Iowa Old Press

The LeMars Globe-Post
October 11, 1923

SENEY: (Special Correspondent)
Mr. and Mrs. John Osborne motored to Mission Hill, S. D., on Thursday of
last week and visited with their daughter, Mrs. C. L. Britton and family.
They returned home on Monday.

Mrs. Grant Chapman spent the day on Thursday of last week in LeMars with
Mrs. Ralph Obermire.

Mrs. Iona Clark, Mrs. Chas. Ewin and daughter, Ethel Elaine, were Sioux City
visitors on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy McArthur and daughter Ruth, Irving McArthur and Miss Helen
Darville motored to Gayville on Saturday and spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Darville.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ewin and daughter Ethel motored to Sioux City on Sunday
and visited Mr. Ewin’s brother, W. A. Ewin and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Daugherty of Sibley motored here on Saturday and
visited his mother, Mrs. Mary Daugherty and family.

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. White and son, Willis, of Sioux City were Sunday dinner
guests of Mrs. A. D. Jeffers.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Long of LeMars were visiting Mrs. M. G. Mills on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. March of Akron visited Tuesday with his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth March.

Mrs. Frank Falk and son, Mrs. Clarence Nussbaum and daughter left last week
for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Will Falk of Centerville. They
returned home with him the same evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green of Sioux City motored here on Sunday and visited
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Albro.

Will Pech, Ira Lancaster and children and Roy Mordoff of LeMars were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hinde of Struble on Sunday.

John Ivy of LeMars spent Saturday with Grant Chapman.

Mrs. Susan Haviland spent the weekend with her granddaughter, Mrs. Josie
Osborne, while Mr. and Mrs. Osborne were in Dakota.

Mrs. Daisy Port and son, Morris, of Sioux Falls, S.D., visited a few days
the past week in the John Osborne and Mrs. Susan Haviland homes.

The W. J. Reeves family would be glad if anyone found a child’s coat, to
have it returned to them.

The W.F.M.S. met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. J. H. Walkup.

LeMars Sentinel, LeMars, (Plymouth), Iowa, Tuesday, October 23,
1923, Page 1, Column 5:

Mrs. Augusta Werth and Mrs. Paul Boever Called This Week
Funeral is Held Monday for Mrs. Werth in City

Augusta Werth, nee Kielig, was born July 31, 1846, in Stafside Soldin,
Germany, in 1870 (actually 1866) she was united in marriage to William Werth
and on March 1 in the same year (1870) they came to America and settled near
Waukesha, Wisconsin. In the fall of 1878, they moved to Stanton township,
Plymouth county, Iowa, where she experienced the hardships of pioneer days.
Shortly afterwards she came within the influence of the Evangelical
church and united with it, being an active and faithful worker for many
years. In 1907, they came to LeMars, where she resided up to the time of
her death. Ten years ago she joined the St. Paul's Methodist church and has
been a member to the end.

Five years ago she suffered a stroke and, although up and around, her
health was broken. Last May she became ill with pleurisy and other
complications. At times she rallied and it was hoped that she would
recover, but all that loving hands and medical skill could do was of no
avail, and she passed away peacefully Friday evening at nine o'clock, at the
age of 77 years, 2 months and 19 days.

She leaves to mourn her death her aged husband, four sons, and two
daughters: Charles, of Neptune; Wm. J., Albert, and Herman, of LeMars; Mrs.
Gertrude Kohl, of O'Leary, and Mrs. Agnes McDougall, of Struble, also one
sister, Mrs. John Schuman, and five grand children and a host of friends and
neighbors who will miss her smile and kindly word.

Her place in the home is vacant and can never be filled, and only time
can efface the sorrow left by a good wife and loving and sacrificing mother.
The funeral was held Monday, at two o'clock at St. Paul's Methodist
church, Rev. Steinbrenner assisted by Rev. J. W. Davis, of the Hildreth
Memorial church, conducting the service. The four sons and two son-in-laws
acted as pallbearers.

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