Iowa Old Press

LeMars Globe-Post
Monday, December 4, 1922

Son and Daughter of Prominent Plymouth County Pioneers Will Live North of

Miss Mamie Falk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Falk, and Clarence, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George Nussbaum living in Elgin township, were married at Sioux
City Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Nussbaum left immediately for Halstead, Kansas, for a visit
with relatives. They will return to Plymouth County in a short time and will
make their home on a farm north of Seney.


Nickolas Heuertz, a resident of Fifth avenue South East died at his home at
3 o’clock Thursday, Nov. 30. At the time of his death he was 66 years, 11
months of age. Funeral services were held Saturday at 10 o’clock at St.
Joseph’s church, LeMars, and the remains were taken to Remsen and interred
in the St. Mary’s cemetery.

Besides his wife, who died 24 years ago, he had six children, five of them
dying in infancy and one daughter died when 18 years old. Deceased is
survived by three brothers, John of Remsen, Jake and Mike of LeMars; also
two sisters, Mrs. Lena Lax of Yakima, Wash., and Pauline of LeMars, one
adopted sister, Lilly Recknagel at Denver, Colo.

Nickolas Heuertz was born Jan. 6, 1857, at St. Donatus, Jackson county,
Iowa. In January 1875 he came with his parents to Plymouth County, and
settled on a farm near LeMars, living there for six years, then moving to a
farm south of Remsen, where he lived.

In 1889 he was married to Susan Hansen. In 1911 he moved to LeMars, where
he has made his home until he was called by death, which was caused by a
complication of diseases.

The funeral was in charge of Nic Wiltgen. The pallbearers were: Eugene
Heuertz, Bernard Heuertz, Lawrence Lewis, Henry Hansen, J. J. Hansen and
Andrew Kunkel.


John Wallace Taylor, watchman at the Plymouth Milling Company for years,
died at his home very suddenly at 426 Second avenue South East, while
sitting in a chair reading. The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at
2:30, from the Presbyterian Church.

John Wallace Taylor was born Jan. 30, 1853, in Tiffan, Ohio, and was 69
years, 10 months, 3 days of age at the time of his death. At the age of 4
years, his parents moved to Illinois. On Feb. 24, 1886, he was married to
Martha Lange, who died Aug. 16, 1901.

He leaves to mourn his loss, Mrs. Walter Jennings of LeMars, Mrs. Perry
McCrell, Edward M. Taylor, two brothers and seven grandchildren.

Mr. Taylor has been employed in the public library and the Plymouth Milling
Company and other places in recent years.

The eight weeks old child of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weiler, living north of
Remsen, died last Wednesday after four weeks’ sickness with pneumonia. The
Funeral services were held Friday forenoon at St. Mary’s church at Remsen,
and the body was interred in the Catholic cemetery at Remsen. The other
children were also very ill for awhile but their condition is now much

Remsen Bell-Enterprise: Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Nilles and children mourn the
loss of their five months old son and brother, Leroy Hubert, who passed away
at the family home south of town last Sunday morning at 7:30 o’clock.

The child had been sick for about five weeks, having been taken down with a
bad cold which developed into pneumonia. Leroy was born on June 9, of this
year. The little one is survived, besides the parents, by one brother and
three sisters.

The funeral was held Tuesday morning with services at St. Mary’s church at
9:30, conducted by Rev. F. X. Schulte. The body was carried to its final
resting place by four little boys: Edmond Thill, George Funfsinn, Lawrence
Rolling and Valerious Frank, while Elmer Offermann, Hubert Nothem and Roman
Shea acted as flower bearers.

Cherokee Chief: Mrs. Herbert Hitchcock suffered a painful injury Monday
morning when her hand became caught in an electric wringer. The flesh was
torn from the palm of her hand, necessitating prompt aid by a doctor.
Mrs. Madge Bock, of Sioux City, came to LeMars to hear the Rudolph Ganz
concert. She spent the remainder of the week end with Miss Anna Marcue.
C. A. Kilker, living near Struble, was a LeMars caller Saturday.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel Friday, December 15th, 1922 


J. W. Pattison Was Manger of Lambert Company of Merrill. 

Merrill Record: J. W. Pattison, who was formerly manager of the Lampert Lumber company here and who resigned about a year ago on account of failing health, passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed LaBahn, at three o'clock Tuesday morning after an illness of over six months with cancer. Funeral services were held on Thursday morning from the Catholic church and the remains sent to Minneapolis for burial. 

LeMars Globe-Post Monday, December 18th, 1922 

MERRILL: (By Special Correspondent) 

J. W. Pattison passed away on Tuesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed Laban. Mr. Pattison had been a patient sufferer for over a year and will be greatly missed among his many friends. The funeral was held on Thursday morning, Rev. Father Hickey officiating and interment was made at LeMars.

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
December 19, 1922




Former Street Name New Street Name
Fifth Street First Street S.
Eagle Street First Ave W.
Front Street

Sixth Ave W.

Clark Street

Second Ave W.

Tremont Street Seventh Street S.
Madison Street Third Ave E.
Franklin Street Fourth Ave E.
Plymouth Street Sixth Street S.
College Ave. Tenth Street S.
Main Central Ave
Washington Second Ave E.
Court Second Street S.
Fourth Street Second Street S.
Tenth Street Fourth Street N.
Fourth Ave Sixth Ave W.
Sixth Street Plymouth
Fifth Street Second Street S.
Court First Ave E.
Seventh Street First Street N.
Clark Fourth Street S.
First Street Fifth Street S.
Seney Road Sixth Street North

~Mrs. Coppock, the aged mother of H. J. Coppock, is seriously ill and her
relatives have been called to her bedside.

~Eddie and Oscar Peters, of Craig, visited their grandfather, Mr. Eilts, on
their way to Mankato, Minn., to college, Monday.

~H. H. Engelken, of Bellevue, Iowa, visited over Sunday with his brother, J.
S. Engelken. He left from here for Estherville, Iowa.

~The LeMars High School basketball squad will play Liberty Consolidated
school in the local Armory, Friday, December 22.

~Mrs. Fred Eilers, residing on First Avenue, entertained several of her
children and grandchildren, Friday.

~John Buehler leaves today for Great Falls, Montana, where he will spend the
holidays with his son, Dr. Edwin Buehler.

John Klohs arrived on Saturday from Wabena, Wis., where he has been employed
in a logging camp of late to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Klohs,
whom he has not seen for the past four years. Mr. Klohs has been in northern
Minnesota and Wisconsin for the past few winters and has enjoyed hunting and
trapping in the northern and western regions in addition to working in


Dora Maloney, Fred E. Maloney and Arthur R. Maloney are plaintiffs in a suit
against Charles R. Maloney, Telford W. Maloney and Ida R. Maloney to quiet
title in land on section 14, Hancock township, and property in Pleasant View
addition to Sioux City.

Dora Maloney is the widow of Telford Maloney, who died in Hancock township
in November 1915 and Fred and Arthur are her sons. Chas. H. Maloney, another
son who was a miner in the west, was last heard of at Phoenix, Arizona, in
April 1910. Telford W. Maloney and his wife, Ida Maloney, lived in the state
of Colorado. The widow asks that a partition of the property be made by the

J. A. Rush has filed suit against Bezie J. Dee and Roy Root asking judgment
on a note for $1,000 signed by the first party named in suit and endorsed by
the other parties.

LeMars Sentinel
December 26, 1922

Was a Native of Scotland and Came to America When a Youth
and Worked in Several States Before Coming to Iowa

     John Dempster, one of the pioneer settlers of Stanton township,
died on Friday at his home, 221 Second Avenue SE, LeMars.  At the time
of his death he was 79 years, 1 month and 17 days old.  Mr. Dempster had
been in poor health for a long time, and for the past year had
practically been unable to speak or hear.
     John Dempster was born at Lesmahago, Scotland, on November (5),
1846, and when a youth of nineteen years of age, in 1865, came to the
United States.  He first located in Maryland and lived and worked
subsequently in Illinois, Colorado and Utah.  He came to Iowa in 1875
and lived at Fort Dodge, where he was married on April 13, 1875, to Miss
Phoebe Hodgson.  In 1878* they moved to Stanton township where they
successfully farmed until 1913 when Mr. and Mrs. Dempster retired from
farm life and came to LeMars to enjoy a well earned rest.  Twelve
children were born to them.  They are all living, seven girls and five
boys.  Four of the children live in this community and the others in
Nebraska and South Dakota.  They were all present at the bedside of
their father before he died.
     In 1913 Mr. Dempster had an attack of throat trouble from which he
partly recovered.  The attack recurred and the cause was instrumental in
bringing on the long illness which finally proved fatal.
     Mr. Dempster was one of the honored men in the community in which
he lived so long and was an upright and just citizen, a loving husband
and father, and had many friends.  While a resident of Stanton, he and
his family affiliated with the Free Methodist church, of which he was a
liberal supporter.  Of late years he became a member of Hildreth
Memorial church where the funeral was held this afternoon, Rev. J. W.
Davis officiating.  A large number of old friends and neighbors attended
the last rites.  The interment was made in the city cemetery.

Switchman is Killed in Yards at Akron

Sioux City Journal: Run over by a train at Akron, Iowa, Sunday night,
Francis Murphy, 23 years old, received fatal injuries.  He died early
Christmas morning.

No one witnessed the accident.

Murphy was found lying beside the track, one arm severed from his body,
his head badly cut and with many other visible cuts and bruises.  Rushed
to the hospital at Akron, it was discovered by attendants there that he
was seriously injured internally.  Every effort was made to save his
life, but he died early Christmas morning.

The man was born at Hornick, Iowa, but for the past few years has made
his home in Sioux Falls, S.D.

Surviving him are his mother, three sisters, Helene Murphy, of this
city; Mrs. Charles Stanley, of Ute, Iowa; and Vivian Murphy, of Sioux
Falls, S.D.; and three brothers, J.M Murphy of Sioux Falls, S.D.; John
Murphy, of Omaha, Neb., and Daniel J. Murphy, who is now touring Asia.
The mother of the deceased man lives in Sioux Falls, S.D.

Funeral services will be held t 9:30 o'clock at Salix, Iowa.

Night Watchman Fires at Fleeing Burglars

Ireton Ledger:  Another attempt was made to robe the M.O. Kidwiler
clothing store Tuesday night.  The thieves broke out a rear window of
the store but the heavy forbidding iron bars across the window and a
snarling, barking Airedale dog within evidently caused the intruders to
change their mind.  The barking of the dog attracted Nightwatchman
Jansma and he appeared upon the scene just as the burglars were rounding
a corner down the alley.  He fired a couple of shots in their direction
which hastened their departure from the city.

Gail and Rex Mitchell, of Creston, Iowa, are visiting at the home of
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Will G. Keck.

Mrs. Gladys Blair, of Minneapolis, is visiting her mother, Mrs. G. E.

Bank of Kingsley Seeks Property Levied on by Sheriff

The Farmers National bank, of Kingsley, is plaintiff in a suit on a writ
of replevin against Sheriff Hugh Maxwell on an order issued by the court
the sheriff levied on corn and oats belonging to Fred Johnson.  The bank
asserts a prior claim.  The amount involved is $720.

Clara Pousch is plaintiff against Eliza Schmidt, also knows as Elizabeth
Schmidt, asking that the defendant, who is 36 years old and an inmate of
the insane asylum at Cherokee, be placed under a guardian, and
suggesting John Van Nimwegen, of Merrill.  She states that there is a
certain house and property requiring administration.

The New York Life Insurance company is plaintiff in a suit against Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph H. Pollock, E. H. Youngstrom, Jens P. Lund, First
National Bank of Akron, and Russell Pollock, involving a $10,000 loan
and mortgage.

Kingsley and Remsen Companies Have Privately Owned Line

Remsen Bell:  A new and privately owned telephone line is now in
operation between the Kingsley and Remsen exchanges.  The Remsen,
Granville & Akron Telephone Company and the Kingsley Company are the
owners, having just completed the line connecting the two towns, and
began sending messages over the wires last Saturday.

Each company built half of the line.  The new line will be a great
convenience to the patrons of the two concerns, since heretofore when
patrons at either of the two towns wished to converse with one another,
the message had to be sent by way of LeMars and Sioux City, which
required considerable time in some instances.  Now the Remsen patrons
are able to get their party in or near Kingsley in very short order.

The new line was thrown open to the public use last Saturday, Henry
Falke, of Remsen, being the first to use it.

Mr. and Mrs. John Neisius entertained for Christmas dinner at their home
on Second Avenue SE their sons and daughters and other guests.  Among
those who enjoyed the dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. Mat Neisius, Joe
Neisius, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathern, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Neisius and
son, Loring, and Hugh Hughes.
Owing to the Christmas holiday the Sentinel goes to its readers a day
late today.

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