Iowa Old Press

NOVEMBER 6, 1913


John Jebson was in LeMars last Tuesday.

Gladys and Dwight Baker spent Saturday and Sunday with their grandparents,
D. M. Baker and family of Potosia.

Mrs. Charles Brown of Pipestone, Minnesota, is visiting friends and
relatives west of Hinton . Mr. Brown moved to Minnesota last spring and they
speak very favorite of that state.

Francis Ferguson has his new barn all complete and ready for use.

There was no school in the Elliott school this week as the teacher had to go
to Sioux City and take examinations.

Willie and Rosa Gruber and Marie and Pearl Bennett spent Sunday with their
little friend, Louisa Jebson.

Mr. Hawkins, road boss, was inspecting our roads one day last week. He found
every thing satisfactory.

Mrs. John Karvona visited with her mother Mrs. Maxey last week.

Mrs. George Rusk and four children who have been visiting a week at the
Ferguson home left for the home of her mother, Mrs. John Pike, who lives
near Millnerville where she will visit for a week before leaving for her new
home in South Dakota.

Mrs. Ellias Bennett of James left Friday for Westfield, Iowa, where she
will visit a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Bert Hancock and family.


Peter Casper made a business trip to Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hoke of Merrill were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C.

Miss Boone and Miss Redmon were Sioux City callers.

Bart Luce is reported to be quite ill with a severe cold which may develop
into pneumonia.

Miss Francis Day of LeMars visited over Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Fred

Mrs. Herman Mathwig was taken to Sioux City Monday evening where she entered
the hospital for an operation.

Mrs. M. A. Swanson who lives at Basin, Wyoming, arrived in this city Tuesday
for an extended visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Ellison.

Mrs. Jacob Berger returned home Monday evening from a three week's visit
with her daughter, Mrs. David March in South Dakota.

Mrs. T. N. Smith, who was visiting her daughter Mrs. P. S. Tronsrue,
returned to her home at White, South Dakota.

Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Day are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. A.
A. Crabbe, who recently removed from Cherokee to a farm in Dickinson

Mr. Albert Crabbe, former editor of the Gazette, was an over Sunday visitor
at the home of his brother-in-law Fred Hodgson. Mr. Crabbe recently sold
his newspaper business at Cherokee and will try farming near Spirit Lake.

LeMars Sentinel, LeMars, (Plymouth), Iowa
Friday, November 7, 1913

Special Correspondence.

    Mr. Roy McArthur is confined to his home suffering from tonsillitis.

    Mr. and Mrs. Reeves are enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Reeves, from Wyoming.

NOVEMBER 13, 1913

Bartlett Luce who's serious illness from pneumonia was mentioned in these
columns last week died at his home in this city Monday morning at six o'
clock. He was born in Sioux City thirty-nine years ago and grew to manhood
in this vicinity. He followed railroading for a number of years and later
the trade of a painter. Genial, a big hearted and lovable he had the faculty
of making friends and he will be greatly missed. He leaves a wife and four
children who have he sympathy of the entire community. He was a member of
the I. O. O. F. and the Masonic orders, the latter having charge of the
funeral. The funeral was held Wednesday, at the M. E. Church Rev G. W.
Shideler conducting the services and the remains were laid to rest in the
Lincoln Cemetery.


Carl Anderson and daughters Ethelyn and Cecelia were Sunday callers at the
Henry Anderson home on Perry Creek.

Vern and Myrtle Bennett were week end visitors at the George Huffman home.

A surprise party was given at the home of George Ferguson last Wednesday
evening. A large crowd attended and the evening was spent in games and other
social events after which a luncheon was served.

A hard time party was given at the A. W. Haller home last Friday evening.
Mrs. N. Savage and Doc. Pigg drew the prizes for being the poorest dressed.

Two Negro men stopped at the Ed. Townsend home Friday evening, Nov. 7th, and
inquired for a job of corn picking. Ed. not liking their color, informed
them that he had plenty of help.

Mrs. Herbert Soule spent Friday in Sioux City.

Mr. Earl Grau of LeMars was an over Sunday guest at the Weinrich home.

Mrs. Hansen, of Cherokee, was summoned here Monday by her brother, Bart

Mrs. Herman Klingabiel is suffering from an attack of lung trouble this

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hendricks a baby boy Tuesday morning.

Mrs. George Rusk and her mother, Mrs. John Pike, expect to leave for their
new home in Dakota.

Mrs. Henry Brandt of Craig visited over Sunday in this city at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Casper.

John Hartman of Hinton spent Sunday at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs.Strouse.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bennett and family were entertained at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Ferguson.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodson went to LeMars Sunday and visited at the home of
Mrs. Hodson parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Day.

Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Jennie Rademacher, of Leeds, were callers here Monday by
the sudden death of Mrs. Rademacher's brother, Bart Luce.

Mrs. Andrew Kloster of LeMars came to Hinton Monday evening for an extended
visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Held.

George Peterson was taken suddenly ill Sunday and Dr. J. H. Robbins was
called and found the nature of his case that the boy was taken to St.
Vincent's hospital in the afternoon where he underwent a successful

NOVEMBER 20, 1913


Carl Flynn of Granite, Oklahoma, arrived in Leeds last week with a car load
of goods. He will make Iowa his home again. His family are expected to
arrive about the last of the week.

Frank Flynn visited at the M. T. Mansfield home and at the home of Hayden.

William Ferguson is assisting his brother in corn picking.

Mrs. M. Hayden visited with her daughter, Mrs. W.T. Garvey, of Leeds.

Mrs. Percy Woolworth and baby visited at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Charles Bennett.

Mrs. Bert Hancock who has been spending the week with her parents at James
returned to her home in Westfield, Iowa.

Dr. Robbins was called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett to attend
their daughter who was quite ill.

There will be a basket social given in District No.6 on Friday evening
December 19. The proceeds will be used to purchase an organ for the school.

Bartlett Styles Luce was born on what in now known as the PL. E. Held farm
north of James Dec. 16, 1873, and died at his home in Hinton, Iowa, Nov. 10,
1913, being 39 years 10 months and 24 days old. He was married Dec.29th,
1879, to Miss Anna Root and most of their married life has been spent in and
around Hinton. Three children, all boys, were born to them. Beside the wife
and children, he leaves a mother, three brothers and two sisters. The
remains laid to rest in Melbourne cemetery [submitter's observation--in the
previous week's paper it said the remains was in Lincoln cemetery, so I don'
t know which one.]


Mrs. Edward Clancey, of Leeds, was visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs.
Robt: Woolworth, on Monday.

Mrs. John Kalas and Mrs. Robt: Woolworth were Tuesday callers at the Lew
Croston home.

Mrs. G. C. Croston was visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ben Held,
of Hinton .

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
November 21, 1913

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

Mrs. T. J. Rees was a Sioux City visitor Monday.

Mr. C. L. Pinney, from LeMars, was a caller here last Wednesday.

W. T. Lewis, from LeMars, was a caller here the first of the week.

Mrs. M. G. Mills was a guest at the Geo. Laughton home a few days last week.

Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Figg, from LeMars, were callers at the J. M. Whitman home

Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Whitman, from LeMars, were Sunday dinner guests at the J.
M. Whitman home.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reeves went to Sioux City Saturday and visited over
Sunday with relatives and friends.

Miss Della Jackson, from LeMars, visited a few days last week with her
grandmother, Mrs. Mary Britton.

Miss Amelia Meyers returned to her home in LeMars Wednesday, after visiting
a few days at the A. Witt (August Witt) home.

Arthur Ewin returned to Sioux City last week after visiting a few days with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ewin.

Miss Jessie Reeves returned home Tuesday from Rock Valley, where she had
been visiting relatives and friends for a week.

Pine Grove Grange will hold a meeting in the Seney Hall Friday evening,
November 21. All the members are urged to be present.

Dr. Chipperfield, from Sioux City, came up the first of the week to attend
the quarterly conference held in the church here Tuesday afternoon.

The Misses Sophia Hornaman, Eva May Johnson, Vera Adney, Carrie Roth, Carrie
Briggs, and Margaret Love, from LeMars, came up Tuesday and visited schools
here and in the county.

UNION: (Special Correspondence)

Fred Featherston is building a new ice house.

Frank Laughlin was a Sioux City visitor Friday.

Ralph Wilson, of LeMars, spent last week with Henry Hall.

Ernest Smith worked part of last week for Charles Eyres.

Mr. and Mrs. James Goudie were Sioux City visitors Friday.

Mr. Inglett sold forty-five shoats to Frank Laughlin Monday.

Dale Franklin has returned to his home near Duncan, Oklahoma.

Cliff Bros. shelled corn Monday and sold eight loads to Harry Steele.

Some fields of corn are reported quite poor, having very small ears.

James Goudie bought a hundred young shoats in Sioux City recently.

Lockie Milton, of Kingsley, spent the past week or more with Garrett Boom.

Arthur Parks shelled corn last week and sold a large quantity to David

Mark McPerry finished work here Saturday and went to his home in LeMars.

George Hoyt, of LeMars, painted new buildings on his farm near here last

Mr. and Mrs. William Frels entertained relatives from Orange City over

Miss Mabel Lindsey, of Merrill, came home with Helen Edwards Sunday to spend
a few days.

Thomas Goudie, of LeMars, spent a day or two with his sons, David and James
Goudie, last week.

The snow Saturday and foggy dampness the first of this week delayed the last
of corn husking.

Clarke Edwards has been helping with work at home since he finished husking
corn for Thomas Eyres.

PLYMOUTH: (Special Correspondence)

H. G. Hahn transacted business at LeMars on Monday.

Klemme & Co., shelled corn for Wm. Richardson on Tuesday.

Will Barth and family, from near Leeds, spent Sunday at the Paul Bock home.

Ed Held and Rev. Shiedler, from Hinton, transacted business in this vicinity
on Friday.

Miss Carried Husted returned to Merrill on Monday, where she is attending
high school.

Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Kemnitz, from Almond, Wisconsin, spent Sunday at the
Christ Hahn home.

Misses Viola and Mildred Boyer, students of Western Union College, spent a
week end at the C. Hahn home.

Veterinary Statter was called out from Sioux City on Monday to care for a
horse belonging to Christ Hahn, which had been kicked, causing a severe

Otto Kalas, from Defiance, Iowa, stepped in on friends in this vicinity and
gave them a surprise. Otto is back on a vacation, having been gone for
nearly a year.

RUBLE: (Special Correspondence)

Wallace Frerichs and John Vanderham visited over Sunday at the home of the
latter’s sister, Mrs. Deegan, near Chatsworth.

Mrs. Edwin Klemme is enjoying a visit from her sister, Lydia Bubs, of Spink,
S.D., who came Saturday and will make an extended visit.

NOVEMBER 27, 1913

Mrs. Joseph Richards and son were in Sioux City last Saturday.

Mrs. Paul Rosburg made a business trip to Sioux City Friday.

W. D. Lamb was a LeMars visitor last week calling on his brother and

Mrs. Mary Bogenreif who was taken seriously ill last week is reported about
the same.

Mrs. F. W. Dahlman and baby returned home Friday from a few days visit with
relatives at LeMars.

Mrs. Gust Reidiger and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Casper were Sioux City visitors

Miss. Maree Harrison went to Sioux City Thursday to spent the day with

Mr. and Mrs.Herman Ideker and son, Ralph, were Sioux City visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. John Felters went to Dubuque Iowa Thursday for a week's visit
with relatives and friends.

Miss. Martha Schuldt accompanied by her sister-in-law spent Thursday in
Sioux City.

Mrs. William Reynolds was taken seriously ill one day last week and at the
present writing is about the same.

Mrs. A. H. Ravan of LeMars came to Hinton Friday for a few days visit with
her mother, Mrs.E. Held and other relatives.

Mr. Philip Garvey spent Thursday at Merrill visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Liley.

Miss Frances Day and Miss Eva Lowry of LeMars spent the week end at the Fred
Hodgson home.

Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Cobb of Lincoln township went to Sioux City Thursday and
were guests of Mrs. Cobb's parents.

Albert Ellison of Quimby, Iowa, arrived in this city last week for a few
week's visit with his brother, George Ellison, and other relatives.

Mrs. Frank Day of LeMars came to Hinton Thursday and spent the day with her
daughter, Mrs. Fred Hodgson.

Mrs.Irvin Taylor and little son of Sioux City came to this city Friday
evening and visited over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Taylor.

Fred Calkins spent Friday night at Leeds being called to the bedside of his
father who was taken seriously ill the fore part of last week.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shenard and Miss Driscoll of Hornick were entertained at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dietrick Winter, Monday.

The Misses Rose and Bertha Jahn of Struble were guests of their brother,
William Jahn, for a few hours last Thursday.

Mrs. J. C. Schneider and Mrs. Peterson were Sioux City visitors last
Thursday. Mrs. Peterson visited her son, George, who is in the hospital.

Mrs. Fred Calkins was called to Leeds Sunday evening by the serious illness
of her father-in-law, Mr. C. D. Calkins, who has been in poor health for
some time.

Miss Estie Boddy a returned missionary who has been in Fai-an-au, China, for
over five years visited at the home of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Shideler last
Friday and Saturday.

The first and only good corn pickers story of this season in our vicinity
was reported to us Thursday when Miss Martha Schuldt and Miss Mary Hines
picked 81 bushels of corn last Friday; in the afternoon they picked 42
bushels from 1 to 4 o'clock. No doubt but these young ladies will be called
the champion corn pickers of Plymouth county.

Iowa Old Press Home
Plymouth County