron yesterday to
attend funeral services for Mrs. B. Jeffers a former Plymouth county
resident.  Mrs. Jeffers died in Wyoming several months ago and the body
was kept in a mausoleum at Caspar (sic--Casper) until this time.

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