Iowa Old Press

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
Tuesday, July 23, 1918

Court House Yard Presents Animated Scene When Men Are Enrolled into the Service and Given Final Instructions by Board.

Three hundred and thirty-two men will be sent from Plymouth County to join the armies that are fighting in Europe to preserve the liberties of the world against the aggressions of the German military autocrats. This is the largest body of men to leave at one time since the war began and makes the total number of men in the Army and Navy from this county about twelve hundred. Three hundred and twenty-eight of these men leave at 7:45 by special train for Camp Gordon, near Atlanta, Georgia, and four go to the school to open July 25th at the State University at Austin, Texas. Fourteen of the men are inducted in service elsewhere and four men from other counties go to camp with the boys from here, leaving 318 men to take the train here. The four men going to Austin leave on the regular train going east at 7:05 and join the balance of the party from this state at Des Moines. This party is composed of Ren Sherman, Ralph Marcue, Wallace Kilker and Norman Bolser, of LeMars.

The men inducted elsewhere, with their registration address and point of induction are as follows:
Albert E. Gibbs, Pierson, Montrose, Colorado.
Fred A. Hahn, Merrill, Alhambra, California.
Franklin W. Hambelton, Hinton, Trinidad, Colorado.
Cecil V. Fulks, LeMars.
Hugh Howell, LeMars, Aberdeen, S. D.
John P. J. Karels, Remsen, Chicago.
Justus H. La Munyon, Akron, David City, Nebraska.
Dennis Mullican, LeMars, Owensboro, Kentucky.
John Reitman, Kingsley, Holland, Mich.
Thos. A. Robinson, Kingsley, Stockton, Mo.
Henry W. Sahl, LeMars, Harlan, Ia.
Nick Van der Pol, LeMars, Orange City.
John Wassenaar, Maurice, Orange City.
Fred J. Hoschler, Akron, Newkirk, Oklahoma.

The four men from other boards to be inducted here are: Ellie Arnette, of Greenville, Tenn., Albert Drews, who has been working near Akron and Robert and Fred Nelle, of Parker S. D., and Cedar Rapids, Ia. The last two named are brothers of E. F. Nelle, manager of the Lampert Lumber company, and have been visiting here.

The party going from here will be in charge of Frank Sudmeyer, who has been trick operator at the Union Depot. The men will be divided into six squads each in charge of a leader as indicated in the list printed elsewhere in this paper. Until their entrainment the following members of the exemption and legal advisory boards will be in charge of the men:
Squad 1, E. T. Bedell;
Squad 2, C. C. Bradley;
Squad 3, J. M. Fettes;
Squad 4, J. T. Keenan;
Squad 5, T. M. Zink;
Squad 6, B. C. Woolley.
There are sixty-one men each squad except the sixth.

Another call for nine men from this county to report at Jefferson Barracks, between August 5th and 7th, was received this week and the list will be made up at once. A change has been made in the physical requirements so that men five feet tall and weighing 110 pounds can be accepted.

Papers for the induction of Wm. E. Albert, Wm. G. Groetken and Frank L. Kemp into the balloon service at Ft. Omaha have been received. Jos. Sheehan, of the local post office force, expects to go with them but his papers have not been received.

The down pour of rain about 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon spoiled the plans for the picnic celebration at the City park, and the parade was abandoned as well as the picnic supper. As many people as could gathered at the Armory and ate supper with the boys and the speeches were delivered at the square at the intersection of Sixth and Main streets where the Akron, Kingsley and LeMars bands joined in playing a concert.

Large delegations from all parts of the county accompanied their boys to LeMars and the court house grounds looked like a Fourth of July celebration until the rain scattered the crowd. The Kingsley delegation brought both their band and drum corps and Akron her band.

A general telephone call was sent out asking anyone and the ladies who prepared baskets to bring them to the Armory for soldiers and out of town people and the speeches would be delivered on the street following the band concert about 6:30 p.m.


List of Men Who Leave Today for Camp Gordon, Georgia

Company No. 1 - James Clyde Bolton, Leader

James L. Eustice, Akron Henry Lewis, LeMars Arthur Smallz, LeMars
Everett N. Armstrong, Jefferson, S.D. Nicholas H. Frank, Remsen Oris Lenth, Struble Emil C. Staab, Remsen
Albert Aldredge, Jefferson, S.D. Robert P. Frank, Remsen Nicholas Letsch, LeMars Jay Schrader, Kingsley
Ben G. Adler, LeMars John M. Franklin, Chamberlain, Can Vincent L. Lieb, LeMars Harold F. Stephen, Leeds
Henry H. Andresen, Akron Ray G. Falkender, Kingsley William Litterick, James Noble C. Stevens, Sioux City
Jacob B. Anderson, Merrill Carl Frederichson, Hinton Albert Fay Lingle, Kingsley Glenn W. Sheeler, Kingsley
Albin Anderson, Akron Clifford L. Frederickson, Battle Creek, Mich. Chas. H. Link, Remsen Jas. Steichen, Remsen
Elmer A. Anderson, Akron Gustave Feiler, Merrill Will E. Little, Hinton Boruch Steinberg, Merrill
John T. Ahrens, Remsen Frank E. H. Frieberg, LeMars John C. Long, LeMars Wm. A. Schrier, Remsen
Martin N. Ahrens, Remsen Raymond Fletcher, Kingsley Ray Lobmar, Akron Daniel J. Sweeney, Hinton
Harry A. Baker, Ireton Geo. P. Feltes, Westfield Charles V. Ludvick, Merrill Harold F. Sherwood, Kingsley
Walter I. Baker, Ireton Harrison S. Feltes, Westfield Ralph C. Lucas, LeMars Geo. C. Schnepf, LeMars
Bert Badgerow, Remsen Lewis Flenker, Akron Oscar I. Lund, Akron Rudolph R. Steffen, LeMars
Edward Braband, LeMars Berhard Fester, Hinton Philip J. Mackay, Remsen Sieben E. Siebens, Akron
Newton Blackburn, Akron John G. Frederich, Akron John Maafs, Remsen Raymond Smith, Remsen
Bennett C. Bray, LeMars Theodore Carl Fischer, LeMars Nicholas Mar, Remsen George Andrew Smith, LeMars
Peter J. Baldes, Remsen John H. W. Fokken, Kingsley Arthur R. Maloney, Jefferson, S.D. Philip P. Spies, Merrill

Aaron E. Bard, LeMars

Will T. F. Fokken, Kingsley Company No. 4 - Earl James Morrissey, Leader Irwin A. Schindel, Merrill
Geo. L. Bauler, Remsen Timothy Foran, Kingsley Walter L. Maggs, Akron John A. Schmidt, Craig
Julius J. Bauer, Westfield John T. Flynn, LeMars John Majerus, LeMars Chas. A. Siefke, Remsen
John H. Bauerly, Brunsville Earl S. Gale, Akron Louis J. Meyer, LeMars Edgar W. Stone, Kingsley
John P. Becker, Remsen Ralph F. Gale, Akron Jas. R. Miller, Merrill Earl E. Southwick, Kingsley
Frederick L. Bergstrom, Merrill Sime F. Goebel, Kingsley John J. Miller, LeMars Ralph A. Schofield, Kingsley
Paul F. Bender, LeMars Geo. A. Greff, Remsen Ira N. Mitchell, Kingsley Geo. A. Taft, Leeds
Joseph N. Beck, Remsen Albert Goltermann, Struble James G. Milton, Remsen Wallace C. Taylor, Hinton
Ralph H. Brehm, Merrill Carl F. Grothaus, Remsen Edward A. Mockler, Kingsley Henry Tapper, Akron
Louis Levi Bishop, LeMars Edward J. Haack, Remsen Harry A. Molzen, Akron Harm B. Tapper, Akron
Herbert F. Briegel, LeMars John Hazel, LeMars Chas. W. Moffatt, Westfield Ralph Teager, Westfield
Albert F. Bohlken, LeMars Dalton C. Haworth, Kingsley John T. Mohan, Akron Fred Theil, Remsen
Joseph Bohnenkamp, Remsen Ernest Harbeck, Westfield Eugene J. Murray, Kingsley Geo. Thomas, Kingsley
Fred H. Bunkers, Merrill Elmer L. Handley, Kingsley Fremont Muecke, Hinton Carl H. Toedt, Kingsley
Franklin W. Burke, Kingsley Albert H. Hauser, Westfield Walter F. F. Muecke, Hinton Andrew Trometer, Merrill
Earl Campbell, Leeds Evan Harris, Akron Julius F. Muecke, Merrill Dick Thompson, Onawa
Raymond H. Kraft, Leeds Walter V. Hamil, Kingsley Oswald Muecke, Hinton Wm. G. VanBuskirk, Ireton
Arthur M. Case, Kingsley Fred Hammer, Kingsley John McCanny, Kingsley Peter H. VonHagel, Merrill
John Cassen, Akron Grant F. Haustein, Struble Everett L. McKibben, Emmet, Neb. Joseph J. Wilhelmi, Merrill
Archie D. Calkins, Leeds Stanley M. Herrod, Kingsley John McGinty, Leeds Frank J. Wilhelmi, Merrill
Chas. Calhoun, LeMars Chas. V. Harrington, Westfield William E. McDermott, Kingsley Delano Washburn, Westfield
Ralph E. Clarke, Westfield Henry C. F. Haage, Akron Daniel L. McCoy, LeMars Nicholas J. Watry, LeMars
Charles S. J. Clear, Westfield Geo. A. Heckenlively, Kingsley Joseph Neisius, LeMars Edward H. Ward, Akron
John Christensen, Akron Company No. 3 - Philip A. Lucey, Leader Leo P. Nemmers, LeMars Wm. T. Wallace, Mohawk, Tenn.
Julius Christensen, Akron Alfred Heeren, LeMars Nic Neys, Remsen William F. Weber, LeMars
Jacob P. Christensen, Bushnell, S.D. August Hengen, Remsen Anthony Neys, Akron Anthony A. Wiltgen, LeMars
John A. Christoffel, Remsen Philip W. Heizer, Hinton Michael H. Niggeling, Remsen Anton Wittkop, LeMars
John J. Christopherson, Remsen Lester W. Herron, LeMars Aloysius J. Nothem, Remsen Henry Wittkop, LeMars
Bruce B. Chinn, Kingsley Frank Helgner, LeMars Hugh B. Norris, Dawn, Mo. Henry P. Willer, Akron
Albert F. J. Collman, Akron Henry J. Henrich, Merrill Edward F. Nussbaum, LeMars F. Diedrich Winter, Hinton
Ernest C. Courtsey, Falmouth, Ky Johnnie Hoffmann, Westfield Fred Olson, Hinton Julius R. Witt, LeMars
Lawrence S. Colson, LeMars Ferdinand W. Horkey, Remsen Fred Orban, LeMars Robert W. Wick, LeMars
Edward Copeland, Kingsley Reinhard Hillrichs, Akron Frank T. O'Meara, LeMars Theodore Weiberch, LeMars
Perry Copes, LeMars Geo. E. Hodgson, LeMars Elmer C. Ohlendorf, Remsen Charles A. Wilberdang, Remsen
Michael F. Considine, LeMars Leo B. Hughes, LeMars David S. Oslund, LeMars Frank G. W. Zieger, LeMars
Nathan E. Conner, Kingsley Daniel M. Isenburg, Paola, Kan. Henry W. Pageler, LeMars Geo. E. Zimmer, Kingsley
Linus L. Connor, LeMars Emil C. Jaster, LeMars Fred C. Fashan, LeMars Elmer E. Young, Hinton
Hugh J. Connor, LeMars Richard A. Janssen, LeMars Frank Pepple, Morville, Kan. Company No. 6 - Frank Bernard Sudmeyer, Leader
William H. Dambrink, LeMars Alva L. Jeffries, Akron Joseph B. Plendl, LeMars Paul Trauffer, LeMars
Jakie Dahl, Westfield Lawrence M. Jessen, Merrill John L. Pech, Maurice Aloys Trauffer, LeMars
John M. Dack, LeMars Charles G. Johnson, Akron Fred H. Pech, Seney Nicholas A. Thoma, LeMars
Lyman I. DeWolf, Westfield Carl E. Johnson, LeMars Arthur E. Phillips, Merrill Romane F. Hentges, LeMars
Peter Delperdang, Struble Geo. A. Johnson, Remsen Emery O. Pigg, Hinton Jos. M. Kass, LeMars
John A. Dietermann, Remsen Harry Johnson, Craig Chas. M. Pritz, Remsen Frank J. Burg, LeMars
Company No. 2 - John Clarence Eichorn, Leader Louis Johns, LeMars William F. Pritchett, Struble Benjamin H. Hall, Remsen
Mathias Diederich, Remsen L. T. Jones, Jefferson, S.D. John F. Puetz, LeMars Ben G. Pontius, Remsen
Lawrence Dee, Akron Quay E. Jones, Jefferson, S.D. Henry F. Plueger, LeMars Frank Neunaber, Akron
Johnson F. Dirks, Brunsville Clark C. Jones, Hinton Gerd F. Pageler, LeMars John G. Sanny, Remsen
Carl E. Dorr, LeMars Claus J. N. Junck, Hinton Forest T. Purvis, Akron Leo C. Wagner, Remsen
Alfred J. Dorr, Remsen Elmer L. Justice, Hinton William E. Rasmussen, Kingsley Edward P. Walsh, LeMars
Robert E. Dugger, LeMars Carl Kammerer, LeMars John Ryan, Osmund, Nebr. John T. Merritt, LeMars
Lee Dugan, Kingsley John A. Kale, Merrill Larry Ryan, Verona, Ky. Grover C. Bechtle, LeMars
Will E. Dugan, Kingsley John Kaufmann, Remsen William A. Reinhold, Remsen Carl Blevins, Anthon, Ia.
Harold F. Dugan, Kingsley Richard A. Kenney, Remsen Claus Louis Reinholt, Remsen George Glau, Leeds
Will H. Epperson, Leeds Chas. E. Kent, Springfield, S.D. Howard A. Reyman, LeMars Paul Petersen, Kingsley
Robert L. Epperson, Leeds George T. Kleihauser, Remsen Henry Renken, LeMars Harry W. Wahl, Westfield
Ernest R. Eppling, Kingsley Solen H. Kjeldsen, LeMars Albert H. Reiners, Remsen Henry Borchers, Akron
John H. Elsen, LeMars Louis H. Keiser, Mount Olive, Ill. Davey L. Rice, Kingsley Otto H. Marienau, LeMars
Martin Eberle, Merrill Francis J. Kehr, Merrill Louis Richter, Leeds Emil Jahn, Kingsley
Mike Engeldiner, Alton Nicholas J. Keary, Sioux City Ivan I. Richardson, Kingsley James E. Waterman, Akron
Carl J. Eilks, Brunsville Archie F. Kimball, Jefferson, S.D. Company No. 5 - Lyle Francis Strong, Leader Jerry L. Cronin, LeMars
Carl Erickson, Akron Herman C. Koch, Akron John Rollinger, LeMars Charles W. A. Barrick, Kingsley
Ernest R. Erichsen, Akron Fred A. Klingbell, Remsen Julius C. Rosburg, Hinton John E. Harms, LeMars
Frank M. Emmick, Westfield Chas. Kunath, Seney Math. N. Roerig, LeMars John J. Geary, Hinton
William Eilers, LeMars Henry Kluver, Akron John H. Rohlfs, Struble Ernest F. Engeleman, Akron
William F. Engstrom, Chicago John Kruger, Akron Anton O. Sandberg, Akron David J. Cook Remsen
  Eldon A. Lake, Merrill    

Rev. Lambley in War Work
Rev. M. O. Lambley, for several years a pastor in LeMars, and now pastor of the Congregational church at Rockford, Ia., has been given a year’s leave of absence by his church and leaves August 7th, for Y. M. C. A. war work in Europe. Rev. Lambley will make an efficient Y. M. C. A. worker and is to be congratulated upon this opportunity of going to France to serve our boys.

Learned His Trade in LeMars Office and Conducted Newspapers in Iowa and South Dakota Towns for Past Twenty-five Years.

Charles Reichman, an old-time printer and well known resident of LeMars, died on Saturday night in a hospital at Cherokee. He had been in poor health for more than a year and his death was due to general decline brought on by illness and worry.

The remains were brought here on Sunday and taken to the family home on Cedar street and the funeral will be held this morning at half past nine at St. James Church.

Charles Reichman was born at Manchester, Ia., on October 1, 1870. When he was a baby, his parents moved to LeMars and his father was one of the pioneer business men of this city.

Charles Reichman was brought up and educated in the parochial and city schools of LeMars and when a youth entered the office of the Globe Printing company and learned the art preservative. He became a master craftsman at the trade and was a skilled workman.

In the days before the introduction of typesetting machines, Mr. Reichman was known as one of the fastest men on newspaper hand composition. He and his brother, Ferdinand Reichman, launched out in the newspaper business twenty-five years ago and conducted a newspaper at Hamburg, Ia. They subsequently conducted papers at Remsen, Ia., Dallas, Gregory and Winner, S. D. At intervals during this time, Charles Reichman was foreman of the Globe office in LeMars.

A year ago, Charles and a brother, Alexander, bought a newspaper at Platte, S. D., but Charles’ health broke down and he returned to LeMars. His health failed rapidly and he was taken to a sanitarium.

He is survived by five sisters, who are Misses Minnie and Lucille Reichman, Mrs. Arthur Marx, Mrs. Charles Freymann, of this city, Sister Hermingilde, of Chicago, and three brothers, Ferdinand, of Omaha, Nebr., Alex of Platte, S. D., and Louis of Everett, Wash.

Charles Reichman was of a quiet and reserved disposition, but those who gained his friendship knew him as loyal and staunch and to be depended upon. When his parents died, he became the head of the family and his chief care in life was for the welfare and happiness of his younger brothers and sisters. He was unselfish and self-sacrificing and like many another bred man helped others at a personal loss. Those who worked with him when his powers were at their best, will testify to his ability and his good comradeship.

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