Iowa Old Press

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated Tuesday, December 4, 1917

At the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. D. F. McArthur, in Elgin township,
on Thanksgiving Day, Miss Mary A. Hinde, of Elgin, and I. E. Eldridge, of
Rock Valley, were united in marriage, Rev. A. Z. MacGogney performing the
ceremony.  A number of friends were present to witness the ceremony and
enjoy the fine Thanksgiving dinner which was served.

Mrs. Eldridge is a popular Rock Valley business man and in that town Mr. and
Mrs. Eldridge will make their home.  His bride is the daughter of the late
Richard Hinde, who has since her father's death, made her home with her
sister, Mrs. McArthur. She is popular in the community where she has lived
and possesses many womanly graces that have endeared her to a wide circle of

Born to Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Knoop, on November 30th, a son.

Chas. Swindle Has A Serious Accident at Elevator

Marcus News:  Chas. Swindel, manager of the Farmer's Elevator company, while
driving a spike nail at the elevator late Monday afternoon, sustained a very
unfortunate accident, resulting in the loss of an eye, the nail flying and
striking the eye.  Mr. Swindle was at once taken to the Sacred Heart
hospital in LeMars and an operation performed on the eye.  However,
practically no hope was held out that the sight could be saved.  On Thursday
morning, it was decided to remove the eye.  Mr. Swindle's friends greatly
regret to hear of his misfortune.

Most of the men from Plymouth county in the national army at Camp Dodge are
assigned to the 350th infantry headquarters machine company or Co. A. and C.
This does not apply to commissioned officers but to enlisted men only.  The
exceptions are a few men who have been transferred.  The information is
given out by the state council of defense and compiled from data furnished
by General P____.

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated December 25, 1917 

                        HER LIFE
     Had Been in Ill Health For Two Years
        and End Was Hastened by Tragic
        Fate of Her Stepdaughter, Alta
        Braun, Last August.

Mrs. Chris Braun died at the home of her father, Siefke Bohlken, in the
east part of town, Sunday evening, after an illness of almost two years
duration.  Mrs. Braun was stricken with paralysis in March, 1916, and
has been practically helpless ever since.  Last summer she seemed to
improve somewhat but after the tragic death of her stepdaughter, she
failed so rapidly she was removed to the home of her father where she
might be better cared for by relatives.

Martha Braun was born in Plymouth County on January 20, 1877, being 38
years, 11 months and three days old.  In 1902 her Mother died and from
that time she was a home maker for her father and took the place of a
mother for the younger children.  On December 7, 1910, she was married
to Chris Braun, and to them a daughter was born, who is now three years
old.  In addition to the husband, daughter and father , she leaves to
mourn her loss five brothers and five sisters.  The brothers are John
Bohlken, of Ireton; Dick, Will and George of Akron, and Albert, of
LeMars.  Her sisters, Mrs. Ed Alrich and Lydia Bohlken of LeMars; Mrs.
G. Luschen, of Pipestone, Minn.; Mrs. M. Gabel, of Akron, and Mrs. Will
Gaudian, of Sioux City.  One brother died in infancy and a brother,
Henry, in 1908.

The funeral services will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30, at the
house, and at 2 o'clock at the German Methodist church, of which she was
a member.  Rev. Benz will be in charge of the service which will be
largely in English.
[Calculated: Date of death, Sunday, December 23, 1917.]

LeMars Sentinel newspaper
Dated Friday, December 28, 1917

MERRILL:  (Special Correspondence)

Rev. Metcalf and family were presented with fourteen chickens and one
goose for Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Bethards and daughters of Storm Lake were Christmas guests
at the Julian home.

Miss Gladys Lang is spending a week or more with her cousin, Miss
Richardson, of Morningside.

Miss Mable Pritchard has returned from Salem and other points in South
Dakota where she has spent some time visiting relatives.

Louis Burgess, of the Union depot, has been promoted to a job as
operator for the Central at Manson.  He will leave soon for that point.

Miss Irene Morehead and Miss Laura Bristow from Mankato, Minn., and Miss
Blanch Bristow of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, are all home to spend the

There will be a church reception given New Year's eve in honor of Mr.
Chris Miller and family, before their departure for Texas, their future
home.  Everyone is invited.

A party of relatives and friends gathered at the Geo. Kehrberg home,
Tuesday evening, December 18, to help celebrate their tenth wedding
anniversary.  They received a number of valuable presents.

Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan, of Flack, N.D., arrived Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Woodruff, his grandparents.  They were on their
wedding trip.  They left Monday morning for their future home at Council

SIOUX:  (Special Correspondence)

The young ladies of the senior class of Sunnyside indulged in a sort of
dress parade Friday.  An undergraduate, who had a camera at school, took
some pictures which will undoubtedly be appreciated for the memory

Mr. and Mrs. August Helm, near Hinton, are the parents of a nine and a
half pound baby girl, born December 6.  Mrs. Helm was formerly Miss Mary
Husted, of this neighborhood.  Her sister, Miss Carrie Husted, has been
staying with her.

SENEY:  (Special Correspondence)

Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Zimmerman visited in Sheldon Thursday.

Rev. and Mrs. Watson and children were Sioux City visitors Thursday.

Mrs. Albro and Mrs. Harry Britton were Carnes visitors one day last

Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Jeffers, of Merrill, were Christmas guests of Mrs. A.

Will and Bert Reeves shipped a carload of stock to Sioux City Wednesday.

John Lancaster, Jr., had a sale on Thursday and a good crowd was in

A junior Red Cross society has been organized among the children of our

John Penning was unfortunate enough to have his foot badly hurt one day
this week.

Miss Lucile March, of Sioux City, is spending her vacation with her
mother, Mrs. E. March.

Mr. and Mrs. D.F. McArthur left last week to visit relatives in the
eastern part of the state.

E.F. Anstine was a business caller in Sioux City Friday and while there
purchased a new piano.

Mrs. Jessie Kennedy and son, Emerson, left on Wednesday to visit with
relatives in Akron.

Ralph Hughes returned to Westfield on Wednesday after spending a few
days in this vicinity.

Chris Lancaster, of Mitchell, S.D., is visiting in the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Lancaster.

Mrs. Bernard Miller, of LeMars, spent Friday in the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Whitman.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hendrickson had as their guests on Christmas, Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Hughes and daughters of LeMars.

Charles and Frank Kunath have returned from the eastern part of the
state where they have been visiting their sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Eldridge, of Rock Valley, Iowa, arrived on Monday to
spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Hinde.

Mrs. Langenhorst returned to her home in Hospers after spending a few
days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Schaffhausen.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers of Hazel, S.D., are spending the holidays
with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Reeves.

Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Parker and children, of LeMars, attended the Christmas
program given by the school children on Monday eve.

The children of the public school gave a very pleasing entertainment on
Christmas eve.  The proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross.

The Ladies Aid society will have their regular meeting in the hall
Wednesday, January 2.  They will serve dinner and everyone is invited.

Rev. and Mrs. Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Riter and Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Story were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hennrich on Christmas evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Riter entertained on Christmas day, Mrs. Henry Detloff,
of LeMars, Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyers, of Sioux City, and Mr. and Mrs. W.

Pine Grove grange will meet on Friday evening, December 28.  A good
attendance is desired for there will be election of officers after which
refreshments will be served.

Mrs. Harry Britton, of Spencer, Ia., arrived on Wednesday of last week
to attend the wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albro,
and also to spend Christmas with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Elam Chapman had as their dinner guests on Christmas day
the following:  J. Alderson, John Alderson, Miss Sadie Alderson, Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Chapman and daughter, Constance, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Albro celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary
on Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Darville near Carnes.  Many
old time friends and neighbors were present who presented them with an
offering of gold.

Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reeves had as their guests on Christmas day, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cook, Mr.
and Mrs. Will Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. F. Becker, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Reeves
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers. 

Seney was exceptionally favored this Christmas when at an early hour a
large group of children accompanied by Miss Manz went from home to home
singing beautiful Christmas carols.  As the children's clear voices rang
out upon the air we were all made to realize that Christ had come and
there was indeed "peace on earth, good will toward men."

ELGIN:  (Special Correspondence)

R. A. Hawkins shelled corn Saturday.

A. H. Stoll shelled corn Wednesday.

Miss Leora Laughton spent Sunday with friends at Neptune.

Ed Detloff received a shipment of hogs the first of the week.

Regina Kelleher spent from Friday until Wednesday at her home in

Ed Detloff received a shipment of hogs on the Sioux City market

John Krause, of Dell Rapids, S. D., has been visiting with relatives and
friends here the past week.

Chas. Albert, John and Ed Pech had a consignment of hogs on the Sioux
City market Saturday.

Mrs. H. G. Hamer, Jr., Misses Lillie Pritchett and Verna Mandelkow were
Sioux City visitors Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stoll, of North Dakota, arrived Sunday to spend the
holidays with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerd Heeren and children, of near Brunsville, spent
Christmas day at the C. C. Pritchett home.

Carl, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Albert, who had his hand scalded by
having some boiling water overturned on it, is progressing favorably.

Mrs. M. G. Mills, of Seney, Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Albert and daughters,
Mildred and Vera Mae, of near Ireton, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brauer and Mrs.
and Mrs. Will Faulkner were guests Christmas day at the Geo. Laughton

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