Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
May 5, 1922

UNION: (Special Correspondence)
The Coen family, who have lived in the tenant house on Ed Phelan’s farm the
past couple of years, expect to move to Sioux City soon. Mr. Coen has been
working in Sioux City since last fall.

In the ball game between Oyens and O’Leary, which was played at Oyens
Sunday, Oyens was defeated by a score of 5 to 1. Batteries, Oyens—Meis and
Adler. O’Leary—Koch and Ostert. Koch was in midseason form, striking out 21
men. The married men played the single men at Sam Laddusaw’s Sunday
afternoon and were defeated.

The ball game between Union and Hinton, which was played at Union Friday
afternoon resulted in victory for the visiting team, the score being 20 to
5. Batteries, Union—Chandos, Smith, Elmer Laddusaw, Lawrence Crom.
Hinton—Thompson, Richards and Butler. Union will play a return game with
Hinton at Hinton Friday, May 5th.

ELGIN: (Special Correspondence)
Mr. and Mrs. Gerd Herren and family, of Johnson township, spent Sunday at
the C. C. Pritchett home.

Mrs. Fiske, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting at the C. C. Pritchett home.

Frank Ruhland has a consignment of cattle on the Sioux City market Thursday.

Geo. Laughton had a consignment of stock on the Sioux City market one day
last week.

Lawrence Wilde had a shipment of stock on the Sioux City market one day last

Miss Carrie Hanke was a Sioux City visitor Friday.

John Mandlekow and Tony Spenas went to Ellsworth, Minn., the first of the

WESTFIELD: (Special Correspondence)
Rev. and Mrs. Detmers spent Sunday in Sioux City.

Mrs. John Cronin went to LeMars on Sunday for a few days visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boland.

Mrs. M. F. Flinn was a guest with relatives in Sioux City Saturday.

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)
George Farmer shipped hogs to Sioux City on Tuesday.

Mrs. A. D. Jeffers, of Sioux City, spent the week here.

H. C. Detloff made a business trip to Kenneth, Minn., last week.

Mrs. H. L. Schaffhausen, of Hospers, visited Sunday and Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Lancaster.

Mrs. M. M. Myers, of Sioux City, visited Friday with her sister, Mrs. W. E.

Mrs. Thos. Hinde, of Forrestburg, S.D. visited Sunday in the J. R. Hinde

Sam Uthe and Utech Bros had cattle on the Sioux City market on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Chambers, of LeMars, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Reeves.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson, of LeMars, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Cliff.

Frank Weber had cattle on the Sioux City market on Wednesday.

Wm. Uthe, of Los Angeles, California, is visiting his son, Sam Uthe and

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaffhausen and baby, of Sioux City, visited the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lancaster.

M. Ewin, Mrs. Iona Clark and sons, Franklin and James, and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ewin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. August Witt, of LeMars, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Reeves, sons Clarence and George, and daughters, Pearl,
Carrie, and Vera, spent Sunday at the Bert Reeves home near LeMars.

Rev. S. J. Wallace left on Sunday evening for Ohio where he will take part
in the Educational campaign. Next Sunday Prof. Zuehl, of Western Union
college, LeMars, will be in Seney to preach, both morning and evening.

Pupils on the honor roll for the month of April in the lower grades are:
Vera Reeves, Marian Wallace, James Clark, Franklin Clark, George Wallace,
Kenneth Rees, Eva Rees, and Johnnie Hinde. During this month three new
pupils, Leonard, William and Arthur Berkenpas have been enrolled, which
makes a total of twenty-four pupils in this room.

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